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Not Quite Dead

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Posts posted by Not Quite Dead

  1. Yeah, it is pretty short. What key stuff is missing though?


    From my quick look at other RPGs, most of them seem to have lengthy sections detailing the story leading up to the game, the custom locations around the game, the groups involved, and the mechanics at play within it. For my idea though, there just isn't that much to say about those things. The preceding story is just the BIONICLE canon that I'm assuming everyone knows about. The locations are just Odina and later, Metru Nui. These are known places, just like the Dark Hunters and Toa Mangai are known groups. Should I reiterate a bunch of stuff about all of these, or just trust players to know their stuff, or else look it up on BS01?


    It looks like they all have a rules section though, and a banner, so I'll look at adding those. I'll also look at any more suggested additions that people bring up.


    Take a page from Marvel's book and reiterate the same things in a new fashion.

  2. IC: Ezezko - New Atero Streets

    He had begun to say that that was fine, that he'd enjoyed the alone time. Well spent perfecting his Blondie look, when some dweeb bumped into Armani.



  3. IC: Ezezko - Parking District

    Hhmm, a salient point.


    "Nah, let's get moving." He recapped the bottle and tossed it expertly into an eagerly anticipative recycling bin. A dirty one at that.




    He began the march towards the tower.

  4. IC: Ezezko - New Atero Parking District

    For some reason, the news that the crash had been absolutely fatal and that Big Red had been exiled was about as shocking as licking the musty D batteries you found in a long forgotten lantern. He simply nodded in affirmation once at the news and stayed put at the offer of physical comfort. Maybe they needed to affirm themselves via contact? Occasionally he had flickers of thoughts like this that assumed other people had autonomous wills and aspirations such as his own, but, he found that assumptions of any sort had a way of messing **** up for him when he allowed them. So, it spiraled down into his subconscious sewers like a dead pet goldfish.


    He quickly made an about face and scampered into For Hire, reemerging a moment (which means less than a second) later with a dusty brown bottle of some assuredly terrible drink. Fidgeting with the cap for a moment, he popped it off and turned the bottle downside up, the amber contents staining the sands. "For the deceased," he murmured rather tersely.


    That was obvious enough, right?

  5. IC: Ezezko - New Atero Parking District

    The softly defined browns and greys of the wastes gave way to the hard edged angles and colors of civilization. Soon enough, the nonplussed-faced pilot set his craft down aside THESE GUNS, predictably landed, parked and disembarked before him. Despite his nonplussed appearance he was quite capable of using basic mathematics to plus and minus together an idea of what he'd be in for. Namely some sort of debriefing, a lecture, maybe he'd get to watch Maldrakk get kzzzzzecuted for his negligent manslaughter?


    Locking up his craft, he dismounted. Taking his time to silently stretch and make sure his self was thoroughly nonminussed of the dust and dirt of travel.


    Eventually, he turned his gaze towards Armani.


    "What's up?"

  6. IC: Ezezko - (no fancy zippyesque location naming here)

    An outsider might have ascribed the look plastered to his face as the result of stoicism, cold detachment, perhaps just general badassery in a Blondie sort of way. He was cool, collected, calm and never gave a karz about anybody, that was like totally awesome, right? The kind of cold hearted guy that would calmly observe, crack a one liner, shoot someone in cold blood and collect his money and perhaps have an episode or two dedicated to his past traumas or something cliche that caused this demeanor.


    Well actually, the look of cool indifference was merely his confused face. He was just confused as to what had happened and when his brain was on full trying to work through a problem, his face had no processing power left to use and assumed the most neutral positioning possible.


    The subconscious subprocesses of his brain covertly directed a few kilowatts of power to the movement of his limbs and the processing, albeit at a low level, of his surroundings. In laymen's terms this was called flying. He wasn't going particularly fast and the blank blandness of New Atero's locale meant his brain could think and not focus much on taking in the majestic view or not crashing into something. He mulled over the events of the afternoon as the deserts blurred past.

  7. I'll remind you that reliance on a single attacker was what led to the slow decline of last game's mafia as Americana was quickly caught out and forced to throw teammate after teammate under the bus to save his own skin. Even if the consequences for doing so would be far less dire this time, I'd hope that the mafia would have learnt their predecessor's lesson.

    And he won.


    I'm gonna vote ToaTimeLord.

  8. IC: Ezezko - Open Skies

    Perhaps he should ram the vehicle to gain their attention and/or check for signs of life.


    Instead he settled for landing next to it, kicking his feet up on the dash and relaxing with the best Blondie impression he could manage pasted on his face.

  9. IC: Ezezko - The Failed Testing Grounds



    It was getting really awkward. He hadn't been hailed or anything and he was aimlessly circling above the improvised grave of the test pilot. Waiting for something.


    Big Red and suspiciously nice girl had entered Hakkzan's craft. Maybe he was kzzzzplaining his actions.


    Maybe they'd all be killed and made to disappear for their involvement in this covert op gone bad.


    That'd be kinda neat.

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