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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    Because so many of you have absolutely no idea who Bionigirl is... I did this for Dok via PM, but I guess it all of you need to know.
    Back in 2003, I was playing in the first Code: Lyoko RPG in the Completely Off Topic section. During that time, I grew up as a writer and as an role player, and thank it for it's creation, for more than a few reasons. The best?
    I met her.
    BZP member Taki had a friend who liked Code: Lyoko as well, and had her come on BZPower to play in the RPG. We talked very few times as the years went on, but in all the conversations, they lasted for quite a while.
    Last year, I felt horrible. Life was going now the drain, I was becoming an introvert yet again, and I was moving back into a town I've got some bad blood with. Taki, now my best friend and brother in Christ, knew someone else with difficulties in their own life. He gave me the AIM screen name, Bionigirl, and I put it on my buddy list. She IMed me first, so obviously Taki suggested me to her as well.
    We talked, we laughed, we shared moments with each other, and we both realized one thing: We felt love.
    It was strange, I'll admit. I've had many crushes (and I mean crushes </3) on many girls in the past. A few relationships, but I broke them because there was no spark. It wasn't true love, those past relationships.
    Now, I'm talking to a girl in Illinois who was as sweet as an angel, and felt like a gift from God Himself. Within two days... long-distance relationship.
    I talked to her regularly, and with a few bumps on the road taken away, we finally hit a mountain.
    You see, Bionigirl is in foster care. When she was younger (about 13), her parents abandoned her and her sister thinking that they were doing drugs thanks to her brother trying to save his own hide. Many other problems occurred, and they put her and her little sister in foster care. They were adopted, for a time, and around December, she was taken from her parents and put into foster care yet again, thanks to her original parents wanting her back (they lost the case, but were able to get her out of the foster parents' home). Ever since, she's been going to different orphanages and foster homes across the states (not Alaska or Hawaii).
    So here we are. Once in a great while, she'll be able to get her laptop back from lockup and find some miracle to connect to the internet, and talk to me.
    Like today, right now. =)
  2. Arch-Angel
    That picture...
    There is a guy in my Lifetime Activies class (an elective) who messes around me.
    Who knows.
    He(Jeremy) and his friend Jack have been pulling at my nerves for a while. We finished archery, but yesterday they just reached the limit.
    Jack starts poking me with the bow from behind, I turn around and push away the bow, fake a roundhouse close to his face and Jeremy came around and took his bow and stuck it in my butt. He ran away a bit as soon as I turned around and Jack tried to imitate the same thing. Then Ms. Sowa, our teach, got everything needed done and we offically started class.
    Today, before class, he came by and teased me yet again about wearing the same thing. I don't sweat in archery, and haven't since I've started wearing the dark green tee and shorts in the middle of our time spent in archery, included with either knee braces or Ace bandage (which I'm still wearing around both knees). My friend Jon defended me, asking why they tease people. Jeremy said he only teased me, and I told him if he continued to tease me, I would kick his face off. He said he'd love to see me do that with my messed up knees.
    I almost did. 80% of me was going to do it.
    Well, self restraint continues to stay strong... for now...
  3. Arch-Angel
    Hey! Omi was right! The title will attract them!
    I'm sorry guys and gals, couldn't help myself.
    So, I got a problem. Not a big one, just...
    I need help with my Christmas/Birthday List.
    This is it so far...
    1. New mp3 Player: the one I have isn't being detected by the computer anymore, so can't put in music...
    2. CM Punk Clover Baseball Cap
    3. Batista Unleashed Hardcover Book
    4. Gift Card to American Eagle or Hollister
    Any suggestions?

  4. Arch-Angel
    You know the Ol' Joe Dirt saying,"Life a Garden, Dig It" and if its truth, my life needs some weed killer at the moment because those flowers are dying.
    I'll be straight, my life is bad. Those flowers represented what made me happy. The Yellow Tulips are my family. Loving, caring, teaching me the right ways of things, and how to avoid the wrong. They guided me through the garden, and pointed out the weeds to pick out.
    The White Flowers, they are my friends. I enjoyed every second be with them and they are scattered throughout my garden. They are like my second family. The lessons I learned, and the happiness brought from them.
    The Violets, oh The Violets. They are my friends and mutual parthers on BZPower. They bring me up when I'm down. They let me speak without my mouth, they bring enjoyment when I'm lonely, and the helped me become a man.
    But something has become wrong. My father is now a weed and has become entangled in this Vine-Like Weed. It squeezes the life out of each flower in its deadly growing path.
    My Tulips are bending down by the weight of sorrow.
    Most of My White Flowers have withered away, and have become weeds tangled in with the Vine.
    The Violets are disappearing. I don't know what happened to them. Maybe uprooted, but they're gone.
    The Vine has crawed its way towards me. I feel the real me slipping, and my petals are falling off.
    The Vine is my bad luck. The Vine is my bad influence. The Vine is a demon.
    The Vine is destroying this garden.
    I have yet to feel the wet, cool taste of fresh water help me grow strong and resistance to The Vine of Destruction has brought me to my current standing in the garden. A dying plant.
    I am a Thief. I am a Liar. I am a Traitor.
    People think of me as a Saint. But how could they if I'm tangled in The Vine of Destruction?

  5. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Have to say, this got me INSTANTLY thinking of trolls. You know, the one that make the controversial topic purposely to start arguments or make a statement that get people angry and go on, and on... and on... only fueling the flame of control the troll have on you.
    But I like trolls. Why? I dunno. They are just the kind of people that can hold up a good argument when they want to, and if you want, you could debate them.
    Nieve, you chose a good one (but next time PM ME! You ruin the surprise via blog entry. Does anyone read the red?)...
    Main Offender by The Hives
  6. Arch-Angel
    Afew days ago, while talking to Exo via blog entry, the discussion of remembering eachother as newbs came up, and she (or is it he? I'm befuzzled) said that she remembers me as a newb as well.
    How did I reply?

    Her/His response: XD
    This image was created during Spanish Class last year in November. I didn't understand a lick of what the teacher said and considering we had these boards and eraseable markrs he handed out, it was born.
    Of course my classmates laughed. Its just random and is better than 'wat?' in any different ways. Not to menton the face.
    Eariler today (actually, 30 minutes ago) had a conversation with Sora on AIM.

    I made fun of him.
    His reponse: XD
    So, considering thse fellas brings the laughs out of us, I decie, why not name them?
    ... But does anyone gots a name for them?

  7. Arch-Angel
    I should listen to Taki more often. I got more friends, I'm still not findng my way around school, but hey...
    Oh, and my grades might rise.
    Geometry makes sense to me. Before, I was dealing with Geometry from 20 years ago (that Cousulor said he hasn't seen that kind of Geometry since then) and now I'm ACTUALLY DOING MATH. With numbers!
    I'm going to join the Wrestling Team in the Middle Weight Devision. The coach said they need more Middle Weights, so he's proud to see me join. I'm putting my A-Game into it.
    Evenutally it'll all come crashing down. I haven't been to church since I moved, and knowing me, I wn't handle it well at all without my God.
    Thanks for cheering me up guys, hoping for a bright future!
  8. Arch-Angel
    I woke up officially this afternoon at 1:10 PM. I was on my mom's bed with the phone next to me, for my mom called this morning at 9 to attempt to wake me up and remind me that my appointment with Doctor Kennings, a surgeon, to see my condition (I'll give you a hint as to what it is, in War World II it was called 'Jeep Rider's Disease').
    The appointment is at 1:30, twenty minutes.
    Jump get up, brush my teeth, pick the clothes to wear, go to the bathroom, and decide to do a quick shave. Since Wednesday, considering I wouldn't be doing anything social, I let my 5 o'clock shadow grow out into a very dark version of peach-fuzz. I slap some shaving cream on my neck and a bit on my cheeks, and make chin straps. I must say, they look good on me... I think I'll keep them until otherwise.
    After showing up four minutes late and doing some paperwork, I get into the office, he ejects some local anesthesia to numb the area of the infection(first time and I thought I would get temporarily KO'ed), did some procedure, patched me up, and I was on my way. Glad he did the anesthesia too, because my friend's mother had a cyst (<-another hint) too, only in the back of her leg, and she said (because without anesthesia) it hurt worse than giving birth.
    I come home, pockets filled with information on the thing, take a Tylenol to reduce the pain, and hop on BZP.
    A few hours pass and my dad comes by for our weekly night-out together (because he has the right to do so, says da law) and we go to the Natick Collection. 'Speed Racer' doesn't sound like its worth the time, and seeing some of the reviews, it wasn't. Good judgment on my part.
    [insert big, cocky, I-one-upped-you HA! here]
    Got my mom her 'Thanks For Not Getting An Abortion' Day gift (Mother's Day to you guys) I walk out of Macy's, and picked up a VERY nice shirt from American Eagle:

    Love it. Got it for 12 bucks too (clearance is wear its at).
    As I walked with my dad, I looked down on the floor below in the Center of the mall, and see a girl from Maynard, Sam. Its been a while, so I call down, wave to her, and she stupidly tries to start a conversation when I'm twenty to thirty feet above her. Pretty sure she started talking trash the moment I was out of sight, that being the 'perfect, better-than-you' preppy party girl that she is. Not to mention another one of the Model Preps was there too.
    Blog Assistants, if you rather this part says out of the entry, be my guest.
    The Model Preps had a split. Let me give you a character view first.
    Brooke - Had a crush on her, and got crushed. Then made fun of. Hate her. Hardcore drinker, and I dunno if she smokes, but I do know she celebrated 4/20 if that tells you something. Loves to be mean-spirited and insult behind one's back. Nice to anyone that meets her standards.
    Kathryn - Formerly sweet and innocent now lost and a tool to weed, alcohol and society, like the people she hangs out with. Unlike the others, she can think for herself but is easily influenced. Very nice girl that fell into the wrong crowd. Use to have a crush on her too. Did the one time coke with Alyssa. Unsure if addicted to said substance.
    Alyssa - Last year was a rookie druggie. Weed, alcohol, cigarettes, and one time coke (unsure if addicted). She has plenty of experience in drugs now. Immature and has high standard. Would like anybody that would go good with addictions.
    Ryann - Hardcore drinker, pot smoker. She's pretty on the outside, but inside, another better-than-you kind of girl.
    Sam - The blondy. The unofficial leader with Brooke. Prefers drinking than smoking. A complete fake. Expect some criticism after you turn your back from her.
    Brooke and Kathryn were called tools, stupid, and the 'B' word by Alyssa, Ryann, and Sam, and were also called 'scrubby'. Scrubby means unclean, filthy, inferior. You can imagine the reaction. Think is, Brooke and Kathryn didn't do anything that Alyssa, Ryann, Sam didn't. They were practically clones. Every week or two they dyed their hair a different color. They were all tools. Still are, just not friends after that.
    Now Alyssa, Sam, and Ryann think they're so cool when everyone sides with Brooke and Kathryn on this argument.
    I hate most of them, so I'm definitely enjoying this...
    I continue walking with dad, and see another familiar face from a distance. I speed up my walk to say hi to her, but then I see her stop, grab her boyfriend, then drag him into Spencer's, the store right next to them.
    I'm thinking, "Its like that? Alright then, have it your way." Walk pass the store, went into F.Y.E. and checked the price on a Nickelback CD.
    We have a weird past together. Mostly her making a fool out of me and this one time I got her McDonald's at the drive-thru using my bike when she couldn't go inside wearing roller blades. Its weird, like I said.
    After that, me and my dad decide to just cut to the dinner and we head to UNO's for dinner. Gotta say, when I asked for medium well-done when I meant just well-done, I enjoyed it less.
    I have a confession to make.
    I really enjoyed this night with my dad.
    Its weird. I mean, you all read my entries. The story the made me who I am. That one event over a year ago...
    Ah crud.
    My apartment complex was in blazes...

    At 4:04 this morning, as in just now, we had a fire drill. Our buzzer was beeping an ear-piercing sound three times every second.
    My gosh how annoying.
    The fact its 4 AM and a drill on a Saturday morning where some people, like my mom, still have to go to work when the sun rises, is stupid enough!
    *angry sigh with a lot of whatever*
    I get up from this computer, in which I was just starting to get into that deep, emotional state I usually do in entries, walk over to my mom's door, which unknowingly is opening and my mom walks out of the darkness like a freakin' ghost and scares me a bit, we try to figure out what in the he(ck) is going on, and realize that the entire building is buzzing. She grabs blankets, tell me to get my sister (who was in the process of waking up) and a sweater. Grab the one I won from Pepsi (the Mountain Dew Zip-Up keeps me warm, thanks again Pepsi ) and I head downstairs. At this point, I know its a drill. All the doors in the hallways are closed already. I mean, seriously.
    Head outside the lobby and she some people either heading out or already out, and my sister, mom and I head for our Ford Explorer to stay warm. Its cold people. Because the sun is still shining on Greenland.
    After the alarm stops and I see everyone going back into the lobby, the we go back in, I make some chocolate milk (WITH FOUR SPOONS OF NESQUICK) and come back here, where I started this story.
    Its 5 AM, I'm gonna go to sleep now...
    Night everyone...
  9. Arch-Angel
    Tom is unknowingly ignorant when it comes to news that doesn't involve him or anyone he knows, but that doesn't make him a bad person. He's a brother to me, or that gay cousin in your family the next state over, which ever seems more understandable to you. He's a great person to talk to when you need to get away from the world of politics or whatever is on the news. He can be funny, but I truly believe he's just dumb. He runs on emotions more than he does logic in which his friends around him provide (unfortunately most are girls who also run on emotion). That's usually where I come in, and where I get the right (from him) to insult him whether I mean it or not. Though, he thinks I'm dumb as well. It works out, I guess. Tom has always helped me when it came to looking good and I can truly say that he help me raise the bar when it came to look more attractive to girls. Sure I have to deal with his constant complaining on his boyfriends or hook-ups or whatever, but it gives me the opportunity to tell him he's a moron; quite bittersweet. I've known Tom since before he came out back in the 6th grade when he was getting more girls than you can count, which all changed the summer going into the 9th grade. No, he's had no attraction to me as a boyfriend, and won't bother taking a look at you like that unless he knows you're gay, which is great on my end (because that would be EXTREMELY AWKWARD). Today, Tom is the guy I can talk to when I want to laugh, though not the kind you want to pour your heart out to. He doesn't know much about my struggles in life, and I prefer to keep it that way. But still, he's a great friend.

  10. Arch-Angel
    I know the brothers. The 16-year-old and I sit at lunch together. Heck I sat with him yesterday eating his nachos. We get into deep thought conversations about nearly everything.
    The victim I talked to occasionally on the late-bus rides home.
    I was in the building when it happened, but not at the scene of the crime. Maybe it would've went down differently, heck I myself could've been arrested or something fighting with the stabber. I knew I would be able to get the 16-year-old to his senses, but no, had to get a detention on the other side of the school...
    Looks to be a lonely lunch tomorrow... my teachers better leave me the heck alone.
    Of all weeks...
  11. Arch-Angel
    EDIT: Dang it! Accidentally clicked the 'Draft' button!
    Clothes... almost picked out.
    Gum... check.
    Backpack... never on the first day, that's just stupid.
    Zune 8GB mp3 player... check.
    Flirt... check (as always)
    Pepsi... Why is the Pepsi always gone?
    Sneakers, old ones I've had for two years... check.
    Pencils... check.
    Pen because there is always one teacher with bad eyes who can't handle the truthpencil writing... check.
    Sleep... ha.
    Money... check. (maybe I'll go to that Subway nearby...)
    Amazing charm, good looks, and single status advantage... check.
    God... well, He was never gone to begin with, check.
    Vending Machine cash... check.
    Amigos... half-completed.
    Well, can't be 100% prepared for your second year of the 10th grade.
    Bonsoir, Good morning, and PEACE.
  12. Arch-Angel
    Just so you all know, the Yin/Yang Story is meant for every emotional thought and feeling. I come here and pour my heart and soul, and it helps me in the real world. Comments made about the entry should be comments in the blog. I prefer it not to be mentioned in on AIM. On AIM, you guys see me as the playful guy shanking people, but when I click that link above and come to the Yin/Yang Story, I know what to expect; a comment on the entry I made. Bringing it up on AIM is like throwing it all back in my face. You know what I mean?
    Oh, and another thing.
  13. Arch-Angel
    The passed few days have been the definition of a hollow week.
    Yes, I just made that term up. It speaks for itself. Use it.
    I, as usual, think, go to school, temporarily go into a coma, make myself look like the the kind of guy you look forward to seeing in class and never hearing from again, come home, talk, and continue my day gaining body fat as I drink a fresh bottle of Diet Pepsi which I miraculously was able to obtain.
    A social life.
    I wish I could have a social life again!
    For any of you out there hating the fact you live in a small town, love it. Because everything is so close, no friend is too far, and if you got the money, the local restaurant is one of your favorite hang-outs.
    In bigger towns, they'll ask you five minutes within the first conversation, "You smoke?"
    To which I reply, "Nah man. Straight edge."
    Social life in big new town (I've technically grew up in as a kid), ciao.
    Seriously now, its the saddest thing that for the past 90 years, destroying your body is the most fun a teen can have. I might as well put a .357 on the side on my temple a pull the trigger or learning how to fly off my apartment building's roof (the key is to throw yourself at the ground and miss apparently...). Accept with alcohol, marijuana and everything else in between, its a much slower process.
    I had a research paper to do on alcohol (who said I did it?) and I was surprised and happy to know the truth about alcohol's effects on the body. It's literally a poison people.
    But I heard plenty of stories... the one that stuck out was at a party, girl passed out and threw up, so they stripped her down and throw her in the shower when the true fact is THEY SHOULD HAVE SEEK MEDICAL FREAKIN' EMERGENCY.
    These aren't myths. Truth sucks, thats why we have lies.
    I have to say, I'm glad I sacrificed my social life to stay straight edge.
    For the past two days, I've been strongly tempted and attempted to kick two certain classmates right in the jaw.
    Yes, I was planning to do it. The past two days.
    Jeremie believes that I can't kick up to his height.
    So I told him to step back and brought my foot to where his jaw was. He said that was up to his chest.
    But then again, it wasn't the karate kick I've been practicing with. Roundhouses aren't really my cup of ###-whoopingtea.
    What Jeremie and his gorilla amigo Jack do now are 'love taps'. Where they slap me in the butt as if we've been friends playing sports since preschool. First of all, I hardly know the guy. He and Jack have no right to do that to me. I don't know after our talk he'll actually take me seriously, but if he doesn't, like those love taps I'm gonna take a shot at one of their jaws when they least expect it. I don't care if they're being friendly after the love tap, I'm gonna introduce him to some size 10 and a half Reebok plus one foot attached to a Brazilian leg.
    And if you know Brazilians, you know our kicks.

  14. Arch-Angel
    First off, like Wall-E, you're all going to say it was the greatest movie ever.
    It probably won't be.
    The only reason your head contemplated this was because of the amazing amount of good advertising. And the death of Heath Ledger? His last performance must be amazing (as if he knew it would be the last time).
    So, please refrain from giving it a 10 out of 10 stars on IMDb like they did on Wall-E. I have seen Wall-E, it was good, but not number 22 on best movie in history.
    I'll see The Dark Knight soon enough. But I know movies. For it to be number 3 on the IMDb list is quite annoying ON OPENING WEEKEND.
  15. Arch-Angel
    I'm sure many of you know how Public School Physical Education goes.
    Those that know the sport, play the sport.
    Those that know the sport, but do/not care about playing and... just don't get to actually play.
    I finally came into Gym Class and was asked by the jocks to play Full Back and Receiver in ou football game today. Suprised I actually caught the ball as a receiver (glad I told him not to whip it) I was able to to get through ten yards of defense covering me like a freakin' tent to make first down. As Full Back, I was the Quarterback's blocker, meaning anyone in his way, I push them out of.
    Over all, that was the highlight.
    The lowlight (new word, means the opposite of highlight;lowest point) was the fact my mom was informed by yours truly that I was going to the late bus, which leaves at 3:30 PM, if I changed my mind to take the first bus, I would have to call her somehow. Needless to say, I took the first bus, using another person's cellphone to leave a message on her cell.
    She didn't bother to listen to the message until I used the company phone in the apartment lobby in the cupboard of a desk (for the cop thats never here) that I'm not allowed to use. It wasn't until 3:40 that I remembered the phone after it started ringing. Spent one hour and fifteen minutes of my life reading 'Catcher in the Rye' until I dosed off again and again until said phone was discovered.
    I've dubbed myself the Lobby Rat for that. It was the second time. FIrst time was 45 minutes, and I used the mailman's cell.
    Thats right, I do not have a cellular device. If I did, it would be a T-Mobile Razr... either black or silver...
    Well, thats my day, gotta go to the gym... at 8:48 PM...

  16. Arch-Angel
    Well, it has happened.
    I finally moved into the apartment we dreamed of.
    Well, this stinks.
    One, my toothbrush is missing, so my mom and I are running on nothing but Mouthwash. (sister hs hers)
    Two, my Dad is injured. Three spinal discs are messe up, and its doctor's orders that he does not continue work as a handyman ever again. (Which is a big problem, considering that Manual Labor has been his job his entire life), so I'm not going to have a summer job.
    And last, but most annoying, I can't leave the apartment complex.
    Why, you ask?
    Well, it lands in the middle of a highway known as Route 9, and on this part of the highway, its illegal, not to mention ridiculously dangerous to walk or bike to the side off. I know I've dodged car by the near inch before, but its only a matter of time before I get clipped, and quite frankly, I'd like to keep that matter of time going for as long as possible. Like... forever.
    Only good news for me is that I finally got Comcast Internet, Phone(Gotta hook that up), and TV! Woot!
    Hopefully this'll get as many comments as my last entry! [/sarcasm]
    P.S. Thank for the rating guys!

  17. Arch-Angel
    Two nights ago, around 1 AM, I listened to Dusk and Summer by Dashboard Confessional, and I decided the only way I was going to sleep is if I write a poem.
    This goes out to anyone who's lost the person they cared for, the person that made them breath in happiness and breath out all the pain, the person they loved.

    She kissed your lips,
    And she hugged you tight,
    She ran her fingers through your hair,
    And whispered, '"It will be right."
    She meant some day,
    You'll be together,
    The months will come and go,
    But you won't wait forever.
    That plane took off,
    Your heart went with it,
    You kept her words like a treasure,
    That no gold or silver could ever measure.
    You got her letters,
    She missed you dearly,
    Even in the cold winter days,
    Her love for you never went weary.
    You seen other girls,
    All different types,
    But you never faltered,
    In each lonely night.
    It was nearly a year,
    And not a word since September,
    Then you got the news,
    It happened the seventeenth of November.
    It's easy to die,
    When you don't have to stay,
    To watch him weep,
    Because you passed away.
    He leaves you a rose every year,
    At the place of your first kiss,
    You both were nervous that day,
    And your lips nearly missed.
    That day you promised,
    When you both were dead,
    You'd stay not on Earth,
    But in Heaven instead.
    And he grew old,
    Through the sands of time,
    So he could whisper in your ear,
    "I am yours, and you are mine."
    And you got married,
    At the Pearly Gates,
    Jesus told you two,
    "It was written in your Fates."
  18. Arch-Angel
    Well, it being the time of year, I feel like owe it to you guys to tell you that I still remember this blog, your blogs, this site, and how my life ranconcurrently with the blog entries.
    Guess you can say I'm coming home.
    It's been busy. I've moved from my last town, Framingham, to the town next to it, Ashland.
    Finances finally caught up with us, and now I'm roomates with my amigo Thiago, whom I've known literally since his birth (I was sleeping in the waiting room with mommy holding me while he was busy getting out of the stork's bag, you can say) with my mom and sister renting rooms in his parent's house, which is close to the Framingham/Ashland line.
    Have to say, living like this is tiring and at the same time, all the freedom in the world. Let's run through a daily rountine.
    6-7 AM- Wake up, shower and all that jazz, BOUNCE.
    7-8 AM- Try to make to school on time, stay there until it gets out at 2 PM.
    2-??? PM- Hang out after school, rehearsal for school play, if no school play- hang with amigos until probably 5.
    ???-??? PM- Find a friend's house to stay at or (a) friend(s) to hang out with, wait for a ride home or get a ride home from a friend.
    Whatever-time-I-get-home - when-I-sleep PM(or AM)- Do homework.
    The majority of each day since moving here back in mid-October is spent outside of the house. A blessing and a curse, really. Relaxing doesn't usually fit in here.
    Around October, I got myself a girlfriend. See if I can wash away any lingering thoughts of the previous relationship. Unfortunately, even after a year, I couldn't feel actual feelings for her. And she saw that.
    We broke up, no tragedy.
    I'm still a part of the Drama Company, and working for it is harder then ever now. Since we were invited to join and perform at the World's biggest theater Festival in Edinborough, The Fringe, we're trying to pull off something no one else is really crazy enough to do.
    Send 75 people across the Atlantic.
    You see, when you add up everything needed for such a trip (two weeks in a hotel, airfare, food, the works), it's price-y.
    Like 5000 dollars kinda price-y.
    So, what's a guy gotta do to get there?
    I worked the summer with my dad again, saving up 1800 dollars, all of which is already invested into the payments for the Fringe. The head of the Drama Company, Donna, is helping out with the payments as well, and told me to worry about fundraising and I'll be doing my part.
    So, after continuingly busting my butt, I can say Donna was pretty happy to hear my name pop up so much at the last Scotland meeting. After raising 400 dollars in a UNOs fundraiser, getting a 300 dollars donation from a woman who wanted her yard raked (Big yard + Landscaper-for-a-dad Experience = Me) and dubbed me hardest worker, assisting an eBay fundraiser (ON-GOING)and a Papa Ginos fundraiser(this Wednesday), most of the parents who attended the meeting said I deserved a break.
    Well, it was fun...
    ...think I'll do some more.
    I miss you guys.
  19. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    By the way guys, try to PM suggestions. COmmenting them ruins the suprise if they're chosen.
    Oh, and I don't know how to BOLD BOLD 'much obliged' up there. Must be a slow song season? *cough*not-in-hip-hop/Rap/R&B-currently*cough*
    Today's song (thats right, its morning), was brought to you by Dorek. Dorek, what I would say is the older Omi-side of Dalek.
    This song talks about looking through, not just your eyes, but your mind and heart. View the world not for what it isn't, but what it truly is. It gets me in that mood (plus you guys know I hate apathy). Its like a... refreshing song. It tells you that your mind and heart are parts of your body used to see life. Do that, and you've stepped into a whole new mind-set.
    Through the Iris by 10 Years.

  20. Arch-Angel
    On Sunday, April 5th, my friend David told me while watching Wrestlemania that our elementary school friend from back in the day died last year of cancer.
    After moving from this town back in the summer going to the sixth grade and moving back the fall of my tenth grade, I had faint memories of him. I'm surprised I remembered David.
    Last night, I tried finding everything I could on Tyler. I tried bookface, and they removed his page for being inactive. I found the groups: "Relay For Life: Tyler Cyr" and R.I.P. "Tyler Cyr, We Will Miss You!!!"
    One gave me the address: www.tylercyr.com
    Then, I remembered everything the moment I saw his face. The fourth and fifth grade... the recesses... Mrs. Starr's class (those were the days)...
    I just wish I knew the guy before he left. I remember last year my friend Nomso telling me the reason he and others were dressed in a formal black attire was because after school they were going straight to Tyler's funeral.
    It all came together in my head.


    See you on the other side,
  21. Arch-Angel
    Last Thursday, my US History class took a field trip to Boston, to see the many locations of the historic city. Two classes went, my class and another. Keep in mind I stayed back a year, and that before I used to look at these sophomores as the annoying freshmen who haven't hit full maturity, or three quarters. They're getting there, but most are get too annoying to handle.
    Of course, I wasn't the oldest among the group, simply one of the people really wishing he had a wad of cash on him. Boston has markets around every corner. The history teacher running it (my teacher), Mr. Martell, had to press the cross-walk button every time we reached the end of a block. We must've passed about six SevenEleven's, and I was getting depressed with the loneliness mentioned beforehand. A Pepsi would've been great, had I had the cash for it. Though really no one went inside the stores surprisingly.
    Though there was one that itched in the back of my mind.
    A freshman (sophomore now), who's got plenty of cash and unfortunately no real good looks, no good sense of flirting, no good aim for the right girls, and his voice is in kiddy-mode so he 'sounds gay' when he's actually straight(which he is constantly had been made fun of in our class until I demanded through some physical means par say to the two guys to quit making the offensive artwork). He's a nice guy, reminds me of Tom, only more dumb, no common sense, and REALLY REALLY annoying.
    Throughout the trip, he was practicing some of his Portuguese. One of the brazilian girls in our class taught him how to speak a few words and phrases, but gave him all the wrong definitions as to what he was saying.
    So the entire time he's swearing in Portuguese, and constantly I have to tell him to shut up. Then he'd actually say something in Portuguese he understood, which isn't the kind of phrase you'd wouldn't say around your mom (if she knew Portuguese). So at around 9 AM as we were in the Massachusetts State House, he went on while we were in the House of Representatives, and I turned to him, said something I can't recall what, and I shut him up.
    But after five seconds of the beautiful silence, he said, "Yeah, well, at least people like me. Vanessa hates you, she thinks you're a creeper and a sketch, and everyone in drama company agrees. Actually, most of the people in drama company hate you."
    So I play it off like I could give a dang less about drama company, and left him defeated.
    Though I took a heck of a hit.
    I love the people in drama company, and I love Vanessa, so my mind soon processed that I didn't have friends. For one, Vanessa always called me a creeper but I proved her wrong and then we'd laugh about it, but I was convinced that she was talking behind my back and sincerely meant it. My loneliness broaden, and I truly felt like nothing.
    Oh! Now I remember! I didn't say anything to Nick, I backhanded him lightly, tiny tap.
    Today, Nick asked me if I was going to the drama company meeting today after school. I wasn't planning to take a late bus home, so I told him no and added extra flavor to it saying, "...And besides, why bother? Vanessa and the rest of drama company hates me anywa-"
    "Oh, I was just kidding. I was just angry."
    "Because you couldn't come back with anything else?"
    "Oh, okay."
    I laughed inside. All that trouble, for nearly nothing.
    Well, I got to open up to two girls, who I now consider my trusted friends. I showed them the blog entry after I felt better because they were on the little notes I left there.
    Now, I guess, I don't feel lonely...
    So wait.
    What was the moral of the story?
  22. Arch-Angel
    Wait... what?
    Its Thursday?
    My biological clock in so messed up right now. Yesterday, I thought it was Tuesday, the day I hate especially. Why? I haven't talked to Bionigirl in what feels like two weeks when actually two days.
    But the second-worse thing about yesterday was Amatuer Wrestling Practice.
    I was still sore from the first practice. My thighs and my butt hurt when I go upstairs, downstairs, walking, getting up, trying to sit down, and move out of the way of people in the hallways. Today's even worse. More sore, more pain, etc.
    In practice, we got to do combat, which basically means we go up against either our partner or a chosen partner. I get graduated-from-High-School-last-year-with plenty of expericence Assistant Coach. The way you had to win was first person to get to thrity points would win. The you would gets points is by either getting both of the opponent's hands on the mat (2 points) or get them to pass the line on the mat. He overpowered me trice times (thats three) to get me passed the line and got my hands on the ground twice. Equals 7 points to... 0. I wrestled for 20 long minutes and lost. They reason he got me off the mat the last two times was the fact I was more exhausted, I was even more sore, and definitely not at 100%, though he noticed the I worked out a bit considering I held my ground well.
    Half of me considered quitting the team, and the other half cussed myself out and told myself that I've only had two days of practice so far, and to suck it up. So I took my insults and advice.
    Got home via ride from mom's co-worker, and within an hour, after a shower, turning on the computer, doing my sister's laundry for her and about to go downstairs to get her boyfriend in the lobby, my body said, "Nap time."
    ...So I wake up at 11:30 PM. First I though it was morning and I missed the most part of school, said "Whatever" and then looked out my window. No sunshine.
    Dang it!
    I didn't miss school, but I didn't have any BZP time or AIM time in case Bionigirl came on. I got some dinner, went online for 15 minutes, brushed my teeth, and hit the sack again.
    Wasted day... and today does not look any bit as promising.
    Did I mention Saturday Practice at 1-4?
    I miss Karley...
    Sad, tired, and somewhat regretting to have such a enthusiastic, unenthusiastic personality...
  23. Arch-Angel
    I feel as though no one likes me in this town. I tried everything, but apparently being nice is a bad thing to do.
    Apparently I lose respect from people because I gave them presents.
    Last year, I gave my ex-crush a 20 dollar gift card to CVS that she asked for her birthday.
    Girl still gives no respect.
    I hand out candy to people for Christmas (On my birthday, but I didn't fee special) and they loved it. But no respect.
    I pull pranks for fun, and want to make people laugh.
    No respect.
    I even went as far as changing my clothes right now, lose weight over the summer, yet barely get a compliment unless my friend Tom (who is the most popular kid in the grade, and with girls) tells them about me and get them to notice.
    You know what? Moving doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.
    I am a 'random person' more than I am considered a friend. I feel hated, unloved, and broken.
    I feel horrible and I want to crawl under a rock and wither away. I'll probably never be accepted by others, and never find any peace in this storm. The eye of the hurricane past, and now its the roaring winds of discouragement and shooting raindrops of failure like bullets on me.
    I feel like I'm breathing out cold fire.

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