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Not Quite Dead

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Posts posted by Not Quite Dead

  1. IC Brontes


    The statue of a Skakdi laughs and smirks, it sounds like rock being ground.


    "Not everyone is a battle hardened warrior, I was a scholar and librarian before some insane village elder shoved a toa stone in my face."

  2. IC Onamazu


    "I do not understand your quip, Fe-Toa. A hero can come from any blood and any walk of life."


    Things seem tense, rather unfriendly.


    "I apologize for the sudden entrance, we are travelers from Ga-Wahi. We're looking for a female toa that was abducted and brainwashed by a group of Makuta's worshippers. I led us north to Po-Koro in hopes of finding a trail. So far we have found none."

  3. IC Lain


    Dragging sounds, fighting sounds. Sounds that remind him of his past. The Bo-Toa is jolted awake, it is the very early hours of the morning. Dawn nothing but a hint on the horizon. The sounds of fighting are clear, carrying through the quiet nighttime environment from the south. Lain grabs the Gae Bolg and throws on his traveling cloak to ward off the chill.


    He approachs through the dense vegetation, his cloak and body wreathed in vines to provide camouflage.


    OOC: That is the Ghidora/Dallidor group

  4. IC Onamazu


    The matoran ignores her.


    The group proceeds further into town, the Onu-Toa spotting a very busy looking residence/shop titled Farzan's Workshop.


    "Should we check it out? They seem like friendly locals."

  5. [Ta Koro, Public House]

    “Can you be any more specific than ‘mysterious beasties that are somehow outside of the norm?’ I think the Akiri would like know if an invasion will set anything dangerous off."


    IC Brontes


    "I can personally attest to the living dead, dark fa-toa that can magnetize non-metallic objects and mercenaries that claim a code of honor."


    The vo-toa finishes his drink.


    "Few things could be more impossible or terrifying."

  6. IC Skoll


    People are too easily frightened around here.


    Living in a safe, underground cave probably does that to you. His village elder, a distant figure in his (childhood?) past had always told him that sheltering oneself from life's trials was just a long drawn out process of suicide.

  7. IC Lain


    The sun is setting to the south, the jungle denizen lays his sleeping roll out. The fish he caught set to smoke throughout the night.


    An idyllic yet naggingly boring life... Was this his destiny?

  8. IC Brontes


    "Things my sleep grows restless over every single time there is a battle in those hills. Things that are... Wrong."


    "Anyone sleeping in Ko-Wahi is surely woken by now. My ears are still ringing from them blowing the gate up."

  9. IC Lain


    "Eventually I got up, buried my traumatizing past and moved on."


    The Le-Matoran he was telling his story to sits, mouth agape. A dazzled expression on his face. The Bo-Toa sits cross legged on the dock. He had been fishing when the matoran showed up. They got to talking, eventually he asked why a toa such as him was living the simple life of a hunter/tracker. "Back then, rahi corrupted by Makuta were commonplace. I tried to be a hero outside Le-Wahi for a time, but it didn't work out too well... I prefer the quiet life here."


    A puzzled look, his audience of one appears both in awe and skeptical of his story.

  10. OOC: This is a flashback


    IC Lain


    120 Seconds


    The Bo-Matoran is wounded beyond saving, his blood stains the ground beneath him. The bestial creature that has dealt him so many wounds advances. His armor, formerly made of strong and sturdy bark and vines is mangled, pieces of it litter the jungle clearing or are embedded in his flesh from the crushing blows of the rahi


    The creature is stained dark, it's flesh red and raw with infection. It could've been a Kane-Ra before. Now it was little more than corrupted, spoiling flesh and rippling muscle. It reminds him of the horror stories told of rahi touched by Makuta's dark influence. Creatures bent on destruction and terror. His older sister still stands, fighting desperately to save them


    107 Seconds


    Awful sounds, splintering noises from mechanic and organic parts alike. Squelching as organs and flesh are shifted and beat out of place. His mentor, his last family falls to the ground. She goes silent. The creature sniffs the air, it's eyes are long since rotted. It hunts it's prey through instinct and heightened animal senses. He crawls, slowly and quietly to the dying Bo-Toa


    73 Seconds


    She is gone now. Dead. Her body is shrunken now, peaceful and calm looking. Before she passed she gifted him her Toa powers. He now holds a deep blue stone, warm to the touch and stained with blood from his hands. He kills the part of him that wants to break down and cry, grieve and scream and let the beast finish him. He must operate as a machine now


    34 Seconds


    He has crawled to a shallow rut, a gouge in the earth from the creature's lunge. Loss of blood and sanity leaves him feeling light. He clutches the stone tightly. Bright blue light floods the clearing, accompanying by the crackling sound and burning smells of pure energy. The plants and earth nearby are scorched to dust as the power changes him, healing his wounds and strengthening his broken body and mind


    10 Seconds


    A low noise, half way between moan and roar. The beast has found him.


    3 Seconds


    I step out of the rut, onto the level ground above. I stand changed, no longer a dying wreck. But a proud Toa


    The rushing blood in my head has slowed, the noise in my ears like rushing wind is silent. There is about thirty meters between the giant and I. It'll take him less than three seconds to close the distance


    Therefore, the battle must be decided before then. My mind is clear now, I can feel the scope of my new powers. The growth, experience, technique and accumulated years of knowledge of this power's owner, my sister. Elemental power that inverts the world, engraving the concepts and wishes in my head onto the world around me. The embodiment of the mental world brought into the physical, the weapon I need and the power it requires


    It notices me, it's blind eyes move. It's hostility and rage finding focus. The beast roars and rushes to crush it's enemy


    2 Seconds


    My body shakes involuntarily, my bones crackle and my brain fights me, telling me to stop, another part of me breaks as I prepare to use massive elemental energy I am not prepared, I do not have the necessary skills to kill my enemy


    I clutch my lance


    1 Second


    The giant steps forward, his massive claw coming down like a hammer at me, I step forward to match him. Chest, upper thigh, groin, temple, arm, ribs, gut. Razor sharp vines erupt from the ground, piercing his body through again and again


    I thrust my lance at it's heart, it enters it's body and it's blade erupts with barbs, the creature shudders and dies. It still stands, a gory display held up by the dozens of objects piercing it. I collapse

    • Upvote 2
  11. IC Karna


    Karna runs to the hut, years of training make carrying a light toa quite easy. The ga-matoran directs him to a rolled out mat on the floor, the priest sets him down.


    The matoran have caught up. "Tuli and Khervos, you to should stay at a safe distance until Skorm can be subdued or forced to flee. I would not be forgiven to have matoran killed under my protection."

  12. The BZPRPG-verse works on the anthropic principle that the prime movers work in such a way as to produce the plot, knowingly or unknowingly. The proof being that we are here to observe the plot


    (circular logic)

    • Upvote 2
  13. IC Karna


    The priest ran to the downed Ba-Toa, reaching down and picking his unconsciousness form up with ease.


    "I shall carry him, companions of Vesun. Find us a safe place to lay him down. I must join their battle."

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