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Turaga Dlakii

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Status Updates posted by Turaga Dlakii

  1. Hi. :)

    Whoa.. your last five posts were in my New Comic Emporium! :D

  2. Hmm, Noosa. Nice place, I hear. =)

  3. Hmm, your Photo's being glitchy.

  4. Holy heck, is that mai puppeh in your sig? =O

  5. Holy snap, HE LIVES! =O

  6. Holy snap, you're exactly a year younger than me. =O

  7. However the mangosteen evolved and developed over time, it seriously got lucky about what it became. Compared to several species of poisonous berry, for instance. :P

  8. Huh. Nice picture of Duck. Or Montague, as his original name apparently was in the books.

  9. I did that ten minutes ago. :P

    Some of those were deeply disturbing. Those poor Mudkips... :(

  10. I don't suppose anyone's ever mentioned how awesome you - and your blog, sig and av furnishings - are? =)

  11. I henceforth name you "Spamkiller". Or something like that. :)

  12. I hit 1000, you hit 5000. Coincidence?

    Yes. :P

  13. I just kinda realised that I finally have more posts than you... :P

  14. I just started reading Full Metal Alchemist myself. And you're right; Edward IS amazingly awesome!

  15. I know. Ain't it great?

  16. I rated you five stars.

    Why? Dunno.

  17. I seriously NEED that expression from the pic. It's awesome like that. :)

  18. I should hope they don't make an Eldest film. And I'm aware about Brisingr; it's just that in 2006, I read that it was due in '07.

  19. I strangely find your personal photo immensely amusing and awesome. She failing at Brawl or something? =P

  20. I take it I'll get no sympathy from you, good sir? :P

  21. I think I recognise the quote in your sig from somewhere... =O

  22. I think not. It's not as if it was a Secret Stomach Message or anything. :D

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