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Not Quite Dead

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Posts posted by Not Quite Dead

  1. IC Caoutchouc / Forest of Kaam

    He alighted on the ground several meters from the snuffed fire, half-crouched and tensed. Moving towards it cautiously, he bent further to examine the crudely dug ground. The markings of claws or fingers clear to see. The state of the rest of the makeshift camp suggested a quick departure by whoever had made it. Perhaps they had been spotted in the air, it was more than likely given their mode of transport. Turning his head back towards Era, he called back. "Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary? It looks like a hastily made, and abandoned, campsite to me. Fire pit, quickly snuffed with dirt. A couple tracks here and there." He scanned the perimeter, but couldn't seem to pinpoint any tracks leading away.

  2. IC Solvi

    Someone's foot got stepped on under the table.


    Probably Jolek's.


    "So, are we ready for the bill? I can cover it if any of you are short," she casually remarked as a trendy Gucci purse materialized out of some personal niche.

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