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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    Its another Friday, and another time where my father wants to spend time with me.
    Fortunately, I use it to my advantage.
    I plan to watch the long-awaited Cloverfield, as is like... every person thats seen the trailer. I've actually advertised it in my homeroom when I write the date on the board for my homeroom teacher.
    I think I should've put it down so when I get to the theatre, the tickets aren't sold out. BUT, I have a counter. I'm buying the tickets, getting dinner with him, then, go watch the movie. Time I buy the tickets? Hour or two before!
    Omi, go to the AMC in Framingham/Natick, got it?
    Though, there are chances my unfailable plan could fail. So, I will watch 'Atonement'... an hour and a half after Cloverfield starts. (Cloverfield - 8:00 PM, Atonement - 9:25 PM)
    Well, we'll see how that'll work out.
    This morning in homeroom, we got our new schedule for the second semester... yay...?
    History (of course)
    Biology (of course)
    Acting (New!)
    Spanish 2 (wait, what? I'm not suppose to be taking that this year!!)
    Geometry (of course)
    English (of course)
    Health (must-have, unknown where the heck it is...)
    Only updates this morning, so I'll be seein' ya...
  2. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.

    AKA, bad Ema!
    *Sigh* I can't believe I agreed to this... This song is to me and Bubbly is to Bunda.
    Love Song by Sara Bareilles.
  3. Arch-Angel
    This song is a personal favorite. Goes out to Bionigirl, my girlfriend, and everyone else out there.
    It is...
    If Everyone Cared by Nickelback
    Remember, the Song of the Day Content Block is under the Metals of Honor Content Block if you want to see the lyrics.
    Off to the gym, bye y'all...

  4. Arch-Angel
    This one goes out to my good friend Taki, whom personal troubles reminded me of this song. I actually listened to ths song or thought of it when I thought of my crush from my old town.
    The song genre is Blues, and was made in 1972...
    Bobby "Blue" Bland's very own,
    Ain't No Love in the Heart of the City
    Lyrics at the bottom right side of the blog.

  5. Arch-Angel
    My comments in my past entry was violent and an expression of anger I should have kept to myself. I should of expressed it outside of BZP. I am sorry.
    (Bet I ain't gonna make any 'Blog of the Week' 's for that either)
    Besides, I should be happy. Things are getting back to normal in my life. Well, not normal, but better. Normal was bad. I should be happy with what I have and not what I want (Revenge).
    Again, I am sorry. To Black Six, Kohaku, and the entire forum of 37 Grand Plus members.

  6. Arch-Angel
    Though I'm going to be out for the day, I'll advertise my new shop!

    Big, ain't it?
    The link is in my Blog Wreath, along with the one above.
    Have a Happy Non-Denominational Politically Correct Governement Approved Religiously Indifferent Holiday Season!


  7. Arch-Angel
    We didn't get the tickets to get close enough to be caught by the camera... because we were in balcony.
    Next time I looking for tickets ahead of time.
    But it was worth it enough just being there.
    I was across from the people holding the large "Welcome Back Triple H" flag-like sign.
    But though you may think I left the night thinking Randy Orton had the upper hand, you're wrong. When the cameras stopped their broadcast, sweet rock came to my ears as I heard "ITS TIME TO PLAY THE GAME...!"
    As Randy Orton was talking, my friends and I already made it down to the first floor that went in to the club seats and around the ring. Though the Security blocked the people from getting closer to the ring, we decided to get as close as we could to see Triple H go down into the ring, and BEAT Randy with a beautiful Pedigree. Fans cheered and he started going around, shaking hands and all, ya know? It was great. Made the night end beautifully.
    From now on, all my Wrestling entries will in this category, it makes it easier for those not inerested in WWE.

  8. Arch-Angel
    On Sunday, April 5th, my friend David told me while watching Wrestlemania that our elementary school friend from back in the day died last year of cancer.
    After moving from this town back in the summer going to the sixth grade and moving back the fall of my tenth grade, I had faint memories of him. I'm surprised I remembered David.
    Last night, I tried finding everything I could on Tyler. I tried bookface, and they removed his page for being inactive. I found the groups: "Relay For Life: Tyler Cyr" and R.I.P. "Tyler Cyr, We Will Miss You!!!"
    One gave me the address: www.tylercyr.com
    Then, I remembered everything the moment I saw his face. The fourth and fifth grade... the recesses... Mrs. Starr's class (those were the days)...
    I just wish I knew the guy before he left. I remember last year my friend Nomso telling me the reason he and others were dressed in a formal black attire was because after school they were going straight to Tyler's funeral.
    It all came together in my head.


    See you on the other side,
  9. Arch-Angel
    Toays sng gos out to my grlfriend, Bionigirl. She was grounded,so we didn't talk for days and I was slowly... suffocating you coul say.
    Which brings me to today's Song of the Day,
    Suffocate by J. Holiday

  10. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. EDIT: INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This Song of the Day is brough to you by Taki. I go nothing to make fun of his member nme this time, so straight to the point...

    Binkmeister is going to scream 'Boo-ya!' like Ron Stoppable when he hears that the StoD is...
    Gravity Hurts by Brinck

  11. Arch-Angel
    With the book 'Catcher in the Rye' next to me, and the test on it next period then I go home (half-day, Thanksgiving) thing is... I ain't done with the book.
    This should be an interesting English Class...
    I think I have the Song of the Day for today. Have to edit a few things, but its a touching. I'll have it to you when I can.
    In other news, the first snowfall of the season came here. I just hope for a blizzard to roll in before Christmas. I like my Christmas covered in snow. Last year was a disappointment in Mass. and NYC. Only melted or melting snow, not fresh snowfall. Maybe I want to have some free water once in a while (yeah yeah, yellow snow, I know)
    Also, I like to read. Literature is something I do. 'Catcher in the Rye' is basically a story on my point of view, just more depressed. I don't want to read stuff I already know (Too bad the test next is on the story, not the philosophy). So if any of you know any good books out there (not fantasy or Sci Fi) about 200 page min. I'll really apreciate it.
    Thanks for reading...
  12. Arch-Angel
    The Day of Silence: The National Day of Silence brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools. Each year the event has grown, now with hundreds of thousands of students coming together to encourage schools and classmates to address the problem of anti-LGBT behavior.
    Friday, our school had the program. We get a pin that has "Silence" written on it to show we are participating. The way we protest is to take a vow of silence the entire school day, and not say a word all day. If you slip once or twice, that's fine, but full-on conversation? Well, that defeats the purpose of the protest.
    How ironic that the all male a capella group, Tuft University's Beelzebubs, came to our school the exact same day to have the Fine and Performing Arts center members of Chorus, Boys and Girls A Capella, do a workshop with them and then watch them perform.
    The workshop was fun. I got to work with four members of the group out of the thirteen (coincidence to their name, they have an unlucky number of members) and they guided us to learn the bass vocals of "Sign, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)" by Stevie Wonder and join them onstage and performed it with them. It was more fun than I expected, and it felt great working with them. I hope to continue a capella into college, because I would do nothing but love it.
    After that, I started my vow of silence and continued on through the day. But before I went to third period, I dropped by my Spanish teacher's room for one thing:
    A small white-board and marker.
    Swearing in silence is amazingly gratifying.
    Of course I slipped a couple times. When you have the chance to dis someone or come back with your quick lip, you usually instinctively take it. Those weren't good moments.
    Though fifth period came, all the silent fun stopped.
    Lee Anne is one of my best friends. I love her til death. She's a mother, a little sister, a big sister, and the cutest thing you can have the coolest conversations with. She's my family at heart. Unfortunately, sometimes the best people are the unluckiest. She's an epileptic. I knew this of course, and I knew she had seizures in school, and the range from the seizures that are okay to the really bad ones. The really bad ones are the ones she doesn't see coming, unlike the other ones that she sees coming and she can take something before it goes bad.
    Today in our Algebra class, she had a bad one.
    She got up, telling Mr. Morabito that she was doing bad. Morabito spends time helping her in study; he knows what bad meant to her. She got our friend Mark to help her up and maybe walk her now. Five steps towards the door, she said she couldn't make it. Her face was a bright red, and her eyes watering up quickly. Her expression was one of intense pain, and her body looked ready to collapse. I broke my vow of silence officially and said I could carry her down while Korey(Ryuu) supported it. Once we stepped outside and she laid down on the ground, she looked like she was quietly crying as she endured a horrible pain of a thousand needles. Morabito tried to ask her what to do, because he sure as heck knew he and all three of the guys with him from the class (including me) didn't know. Lee Anne told me she's not aware of much of anything when seizures happened, and even the okay ones, she forgets her last name. The principal came up and informed us the nurse was on her way after Morabito called her. Three other teachers in the hallway stopped and surrounded her.
    I never felt so helpless to someone I've loved before in my life. It was like I was watching her die, and all I wanted to do was hold her tight and take her pain away, but that was the most impossible thing I could've done to help.
    The nurse came up seconds after the principal, and we were told to get back in the class.
    Fifth period runs for an hour and a half, and a half hour lunch went in either the beginning, first middle, second middle, or last half hour of the period depending on the subject. Math subjects got second lunch (first middle), and the moment we were let out, I headed straight for the nurse's office to see Lee Anne's condition.
    The nurse told me Lee Anne was doing better; the seizure was over and it took a whole lot out of her. She was resting on one of the cots with the curtain closed for her privacy. She let me in and I kneel to get to eye level on Lee Anne as she laid awake. She told me she felt embarrassed about it, and I told her not to; that everyone in class was simply worried about her and wanted to know if she was alright. I asked her if she wanted me to bring her lunch or anything at all. She said she would get her own lunch eventually when she felt better, and asked for me to bring down her the test we were going to have after the half-hour lunch was over. Of course I was skeptical of whether she was in the condition to, and she insisted on it. I've heard stories of Lee Anne going back to class after a while of resting, so I figured it was fine if she was capable. I told her if she needed anything just to simply call me and I would be there. I kissed her on the cheek and said goodbye to let her rest.
    Fifteen minutes passed, and Lee Anne is up walking and looking extremely exhausted. I walk her back to class, and Morabito nearly begged her not to take it. It was going to Spring Break, and coming back and having to do a test on something she can't recall was a good idea to her. Not like the nurse didn't beg her to stay resting already.
    Lee Anne's a strong girl, and I love her unconditionally as a part of my family.
    After school, it's 70 degrees, and it felt a little like May... I grabbed my friend Robby and we headed down to the nearby gas station and grabbed all the junk food we wanted. Came back... my Crunch bar was nearly devoured by both Rachael and Deanna and Rachael stole my second dang Pepsi! I chased her down and once I took it, I put her in a headlock. Once Kayla tried to steal it from me, I wrapped her in a headlock too. a double headlock and a Pepsi in my hand I can't really unscrew and drink due to said headlocks. I let go, Rachael snatches it, shakes it up and cracks it open.
    If I didn't love her so much, I would've superkicked her.
    Later on, she wanted to get a sip. I said no. She went to her boyfriend, mi amigo Miguel and asked if she could flirt with me to get a sip of Pepsi, and he said sure. Sure, she put on a good act, but it's not like I was going to get anything out of it. so I denied her again. By some miracle, she eventually gets it, and has her fill.
    This is usually what happens in my social life.
    I have to admit, this is why I enjoy my life right now. I get to be with my friends; the ones I don't have to be a different person around. The ones I can be happy around just by being around. Though I won't be with all of them forever, and this'll all change given two years when they head to college or move or anything, I love them now, and that's a fact. They are my forever nostalgia, they are my peaceful paradise. They are the friends and family I never had, but the family I'll probably never get to keep for my entire life. I'm glad I can enjoy it now, to at least get the chance to enjoy and treasure it. Having them let's me know more about life. It won't last forever, but you get to at least enjoy it now before you lose it. Love your true friends, and live a true life. Both will die, but you can't lie that the love was there and will be eternally.
  13. Arch-Angel
    This is the reward of surfing the internet movie database people.
    Don't want to get yelled at for no warnin' ya, ight?

    And something probably at the back of your mind...

    You can thank me later, right now I'm gonna get ready to run with the monster starts headed North after eating the Yankees. He's gonn want a bite out off the Red Sox soon.
    *Flies to St. Louis and Chicago to get Bionigirl and Taki*
    And for those of ou begging to knw what the monster is and only followin what others describe t you or the 'lion' theory thing, here's the pic.

    Alright, I'll give you the real pic.
    (Lean Back, Brush Your Shoulders Off...)

  14. Arch-Angel
    July 25th:
    I got off work early today. The sooner, the better I suppose. The longer I stay with Dad, the more frustrated I get overall.
    Because my mom can't pay the mortgage by herself, and my dad's only support on us is 180 bucks for Child Support, which doesn't nearly cover the cost on ths suburban home, we have had the house on the Market for a couple of months now.
    Today, people were coming in to see the house, possibly purchase it. Who knows?
    So I left the house with my bike and decided to take a stroll downtown and meet up with people I haven't seen since the Last Day of School.
    Well, I sure as heck made an impression.
    The intersection I practially broke most biking law on was something I usually timed with the red and green lights.
    Today, not so well.
    Let me tell you, whenever I hop on my bike, every car passing me I always have a thought of going in front. Get hit. End this streak of bad luck called my life already!
    Well, the street to the left of me just turned gren ligh as I found out I miscalculated before so. Thought I could beat the clock.
    Well, the car in front of the line hit me. Not hard, just hard enough for me to crash on my butt. And break a part of my headphone.
    The guy comes out, thinking he just killed me instead of pushed forward my front wheel a bit and asks if I was alright.
    Now, the look on this guy, I shouldn't have hopped up as fast as I could. I should have stayed on the ground, and haggle some money off of him or somthing. I was in too good a mood after that. By the way I ride my bike, it was evenutally going to happen. Except everyone expect a Mack Truck instead, jut because the thought of me becoming road kill seems funny.
    But I laughed it off. Told the guy I was fine. Everything was well.
    Why? God knows me too well. Well enough that getting hit by a car would make me laugh, one of the most social people in the grade who happen to be there laugh, and everyone he told laugh. It wasn't embarrassing at all that everyone was just starng at me with a smil on my face.
    I guess God and I shared a laugh together.
    He always knows when to make me laugh at irony.

  15. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.

    Where The Streets Have No Name by U2
  16. Arch-Angel
    I truly feel alone in this world. Like only the friends I had before could understand me, but my new friends that have better luck than I do. They think the idea of a bad day is having a friend mad at you or their mom won't bring them to the mall or another friend's house.
    My idea of a bad day is listen to my dad being a hypocrite and having massive flashbacks.
    My father loves me, but he doesn't understand the pain he put my mom and my sister. (More on that when I can take typng it up)
    Unfortunately, I need money for myself, and he offered me a job as a Handyman. I accept it, and now from Monday-Friday, from morning 'til evening, he picks me up and drops me off at home. I get 8 bucks an hour, work about 8 hours a day(I don't choose hours), and I leave my house around 8 AM.
    He thinks he had it harder. He doesn't realize the days of my mom crying every night alone in her bed, the times I wanted to destroy everything in my room, or my sister breaking down in tears.
    He left us for another family. A woman from our old church and her two sons. Her last husband died in a construction accident. Crushed by concrete.
    He now lives in a small city not far from us in an apartment with her, and the two boys. One is 2 years old, and the other 10 or so.
    And the amount of sorrow they have faced in the past should never justify what the woman did to us.
    She brought it all to us.
    I'd rather have my dad dead than have him reject us in a snap.

  17. Arch-Angel
    Today's song was what I listened through my days of misery from being made fun of for being a Christian, the lyrics are good, and hearing it is even better.
    I Will Hold My Head High by Thrid Day
    If you ever listen to it, or have listened to it, you know what I mean.
    Roaming CoT and the Community Blog, your local multi-genre DJ...

  18. Arch-Angel
    That Song of the Day, in Spanish!
    This one as a singles hit in 2005, an though I got tired of it, I'm not today.
    What made this stick out about other raps was that its about his family, and how he's sorry he's not there for his daughter more, or at all for that matter. Its touching, emotional song...
    When I'm Gone by Eminem.
    I only censored what the radio verison of it censored. Figured it was only right that I did to.
    Your song-loving member,

  19. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This song is actually not as popular as I hoped (either that or it's because I completely avoid the radio at this point because auto-tune is piercing my ears like a rusty scalpel), and its actually quite inspiring. The lyrics are quite poetic, and the artist himself is one of the artists I'm happy is successful because of his appreciation of musics. This is the very first song in his latest album "We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things." And if you don't know who he is already, than search him, you won't be disappointed. If you are, you're a rotten ignoramus!
    Make It Mine by Jason Mraz
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