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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    Those of you that read my blog know me well enough that... I'm crazy, I'm stupid, and heck, I'm so much of both, I'm a Grade-B genius at it.
    Don't understand what I'm talking about?
    Here ya go.

    Oh, and more recently...
    I really want to just pull off something so incredibly stupid, its mind-bottling amazing!
    Thats right, mind-bottling.
    When all your thoughts are trapped and mixed up, like in a bottle...
    Well, though I miss my crazy stupid days, can't do much (or anything for that matter) in a school wherea teacher could pop up at any corner...
    Holding in "Crazy Stupid"...

    Trying to find Song of the Day...
  2. Arch-Angel
    Hey! Omi was right! The title will attract them!
    I'm sorry guys and gals, couldn't help myself.
    So, I got a problem. Not a big one, just...
    I need help with my Christmas/Birthday List.
    This is it so far...
    1. New mp3 Player: the one I have isn't being detected by the computer anymore, so can't put in music...
    2. CM Punk Clover Baseball Cap
    3. Batista Unleashed Hardcover Book
    4. Gift Card to American Eagle or Hollister
    Any suggestions?

  3. Arch-Angel
    Today's song was what I listened through my days of misery from being made fun of for being a Christian, the lyrics are good, and hearing it is even better.
    I Will Hold My Head High by Thrid Day
    If you ever listen to it, or have listened to it, you know what I mean.
    Roaming CoT and the Community Blog, your local multi-genre DJ...

  4. Arch-Angel
    This morning went better than most mornings. I dreamt a story that actually made sense, had it stopped by the sound of the radio going off at 5:51 AM, brushed my teeth, shaved a perfect shave with a new razor (no burns!) got dressed, ate a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, got my bag, and left. Everything perfect. Got my cash, my mp3, wallet, ID, everything.
    So I'm walking to the bus stop, the usual people are there, and a few more considering its raining (thankfully not as hard as it was yesterday) I am less than 25 feet away. The bus pulls in, everyone gets in, I'm running, the bus leaves.
    NO. The story isn't over.
    A man in his car witnessed my run for the bus.
    "Hey, where's the next stop?"
    "This was the last one."
    "Oh man."
    "But there is a traffic light a quarter-mile up the highway."
    "You sure it'll be a red light?"
    "Its always a red light."
    "Alright, get in."
    We drive up, the bus is inching closer ad closer to the light. Luckily the thrid lane formed and the cars in front of us moved out of the second lane (which we were on) and we got to the point where we were a car away. I thanks the man plenty, got out, and ran over to the bus. I knocked on the window. Though I didn't understand the movement of his hands, my sister did once I got back home.
    He had the index finger going side to side, the 'safe' call you see in baseball, and with both hands pointed down moving up and down.
    Translation: 'Not safe here'
    The bus drove off as the green light went up and the cars in front moved. I watched the bus go off in the distance and disappear going slightly downhill.
    So its raining, the back of my pants at the bottom are wet from puddles in the break-down lane I'm walking in, and its a quarter-mile walk back to my apartment.
    During my walk, first thing that popped up,"Hey, I got a story for my blog."
    Plus I could listen to the radio on my mp3.
    Get home, told my mom not to give me any crud and told the story, decided to sty home, slept until 1, and two hours later, I made this entry. Its 3:11 PM, and a pretty funny start to a Friday.
    Song of the Day at 7 or sooner...

  5. Arch-Angel
    This one goes out to my good friend Taki, whom personal troubles reminded me of this song. I actually listened to ths song or thought of it when I thought of my crush from my old town.
    The song genre is Blues, and was made in 1972...
    Bobby "Blue" Bland's very own,
    Ain't No Love in the Heart of the City
    Lyrics at the bottom right side of the blog.

  6. Arch-Angel
    I'm sure many of you know how Public School Physical Education goes.
    Those that know the sport, play the sport.
    Those that know the sport, but do/not care about playing and... just don't get to actually play.
    I finally came into Gym Class and was asked by the jocks to play Full Back and Receiver in ou football game today. Suprised I actually caught the ball as a receiver (glad I told him not to whip it) I was able to to get through ten yards of defense covering me like a freakin' tent to make first down. As Full Back, I was the Quarterback's blocker, meaning anyone in his way, I push them out of.
    Over all, that was the highlight.
    The lowlight (new word, means the opposite of highlight;lowest point) was the fact my mom was informed by yours truly that I was going to the late bus, which leaves at 3:30 PM, if I changed my mind to take the first bus, I would have to call her somehow. Needless to say, I took the first bus, using another person's cellphone to leave a message on her cell.
    She didn't bother to listen to the message until I used the company phone in the apartment lobby in the cupboard of a desk (for the cop thats never here) that I'm not allowed to use. It wasn't until 3:40 that I remembered the phone after it started ringing. Spent one hour and fifteen minutes of my life reading 'Catcher in the Rye' until I dosed off again and again until said phone was discovered.
    I've dubbed myself the Lobby Rat for that. It was the second time. FIrst time was 45 minutes, and I used the mailman's cell.
    Thats right, I do not have a cellular device. If I did, it would be a T-Mobile Razr... either black or silver...
    Well, thats my day, gotta go to the gym... at 8:48 PM...

  7. Arch-Angel
    I've decided to start a new content block with a song I find entertaining or emotional.
    Going off from my usual Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B genre of music, today's song is Raw's Opening Theme Song:
    ...To Be Loved
    by Papa Roach

  8. Arch-Angel
    I've decided to make this blog express myself a bit more. And my a bit, I mean I'm gonna look around the internet put up images that describe me.
    It gives me something to do. Now if you excuse me, I just woke up and I need to do my morning rountine...
    Happy Veteran's Day everyone.

  9. Arch-Angel
    The way my life is going, I feel like a fish out of water. So long my life has had tradegy. So long, I've faced pain and trouble.
    But now... what's going on?
    I feel out of my territory. I'm not in the Bottomless Pit of my life. I feel like I'm wasting my life away.
    I miss my friends. If I didn't have problems to speak of, they did. Mi Amigos, all of them. Especially my friend, Josh. He is like a brother to me. Heck, we joke together about how we're going to be Tag Team Champions on the WWE. And how I'm going to be The World Heavyweight Champion and all, and he's gonna beat me for it. We laugh on and on...
    But now... I miss him like family.
    The thing is... I can't find peace within my peace.
    I have no fun, I have no true happiness, and I have no problem.
    I know someone is going to say, "Enjoy it while it lasts." But I can't enjoy it. I'm not in my element. Its like an imbalance in my life.
    I have more Yang then I do Yin right now, and I hate it.

  10. Arch-Angel
    I should listen to Taki more often. I got more friends, I'm still not findng my way around school, but hey...
    Oh, and my grades might rise.
    Geometry makes sense to me. Before, I was dealing with Geometry from 20 years ago (that Cousulor said he hasn't seen that kind of Geometry since then) and now I'm ACTUALLY DOING MATH. With numbers!
    I'm going to join the Wrestling Team in the Middle Weight Devision. The coach said they need more Middle Weights, so he's proud to see me join. I'm putting my A-Game into it.
    Evenutally it'll all come crashing down. I haven't been to church since I moved, and knowing me, I wn't handle it well at all without my God.
    Thanks for cheering me up guys, hoping for a bright future!
  11. Arch-Angel
    I missed school today for the simple reasons that one, my mom doesn't want to drive me to school because she's too tired, and two, I woke up at 7, an the bus leaves five minutes before that.
    But what I find as one of the most difficult tasks a new kid can have is this.
    Finding someplace to sit.
    Yes, I do have my fantasies that a table of cute girls call me and I'm back in business flirting, but thats never the case (unless I happen to model, which isn't likely either)
    Though there is this cute girl in my Geometry class that had a conversation with...
    Anyways, yesterday I sit at the table with the Brazilian(s) I recognize. It isn't easy. I have to wander around for 20 seconds looking like an cool dude with my eyes searching every table. But eventually I found one... too bad the table of Brazilian girls was full.
    Another thing, as much as I want to, I don't think it'll happen. I keep talking to Taki about this, I can't keep it out of my mind... I really want a Blog of the Week Award. But I might as well give up and just keep updating this thing.
    Over and out...

  12. Arch-Angel
    First day in my new town, and its about maybe... several time bigger than my last high school. I'm going to one of the large schools in the state of MA, and can't ever find my way t the gym.
    I'm probably smarter than some of my English Classmates because though I didn't even learn the Vocabuary, I finished the quiz before them and I was helping them cheat.
    10th History is what I learned last year, so I take a Juinor History Class next week and I don't take History my Juinor or Senior year! Woot!
    Yet to have Biology or Geometry...
    Well, only five periods a day and I've had four of them (one Study and the other Phys. Ed) so all and all, the educational part is taken care of.
    Now, my popularity...
    I got none.
    I was so used to knowing everyone, now only 3 people I know from the Fifth Grade and my Childhood Brazilian Friends are my only friends, and I don't even have a reputation with them.
    In my old town, I was freakin' praised for the crazy things I did. Clean Slates aren't my specialty.
    Hoping to gain more popularity...

  13. Arch-Angel
    I'm going to a school thats five times the size of my small High School and more confusing to navigate.
    Lord be with me...
    Good news is, I've signed up for Amateur Wrestling, so you'll see me on the WWE someday! Just kidding, but I will join the WWE if I get the chance.
    I've found some Brazilian Friends from my childhood that'll help me go through the school... somehow. I can barely find the end of the hallways...
    Night everyone!

  14. Arch-Angel
    Tomorrow morning (or morning), I begin my session of school in the town I haven't been in for 5 long, emotional years.
    I am nervous, but I can't wait.
    Excited is the word.
    My delima is getting back home. I live well over a highway mile from the High School and if you read 'Trapped on Route 9' I can't walk or bike on it. But I've faced traffic before, shoudn't be too hard to dodge.
    I have no new notebooks, the same work from the last High School I attended stll inside my bag, and a fairly large hole in my backpack. Doesn't bother me much aside from the notebooks. And the lessons. If they kept up with my school (which I don't think my chances are well) then I face the problem of missing a freakin' week of school since moving.
    Oh yeah, its good and bad for me.
    Well, 6 AM is my calling hour. Bye.

  15. Arch-Angel
    A lot of people have problems with preps. Why? Well, I know. I've been on both sides of what Preps see and what everyone else that isn't a prep sees.
    Some preps are nice and kind. Some preps are nice, kind, but too into image. Some preps are just plain "I'm better than you" mean.
    I myself where preppy clothes, but that doesn't make me who I am. I go to school wearing Hollister and American Eagle (Apparently the girls like it, thats a good thing). And the Preps of my school accept me... sort of. Well, they start to like me. My old friends? Still talk to them openly. I sit with them at lunch, and go over to sit with my preppy friend, Tom, sometimes the preppy girls too (although they trash-talk to much even about their own group).
    But I've decovered this word thats about, or should be, as offensive as any racial word.
    The definition? Dictionary.com had the term-

    Hello! I've been called this most of Middle School, and Freshman year! Found out what it meant just I started haning out with the Preps!
    Some people were talking about my friend last year, but I haven't a clue to what it meant.
    Because he doesn't care about his image because thats the last thing that should matter in making friends, he's a scrub. Now some things tick me off, but to think that you're better than the other? To think that you're on top, and he's less?
    Thats dog-gone stupidity.
    I lost twenty pounds and started liking Hollister and A.E. because I thought it looked nice on me. Not that I became better than the average "scrub". If you where one shirt and one shirt only everyday, the only thing thats going to matter to me is if its clean. Personally, B.O. isn't my favorite cologne. I won't think less of you.
    Thats why I hated the 'Model Preps' in my last school. I couldn't stand them. (Not to mention their life-style proved enough that me and my friends are above them)
    One's actions should define what one man or woman is.
    The 'Model Preps' have the life-style of drinking and smoking. Sometimes drugs.
    Me and my friend Josh, the one that was called scrub when he wasn't in the classroom, we're Straight-Edge.
    Don't Smoke.
    Don't Drink.
    Don't Do Drugs.
    Be an individual. Let you be the person you want to be. Actions speak louder than words.
    The word "Hollister" on my shirt shouldn't tell you who I am and what I think of you.
    And the word "Scrub" said by others shouldn't tell you who I am or who you are.
    You should be You.

  16. Arch-Angel
    My heart aches a bit right now. Since I've moved, I haven't been able to talk or flirt with my crush.
    And I'm dying here.
    I yearn for starting school here, yet I don't. I feel like how my parents felt going into this country: A Fresh Start, Clean Slate, New Opportunities... but in a place where the Rules are different, People aren't like what you thought, and that you just don't belong.
    But I don't feel afraid for some strange reason.
    I don't know if I'll find someone I like (and not when I'm about to move) and that I truly understand and they understand me. My crush and I probably had something, not sure if she would've gone out with me or not.
    Well, I don't know whether I should be excited for the new school or not, but in any case, its impossible to escape the fact that probably Tuesday, I face a Whole New World...

  17. Arch-Angel
    Well, it has happened.
    I finally moved into the apartment we dreamed of.
    Well, this stinks.
    One, my toothbrush is missing, so my mom and I are running on nothing but Mouthwash. (sister hs hers)
    Two, my Dad is injured. Three spinal discs are messe up, and its doctor's orders that he does not continue work as a handyman ever again. (Which is a big problem, considering that Manual Labor has been his job his entire life), so I'm not going to have a summer job.
    And last, but most annoying, I can't leave the apartment complex.
    Why, you ask?
    Well, it lands in the middle of a highway known as Route 9, and on this part of the highway, its illegal, not to mention ridiculously dangerous to walk or bike to the side off. I know I've dodged car by the near inch before, but its only a matter of time before I get clipped, and quite frankly, I'd like to keep that matter of time going for as long as possible. Like... forever.
    Only good news for me is that I finally got Comcast Internet, Phone(Gotta hook that up), and TV! Woot!
    Hopefully this'll get as many comments as my last entry! [/sarcasm]
    P.S. Thank for the rating guys!

  18. Arch-Angel
    Sorry everyone this is so late. I'm using a computer at my mom's work, so I'll do what I can.
    I have finally moved away from my previous town. I live in an apartment with a gym (Thank goodness!) but in a town with only one friend that I haven't seen since the fifth grade.
    But that doesn't interest you at the moment. Nor should it...
    The Final Prank
    I had everything set. The Halloween mask of an ugly old man, my jacket, the Jolly Ranchers, the Silly String, the two 20 oz. Diet Pepsi's, the Tube for the geyser that came with the six-pack of mint Mentos.
    I put the mask and my jacket on, the Silly String in my back pockets, and Jolly Ranchers bag in my hand. I walked in on the class I was skipping, tossed them all around to my classmates.
    Walking away, I turned to face the hallway. Two hallways, one up and one down. I chose the Silly String the upstairs one.
    I whipped out the cans, and hosed the place down stringing serveral people in the process. Once I made it down, I took the mask off and put away the Silly String, and got in the Library.
    Three minutes later, I went to see my work.
    Using my fake expression of suprise (which I have been practicing for most of my life), I saw the red lockers lined with the substance I only sprayed down just minutes before. I walked back to the Library. My friends that witnessed me doing it laughed with me and praised my actions. It worked without a hitch.
    "Will Jonathan Batista* please come down to the office, thank you."
    My friends only looked at me.
    I decided that if I didn't go, they would know it was me. I went down there, convinced the principal that I didn't do it, had my friends and even two teachers (that know I did it) deny that I did it and I was left to go to my next class. Continiusly, I denied the fact that I did the Silly String Prank (because people are too stupid to realize that the goodie-goodie teacher is right there), and tricked the cop to thinking that someone set me up (because I have a reputation of doing pranks, its my last school day in that town, and everyone would say its me) so I passed off this lie for TWO, count them, TWO hours. It was intended that I do the Diet-Pepsi and Mentos geyser during lunch, but I barely got away with the Silly String, why risk it with this?
    Well, needless to say, my friends were too stupid to throw away the mask and Silly String. The mask was found in a bathroom and the Silly String cans inside a random locker (which almost got that kid in trouble, so I don't blame him for saying my name).
    Now how hard could it be to throw away these three things with a DIRECT ORDER?
    Well, too hard. I was given a wet rag, a dust pan and a sweeper (for the dry bits on the ground), and started cleaning the lockers.
    After school, I took out the Diet Coke and Mentos, and after dropping the Mentos two times, I finally got it!... to go up like 6 inches. People were standing around waiting for a big fountain, guess I should gone with the 2 Liter.
    Ah, well. All's fine and well now. I left my mark. I glad.
    The only thing I'll truly miss though...

    Jon out...
    Batista*=Fake last name

  19. Arch-Angel
    I'm doing the plans #3 and #4. As much as #1 is such a beauty of a plan, Tom (my friend) convinced me not to. The Model Prep that I've targeted told him she felt bad about talking trash about me and being mean to me (including telling me never to talk to her in school). So I decided... no.
    Everyone thats reading this: dang it!
    But, Coke and Mentos Geyser is going to happen and so is Silly Stringing the hallway of my top floor, and chucking Jolly Ranchers injto my Biology class.
    I'll update this blog entry if I don't get caught or in trouble.
    Wish me luck!
  20. Arch-Angel
    I have been known in my school for...
    Playing jokes.
    Quite a few.
    Its tradition.
    Well, usually, at the end of each year, I pull a prank for the enjoyment of others. Last year was noteable, but not good. Basically threw a basketball into my Physics Class (got a 30 in the class anyways), and biked into the cafeteria.
    Trust me, as much as it sounds cool, it really isn't.
    In the 8th grade, in which it all started, we went to an Island off the coast of Boston called 'George's Island', and if you look at the map, I jumped into the Pier.
    Yes. And the excuse was that someone threw my fashlight in the water, and went to retrieve it. It was meant to be an excuse of stupidity, in which it worked. I got 30 bucks (out of a claimed 100) and fame up 'til this day. Today, I imagine many 'What If' ideas. Like,"What if I had other people dive in with me?" or,"Why didn't I run back to the island ground, sprint to the Pier, and do a front flip?"
    I was laughing into my pillow two nights ago when I thought of the front flip.
    This year, I am moving away. People are counting on me to make it good. I either hose down the 'Model Preps' with soda, run around in a monkey suit in the cafe (which obtaining the Monkey Suit would be a problem) or run in my Biology Class wearing a Halloween mask dancing and do "Crank That Souija Boi!" then Silly String them(mind you, I will be wearing running shoes), or Diet Coke and Mentos Geyser (which could backfire easily if it doesn't go off).
    1. Hose down Model Preps
    2. Monkey Suit (very unlikey)
    3. Halloween, Crank That Souija Boy, Trick or Treat, Silly String (I like it, but not wide spread prank for everyone)
    4. Diet Coke and Mentos Geyser in Cafe
    You decide! And be quick! You have until Monday!!!

  21. Arch-Angel
    My comments in my past entry was violent and an expression of anger I should have kept to myself. I should of expressed it outside of BZP. I am sorry.
    (Bet I ain't gonna make any 'Blog of the Week' 's for that either)
    Besides, I should be happy. Things are getting back to normal in my life. Well, not normal, but better. Normal was bad. I should be happy with what I have and not what I want (Revenge).
    Again, I am sorry. To Black Six, Kohaku, and the entire forum of 37 Grand Plus members.

  22. Arch-Angel
    After praying for the apartment we need, the apartment we couldn't afford, the apartment that surpassed our dreams of getting, prayer came through, and we will soon move in.
    My sister's boyfriend had the 6000 dollars to loan to us. We will paid him back piece by piece befre he leaves for Brazil, but good news is, we aren't living in my friend's apartment.
    About the whole Punch-To-The-Jaw thing, the whole thing has blown out of porportion. I have been asked too many questions today in school, and NC is shooting of his mouth.
    Removed. -Kohaku

  23. Arch-Angel
    JL: My friend
    FN: My Friend
    JC: Guy that punches me
    NC: Guy I thought hustled my friends
    Well, judging from the title, you should know... I got a heck of a punch to the face. But... here's the story behind it.
    A couple weeks ago, my friend's JL and FN (using initals) were hanging out, and fooling around. FN is a bit childish, and Josh is smart and more mature. Well, needless to say, FN was playing around. He bought a bag of rock candy, and he threw some at a couple cars.
    Evenutally, he hit the wrong car.
    Two guys named NC and JC came out. There was no damage to the car, but as the hothead he is, JC makes a big deal about it. He threaten them, and if they didn't give 50 bucks by Friday, they were going down(to say in a censored term). Although, JC was talking to JL. He was getting more threatened then FN.
    So, FN makes up the cash, and JL was going to deliver it. They didn't show up Thursday, Friday, so to end it, Saturday (which was the October Fest)
    JC was nowhere to be found, NC was.
    He gave NC the money, and as NC smiled, JL left a warning.
    "Smile all you want, but if you threaten me again, and I'll really leave some damage."
    NC kept smiling.
    Now, this is where I get in he picture.
    I was ticked. 50 bucks? For a piece of rock candy to a car the left no damage!
    I challenged NC via friend of mine, and he called me out.
    Now, I didn't know JC. JL told the story with NC.
    I spent the next half hour getting ready. 20 minutes at Railroad St.
    An older friend of mine dove me there and told me what to do. Got advice. He's going for my jaw, and my nose, so I gotta get my jaw ready. So I give small punches to my jaw, and learn how to defend myself.
    I show up. NC has pipe at hand. His mother is yelling at him for good reason. Cop was rolling by on another street to look quickly. He puts away the pipe, they start accusing me of calling the cops. Cop rolls up the street.
    NC's mom starts talking casually to the cop, and in a few minutes of my mouth being shut, he drives away.
    I go up to NC, he decides to talk it out before we get into a fight.
    JC didn't care.
    He started threatening me, taunting me, and I keep my eyes locked with his.
    He pulls his arm back. He delivers a punch.
    I stagger back two or three steps. Right now, I'm looking at the ground, still on my feet, and simply shake my had to know where I'm at, and look back, on his eyes.
    All this time, I thought a punch was high-level pain. All it did was hit my block of a jaw and brought me back. I thought I'd go teary-eyed or something. But I took the pain in.
    I'm still quiet. He walks up, talking some more. As he's talking, he takes out his switchblade. In his hands is 25 to Life with his intentions. His family starts yelling at him to put it away. Finally, one of them walks up to make him to it.
    The older friend of mine there told me something I'm glad to listened to,"Go!...Go!"
    I turn around, and start walking. JC yells to me to give him fifty bucks or I'm going down.
    Now, I have my diginity. I ain't giving him a thing.
    But what I learned today was that, I can take hard punches. Might rattle my brain, but I'll keep going.
    Now, the better News.
    We got the apartment we were looking for.
    Catch? We need 6000 bucks.
    By tomorrow.
    Lots of prayers please.

  24. Arch-Angel
    I can't believe its been two days since one of the funnest days I ever had in my life. WOO!
    Sorry, still got me some excitement flowing. Lemme give the pics...

    My girl Karen (Unoffical, but I plan to pop the question)

    The kid on the far right has no idea whats going on...

    One of my favorites...

    Me and my friend Meg

    (Was going to pop the question, but a guy named 'Colin' beat me to it by a week... did I mention he wears girls' jeans for some reason?)

    Hendrick to the far left, Danielle, Me, Amy, and Kaleigh

    Karlee, Meg, Lauren, Me...

    Yes, we have fireworks too.

    Some people partied TOO hard...
    But the one pic that I love the most is...

    Well, aside from my friend Jeremie, its me and Karen.
    Post comments, questions, criticism, insults...

  25. Arch-Angel
    Ah... good to be backto the ol' blog again.
    Nothing has happened. No drama, othing. We found a great apartment to live in, but its too expensive, and the one that we can afford is in the middle of a ghetto, so...
    Anyways, my mind is not on that. Its on the town Holiday tomorrow! The October Fest!
    Yes, I'll bring pics and all, but I'm just too freakin' excited for this!
    All right. Thats it 'til tomorrow. Now get out of my blog!

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