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Metal Gear Minun

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Everything posted by Metal Gear Minun

  1. IC: Jack was pretty glad that the other guard's laughs were pretty loud, it aloud him to cover up his terrible fake laughter.Note to self, work on faking a laugh.He stopped though noticing that they were beginning to calm down.
  2. IC: Jack was silent as he merely observed both Unbreakable and Wild Card leave, well more like dragged out in Wild Card's case. However upon hearing Shawn yell, he decided to try and act evil generic guard like."Shut it! You're not getting your friend back until after he goes through medical. Yelling won't help you here.""Yeah, that's for sure..." the guard across from him muttered smirking slightly.In all honesty, he was afraid part of it could have been misinterpreted for the emotions he actually felt, but the guard across from him seemed fooled.
  3. IC: Jack was somewhat pleasantly suprised to have been assigned some duty to do. It meant his disguise was working. He was less pleasantly suprised to find out he'd be relieving the guard that was assigned to guard the captured X-men. He'd only really like to be in there if he could be alone and talk to the them. Unfortunately he knew both that was not the only one who switching in now but that there were definitely cameras so that he would not have the privacy needed to speak to them. He sighed internally as he walked with two others to replace three of the guards. The one who was the highest rank of the three walked in the front, and seemed to handle all the talking. Jack really wasn't paying attention, he was trying to block everything out, as judging from the screams he had heard not long ago, he would be inclined to show some emotion if focused on the situation around him. He really did not want to risk anything that might blow his cover. All he focused on was the space that he was assigned to guard.OOC: What would be a good way for Derrick to find the escaped X-men? Especially since he doesn't really know them and he didn't make any plans with any of them.
  4. IC: Derrick had made his way down to the ground, and started making his break for freedom. At about halfway the Weapon-X agents took notice of him and fired a barrage of tranq-bullets at him.NOW! he thought as he moved to the right, dodging the wave of bullets, thinking he was safe for a moment."BOOM!" Derrick heard as a tank shell landed right near him. And while it nearly blew him to pieces, Derrick found a way to benefit from it, as loud noises were loud. Enough that some of the agents who weren't expecting it turned for a moment to see what had happened. In the moment of opportunity given to him, he began leaping with all him might, closing the gap between him and agents with instants and finally making one final leap through them, jumping through as only a few had enough time to take aim.While he know had to deal with a large force behind him, firing and dodging shots he could not see as well, he able to start increasing the distance between him and them for a while.OOC: What would be a good way for Derrick to meet up with the escaped X-men?
  5. OOC: Well the National Park isn't that far away... IC: James was searching through all his old files on clones. We can't risk the legendaries, even I agree with that. This could give suitable... substitutes so we don't risk throwing nature out of balance... Of course, that still leaves morals of regards to cloning and risking the lives of those clones to deal with... he thought beginning to lean back in his chair. I appreciate a leader who is idealistic, but we need to be practical if we are to win. No wars are won without a few casualties...He sighed as he continued his inner monologue, I don't think it would be impossible to find a way to keep it hidden from Goldhawk, Team Liberty's information network isn't as strong as Team Rocket's, if I could... acquire a suitable location for these experiments. But that means taking on an entire Rocket base without the support of Team Liberty and convincing Executive Vert to go behind Sir Goldhawk's back, until we have enough data to present more... acceptable risk levels. I don't know her well enough to ask for her to do that... yet. If she doesn't think of my plans so favorably, then I would be jeopardizing my standings with Liberty. And that is unacceptable. James finally got up, and began repacking his things. Well, first things first, I need to complete the information in my files about cloning. I suppose I should also check on Executive Aaron's fight against Team Energon, though I doubt that Energon has been searching for new ways to make their process more risk-free. OOC: No other IC's yet, will probably write a Richard one later.
  6. IC: Derrick's opportunity for escape seemed like a risk, but it was better than waiting where he was for more Weapon-X soldiers to find him. He had found a weak point in their defenses and was willing to go for it. The main thing he was looking for in the hole, was lack of air support, and on the side where he was, the helicopoters had all either left or been sent a different direction. There was also only one tank, leaving about that and about 100 Weapon-X agents between him and freedom."I can dodge the tank, well enough," he muttered to himself, "but if I can draw some of those agents away..."He began searching through nearby rooms to find something he could use to help him escape. What he found was a few coat stands and some coats and hats.This isn't going to work...He put one of them on the roof, and created controlled bursts of electricity to create a show for the agents, and a target to find.About 15 of the agents left to investigate.Well it worked slightly... he thought.He then searched a knocked out Weapon-X agent for his gun. He knew that he did have less time to work with, but he found a tranquilizer rifle that he could work with. He took aim for a few of them, and fired, knocking out about two or three of them.That got about 50 of them to leave to pursue the attacker.Alright, me vs. thrity-something agents and a tank. I have to dodge everything they throw at me without getting hit, or I am dead in the water. Best odds I have had so far...
  7. OOC: Ach, timeskip. Alright make post before and after skip.IC: (Jack before timeskip) Jack had found a opportune moment to insert a small amount of nanobots, into a computer that was in one of the vans. It wasn't the one he needed, but it gave him much needed practice, allowing him to set up a two-way link between his armor and the small amounts of nanobots in the computer. His outward appearance fooled the soldiers at the moment, which allowed passage on the van in question. Though nothing of note really happened during the ride, he felt nervous the entire time, feeling like something was going to go wrong. IC: (Jack after timeskip)Jack had continued planting his nanobots in pretty much any computer he could find. Through a bit of luck, and good timing, he managed to find the right computers, for accessing the databases. Using the system he had set up with the nanobots he had successfully inserted himself in the databases of Weapon-X's agents. He chose for himself a position of low rank to not stand out. After all who was going to notice one extra new soldier, especially after a sudden drop from every one killed in the battle. While he wanted to search the databases to find out what Weapon-X was planning, he knew he could not mess around too much, lest his snooping be discovered. What was more pressing to him now was figuring out Weapon-X's methods without asking too many questions. He never appeared out of uniform, but was a couple times, seemed off-kilter. Thankfully, he had a way to take notes.OOC: Finish up Derrick's side in a moment, hopefully.
  8. IC: Jack walked amongst the soldiers of Weapon-X with a nervous look on his face, hidden by his gas mask. None of them seemed to notice anything wrong, but he was cautious to try and avoid any missteps. Especially missteps made because he was trying to avoid making any missteps. He needed access to a computer of some sort. One that had access to Weapon-X's databases, and prefferably as soon as possible. It was only a matter of time until one of them checked to see if he was an agent, and there would be trouble if he hadn't found it yet.Derrick was watching Weapon-X's forces from the shadows, he had found a point where their forces were less dense than in other places, but were still pretty thick.Alright, now how are we going to do this? he thought...OOC: More later, little time but felt need to post.
  9. OOC: Really? Wasn't certain, probably should have asked. Time for Jack to make a quick switch.IC: Jack was fiddling around with his armor, when he realized something. He did have a way to hack into Weapon-X's computers.I can only hope I am not too late, he thought bolting out of the door.Thankfully Derrick was not using his superspeed and was somewhat dragging his feet. This allowed Jack enough time for him to catch up."Wait... wait I have an idea!" he said yelling towards Derrick."Hm, what is it?" Derrick replied."The armor, the nanobots I think I can hack their systems with them!" Derrick had more or less forgotten about the armor, but even if he didn't, he hadn't even considered the fact that they might be able to do that."That might work, saves us a lot of trouble.... Are you sure you can do it?"Jack thought about it for a good long moment and then responded, "Yes, I don't know why, but I know can definitely do this much.""...Very well then, I trust you. In exchange I'll do my best to avoid getting caught, and see how far I can get. I'll try to gather with whoever I can to help you. Stay safe..." he said before bounding, searching the windows trying to find a weak point in their forces.
  10. IC: No less than five weapon-X agents burst into the room that Derrick was in. It took him a second to realize that, but as soon as he did he grabbed the first one with a burst of speed and shocked him to the core. The second one was about to take a shot at him, when a third oddly enough stabbed him in the back. Between the two of them, they were able to overpower the last two agents who were taken by surprise, one by a gunshot, and the other by a high speed kick to the chest, plus some electric shock."Right, still you Jack?""Yup," he said taking off his mask. "Still me," They both walked over to the window for a moment to assess the situation. It seemed to them that some where beginning to leave, but that there were still large numbers of agents still in the area. Most of them searching to find any mutants that were left or trying to escape. "We need to go after them, we can't abandon them... Krystal or those X-men either.""I agree, but what can we do? If we follow them, they'll just throw us in with the others...""..." The two stared at each other for a moment."That may be our only option at this point.""You can't be serious.""Listen, these guys have been finding me at every corner, but they seem not to able to notice you. I'll probably end up caught no matter what. All I can do going with you is jeopardize your escape. While if I try and take a few of them down with me, I can provide a distraction for your escape. If anyone else escaped, you can work with them to break me out later." "..." "Oh and since they probably will put a bomb in me or something, until you break me out, if I have to attack you... well apologies in advance, okay?" "...Fine."They smiled weakly for a moment, before Derrick said, "Alright, wait here for a bit before trying to make your escape."Jack sat down in a desk and began leaning back in it."Good luck," he said half-sarcastically.Derrick left via the door and muttered a small apology to Krystal. Apologizing that he'd have to waste the opportunity she had given him."Well time to go act like a hero..."
  11. IC: Derrick was still uneasy, but he managed to move past most of the effects of the tranquilizer.My speed will have to make up for anything lax in my reflexes... he thought as he moved for the door.IC: Jack had gotten his outwardly disguise down to a pat. Inwardly he was still working on several finer aspects.Unless, I can find a way to hack into their systems, my only option is to make my escape. It shouldn't be too hard for me to get out. They are not looking for me, and I look like one of them... so as long as I don't get sent back to their base... where I would be captured, unless I can hack their systems and insert myself in there. Really doubt it is as easy as looking online and filling out a form.He found that was still able to move about the gropus as he was before, which meant he hadn't been found out yet, he blended in with one such group as they were hunting down a mutant.
  12. IC: Derrick was silent as he stood still. As much as he was glad to have been rescued, he wished it wasn't in the manner that it had. He hated the knowledge that the next time he saw Krystal she would be an enemy... if he wasn't turned into a Weapon-X slave or dead by then. Shockbolt looked towards the door knowing that he should try to and save who he could.He honestly didn't feel like fighting, lest the chance he went up against Krystal. He aslo didn't want to throw away what she had given him so recklessly, plus he was still not completely free from the drugs effects. He decided to wait a few minutes and try to get the feelings of tiredness out of his system before he tried to do anything.Jack at the moment was going around looking at fallen Weapon-X agents, salvaging what he could off them. Mostly what he looking for was ID, weapons and ammo. He managed to find a sort of rifle with tranq-bullets that he found well enough to his liking. He also used the opportunity to fix any error he noticed in his outwardly disguise.This will help in the heat of battle... but little else.. yet.
  13. IC: "OW!" Shockbolt yelled as Krystal's hand flew across his face. She was not fully accustomed to her own strength yet it seemed."Woah, Krystal you really don't... need to...." he said as he realized that Krystal in front of him.Almost immeadiately he embraced the wolfish-mutant with a hug "THANK GOD YOU'RE ALIVE!" but he stopped soon after with a grim realization."Wait, did Weapon-X..." he paused as if knowing the answer to his own question. And really hoping he was wrong.
  14. IC: Derrick's mind was completely scattered at the moment, flitting from one of various dreams to another. None of them were quite coming in clearly however. However, he then felt pain. Pain was not sleep, it was not from his dream. It was coming from something. His eyes opened slightly as if in a trance.He saw Krystal, "let me sleep," as if there was nothing wrong with the fact that Krystal was there.OOC: Would it be virtually impossible for Jack to plant himself in Weapon-X, or just really difficult.
  15. OOC: ...? Krystal save me!IC: Derrick felt himself fall out of consciousness, his last thoughts thinking that one of the Weapon-X agents must have shot him with a dart. But the last one was an image of Krystal for some reason. It was like she was there or something...IC: Jack's cover had somehow not been blown yet, as such he molded his knife into his armor, his main distraction was gone, he needed to blend back another group of soldier.
  16. IC: Noise is good, Jack concluded. They covered up his attack on two of the comrades. Slowly he pulled another of the agents back... with a result that there is one less Weapon-X agent to fight at the moment. And one more bad memory for Jack. He felt grim as the agent collapsed.
  17. IC: Fortunately for Krystal, Derrick went bounding past her, the Weapon-X agent he saw had his eye. Bounding quickly from side to side, Derrick launched himself at the Agent. The Agent pulled off a shot from his pistol however piercing Derrick's shoulder, using his non-wounded arm to grab him and force a few 100,000 volts through him.IC: Jack found his distraction in the form of a mutant. A mutant in the form of a pure energy.Well that works...Almost instinctively the people around began to try and attack the mutant, with a few of them even caring about the other ones. They almost immeadiately forgot that he was there. It took very little effort for him to get behind the others.It took even less effort in plunging into one of them, and even less to shoot the second closest.. physically.
  18. IC: Shockbolt was running around fighting any Weapon-X agent he could come across. The first one he had found, he managed to attack before he could react, and managed to subdue him without any delay. The second two however proved more difficult, as they had come across him and promptly tried to fire darts at him. He managed to avoid them with a vigor that realized that getting hit by a dart was far worse than getting hit by a bullet. One of the pair he managed to kick at high speed before shocking him out, while the other managed to stab Derrick with a knife. Cursing in pain he fired a stream of electricity at him before the agent fell to the ground covered in burns.Jack at this moment had managed to sneak himself into running with a group of Weapon-X agents. Jack had thankfully found a way to convince him that he was chasing a mutant down the hallway they were in.Now if only I could find one of the X-men to distract them...
  19. OOC: Ach, all I can say is ach.IC: Three agents came into the room were Derrick and Jack had chosen to wait in. They seemed very intent on trying to shoot poor Derrick, while John was slightly ignored, as not having an X-gene and all that. Derrick dodged their rounds with only a light graze, before Shockbolt true to his name delivered three painful shocks to each one. Jack grabbed one of them from behind and smashed his face into the wall a few times. Derrick shot one of the others in the back while the third tried to shoot him once again. This one ended about as well as the last one before a finishing shock knocked him to the floor."Well, fighting to help them might help us gain their trust.""I suppose..."Derrick looked at the fallen Weapon-X agents armors for a minute and a thought."Hey, catch," he said removing the nanobot armor and tossing it to Jack. "Look at the Weapon-X agents."Jack was slightly suspicious as placed the armor on him and glanced at the dead agents. Within a few moments the armor had changed to copy the appearance of one of their agents."Try and sneak behind their lines, wouldja?" Derrick said pulling a part of the armor, making a knife and handing it and his gun to Jack."And your gun?""You need it now more than me. It takes a good deal more to try and fashion a gun from this armor, and we left both of yours in the car.""True...""Alright, and try to make sure the mutants here don't try to kill you, they might take this whole you being in Weapon-X agent armor," he said bounding off."...Right..." he said, waiting a few moments before moving to make himself look like a Weapon-X agent.
  20. IC: "Thank you very much, lead the way," Jack said looking at the hole as if nothing's wrong.Derrick stared at it for a moment longer before he decided it was best not to ask any questions.
  21. IC: "Um... judging by the plants, there is some sort of... fight going on?" Jack asked, not too concerned with the answer.Derrick swallowed in his throat before saying, "We still have to go in there, we need to speak with, those in charge..." he said trying to phrase it carefully. "Is there a back way to go in?"OOC: By the way be sure to keep Derrick and John away from Aleks, lest conflict happen.
  22. IC: Derrick and Jack were walking up the steps to the mansion, both thinking of ways they could try to explain how they should try and explain themselves first."Maybe you should talk to them first, you were the one who never supported the Enforcers in the first place.""Yes but you're the mutant, and the one who actually needs to explain himself.""True but you need to trust them too. Plus you've got works of literature calling for the end of the registration.""...I wrote to the newspaper once.""Ah but they printed it, didn't they?"Then the two brothers saw vines growing up tall, a lot taller then they should normally be doing before entering the school."Think it's a common occurence, or that something is horribly wrong?""..."
  23. IC: As the car approached the school, Derrick's mood began to change from angry to anxious. He hadn't thought about it too much before. How was he, and Ex-Enforcer suppose to go to the X-men, and ask for help. He needed protection from the people he had once called allies, people they call enemies.Be honest, he thought, they are going to find out eventually no matter what. Best to be truthful from the beginning and work on building trust...The feeling that he had reached its deepest and most foul point when they finally had reached the institution."Well let's enter into the lion's den Jack," he said really hoping this would go well.The elder Davis brother stopped as he heard his brother say the name 'Jack.'"You haven't called me Jack in a long time.""We haven't been on good speaking terms in a long time.""True," Jack said slightly shrugging with his head.OOC: See Flex, now he is Jack,
  24. OOC: Ack skip means we don't get to write the ending, just summarize. Ah well.IC: Derrick was swearing under his breath while John drove the car. He had a look of both anger and pain on his face due to an attack that Aleksander had managed to pull off near the end of their battle. Had it not been for John's quick action and good aim, he would not have made it away. John looked towards Derrick and saw the face that showed such anger."He had to have been from Weapon-X, there is no way he was from any of the other factions. We have to go back, they'll..." he shuddered to think about what was going to happen."We can't go about saving her now, we're outnumbered and outmatched. We have to go and find the X-men. Like you and Krystal planned.""And what?! Just leave her?!" Derrick yelled, showing he was not thinking rationally at the moment."If we went back, the only thing that would happen is that we could get caught or die. You know that's true."Derrick cursed slightly turning away. He was angry but he knew what John had said was true. They outnumbered that Weapon-X assailant and yet he was winning, going back now would be suicide. But he felt responsible for everything that had happened to Krystal, and he couldn't stand the fact they left her with him."Don't worry, we will come back eventually, we just need time, and allies."Derrick took a deep breath before saying, "I know, I know that, but still, if I see him again..." he thought calming down from his anger, trying to dispell thoughts of hate from his mind.
  25. IC: A quick flashback happened in Jamie's mind. She remembered that when they were first assigned the mission. The fact that Pryce had supposedly came back from a different dimension.... Please tell me that it is a coincidence, she thought as Pelleas returned to her. "By the way..." she said, "Who is he?" she said pointing to Jackson, as she had no clue who he was, never having seen him before. IC: James wrote down the address of the cafe he mentioned, and a time of which I really can't say I've thought this through enough to give an pretty good guess. But my bet is that it would be sometime the next afternoon. "I look forward to it," he said handing her the note before leaving. The walk back to his office was quiet as he did not have Guinevere out and he was trying to mull something over. Entering his office, he opened his laptop and began searching through files of his own. He finally found the file he was looking for. "JAMIE_ARTHUR" IC: The clown smiled as he saw that Zach knew what he was doing and let the CD spin at normal speed. Richard had "YES!" face on him before he started singing again. "Johnny you rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard.'Cos yup broke loose in Driftveil and the devil deals the cards." The Snorlax took the brunt of the attack head on, using Curse to minimize damage as he could, before throwing himself into a tumble. "And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold." Dionysus then launched himself at Blade using the fullness of blubber to use Body Slam. "But if you lose, the devil gets your soul!."
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