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Turaga Dlakii

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Everything posted by Turaga Dlakii

  1. Yeah, that's right, 1000 posts. Anyway, in relation to that, I launched my new MOC library topic, the MOCkery. Click to visit. Interestingly, its creation WAS my 1000th post. Do I sound bored? Yeah, probably because I put all the excitement into the other means of touting the milestone.
  2. I think not. It's not as if it was a Secret Stomach Message or anything. :D

  3. I'm saving that last post for something... special. I just need to organise something...

  4. That's very reassuring, Xay. :P

  5. Turaga Dlakii

    Chem Is Try.

    Now that makes less sense than maths. Yeah, chemistry is win. And so are pictures of Nuparu and the Boxor - one of my all-time favourite sets.
  6. Turaga Dlakii


    Extra awesomeness. It looks rather young - as he should look. Strangely, the colour scheme reminds me of Onuki, a former member (and a friend of a friend) of this site.
  7. If you were as big a Fire Emblem fan as I am, and if you detested Dark709 as much as I do, you'd understand that Dark709 using Fire Emblem music is a truly horrifying notion.
  8. Oh, forgot you entirely. Anyway, you could always try out for Noir. He's (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) ten times better than Teridax. *looks around* DIBS ON NOIR IF I CAN FIND A MICROPHONE! Clearly, I should've mentioned the neccessity of a microphone.
  9. It's kind of ironic that, now he's been degenerated to New Member status, neither of us can contact him.

  10. Ah yes... those were the days.

    Strange irony, isn't it, Dreik? You're the last of my original PGSs remaining.

  11. Spammers = OWNED. Or something like that.
  12. Oh, forgot you entirely. Anyway, you could always try out for Noir. He's (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) ten times better than Teridax.
  13. No idea.

    But now you have, I'll have less chance of getting rid of you. :D

  14. Checks? Oh.

    Eh, I tried to rationalise. Guess it's imposible around here.

  15. Turaga Dlakii

    Gali Olda

    That's the Gali I never had.... and the Gali LEGO didn't bother to make. Extra awesomeness.
  16. Bumping and editing because of new developments... Right, it took a while, but I've developed a list of roles in The Unknown Turaga: The Movie. If you wish to apply for any of these roles, express your interest in this entry and I'll PM you some trial lines. Bear in mind that some roles have already been filled, or are pending filling. Genders of each role are indicated by colouring of text Dlakii, Turaga of Light - - taken by me Lai, Le-Matoran - - taken by Lai: Toa of Shadows Dreiken, Toa of Ice - - taken by Lai: Toa of Shadows DudeNuva, Toa of Mists - - taken by DudeNuva Thekoo, Toa of Lightning - - pending role acceptance from Kotahn iKKF, warrior Toa - - pending role acceptance from Karkava Vak, Ta-Matoran - - pending role acceptance from Tahuri Proto D, Dragon Ta-Matoran Hev, Toa of Fire - - pending role acceptance from Vorthon's younger sister Beliwa, Toa of Demons - - taken by Phyoohrii Noir, Shadow Matoran Teridax, Makuta of Metru Nui - - pending role acceptance from Tahuri Dume, Turaga of Fire - - pending role acceptance from Kotahn Now, to clear a few things up: 1. If you're confused about anything, read my original comics, The Unknown Turaga, which the film is concluding. If the relatively poor quality scares you off (What? I was just starting out!), visit The Unknown Turaga Wiki where, hopefully by now, there are story details and summaries. 2. Yes, I am aware that the genders of a few characters cannot exist in normal Bionicle canon (that is, a female Toa of Fire cannot exist). 3. What I said earlier still applies; you need a microphone, and you must have posted in any of my comic topics AT LEAST TWICE. 3-b. However, in certain situations, I will make exceptions, but it's entirely at my discretion. Begging will not help at all. 4. You've got to be somewhat committed to the project. Like any sprite film, this will have to be released in parts. Don't be surprised if I'm still bugging you for lines in a year or so. 5. If you want, you can apply for two roles. That merely means less work for me in chasing lines. 6. And yes, there is a reason that actual Bionicle characters are on that list. 7. When you get the lines, please DO NOT tell others what's going to happen. Spoiling the plot is my job. 8. Please don't try to apply for any roles that I have marked as "taken" or "pending". Just like I said, those roles are taken or pending. 9. If you happen to be Vak, Thekoo or iKKF, I assigned your characters those elements because you did not provide any originally. 10. Sign up for yourself only. Don't recommend anyone, don't say "o ill get so-and-so". To apply, post here which role you are applying for. I will, once I've finally written the script, send you an excerpt so you can do a test line. Send that to me once you've done it. Once I have tests from all applicants, I will go through all the applicants for each role and pick the one I have judged as the best for that character. I will then send each the lines for all of Part 1 of the film. Once again, PLEASE BE SERIOUS AND ON-TOPIC ABOUT THIS. Spam will be mercilessly massacred. Questions? Comments? Applications? Fire away!
  17. Great! You won't have to worry about Teridax or Dume for a very long time. Thekoo, on the other hand, appears almost instantly, and Vak follows some time after. Once I've got the Part 1 script completed, you two can try out for Vak and Thekoo. Shortly after, I'll have Teridax's only speaking part in the film done (rest assured, it's a monologue), and eventually, Kotahn can test for Dume. Thanks!
  18. He used some Fire Emblem music in his (horrible) third film. Subjecting such beautiful music to use in THAT fail is a crime. He must pay... and he will... when I release UTMovie. It will be SO win, it'll wipe out the competition. (For the record, the song used was Crimean Army Sortie, from Path of Radiance and Super Smash Bros Brawl.) It's not the first time either; he used, much to my disgust, Together We Ride in his second film. (That originated from Blazing Sword and Super Smash Bros Melee, and is one of my favourite Fire Emblem tracks of all time.)
  19. Today, a speeding dodgeball hit me hard in the back of my head. It made me blink. And I can peel an orange with my bare hands without even trying. I had no jumper with me at school, and wouldn't you know, it was freezing and raining. IN WINTER. And I barely noticed it at all. .... .... *awkward silence* I... think I'll go get two more posts now.
  20. Like that'll help. It's not like I can work on something I've already completed when I'm locked in a room with you some random lunatic.
  21. Turaga Dlakii


    I don't believe it. The month's nearly over, and I STILL haven't finished Chapter 5 of LIGHT?! This is bad, even by my standards! And I've still got to design a certain room.... not to mention certain cylindrical objects that happen to be in there... and put it all together... and induce Photoshoppy goodness! That's it; I've got to get off the Brawl.
  22. I'm writing everything in one-sentence paragraph summaries. Obviously. I loaned Radiant Dawn to one of my friends. Now I'm writing some unit reccommendations for him. Turns out that my friend didn't know about her entry into the Maths Competition. Which was today. I barely escaped with my life. Why's this been knocked down to three stars? I only need five more posts for 1000. And I'm now confirming the production of The Newsroom Movie. It could be helpful in a way; it might give me an opportunity to practice my animation before I finally get to work on UTMovie. Tahuri, Kotahn, hurry up and confirm your interest in appearing. Please.
  23. Dang right, it's cool. I'll take that, thank you. It's a VERY long game even compared to the rest of the Fire Emblem series, so a buy is reccommended. Just make sure you can sell it on eBay or offload it onto a friend if you find you don't like it.
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