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Not Quite Dead

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Posts posted by Not Quite Dead

  1. IC Forger


    It would be easy to let my pride get the better of me, I had to remind myself of our ultimate goal and what was needed to realize it. One small moment, step by step. Months and years could be spent waiting for an opportunity, and opportunities came hidden or wrapped in barbed wire just as often as they came wrapped in gift paper. I looked to Judge, anger was clear in his eyes.


    I tried to express my feelings on the matter, that patience and humility was needed for this, I spoke. "Judge. Please report to the others. Tell them Ko-Koro has fallen. I am going to meet with it's new owner and discuss our employment." Judge was good at reading glances and tones, hopefully he could explain this well to the others.


    I turned to the the dark Toa. "Lead the way."

  2. IC Forger


    "I left them half a day ago with my mask," he tapped his Kakama. "Approximately forty kio from the village. I am scouting ahead. We planned to contact the Koro's leaders and arrange some sort of contract. If can you offer such riches, that is likely to be with you." He gestured behind him, "they will catch up shortly. We needn't wait."


    He extended his hand, "how about we talk about this some place with food and heat?"

  3. IC Forger


    "Who are you and what is your business in this area?"


    The jet black Toa spoke with open hostility, secure enough in his position to feel no threat. I did not respond immediately, analyzing the two instead. Both were pitch dark, with smell sparkles like gems dotting their armor. The were in stark contrast to the pale environment. The one that had spoke was shorter than the other, with a brutal presence. He looked to have taken on characteristics of a rahkshi. He carried a warhammer; black as his armor, standing taller than him. His armor and weapon had the telltale signs of a skilled craftsmanship and had been altered. I guessed he was a toa of iron that had done this himself. I did not bother to trace his weapon in my mind.


    The other was skeletal, taller than his compatriot and armed with a sword, shield and a Kualsi. Both sword and shield were made of crystal, thin and utilitarian. Crystal was strong and deadly sharp, but brittle. Weapons as such either needed elemental support or repair to maintain. Any powerless brute were merely shatter the equipment, this led me to believe he had crystal powers.


    Toxic killing intent filled the air, I needed to respond.


    "I am a mercenary. I and several others have come to his region in seek of it's masters." He paused, watching for their reactions. "Whether they be the old or the new."


    Guys we ARE the legends in the making chill out





    Does that mean that Makuta has gone Meta now?


    In the stunning finale to the BZPRPG, it is revealed that the Hiripaki is the mastermind behind all the game's events, manipulating all of time and space to foster an unending cycle of strife and victory for the purpose of bringing greater and greater 'legends' into shape, until the line between story and reality is blurred beyond recognition and it can replace Makuta and Mata Nui as the sole defining force of creation.


    Its posts will be written by special guest star Mark Z. Danielewski.



    FUND lT

  5. IC Forger


    The muscles of my legs and back ached. My lungs burned. Even with the use of a Kakama, long distance travel was difficult and painful. I now stood on the small rise we would make camp at. Even from this distance, I could see smoke over the distant Koro. Acrid and burning smells filled the air. I could not tell from this distance, but I believed that the gate had been breached, it would've been under the largest plumes of smoke.


    I could not see the hospital from my position, the Koro proper stood between it and my current position. I could not see any details of the Koro, though my gut told me the defenders had lost. It threw a wrench into our plans, but could be accounted for. He had no love for the forces of darkness, they were unpredictable, dangerous and hard to exploit or manipulate in the way others could be. None the less, he had told his team he would not let them board a metaphorical sinking ship.


    I gave myself ten minutes to rest and eat. I needed to go the Hospital and see how the situation appeared from there.

  6. IC Forger


    A small cave stood in the side of the mountain, large enough for perhaps half a dozen Skakdi to stand in. Forger led the group into the cave, it provided minimum shelter, but anything was preferable to the freezing wind and increasing snow. They ate, discussing their plans and socializing. Forger knew Enforcer well, but the other three were still mysteries to him. Possibly to Zero as well. "Well, if it is possible to hide your intentions from her. That I doubt."


    He brought out his map once more, adorned with small metal rivets on landmarks. He highlighted the ridge they stood on, it continued downwards into the flatter land the Koro stood on. "It is still fifty kio from here to the Koro. Forty-five to the area we are going to make temporary camp at. I am going to scout ahead with my Kakama. We'll rendezvous here," he put another rivet through the map, five kio from their camp. "I will update you with any information I have gathered and we will proceed together to our camp and the Koro. You are all free to leave here as soon as you are rested. I would advise traveling the next distance with as few breaks as possible. Time is of the essence."


    He gave a quick goodbye to the others and gave them his non-essential equipment, the map, extra supplies and the like. It was an ardous run to the Koro, even with a mask of speed. Covering seventy-some kio with unnecessary weight could prove fatal in the hostile weather. Shouldering his now lighter pack, he activated his mask and started towards the Koro.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Hmm, spacey-timey distortions make me wonder if gravity users can make themselves invisible in some way.


    Some sort of bending space-time to reflect electromagnetic waves.


    EDIT: Although I doubt anyone understands this IC >__>


    But if anyone, gravity, magnetism and electrical elementals probably have the most science knowledge.

  8. IC Forger


    "Dragging a sled? Do they think of me as some kind of dog? The idea was not without merit, but he had practical concerns.


    "Both our outpost and the mountain we stand on are high above the sea level. The Koro is not, it lays near the sea, at a much lower altitude. Overly quick descent would not be pleasant. Even veteran guards that patrol the mountain give themselves time to descend and adjust." The landscape was covered in thick, hard ice and alternating levels of compacted and loose snow. The frigid wind bit into them, even under layers of clothing and armor.


    "The weather could do us in just as easily as rapid descent." He weighed their options, silent for several minutes.


    "We will use a sled to cover the next thirty or forty kio. The environment has plenty of natural slopes and use of elemental and mask powers won't be needed. Shaving six or eight hours off our journey will suffice. I don't want any of us at less than one hundred percent when we arrive." He brought out his map once more, laying it on a flat stone several bio away. "We'll descend along this route," he traced a line from their current location to one at around half the elevation. "It will put us fifty kio from Ko-Koro. After rest and food, that would leave us arriving at our camp in late afternoon tomorrow."


    He put away his map and shouldered his pack, moved to the edge of the small plateau they stood on. Using his elemental power of iron, he made five small sleds. Crude devices, but they would suffice. He did not want to exhaust his energies on more elaborate equipment. He surveyed the group, all looked ready. "Choose one to your liking and let us be off. We're following the southwest slope," he spoke while readying himself. "Please, try your best not to crash. Zero would be displeased."

    • Upvote 2
  9. OoC: Forger in from Ko-Koro


    IC Forger


    The cable car swayed, the trip over the break was a long one and the car and track ancient. He could see the unease on some of the newer recruit's faces.


    "Don't worry friends, we haven't had any casulties during crossing for many, many days." He wanted to set them at ease. Zero's way of leading was like slowly being absorbed into a deep dark cave in Onu-Wahi, it could take hours or it could take weeks, but eventually you were lost. At the mercy of the the natural environment around you. One caused by geological phenomenon, the other a product of their leader's inexorable atmosphere. A lowkey permeance of her personality and authority that covered their outpost.


    He viewed his leadership as a more mutual endeavor, he wanted cooperation rather than submission. Not out of the good of his heart mind you, but because he viewed someone that believed they were in charge, as much more easily shaped and molded than a blind and domestic slave. One resigned to their fate.


    He brought out his back, opening it to find a large map of Mata-Nui that he laid on the cable car's central table. He formed a small metal pin to mark their landing. "This is the Ko-Wahi side of the Tren Krom Break, we will be disembarking there shortly." He marked Ko-Koro, far away, even on the map's shrunken scale. "This is our destination, it is over nearly 100 kio of travel. Considering the terrain and weather, that is a solid two days. We should arrive on the outskirts early tomorrow morning. Hopefully before dawn breaks, so that we can scout the area out."


    He pinned another location, a small topographical protrusion on the map, "this will be our camp when we arrived there. A small peak, 5 kio from the Koro. I do not know how many of you have been to Ko-Koro before." He produced another map, this one of the region surrounding the city. "Our camp will be approximately 3 kio from their Hospital. Two of you will be sent out first to scout the area. If there is still activity, I shall speak with their leader and learn more about the state of the city proper."


    He rolled up the smaller Ko-Koro region map, leaving the larger one pinned onto the table. "Zero may have told you we are aiming to help the defenders, that is indeed our first and preferred plan. But if the scales have tipped against them, we will not be throwing our lot in with theirs. Zero wants use to maintain relations with multiple factions across the island, if we cannot gain their trust here we shall do it elsewhere. Given that our information on this conflict is several days old, and that we still have two to travel. That very well may be the case when we arrive. In that case, we will contact the attackers and see if our services would be of value to them."


    The cable car ground to the stop, they had landed. Already, the tempurature was dropping.


    "One last word before we head out; the darker forces on this island can be very tempting, but do not kid yourselves, abandoning us for them would only result in your death. They can promise you riches, but riches will do you no good if the island is a lawless run by cultists and criminals. Our ultimate goal is a peaceful land, Zero and I, we just have a different view of how exactly that can be achieved."


    He scanned their faces. Only unreadable eyes stared back. "Perfect."


    Their plans set and packs shouldered, they moved out, heading westwards to Ko-Koro.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Too many points to respond to, all good ones though.


    Instead I will use time that could be spent responding to rework the RPG.


    Just a few things.


    >The hunt has been occuring for many cycles, I chose a large number because a) the MU inhabitants have long lifespans and b) I wanted it to appear timeless and mysterious, so even if only a dozen cycles have occured, it's history is still very long. I will shed more light on it, but ultimately the mechinations and history behind it would have to be explored IC, as describing too much would needlessly spoil things


    >Glad you guys picked up on the after-the-end feel, more specifically I want a "last sparks before the fire gets snuffed out." vibe. As the fate of the world is ultimately to wind down and end, so the degraded environment and somewhat senseless conflict are symptoms of this. Obviously, this needs to be made clearer in the text


    >More background info on things needed, affirmative, a few logical inconsistencies to resolve


    >Going back to point two, the technological level is high. But the "magic" level in the modern day is going to be low. Elemental, natural and mask powers have all weakened. That is why I don't have an issue with allowing Toa and Skakdi and the like. Again, this is something I need to make clear in the text

  11. IC: Brontes helped the head nurse load crates of supplies, food, tents, blankets, lightstones and medicine into carts parked outside the hospitals front gate. Keeping an eye out for any enemies on the horizon.


    "I wonder how that plant Toa is doing."

  12. IC Forger, Obsidian Outpost


    "Oi, hello? Anyone out here? It's Veteran; I've brought a new recruit!"


    Even in the meeting chamber, Veteran's voice was audible, albeit slightly muffled. Forger now stood alone with Enforcer and Zero. "Let us finish our private matters quickly. We have a new visitor to greet and a Koro to save."

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