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Metal Gear Minun

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Everything posted by Metal Gear Minun

  1. IC: Three was not amused with the Magikarp coming at him, it was insulting and pointless. Idiots, the Darkrai mentioned before knocking away poor Oceanus, and all three of the incoming status attacks at him with one Icy Wind. The Magikarp was sent flying away especially quickly as he recieved the full force of the attack, straight into the arms of Richard. "Ehh, sorry about that," Richard mentioned to the fish. I've had worse, the Magikarp lied. "um, um Erebus Scald, Dionysus Yawn some more, Hades prepare to intercept attacks!"
  2. IC: Richard reviewed his day so far. First he saw of the greatest legends for any musician in front of him with a guy he fought at the tournament, and now he and that guy warped into a strange place to where another legend was and seemed to be fighting. "Are you sure this isn't a dream?" he asked Hades...No, it is a dream... the Sableye said while doing his best dream ghost impression. "Kay, good. Cause this would be pretty inspirational for song writing... would have made more sense if it started with Cresselia but..." The bard considered this for a moment, "Right, dream battle first then song-writing," and pulled out whatever he pokeballs on him he could find and tossed them out. The forms of Erebus, Dionysus and Oceanus took the field alongside the Sableye already there. "Erebus Rain Dance, Dionysus and Hades status spam, Oceanus... do whatever it is you do," the trainer said as the Tentacool started dancing around, Dionysus letting out a loud Yawn and Hades casting a Confuse Ray. Roger, the Magikarp said before flopping over to try and tackle a legendary extremely powerful Darkrai.
  3. OOC: Ah well. IC: With the use of Teleport, James kept at the vanguard of the forces in Lilycove. Mordred and Lancelot prepared themselves through Swords Dance while Galahad and Percival spewed fire towards any enemy Pokemon that strayed to close the prepping pair. Guinevere and Gawain kept near James protecting him from the occasional direct attack. If only we had finished Project Harmony, James thought wistfully about the fact that he needed to be protected. He had a gun in his pocket, but decided that was only for emergency's only. That, or for really strong Pokémon that could take a few shots. His thoughts were cut short by a couple of frenzied Ursaring who launched themselves toward the Executive. They were intercepted by a boosted punch of the Ice and Bullet varieties by Mordred and Lancelot respectively. Both of the Ursaring were visibly wounded but neither seemed fazed by them. They unleashed a series of punches at their opponents, Mordred was able to dodge with ease but Lancelot was not as lucky. Fortunately for the Scizor an Aura Sphere slammed into the frenzied Pokémon launching it off and knocking it out. Celebi at the moment, was warping around towards the center of the of the forces of the frenzied pokemon. She grew gold for a moment before slamming into the ground unleashing a massive Earth Power which blew away anyone too close. "Lady Guinevere, remind me not to tick off Celebi." Can do, she said as she grabbed the remaining Ursaring with a Psychic hold and blasted the poor Pokémon away. And I will remind myself not to tick you off...
  4. OOC: Yeah, I'll be doing that now. IC: Hades walked over to the unconscious body of Richard Apollo and did his best to wake him up. And by best I mean a series of slaps and scratchs."Oh Hades, I just a strange dream... it involved Zac and Meloetta" the violinist said waking up. Then the Sableye slapped him again. "So not a dream?"A nod. "And where'd they go?" Hades pointed toward a portal that open near them. The bard instantly scrambled around return pokemon to pokeballs, gathering his things and launched himself through the portal. Falling out at the other end he seemed something of a mess. "ZAC! MUSE! WHERE?!" OOC: Posting now for sake of posting, planning to edit in a James IC. Would there be any possible way to work Jamie into the battle at all? (Not necessary, but would be interesting).
  5. IC: One Liberty Executive and his team of Pokemon (and one legendary) materialized in Lilycove. I am back here sooner than I would have hoped, James thought as he looked about him. He was almost saddened not having the Hojohsin making the place look not well destroyed. Almost of course, he would like to dispose of them completely but another time. No now was the time to group with his allies and put an end to the Darkrai. A pleasant excursion. That way! the Celebi pointed to where the action had just begun to unfold. At not far from where they (except the flyers) stood was the rest of the Liberty forces (and their allies). Spying Goldhawk, James and the others quickened their pace and he said, "Oh good, I am not too late," to his leader as he caught up to him.
  6. IC: Arthur placed all of the items he now owned into his briefcase. "I assure you, I will put these to good use. Thank you for your consideration." James left enough on the cafe table to pay for both his and Vert's drinks and pulled out a pokeball summoning the one pokemon he brought with him."Our business is done here, let us return." James and Guinevere appeared again in his office causing the rest of his team (plus one impatient legendary who did not want to miss out on the battle). "We are going to have to hurry if we are catch up with everyone else, so let me make this quick," James said tossing the TM's he recently recieved to his pokemon, instructing who to use what. "I trust all of you have at least of the strength of these Darkrai. Know that we will every bit of strength that we can muster and that I am counting on all of you."With general assent of his team, James smiled. "Good now with that out of the way, Celebi would you do us the honor?"With a wink and a flash they were gone. OOC: Which group should he meet up with? IC: "ME?! GO WITH THE GREAT MUSE!!??" Richard was so happy that his heart kept beating faster and faster until he passed out. The Sableye hearing something about food walked over Richard's body to speak to the legend. So I heard something about food?OOC: Percival forgot Night Shade and learned Shadow Ball, Mordred forgot Fury Swipes and learned Swords Dance, Galahad forgot Sweet Kiss and learned Thunder Wave, Lancelot forgot Fury Cutter and learned Swords Dance, Guinevere forgot Magical Leaf and learned Shadow Ball.
  7. IC: "Project Harmony? Is that what we are calling it?" James asked before taking a sip of his coffee. The Executive contemplated the name for a while, mulling over the outward appearance of the project and its inner workings. "Although I believe you are more than capable of that on your own, I am at your service in this." At this point, Arthur set down his empty cup of coffee. "However, I do have my other responsibilities to attend to. I hear though that our forces are starting their assaults on the Darkrai. I do not intend on missing this endeavor. On other circumstancs I would like to speak longer, but for now there are pressing matters to attend to." OOC: Could you have Vert give him the TM's I asked for earlier? (convenient excuse FTW!) Specifically Thunder Wave, Shadow Ball and Swords Dance.
  8. OOC: Ack, busy with contests and all that, done with so post. IC: For a brief moment, James wondered how his day would go. So far he could not ask for things to have gone any better but those were only mildly impossible tasks accomplished with skill and luck. "All has went well on my end thus far," James said in a quiet though not quite hushed tone. "With the assistance of one Roderick Krane I have successfully retrieved information from the Rocket base. You should take a look for yourself if you like."Arthur turned his computer around to face Vert. On the screen it showed a folder which contained a large number of files, a number of which were useless to them. Others though perhaps important were not the focus of this meeting. The files that were opened however contained the data that James worked to get. The full files on Rocket cloning, process, results, subjects, humans and pokemon were laid before his fellow Executive. IC: What had now been dubbed the Mud-Rock war of the River bend had ended with a treaty among the three warring nations who were actually getting around to the tasks that they actually said they were going to do. With suprising skill and gusto the trio had managed to turn the clearing by a river into a decent campsite, complete with leaf and grass bedding and a warm fire going. Richard was going about collecting wood for the fire while the Sableye was fashioning a suitable area to heat using a combination of claws and ghostlly blasts. Wow.... The fights usually last longer... The Snorlax walked out of the forest carrying (due to some lucky finds) a large amount of gathered food. I brought guests... the Snorlax said as Zac and his company stepped out from behind the giant. Richard smiled as he recognized his opponet from the tournament. "Well if it isn't Za-ah-aha-cc!!!" And with that the bard dropped everything in his arms and bowed down muttering many things to the effect of "I'm not worthy and all that."
  9. OOC: Been granted some bunnying permission from Parugi. IC: Roderick smiled as he saw his efforts pay off. He sent out Elgyem and had him warp the pair and Mina out of their, as soon as possible. Taking care to making pitstops to throw off away potential tracers before teleporting to Four Island. James watched as streams of data entered into the databanks of his computer. His eyes brightened up as he sifted through the data. He smiled once he saw his desired data. All of the information Team Rocket had on cloning. He felt a vibration in his pocket alerting of a text (or a call, but more likely a text). To: James Arthur I'm out, mission success. From: Roderick Krane Putting the phone away, he began packing up and gathered his Pokemon. "Now I just have to find Sir Gawain..." The large mudfish had been chased for a long while by one Jake. The chase was finally broken by a mischievous legendary who flew right behind him, and warped the poor boy to the opposite side of the island. Thanks... didn't know how long I could keep runnin'. No problem, we're done here. Celebi led Gawain back to the group much to James' relief. Without further ado, Guinevere warped the group off the island and back into James' office. James went to his closet to change from his casual suit to his business suit. He looked around as he saw that his Pokemon had already made the office their own. Mordred simply crashed on James' bed while Celebi sat in his chair. Gawain commanded his shower while Lancelot took the floor. The only one who decided not to layabout for the moment was Galahad who went to practice with the aura. He smiled leaving most of his Pokemon to their own designs save Guinever whom he called outside. "I need to get to Alto Mare, for a meeting, we do not need to disturb the others."I suppose, the Gardevoir said as she brought memories of Alto Mare to the forefront. The pair appeared on the outskirts of the city, where James retreated Guinevere to her Pokeball. She didn't need to present at this meeting. He walked alone for a while until he found the desired cafe. There was only the owner and one customer in the shop at the moment. "A cappuccino, please" The man nodded as he prepared the coffee. James took a seat in a booth in a corner, and opened his laptop. A few minutes later a cup of coffee was placed by the laptop. Now how will I pitch this? he thought as he shifted through the data on his laptop, waiting for her to arrive. IC: The Snorlax nodded pleased that the trainer remembered him. I was suggesting, to this fellow here... looking towards Melon , that you should join us for dinner... he said to the (he did not know) legendary psychic type hoping that she could inform Zac of his words. Hopefully, he continued, Richard should be presentable... Richard at that moment was anything but presentable, as what had started as a verbal debate over the merits of on all rock diet between him, Hades and Oceanus quickly devolved in mud-slinging, first metaphorically then literally or in the case of Oceanus, mud-splashing and he splashed up chunks of mud at the pair who retaliated with thrown hunks.
  10. IC: That is good... Dionysus said quickly to Melon, ah and it is good to see you again... Zac was it? But then Dionysus remembered the simple fact that a human was a human and not a pokemon. Hmm... Right humans don't understand our languages easily. He regretted having to set down food but it necessary for the moment. Dionysus began imitating a person pulling a bow across a violin to the best that his fat arms would allow, thinking of no better way to quickly describe Richard.
  11. OOC: Speaking of things that may need some bunnying, Ecketzal has disappeared for over a month again. IC: The Snorlax bent over slightly to look down at the approaching Kecleon, smiling and took in a deep breath to speak. Hello Mister Kecleon, how are you this fine day? I hope their are no lingering sentiments from the tournament. The Snorlax was about to nom more of his find when he realized the potential impoliteness of doing so. Have you all eaten yet? Richard is setting up camp not to far from here, and I am currently searching for our food. He would probably not object to you joining us.
  12. IC: Richard rolled around in his sleep. His pleasant dream just took a suprising turn which caused him to toss and turn. And tossing and turning is not good when you are on a moving train cart of which you forgot to close the door as stowed away. Thankfully Hades was awake when he saw the embarrassing display of him falling off a train. ...Hades was silent but held a huge frown on his face grabbing Richard's violin (and his source of money) and hopping off the train. Richard rubbed his head as he woke up, "Did they find us out and throw us off?" No, you fell off. Rolling around in your sleep. The ghost-type mentioned with visible dismay. "Ah, I see," Hades could never tell when and if, he did or not."Maybe we should camp around here," the bard said looking around the area. The area by the tracks was densely forested. The pair wandered in to the woods for a while seeking a place to camp, Hades marking the trees so they could find their way back. They found a suitable spot somewhere close to a pond where Oceanus (whose name had not been told to him yet) and Erebus were let into. Hades went about clearing the site so the party could have a comfortable night under the stars. "Well best to let Dionysus out to get some food."They let the giant pokemon out of his pokeball to scavenge. Being the biggest and the most inclined to finding food, Dionysus was the designated scavenger of the group, though he had to keep himself from eating the portions of food dedicated to the others, that and find rocks. He could never understand why Sableye liked them so much, rocks were not tasty to him but to each their own he supposed. It only meant that he had one less share to be tempted to eat. Oh and there's a new guy, I think, right... the Snorlax thought as he picked berries from a tree. One more share he had to save. The Snorlax wandered away as Richard began telling the newest member all about Oceanus and why he had named the Magikarp as such. Dionysus walked by different trees sampling their berries to and picking the most ripe berries he could find. The giant also surveyed the different plants in the area looking for some edible plants. If only we had a little lettuce, then we could fix a nice salad... his mouth starting to drool as he remebered a heavenly salad he ate at the party. There wasn't a lot though, just one medium sized bowl, that Richard made him wait for so there was only half of it left. Thinking of the food, his mouth watered and his stomache grumbled. Well it couldn't hurt just to eat a little now... he though as he began devouring his first course, eating berries by the dozens nearly eating all of his work. The Snorlax paused in his eating for a moment. He had seen someone, and not only that but the person that he saw looked familiar, really familiar. Ah right, we fought his team in the tournament. Can't hurt to say hi. Guess I will... And with that Dionysus let out a loud call, while waving for a while, hoping to get his attention.
  13. OOC: Alright for my reward I would like the TM's for Thunder Wave, Shadow Ball, and Swords Dance, all of which would go to James. IC: Mordred watched from a tree as a rocket that he had followed entered some building. Hmm... might be it, best report back. The Weavile returned to James and his two fellow pokemon and told Guinevere of the base who in turn told James. He contemplated for a moment before speaking. "Guinevere... take Percival with you, use your combined powers to do a precursor scouting of the building. Mordred stay here with me." Time passed in complete silence as the pokemon and trainer waited for the arrival of all their allies. Celebi returned back first saying she found nothing in the areas she checked, followed by Lancelot who reported similarly. At last the pair of pokemon returned bearing news. There is a machine in there that resembles the anti-teleportation field generator Team Energon had during on their sub. There's a high probability that this is the outpost we are looking for. What do we do? "For now we wait. If Roderick is found out and the field activated then we will have to disable it. If not then we leave, preferable." He was beginning to feel slightly uneasy hoping that his agent would contact him soon. He took a glance at his phone. "0 new messages." IC: Jamie looked slightly perplexed for a moment. There was something off with the question. "I thought this was your idea?" Ah well, she thought as he picked up the Slowpoke, I got a new pokemon, if we get nothing else out of this venture then, it isn't too bad. "I think you said we were going to see if they needed help since Azalea took a lot of damage recently." OOC: Yeah, it was my idea to go to Azalea but it was Lucia who suggested it
  14. OOC: Wooohoooeeee!!! As for posting, do something that can cause stuff for Jamie and Lucia to get involved in... plus Jackson. Now what do I want.... I could get a free evolution for Oceanus, but that would miss out on some many free derpy moments!!! IC: Richard had stopped dancing. There was a very pressing matter of what to name his new friend. "...while Poseidon is the god of the sea I think a lot of people would have chosen that name already. I also thought of Triton because of the fish thing again but that also sounds a bit common. Apollo also crossed my mind since he wants to be a musician but that's my name!" Hades was ticked. Here they were lost, no food, no shelter and here Richard was debating names on what to call a fish that wanted to become a guitarist. WE ARE DOOMED!!! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!!! the Sableye shouted at the top of his lungs. "Oh, calm down, this isn't the end of the world. We'll find our way It sounds like... a train? Indeed it was a train, a long cargo train that stretched farther than either the bard or the depressed prankster"Well too bad we don't have any tickets, ah well, it won't kill them to let us stowaway once."Stowaway... Are you suggesting that we- Hades was cut off by being lifted onto Richard's shoulder who began running alongside the train looking for a car to jump on. Spying an empty cart jumped with all his might onto the cart which he landed with a thud. Hades fell off of his shoulder and immeadiately proceeded to the nearest corner to sulk. "See didn't I tell you we would be okay?" Tell me that after we get food? Richard turned over and laid on the floor of the train cart. His face lit up with a realization. "...I THOUGHT OF ONE! How about Oceanus?" ...it's a good name, you should tell him that. "Eh... I tell him" Richard yawned "later" before falling asleep. OOC: I'll try to write a post for the Arthur's later today.
  15. IC: Richard was singing in the rain, just singing in the rain. He wasn't dancing, the rain was doing a nice job of that. Dionysus was recalled since he took a nap, and Erebus was nowhere to be seen as he was feeling even better than Richard now that he could call water down and not just recycle some in his body. Hades was extremely ticked off but remained silent in his pouts. The overall mood was still pretty good until Richard encountered a fish. The fish (which Richard would later learn was a Magikarp) was sad for some reason. Determined to make the fish happy, Richard pulled out his trusty violin even though it was raining (improving the moods of fish far outweighed the need to protect his only source of income) and began to play. Then the fish started bawling, loudly. This nearly brought Richard to tears as well. Hades chuckled lightly before Richard ordered him "Hades find out why he is so sad!" The Sableye groaned before it asked him, Why so glum? Is Richard's violin playing that bad? I am sorry, it's just that that violin reminded of a guitar. What's the matter with guitars? Nothing is wrong with guitars, they are beauty incarnate, capable of calling bliss in note form... it's just *sniff* you can't play them with fins, YOU NEED HANDS!!! Anything else the fish said was garbled out by mass crying. Hades was not impressed.I say we kill it. "What was that, you said we should make a member of our team?"...A Night Shade later Richard was on the ground, holding his face. "Okay, okay but what did he really say?" he asked as he climbed to his feet. Hades sighed before air-guitarring and pointing at the Magikarp. "...That would be awesome... WE HAVE GOT TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN!!!"Hades facepalmed, he knew Richard would love the idea of a Magikarp playing a guitar, and now he was going to lead them on some pointless search in an effort to make it happen. Kill me instead... "Hey you!" Richard started leaping towards the Magikarp, "Don't give up on your dream!" The Magikarp stopped crying and looked at the bard who was smiling so brightly. Richard quickly rummaged through his violin case looking for a pokeball, hoping he had any. "Yes!" he exclaimed quietly as he pulled found a fourth pokeball in the case.Turning back towards the Magikarp "You can come with me, and together I know we can find a way to get you to play the guitar, OR DIE TRYING!!!!" WHAT?! Hades shouted at the ludicrous ending to a stupid sentence. The Magikarp however was in complete awe. YES, WE CAN DO IT! LET ME COME WITH YOU!!! Richard looked to Hades, hoping for a translation from a Pokemon he got. Just toss the ball, the Sableye muttered signing it with it hands. "Great!" he said tossing the red-and-white orb at the Magikarp. 3...2...1... "WOOHOO!" Richard said before he started dancing. Hades let a huge sigh pass by his lips, Richard was going to be dancing for a loooooonnnnggg while.
  16. OOC: I guess we could, at the very least the mere sight of Meloetta will make Richard stick to Zac like glue.And Blade, we still need to figure out what Lucia and Jamie are supposed to be doing. IC: Richard was skipping. Why, he just felt like it. Skip, skip, skip. Dionysus was trying to skip as well, but being a Snorlax is not beneficial to skipping, but he managed. Erebus would skip but it hard for a Tentacool to jump. So he just gliding along the wet ground. Hades was running to get out of the rain. YOU JUST HAD TO KEEP TRYING RAIN DANCE UNTIL IT WORKED DIDN'T YOU!! the irate Sableye shouted towards Richard. Richard could tell from the tone that it was best not to try and understand him right now. AND WHAT'S WORSE WE'RE LOST, WITHOUT ANY FOOD, MONEY OR SHELTER!! which was then followed by a long string of words which made both Erebus and Dionysus flinch and made Richard really glad he couldn't understand Hades at the time. Richard figured it was best to let Hades be for a while. OOC: By the way for when I get a chance to (after the buffer ends) Species: Magikarp Nickname: Oceanus Trainer: Richard Apollo Appearance: Pretty standard for a Magikarp, size is above the mean but not incredibly. Personality: A pretty Jolly guy most of the time and likes to have fun (and flop around). Only times he is not happy is whenever he sees a guitar. Thing is, Oceanus has an intense desire to learn the guitar, but is stonewalled by the fact he is doesn't have anybody to teach him, or any money to buy one, or arms. Ability: Swift Swim Specialty: Magikarps have a use? Known Moves: Tackle, Flail, Splash, Splash, Splash, Splash
  17. OOC: *long, heartfelt rant here about personal life creating business for temporary period* Out of curiosity, would it be possible for Richard to catch up with Zac in his quest? He would love to meet Meloetta for obvious reasons (bard) and I need a way to help integrate him into the main story. Would take some manuerving and "luck" but if possible it would be nice for him. IC: James felt his resources quite divided at the moment. He had sent Galahad out to find Gawain as the Swampert was taking far too long to return, He got Celebi (after a bit of bargaining) Mordred and Lancelot to scout for any outposts that may exist for the off-chance that might contain the dreaded device, the anti-teleportation field generator. This left him Guinevere and Percival to protect him if he got in to trouble, which began to look like a possibility as he noticed there were people this far out on the island. The were far away, enough for him not to be noticed at the moment, but they piqued his curiosity. Now what are you doing this far out from civilization? IC: Gawain felt a persistent presence in his trek through the city. His instinct told him that he was being followed, but he did not dare stay behind and find out who. His main focus was avoiding the influx of Rocket agents into the city and making his way out of the city as safely as possible. This was especially troublesome he did not have any easy access to any water ways. IC: Jamie picked up the pokeball and shrugged. A caught pokemon was a caught pokemon. Wasn't the most elegant or hard fought catch, but she had a Slowpoke now. She sent out the Slowpoke and dubbed him Grummore before trying to pick him up, but found that it was too heavy to try and carry and thus was content to have him walk by her side.The Slowpoke tolerated that arrangement because it gave him plenty of opportunity to try and bite her leg... which failed every time because he was too slow to act each time he tried. "Well we made to Azalea..." Jamie noted looking around, the only people there being a handful of fellow Rocket agents who she did not recognize.
  18. OOC: I note Celebi is not on your list. Will James be allowed to continue his partnership with her? IC: James and Guinevere were walking far outside of the city. They had left without much explanation from James so Guinevere spoke up. What are we doing now? "What we are doing is going around finding our companions before taking care of our final priority." Which is? "Make sure they do not set up any anti-teleportation fields. We need to secure the escape route for Mr. Krane and ourselves. To my knowledge he should have a pokemon that knows Teleport." To James's pleasure he found that Galahad had rallied up Percival, Lancelot and Mordred without anyone following them. But something seemed off. There was one too few. "Well that is all of them but Gawain... Where is he?" OOC: Posts for other people once I plan something for 'em. I also find it interesting to look at this Topic in the archive.
  19. IC: (Richard) After the tournament Richard went to a final ceremony followed by a post-tourney reception. There was plenty of food to feed a Snorlax which was good because Dionysus had pretty much been Richard's lead pokemon throughout the tournament and well he was eating. A lot. However Richard felt a little guilty eating his food. "You know Hades, I hate to be a sad sack but the only reason we won is because two people had to quit and we were perfectly suited to beat Zac's team." Hades gave a blank face , after all he was the one preaching that from the beginning. "We should try and add some guys to our team and challenge them all again. That way we will know that it was legit," he said and started nomming on the food on his plate. More battles... Hades thought a sigh. Near the end of the reception Richard got called up to a stage where a man in a fancy suit was standing. Richard had no clue who the man was, but he had an aura of wealth about him. Richard wasn't paying too much attention to the man, morely focusing on the music playing on the background, but then the man said something which got his attention. "...which is why we have decided to present you with this set of Technical Machines suited to the development of your Tentacool." "To furthering your career!" the man said as he handed him the set of TM's. "Cheers," he said downing a soda he was holding in his hand and accepted the reward. Scald, Rain Dance, Protect, he thought as he looked at the reward. The rest of the party was uneventful in Richard's book but filling. And the music was great so it was an overall good time. Richard went out onto a deck which overlooked the streets of Drivtveil. He turned around and called his Tentacool over which was currently resting in a ice chest. "Well Erebus, I've got three TM's and all of them have your name written on 'em, catch!" he said gleefully as he tossed all of the TM's on the Tentacool. The Tentacool appeared to surge with power as his the powerful moves entered his memory. "Now let's try them out, use Rain Dance!" Drip. "Then again I did just replace half of your moveset... perhaps you need to adjust to it first before we really try out all of you new moves..." The Tentacool nodded in reply. "Well it's no use just hanging around here, let's head to the next place shall we?" Hades and Erebus climbed onto Richard's shoulders while Dionysus lumbered behind them as they left the party. OOC: Erebus forgets Acid, Supersonic and Bubblebeam and learns Protect, Scald and Rain Dance. IC: (Jamie) "It's a Slowpoke," Lucia responded, "They generally live in a well not too far from here..." Jamie poked the strange Slowpoke. It felt soft, and looked pretty dopey but... "I like it," A moment of realization occured for the Slowpoke as he realized that someone had fallen over him. He began looking around for who may have done it. Jamie was pulling out a pokeball to hopefully catch the Slowpoke but it began to realize what had happened and shot a Water Pulse at her face. Jamie was silent. Inside a bit annoyed, outside silent, blank. "Sir Lucan," she said backing off and sending out the Vanillish, "We are going to catch this Slowpoke, start us off with Ice Beam." The Vanillish looked slightly scared (but that was nomral) before blasting a beam of ice at the Slowpoke. He resisted the blast but was knocked farther off. After a few moments the Slowpoke responded with a Water Pulse which collided with a second Ice beam which the Vanillish already had time to prepare. After a second the Slowpoke decided to try and use Psychic but the Vanillish cried out a Hyper Voice which caused the focus that it worked so hard to get to suddenly break. And just for good measure Jamie had Vanillish use Mirror Shot. "Alright, go Pokeball!" Jamie yelled and tossed a red and white orb at the Slowpoke. 3...........click* The pokeball shifted twice more after the click had already occurred.
  20. OOC: Must sit down and make post... Also for the reward thing, may I have the TM's Scald, Rain Dance, and Protect? IC: (Jamie) The trip to Azalea went off largely without incident, though there was an incredible number of Zubats throughout Union Cave which made the trip take longer than it should have. But otherwise there was nothing wrong She was about to take the step which would have placed her inside the limits of the town, when she found out a large pink mass of fat was under foot. And by found out I mean she didn't notice until it was far too late and thus she had fallen over it. "Ouch." Jamie got up and noticed that the mass of fat was a pokemon of some sort though she did not know which one. She felt like she should apologize to it, but it seemed not to have noticed despite the fact it was wide awake. "What is this thing?" she asked Lucia with some curiosity. IC: (James) Coffee tastes bad. Wild Pokemon are rampaging through the mall. To some people these things are true. To James both are false, not that he was going to correct the article he was looking through on his laptop. There was a good deal of what he had been hoping for. Chaos and wreckage due to the fact that the security in the mall had been ill equipped to deal with the ...oddly strong wild Pokemon. The fact that Pokemon were noted as odd made James rethink in hindsight his choice of pokemon. Perhaps I shouldn't have sent Mordred with them. Scizor and Swamperts are idingenous to this area, Weaviles however tend to prefer colder environments... Regardless he continued to read the article which already had protests on the comments section of the page. He doubted the Rockets would take action based on the opinions of a few angry internet users. The chaos and property damage, which came up to a quite a hefty sum, would be more than enough to secure an investigation by the Rockets. How are the others coming along? "None of them have been caught, and I think we have what we are looking for. A distraction that seemingly does not have our involve-" James cut himself off when he noticed a group of people, congregating and shouting. "Guinevere, there is a group of... disgruntled citizens over there. I need you to read their minds for me, find the reason for thier displeasure. The Gardevoir took a moment to focus her mind in on that of the people James pointed out. The psychic probed each of their minds in turn. They are... ticked about our actions involving the mall. And they are headed towards the base to demand better security in the area. Whichever Rockets that showed up at the mall were to late to catch any of our companions. James smiled at the welcome news, "I sincerly hope their request gets filled immeadiately." Really? "Of course, more security in the mall means less in the base. Though I can not say how much less. At the very least, dealing with the angry citizenry will hopefully get the base focused on something other than Roderick." The Liberty executive pulled out Galahad's pokeball and set the Togekiss out. He seemed happy and ready for some action. "Galahad, your companions are currently spread through out the city. Please round them up and hide them for me. I will come find you later." Slightly different request then normal but the Togekiss shrugged and proceeded to comply, flying off to seek his companions. IC: (Gawain) The Swampert had launched himself out of a man hole cover and found that he was still in the city. Worse was that he knocked somebody over with a torrent of water. And not high-quality water at that. In fact the poor man probably would be much better off if he didn't ever learn what that water contained. Let's see if I was wild and raging how would I act right now... The Swampert then started roaring and tossing Mud Bombs everywhere before he started running, hoping to dissuade followers.
  21. OOC: Merry Christmas to all. Too tired and unfocused tonight to actually post anything of use or even think of what to do with my reward. However I will make one quick profile posting so that this post is not entirely useless. Species: Slowpoke Nickname: Grummore Trainer: Jamie Arthur Appearance: He has a green ring around his tail. Other than that it hard to tell him apart from other Slowpoke. Personality: Slowpoke is a bold defender of the little pokemon... if he can ever realize what is going on. He is so darn tired and lazy that most battles tend to be over before he realized they started. Ability: Regenerator Specialty: When he does things, he prefers to block or heal. Kinda mopes around until it realizes something is going on. Known Moves: Heal Pulse, Psychic, Water Pulse, Yawn, Disable, Zen Headbutt
  22. IC: The last notes of the Ode to Joy played out on his violin. He set it down and walked over to shake the hand of his opponet. Hades hopped over to the pair as they did indeed shake hands. "Well it was definitely the best that I have ever had." "Though honestly I should have lost technically twice..." he muttered quietly to himself. "We should do this again some time!" and then Richard was struck flat in the mass by the Night Shade of an irate Sableye. "...Or maybe not," he said as he got back up. IC: James watched as Mordred arrived back first. He was eating food that probably bad for him and looked like a slob, probably because he was. "Gawain," he said sending out the Swampert, "Wash him down a little would you?" The Swampert let out a force of water which had the effect of cleaning the Weavile at the expense of angering him. "I apologize but your appearance could be a mess for us if they see you again. Though avoid going near that store again." The two other members of James' team eventually both arrived at the spot as well. Unlike their Weavile companion they were not overtly messy to James pleasure. "I need you all to move through this mall next. Remember it's only mischief and a slight amount of chaos that we want, please do not harm physically harm anyone and do not get into any battles. I trust that you can make this happen without supervision." Gawain was slightly confused for a moment though Mordred filled him in with a quick whisper. "Oh and make sure to take roundabout paths to get back to us. I would rather not link myself to this. It would be bad for Team Liberty..." The four pokemon split off into different directions, the Swampert heading towards a manhole, the Weavile through the alleyways, the Scizor flew towards his destination and as for the Chandelure... James couldn't tell because it disappeared. "Well let us be off. Would you like to get to get something to drink while we wait?" Hmm... I could go for an espresso. "Excellent, I know of a nice cafe not too far away."
  23. IC: "I'm ready now though... if we are going by foot do you which way to go? I've never been to Azalea." IC: "Alright now let's finish this, Fury Swipes!" The Sableye lept at the Kecleon claws bared looking to try and finish off his mark.
  24. IC: Jamie nodded, "That sounds like a good idea..." She turned slightly for a moment to look at her pokemon who had seemed to be quite energetic at the moment, a large change from when in the alternate dimension. "And as for battling, I think Pelleas," who began to showboat on being referenced to, "and Tristan," who also began showboating, "will be able to protect us should anything go wrong." OOC: High five for us not knowing what we are doing but having an excuse to go to Azalea. IC: Hades was sent reeling by the Shadow Claw, "Well that didn't work too well... Back to the grind then, Confuse Ray!" Hades began dashing around again firing bolts of Confuse Ray as he has done pretty battle he has been in so far.
  25. OOC: Let's go to Azalea! I want an excuse to catch a Slowpoke for Jamie IC: Hades began a run and recover combo which minimized damage from the Ancientpower but still left a mark. "That Kecleon again. No more Nightshade then. Try Fury Swipes!" The Sableye lept towards the Kecleon grinning and claws bared ready to swipe at its face.
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