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Turient K {Alix}

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Status Updates posted by Turient K {Alix}

  1. :D Thanks! I woudn't have even seen it. XD
  2. "Examples include the fight against terrorism, jailing of political opponents and journalists, custody regulation of the press, regulation of religion, and suppression of independence/secessionist movements. In 1989, the student protests at Tiananmen Square were violently put to an end by the Chinese military after 15 days of martial law."

    That's from wikipedia, and that pre

  3. Check your e-mail if you get this.

  4. Cool. I haven't read any of the novels. Which ones?

  5. Don't make me shmack you. :P

  6. Ha, you need to get back on the MPH RPG man, we miss you. :)

  7. Haha, ya I came to say it, but I think everyone beat me to it.

    Merry Christ-mas!

  8. Have RC on hold for you.

  9. Have you read all of FMA or just watched the show?

  10. Hello fellow member of Chii's blacklist. XD So what're you on it for?

  11. How's life been lately?

  12. I don't think any of you can joke around. I was joking around with him when I asked those things. Maybe he wasn't joking when he said he hated me, I don't know. If it's bothering him sorry, I didn't mean to.

  13. I hate you. XD I thought the fly on your sig was on my screen. I was like, "Why won't it squish?"

  14. I mean Republic Commando.

  15. I watched the anime, and then started reading the manga because I was disappointed by the ending. I was very sad when I learned that Hughes died in the manga too. X(

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