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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    I made this a couple of days before the BZP Rap. Its messy, given the hour I made was alo Spanish Class. I believe the BZP Rap was better, but this one is deep.


    Oh what a year it has been
    Have you seen the pain, hate and sin?
    Everything went so fast
    But is it all in the past?
    Why is it that I wear the scars
    And people rise above as stars
    And choose to beat me down
    And when I call for help
    I receive not a sound?
    They don't care what they need
    Their drive is terrible greed
    I'm a caged bird singing
    I need to breathe
    Is anyone going to set me free?
    2007 was a year of pain
    And 2008 only looks to be more insane
    But I'm going to rise above all the factions
    Not have my words always speak
    But instead my actions
    Trust me, in this world now, you have to...
    Because their determined to rip you to fractions.

    Now in the criticism, I hope you know what you mean by having to stretch the rhyme. The poems I write are meant for speaking, not reading. So read it outloud, not in your mind.

  2. Arch-Angel
    The number 54. The number of weeks in a year (Plus 2), John Cena's number in his College football years, number of Diet Pepsi I'd drink in a week, and number of people Chuck Norris has restraining orders against on BZP, and... well, I just like the number.
    What I'm trying to say, nothing would make me feel more happier then to end this year with at least some accomplishment. The First Day of this year I have the memory of my father getting arrested. My first girlfriend and I broke up a week before Valentines. My first punch to the jaw. I could go on.
    Still don't understand? Let me help you.





    But I know I have to earn it. I know I can't get it by saying "ME WANT BLOG AWARD" I have to entertain you all.  
    But the question is...

  3. Arch-Angel
    In Greek Mythology, Achilles was a Greek Hero of the Trojan War, and was immortal or something, and died when shot with an arrow through his heel, they only part of his body not immortal. And then he died.
    Well, my left knee hurts. Forgot my knee wrap at home, so now I have an Ace Banage around it, which isn't taking away from the pain. It feels like... burning? In the inside of my knee. I can't really describe it.
    In other news...
    The roads in Mass. are slippery. By slippery, I mean I hope you know how to freakin' skate. I fell on my butt trying to get to the bus stop, having to walk on tire trials that had sand on them it have some kind of traction. May I also mention that the morning commute is getting served. The icy roads have caused pile-ups and accidents all over. Heck, there are 12-15 accidents on North 93!
    Omi must be having fun... can't wait for his entry on today...
    Wonder if goes something like this.

  4. Arch-Angel
    Many of you know (by many, I mean the few that read my blog) that I hate Tuesdays.
    I mean, HATE. Its my curse. Tuesday = Pain for me.
    But this Tuesday, Smackdown! and ECW are coing to Boston (nearly a year since they've been here) and I'm looking forward to being near the ring with my best friend.
    Of course, the whole being a Wrestling Fan thing would've never happened if it wasn't for my parents and the divorce, and the anger that flowed through my blood since, but I'm cool right now.
    I'll take pics of my sign and if I happen to see someone with a World Title Belt, I'll ask to borrow it for a few pics.
    Your WWE fan (And hopefully future WWE Superstar),

  5. Arch-Angel
    Update on my life, I have quit the Wrestling Team to continue on working with my grades. Gotta put that ahead of sports. Also, I got a new mp3 player (wonder what I coul get now for Christmas), the Sansa c240 1 GB (Black).
    If you know me, you know I speak Spanglish.
    What is Spanglish you ask?

    Might I mention it is very fun to speak.
    Let me give some simple translations easy to remember and to spell:
    Yo - I
    Me/Mi - My
    Madre - Mom
    Padre - Dad
    Padres - Parents
    Hermano - Brother
    Hermana - Sister
    Amigo(s) - Friend(s)
    Tu - You
    Gusta - Like
    Amor - My Love
    Es - Is
    Muy - Very
    Soy - Am
    Que pasa? - What's up?/What's going on?

    Mi madre es muy angry. ><
    Me no gusta your hermana. >_>
    Mi padre's making take out the trash.
    Karley es mi amor.
    Yo soy Pirate!
    Can I go out with mi amigos?
    Que pasa, boi!?
    Hope that clears up most of my simple bi-lingual speech online and in the real world.

  6. Arch-Angel
    The lights and idea came from Jack_Skellington, my new unoffical business partner.
    Notice the Christmas Lights on the Custom Content Blocks on your right? Its simple decoration!




    Credit Jack Skellington and myself! Mostly Jack!
    Happy Holidays (Because the government won't let me say 'Merry Christmas'),

  7. Arch-Angel
    Can't say I'm looking forward to practice, and I can't say I will anytime soon.
    Its taken a bite out of my social time and academics, and I don't think I'll have any good to offer to the team, so...
    Guessing I should quit.
    Meanwhile, once I get back home, I'll hit up the Code: Lyoko RPG. Its been a while, and I should post.
    Maybe I'll get a job after quitting the team...
    I got things to think about. See you all when I get home.
  8. Arch-Angel
    Ah... Tuesday.
    One of the many vains of my existance.
    Missed school today, last night was long, and I don't want to get into it.
    All day on the computer, and for some reason, BZP refuses to entertain.
    In other news...

    Also, introducing my new soda, Brazil's Finest...

    Good day, everyone. Unfortunately, its Tuesday.

  9. Arch-Angel
    As you should all know, I drink Diet Pepsi. I love it. LOVE IT.
    But is it healthy?

    List of Diet Sodas with aspartame:

    That seems to be the my problem.
    And orginal Pepsi gives me weight I can't afford to have (Wrestling Coch says to stay with at least 5 pounds at most away from Weight Class, I measured 220 today. Before 215) so what CAN I HAVE?!
    Please comment! Not trying to get comments for the heck of it, I MEAN it!

  10. Arch-Angel
    Basically what I yelled continiously facing my 300-pound partner. Today we cut down a bit on the excerise and did combat moves, and then combat.
    The pressures of life had me thinking. All I had to do for wrestling to be an asset to the team, which is hard. 100 bucks to stay, can't get a job, and I got to be there every weekday and all.
    I wanted to quit.
    I talked to the assistant coach I went up against (last entry) and told him. He said to stick around for this practice and if it was to be my last, to make it good. So I did.
    As practice moved along, I'm paired with one of the few heavweights. I'm in weight class 215, and I am exactly 215 pounds. He's 300 pounds.
    So the combat moves require lifting the opponent up a bit to get them off their feet and their back on the mat.
    So I'm slammed down 15 times getting crushed...
    Most painful injuries was just the burns of sliding on the mat a bit. Others include my elbow getting under my back and landing on just my ribs.
    "Come around!" Shouts my coach.
    We get there.
    He starts reading his paper. He thinks for a while.
    "Combat! If you want to leave, then leave! I only need 14 guys for a team!"
    Kind of felt something directed towards me.
    I stayed. I wasn't going to let a 300 pound freshman leave without having some fight inside of me unleashed.
    Constantly being pushed over the line, I've unleashed the animal in me and slammed the wall hard with my hand. I know he was winning. I know I didn't have a chance to get to win. It was 20-0.
    He pushed me out another two times, then I finally I got my elbow right to his face to back him up passed the line.
    1 point.
    "Whats the score?" He asked, breathing hard.
    "Who cares? You win, I lose."
    Going back to the center of the circle, we go at it again. Once we broke up, I charged for a hard push, he held his ground, and gave a hard push as I was in mid-run.
    I hugged my ribs. My back hit the ground hard. He won. It was 10 points to get the person on the mat entirely, and he did. I got up, he patted me on my back with his sweaty hand, and the loser (me) went go do 50 pull ups.
    A fellow wrestler held me feet and told me how to get a harder workout from it, and helped me up.
    After getting a drink of water, I got a few nods from other teammates and shook hands with a teammate who's become a friend to me.
    I told my assistant coach I'm staying. Being an underdog is my place. A disadvantage is what drives me. Whther its height, skill, or weight (mostly height and weight), a fighting spirit goes on.
    Called my mom, tell her First-Year/Freshman practice is over, hanged out at the entrance, and listened to my music.
    As the rap on the radio played on, I liked the remix, but also started thinking about things.
    I haven't talked to Karley in a while. I had been crushed and man-handled by someone 300 pound freshman who nearly fractured a few of my bones, and I sucked it in when I hurt my ribs, which weren't . I have trouble walking because my legs still sore. I don't know if I can keep my grades up. I want to go home.
    I couldn't tell why. I just started crying. It got me really thinking. I can't tell why myself.
    What triggered it?

  11. Arch-Angel
    Wait... what?
    Its Thursday?
    My biological clock in so messed up right now. Yesterday, I thought it was Tuesday, the day I hate especially. Why? I haven't talked to Bionigirl in what feels like two weeks when actually two days.
    But the second-worse thing about yesterday was Amatuer Wrestling Practice.
    I was still sore from the first practice. My thighs and my butt hurt when I go upstairs, downstairs, walking, getting up, trying to sit down, and move out of the way of people in the hallways. Today's even worse. More sore, more pain, etc.
    In practice, we got to do combat, which basically means we go up against either our partner or a chosen partner. I get graduated-from-High-School-last-year-with plenty of expericence Assistant Coach. The way you had to win was first person to get to thrity points would win. The you would gets points is by either getting both of the opponent's hands on the mat (2 points) or get them to pass the line on the mat. He overpowered me trice times (thats three) to get me passed the line and got my hands on the ground twice. Equals 7 points to... 0. I wrestled for 20 long minutes and lost. They reason he got me off the mat the last two times was the fact I was more exhausted, I was even more sore, and definitely not at 100%, though he noticed the I worked out a bit considering I held my ground well.
    Half of me considered quitting the team, and the other half cussed myself out and told myself that I've only had two days of practice so far, and to suck it up. So I took my insults and advice.
    Got home via ride from mom's co-worker, and within an hour, after a shower, turning on the computer, doing my sister's laundry for her and about to go downstairs to get her boyfriend in the lobby, my body said, "Nap time."
    ...So I wake up at 11:30 PM. First I though it was morning and I missed the most part of school, said "Whatever" and then looked out my window. No sunshine.
    Dang it!
    I didn't miss school, but I didn't have any BZP time or AIM time in case Bionigirl came on. I got some dinner, went online for 15 minutes, brushed my teeth, and hit the sack again.
    Wasted day... and today does not look any bit as promising.
    Did I mention Saturday Practice at 1-4?
    I miss Karley...
    Sad, tired, and somewhat regretting to have such a enthusiastic, unenthusiastic personality...
  12. Arch-Angel
    My first practice for wrestling and the sweatiest I've been since Summer, and I think I might of surpassed that.
    I am sore. I am tired.
    And I'm going to hit the gym soon.
    For some reason, amateur wrestling is starting to come naturally. Got a point from my partner everytime he reached in for an atack. Guess its because I love lifting people up using the Fireman's Carry and you get a point just lifting their leg up. Can't let them get your leg up or have your head touch the mat. I'm hard enough to get off my feet.
    Though through the practice, there is this manvuer where you bring you waist and thighs down really quick with your legs up, and lets just say one landing of mine wasn't too well. ><
    The coach said this is the hardest sport in the school, that we're going to get sore, that we're going to get hurt, sometimes bleed, and that the only way you'll last is through Hard Work.
    Thats what got me. Hard Work. Anything physical that will prove to be a acheivable challenge, I'll take.
    There is an old saying in wrestling that my coach told us.
    "Boys play with balls, and men wrestle."
    I like it. Its cocky. Its irrogant. Its tick others off.
    But I alway feel better about myself only that.
    Your Future WWE Champion of the World...!

  13. Arch-Angel
    The day hasn't been bad so far. ALmost missed the bus if I didn't take my bike and got there on spot where the bus came. If I had said bye to my mom or put on the belt to my jeans, I would've missed it!
    Yeah, I had a rushing morning. Taking a shower and shave, get dressed, make a small breakfast, make sure you have everything, decide whether or not to bring a book, all in 50 minutes is a hard task, especially if I had 4-5 hours of sleep and could care less. Dunno what drove me to actually do it. Must've been my Mom's threating side...
    Well, you came here for the title.
    My friend's mom has Breast Cancer. Week or two ago she found out, told my friend, friend told me to do my "prayer thing"
    Lady Ranna ~ Spirit Keeper's father is in the hospital.
    Gukurak's acquaintance had a lung collapse.
    Taki is facing a lot of difficulty in his life right now. His blog is inactive as of now (don't worry, it'll come back).
    What I'm asking for you is to pray for them. And if you don't believe, then try to cheer them up. Give some support, even if you don't know them outside from an acquaintance. Heck, I don't know Lady Ranna as far as that one blog entry. Same with Gukurak.
    But please, not even in the spirit of Christmas, but of good will, pray and help those in need.
    And remember to pray for those out there in the world without families, warmth, a roof over their heads or food for that matter. It doesn't have to be in other countries, because in this country it happens too. I know, I have come very close to having my best clothes come from the Thrift Shop. I think I still have a few of those old shirts somewhere...
    I have to talk to my friend soon. She doesn't know I know about her mom's cancer. And for it to hit this close in her family is tragic. Not to mention it being this close to the Holidays.
    Everyone can give the gift of a simple prayer. So if its better to give than receive, why not give a prayer? And helping one another is a great way to make a friend. And a friendship is worth more than gold.
    Christmas gifts shouldn't be measured from the amount of cash you spent, but how much love from your heart you're willing to give.
  14. Arch-Angel
    My madre spending a wad of cash for the 'spirit' of Christmas.
    Mom is a bargain hunter. But to the point the bargain is useless and she spends too much. Dunno where she even gets the cash!
    Anyways, I was spent to the point of getting a headache, but after an aspirin, I'm good.
    But seriously, everyone.
    Before, Christmas was about spending the day with the Family, eating wonderful food, having a couple snowball fights, make a snowman, sit in the living room watching Christmas Specials while having a sweater with a perfect temperature...
    Ahh... the good old days...
    Speaking of which, I want to bring by the old school BZP sig fad!
    The text-made Lightsaber...

  15. Arch-Angel
    Today... Black Friday...
    All I got was two more things to add to my Christmas/Birthday List (B-Day on Dec. 19th) and I want a Diet Pepsi, and a 2007 Dodge Charger R/T Radio Control scale 1:6 (meaning it six times smaller than actual car) that mp3 player adaptable. Would look beautiful, and not to mention fun to play with in my room, apartment, apartment floor, parking lot, garage, the highway (maybe not) or any other flat surfaces.
    Thing is, its 80 bucks.
    But that shall not bring me down!
    Another thing, Black Friday is a hoax. All they were actually selling were fake Christmas trees at 200 and 300 bucks. Thats my week's pay full time back in the summer! Only thing I got on sale was the book 'I Am Legend' that was made into a movie by Will Smith (Coming out Dec. 14th), and I hear it follows the book accurately enough, unlike 'I,Robot' (which the book sucked) and I got me a Hot Wheel's 99 cent Dodge Charger SRT8 1:64 just to make me feel better.
    Anywho, whats truly ticking me off is the live event in Boston on Dec. 11th. Its WWE Smackdown! and ECW on the same night, and three tickets are 155 bucks! Should've bought them this morning when they were closer and cheaper!
    Around this time of year, all that matter is the money...
    Gotta find a job...


  16. Arch-Angel
    Before, in the past, I believed this holiday to be one of peace, giving thanks, and eating until my stomach nearly bursted.
    This year, I have had little peace, few things to be thankful for, and I'm not hungry...
    If you noticed, I haven't done a blog entry on any holidays. I told you the ones of the past, the ones that were littered with family sorrow.
    When I thought that my life would go smooth and fine. When I thought that Christmas 2006 would be fun. This day marks the anniversary of when I thought that my parents would stay together.
    I'll tell you what I'm thankful for.
    I am thankful for not living on the streets. I am thankful that I'm a Believer, I am thankful for my girlfriend Bionigirl, I am thankful for my friend Taki, I am thankful of my friends in my old town, and I am thankful I have some friends in my new school.
    What I'm not thankful for?
    I am not thankful for living in an apartment that gives me as much freedom to the outside to that o a prison. I am not thankful for the fact this Christmas might be more of a disappointment then last year's. I a not thankful that I still have to deal with the fact that my parents are divorced and I don't hear the end of it.
    The Holidays to disappoint are upon me yet again...
    Happy Holidays everyone, I hope you'll enjoy it more than I will...

  17. Arch-Angel
    That Song of the Day, in Spanish!
    This one as a singles hit in 2005, an though I got tired of it, I'm not today.
    What made this stick out about other raps was that its about his family, and how he's sorry he's not there for his daughter more, or at all for that matter. Its touching, emotional song...
    When I'm Gone by Eminem.
    I only censored what the radio verison of it censored. Figured it was only right that I did to.
    Your song-loving member,

  18. Arch-Angel
    With the book 'Catcher in the Rye' next to me, and the test on it next period then I go home (half-day, Thanksgiving) thing is... I ain't done with the book.
    This should be an interesting English Class...
    I think I have the Song of the Day for today. Have to edit a few things, but its a touching. I'll have it to you when I can.
    In other news, the first snowfall of the season came here. I just hope for a blizzard to roll in before Christmas. I like my Christmas covered in snow. Last year was a disappointment in Mass. and NYC. Only melted or melting snow, not fresh snowfall. Maybe I want to have some free water once in a while (yeah yeah, yellow snow, I know)
    Also, I like to read. Literature is something I do. 'Catcher in the Rye' is basically a story on my point of view, just more depressed. I don't want to read stuff I already know (Too bad the test next is on the story, not the philosophy). So if any of you know any good books out there (not fantasy or Sci Fi) about 200 page min. I'll really apreciate it.
    Thanks for reading...
  19. Arch-Angel
    This song is a personal favorite. Goes out to Bionigirl, my girlfriend, and everyone else out there.
    It is...
    If Everyone Cared by Nickelback
    Remember, the Song of the Day Content Block is under the Metals of Honor Content Block if you want to see the lyrics.
    Off to the gym, bye y'all...

  20. Arch-Angel
    Last night, I was up 'til 1 reading 'Catcher in the Rye', a book that would be one of my favorites if it just wasn't so negative. I mean, I half-understand the guy, but if it were me, I'd be a little bit happier... whatever.
    I'm reading the book for English class, and today its due for return, and the test on it is Wednesday (Thanksgiving Early Release Day) but I'm only on page 98... out of 214 or 17.
    Would've read more if I wasn't talking to Taki and my girlfriend, but I don't care. Besides, thats not the point. I have no regrets talking to my girlfriend and Taki. Taki's like family anyway.
    Back to the point, I have to wake up at 6:00... well, Its 15 minutes ahead so that I might not have to chase the bus again. But from 1:27 AM to 5:45 AM?
    Not such a good amount of hours for me.
    So, automatically I get up, turn off the radio, go back to bed. Barely remember doing that.
    I get up in a rush. Its 8:28 AM. Bus comes at 6:50-7:00 AM. Mom will already be mad that I missed the bus. She'll was even more angry finding me asleep. After I checked my watch at 8:28, I figure I might as well sleep however long I can before she finds me. Fifteen minutes later, she wakes me up, obvisiously not happy. She took a shower first, then I did. Still not awake, but awake to operate. I do my morning routine, then by 10, she brought me to school. Missed the first and second period, so all I got now is this Study, Gym next, then English. Perfect... 'cept the English part. That buzz killer of a book ain't gonna read itself, so I'll crank out the next 10 minutes reading it.
    Bye y'all...
  21. Arch-Angel
    If you haven't read my poem to her yet (link in the last entry), then I am happy to tell you that I have the perfect girlfriend.

    I love this girl. Its a strong love. Though it took me Lord knows how long to say that, I'm just glad that I have.
    Even more, she's gorgeous.
    Have to thank God and Taki for this one. God for obvisious reasons, and Taki for letting us meet each other.
    Floating on cloud with my girl,

  22. Arch-Angel
    The Song of the Day goes to the one that gets me everytime.
    If you get the chance, listen to it. I've kept this song on my mp3 players (all three of them) and it lives on in my playlist at Windows Media Player.
    I present to you...
    By Nickelback

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