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Blog Entries posted by T-Hybrid

  1. T-Hybrid
    Welcome one and all to 2011! We hope you enjoy your next 365 days here! With a new year comes new goals, mine this year?
    Get to 190 lbs., 10% body fat within 2-3 months. And keep it off. Complete a half-marathon. Increase awesomeness by 25% That last one is more of a joke, but I still think it's fun to add. Cause the goal ever year is to make it better than the last right? So what do you guys have in store for 2011?
  2. T-Hybrid
    My friends and I literally just got back from the first showing here in town. And I'll let you know there's no point to stay after for the credits, except for the music video. The song is catchy, but aside from that there's none of that extra scene stuff that movies have liked to do lately.

    I don't know to what extent I'd be allowed to discuss the movie here, so I'll just make it quick....it's a classic. If you're able to see it (as in, of age) then do it. It's hilarious. The story takes itself serious, and the biggest surprise involves one of the flight attendants. But otherwise it's just one of those movies that'll go down in legend.

    SoaP is going to be our generation's Rocky Horror...without all that other stuff that goes with that movie. But I can't get over how hilarious the whole event was. The crowd was into it, and the overall attitude made the movie that much more enjoyable. To those who honestly want to see this, go soon. Otherwise the crowds will shift to those that are going expecting to see an actual movie, and they're not going to be like the ones I saw this with.

    SoaP is going to be a financial success...and I have a feeling it's going to be number one for at least it's opening weekend. It's just that kinda movie. And who knows what to expect come the DVD release. This is already a cult classic.

    One minor nitpick. Technically, there are no snakes on the plane. They are all in the plane. But to paraphrase a certain comedian...forget getting on the plane, I'm getting in the plane. Let Evil Kineval get on the plane. Besides that, I've got no complaints.

    Now, the after party was another story. After getting back to the Haven, we found a few pinatas had been delivered to the doors. Now, HGM was supposedly in charge of checking them out, but from the looks of things that wasn't what happened. I guess there was an advance screening of the movie in the Digital World. So go figure he left his post just long enough for these to get dropped off by an unknown caller.

    But you know, we were pumped up from the movie. So we brought them in, hung them up, and started fooling around. Well, wouldn't you know...the first one gets busted open and out falls this big snake thing. Well naturally, the guests start freaking out. And since I don't have Sammy J's number (at least not handy) I do the only thing I can think of and call out HGM. One thing needs to another, and the next thing you know there's a full on Digimon assault in the lounge of the Haven.

    An hour later, I'm still cleaning up. I didn't bother breaking open the second pinata, but that's mostly because it was obliterated in the brawl. If you haven't seen to Perfect Level Digimon duke it out in person, you haven't lived. But that's another story, and to sum it up quickly I'll say Sandiramon is still out there. And really, that's all I need right now. I've got classes, a job, finances, and now two rival Digimon who have their eyes on moving in.

    But really, all that's not so bad. Because I saw Snakes On A Plane, and nothing can take that away.
  3. T-Hybrid
    In the past, I've done topics on suggestions, and when I saw this over in Omi's Rush I couldn't help but think that it was a pretty sweet idea. So after getting his permission to borrow the idea I decided to go ahead and hold a Q/A session of my own in celebration of 100 entries.
    I've also unvieled a new Blue-Vice image...which I'm thinking will work like a "header" for the most recent entry. If it all works according to plan. So go ahead and ask away, I'll answer what I can as best I can. This is your chance to find out what makes me tick (please, no open heart surgery).
  4. T-Hybrid
    I've been part of many fandoms in my time, and through all of them I've seen the different stages. And though I'm pleased that Bionicle's been around long enough to hit this current stage, I'm a bit bothered by the frequency and intensity with which its come. Though that's to be expected with the size of this forum comparred to the others I've been to.
    But to all those people out there who make the topics which are getting to be a weekly affair:
    No, Bionicle is not in a decline. No, Bionicle is not loosing touch with its fans. No, Bionicle is not dumbing itself down. No, Bionicle is not running out of ideas. We good?
  5. T-Hybrid
    It's unfortunate. I knew they were coming, I just sorta let it slip my mind that it'd be this soon. Needless to say, I'm buying the Inika.
    The last three or four years have been especially difficult financially, with a college education being a much bigger drain on my assests than even the most cynical of graudates could've preparred me for. To get to the point, thanks to student loans, I'm currently $10k in debt.
    This will not, however, distract me from my usual Bionicle tradition of tracking down and aquiring the newest Toa sets as soon as humanly possible. If these means shelling out $60+ for a set of Inika at release, than that's going to be the final say on that.
    I really shouldn't, goodness knows there are enough things in the fall coming out (2 DS games, the final Xenosaga game, Twilight Princess) that I shouldn't add one more purchase to what is slowly becoming just like every other summer. "Oh, this year I'll cut back. I won't spend as much as I did last year."
    Of course, then the Inika come out. And these sets look awesome. Each new Toa cycle, LEGO seriously outdoes themselves. Looking back on the original 6 Toa, it's amazing that Bionicle has evolved into the sets we have today. I feel that I have to pick up these sets, to encourage LEGO to continue this franchise until I'm able to get back into it with the resources I once had available to me (namely my parent's income...and the lack of any significant out-come)
    I've already made a few sacrifies to the Great Beast that is higher education (heretofore known as Käreti). Mostly noteably are Axxon (who will maybe find his way into my home when he drops down in price) and the Nintendo Wii (this one hurt a lot saying no to).
    But these Inika will be mine. And they will be mine soon. The next step (as is further part of the tradition) will be to build my two Pa-Tahi MOCs of this generation. More on that in a later blog.
    It also kind of answers another question. I've been trying to figure out what from my room at home will come with me to the new apartment. There's already a few Twins things, as well as some family pictures. But to make it feel more like home (which is what it'll be for at least a year), I've got to bring a few more things that make me who I am.
    One is probably going to be Johan (which is another item I've actually got to buy first), and the other will probably be my centaur MOC once I've landed my set of Inika.
    Of course...then I've got to track down replacement Inika figures. The other part of the tradition is that I display all 6 current-gen Toa plus my two MOCs. That's a financial set back for another day.
    The moral of today's blog, kids: Take advantage of your parents generocity...and save whatever you're able to. College works-out the pocketbook almost as much as your brain.
  6. T-Hybrid
    Let it be known that on this day, I have discovered the center of the universe.
    It happened while watching CSI this evening at 7:34pm. A commerical came on for Jumper, which I had considered going to up until this point. During the trailer, the main character drops into a couch and turns on a TV. Suddenly a commerical begins to air for HP and Windows, with the main character teleporting randomly in and out of the shot. Then at the end of the HP commerical the main character teleports out and the original commericial finishes as though nothing ever happened.
    That's right, I have just seen a commericial take a commericial break.
    ...I'm scared too.
  7. T-Hybrid
    So I was thinking...this year it's Swine Flu. Not to long ago it was Avian Flu. What happens if these two deadly diseases should combine forces?

    What are you waiting for? RUN!
  8. T-Hybrid
    I'm still alive. Things have been hectic around here, a combination of work....rec league sports (softball + volleyball)....and I've become a dang Achievement Hunter on the 360. It's become a lot of fun, got my completion to about 86% before I started the new Transformers game today.
    I think I've become addicted to that little "Bee-bloop" sound that you when it pops a new one. And I've also started borrowing games from friends to get more. There's a 23% completion in Halo 3 that's bugging the heck out of me! Played it at a friend's house a few years back and now that's the one that's "bogging me down" so to speak!
    Also, that War for Cybertron game is fun as all get out. It's nice to finally have a GOOD Transformers game to play!
  9. T-Hybrid
    It was just confirmed today that Journey's classic "Don't Stop Believin'" will be released for Rock Band on both the 360 and PS3 next week. While I only own the Xbox version, I want to take this opportunity to request that everybody on here who plays this game purchase this track to ensure that the online community becomes all the more epic. And as a vocalist, I want to make extra certain that fellow RB vocalists get this song. Because you are not truly master of the karaoke based music game until you've belted this puppy out at least once.
    And if you don't think you've ever heard this song, I guarantee that you have. Numerous times. Oh, and there's also some Spongebob songs coming. I will probably check those out online before I actually drop points on them.
  10. T-Hybrid
    I've been wondering. Is anybody still interested if I were to try and get Rebirth going again? I was reminded today why it's been slacking off in updates when I went to write this entry the first time and had it get blocked by a Board Error. I back up Chapters when I can. But sometimes I try to post them and they just get wiped by Board Errors.
    So I store them away, but they're unfinished...and I never get back to them. I can't put all the blame on the board itself, some of it is because I've written myself out of the original outline. I'm sorta at a point where I have to deviate to a point where I need to take some time to figure out if I want to roll with it or try and direct it back where I want it to go.
    I've missed a few opportunities with it, and though I'm not disappointed...I'm a bit let down with how it's felt. Te Mutunga and even The Alliance felt fun to write, but Rebirth seems like something where I had a spark but got delayed beyond when it stuck around.
    If people are interested, I'll get back into it. But I don't want to keep writing a fic if nobody's reading it. I liked the concept, and think it can go over well if I can find that place where the writing comes easier. I jsut needs to figure out where that is.
  11. T-Hybrid
    Last Sunday, my friends and I went down to a local mexican restaurant. I had just eaten, and decided to come with just to hang out with everybody. As with most restaurants of this kind, you're given free chips and salsa while you ponder your order. So they brought them out, and I had some. I decided against getting anything to eat, and just asked for a water. My friends got stuff, including a bowl of cheese dip that comes with a "bottomless" basket of chips. So throughout the night I had some of my friends chips, and the servers kept bringing salsa. By the end of the night I had eaten a decent amount and was actually feeling pretty full.
    The next day was a Monday, which is my traditional "nice meal with 24" day. This is when I make something that cost a little extra to have along with my favorite show. My friends got back from playing racquetball, and decided to go out to the same place. Again, I had just ate, this time much more than the previous night. But figuring that there'd be a chance to hang out (and a few chips) it wouldn't hurt to go with.
    I got there a little bit after they did, as I wanted to wait until 24 was over. We're pretty regular there, so most of the late night servers know our orders. They asked if I would like some of the hot salsa I usually have, and I said sure. And just as last night, the continued to bring salsa to go with the chips my friends were getting.
    But when it came time to leave, the server brought out a check from the manager. Apparently tonight I owed $3 for the chips and salsa I had eaten. Frustrated, I asked to talk with the manager. I felt sorry when the "backup" manger had to come out, as the head manager (the one who had told the server to give me a bill) had taken off already.
    This is where 5 years in food services came in handy. Because the following facts are important when dealing with restaurant customer service.

    If the customer comes in enough that you know their order by heart, be willing to cut them some slack. I'm not saying they should get away with murder, but my friends and I come in at least 2 times a week and we usually spend about $10 each. You know we usually get food when we come, and since there were other people at the table who were ordering food, who are they to tell the customer who can and cannot share their food. Never, ever, blame a different manager. If some other manager does something that a customer doesn't like, but you have to talk with them...you have to deal with that. The customer isn't mad at the manager, they're mad at the restaurant as a whole. And as the manager on duty, you are the representative for the restaurant. Don't ever bring previous nights into a discussion about the bill for the night in question. "Considering the chips you ate last night..." should never have been uttered. Because last night was just that. Nobody said anything to me last night, nor did they mention the night before when I first arrived. That goes into our next point. If your store has a policy, notify the customer prior to dropping a bill in their lap. At any point in the night, they could've told me that I needed to order something to go with the chips I was eating. However, this to me is pointless, considering that my friends had orders that came with chips. And since the matter of who eats what isn't up to the restaurant (buffet's not included) there's really nothing they can say if the chips I'm eating came from somebody's order. They can't cut that person off, and that person can't be forced to not share with somebody else in the party. Don't hand said bill to the customer wrapped in a "We appreciate your feedback" folder. Especially when that folder has a question regarding "Manager Contact." You want my opinion on your store after how you handled this situation? And then remind me that you're a place that prides itself on Manager contact when that never happend in the hour we were there? That's what reved me up in the first place. It seems like a lot of trouble to go through for $3. But I was genuinely offended that they wouldn't bother to inform of at some point during the night, especially considering they were aware of the night before. What makes it worse, there were six other people in the party with me...and they told me afterwards that they were turned off to wanting to eat there again after what had happened. So the mess they caused over $3 worth of chips may have cost them about $60-120 bucks a week from a group of happy regular customers. It may not seem like a lot, but after working in foods...I know that it hurts the mood of the place sometimes when regulars disappear. 
    Will I go back? Dunno yet. But hopefully I can pass some advice on to anybody who's in the food industry now, or is younger and looking to break into the job market with a job in food services.
  12. T-Hybrid
    I hate to announce it like this...but I'm guessing by now it's probably obvious. I don't think I'm going to be finishing "Rebirth of Fusion". It's been way too long, and unlike "Te Mutunga" I never felt connected to the story. In the end, my understanding of the characters didn't feel complete enough to actually follow through. Which is unfortunate, because I kinda liked the idea I had planned out.
    Depending on what happens, I may revamp the "Inuva" category into something based more around my general creative flow. To those of you who were following the story, I apologize for letting you down.
  13. T-Hybrid
    I've always wondered what goes on in the head of a blog viewer, especially when it comes time for ratings. Normally, I'm not one who pays much attention to the ratings of the various blogs. But in the case of the Haven...I can't help but be curious. So that's why I've decided to ask you, the reader, to share with me your thoughts on this little piece of code I call home.
    Is it the deco? The mood? Do I need to blog more? What kinds of topics do you find more interesting than others? One thing that should be important to a blogger is that his readers actually care about what he/she is writing. So today's entry will be short and sweet.
    What do you guys think?
  14. T-Hybrid
    As some of you may have noticed by now, I'm very excited for the release of the Kardas Dragon boxed set. In fact, it's gotten to the point where I'm avoiding going near the LEGO section in fear that I'll pick up the components before I get the big guy himself.
    Now, you may be wondering why I'd do such a crazy thing. Surely instructions for Kardas will become readily available once the set is in the mainstream. And though it will most likely cost slightly less than the individual Titan sets, the offset would be having to wait until those same sets are proabably discounted anyway.
    Well, for some reason...I don't care. Part of what makes Kardas so cool is the fact he's going to come in this massive box marked Kardas. To me, it's the feeling of buying not just three smaller sets to make something larger, but buying one massive set who has the benefit of also having three alt-models that are really cool.
    However, I don't recall seeing word on an American release, and a search of eBay over the last few weeks had yielded only one result. And that one result wasn't too encouraging.
    I keep scanning sets and promotions for news, but I haven't seen anything on Kardas except that he's hit stores in the UK. So I'm getting to a point where I may just break and pick up his component sets. At this point it's not about Axonn or Brutaka...or even the stunning Vezon and Fenrahk. Kardas is the set of 2006, and he will be mine....someday.
  15. T-Hybrid
    Just to clear up the airwaves a bit due to some recent confusion.

    Hapori Tohu (not me)

    Tohru (also not me....I've lost weight)

    Tohru Honda (definately not me...despite April Fool's jokes suggesting otherwise)

    Torhu Hybrid (me)
    Though I do see that Honda and I share similiar fashion sense (color wise, not the whole...skirt...thing)
  16. T-Hybrid
    I don't remember if I wrote this earlier in the year, but my Grandad passed away in June. This Christmas, my Grandma gave me his watch.
    ...I don't think I'm ever going to take this off. It makes a Hauls Thread seem inappropriate and petty. So none this year. It was a fun Christmas though!
  17. T-Hybrid
    Awww heck. I got so busy at work that i didn't get a chance this year to do my yearly format change. Sorry all. Any good April Fools Day antics that you guys can report back on? Ones that are BZP appropriate of course. There was one getting passed around at work that Google did that was pretty funny.
  18. T-Hybrid
    As you may have heard by now, the Midwest got absolutely pounded over the last few days. Schools, government offices, and major roads are all closing down. People are digging their cars out of the snow, and its blowing around like you'd never believe.
    But it's still a blast. For some reason. I was outside this evening for about a half-hour shoveling snow out from around my car. The "parking spot" next to me hadn't been plowed in a week or so, and looked about the same as any place else, so thankfully I had some place closer to dump it then having to shovel up and over my car towards the curb.
    I've never seen it like this before, at least best I can remember. There were a few years where it snowed frequently, but never to this extent. I can remember a Halloween a long time ago when I didn't even need a costume, because all the kids were in snowpants and winter coats.
    I haven't been able to drive my car now for about a week, mostly because I haven't had anybody around to help get it out of the spot. I've gotta try tomorrow, mostly because I've got to get out and get some laundry done. Really don't want to have to trug through the snow with a basket of clothes, even if it is only a few blocks. With the way things have been going, I'm worried I may get ran down by a mammoth or something.
    Of course, I've always wanted a pet tiger...I suppose a saber-toothed one would be just as good as any.
  19. T-Hybrid
    I haven't bought any new Bionicle since I bought the Mistika...and I wasn't too pleased with those sets. As such I've been out of the loop with the 09 sets. But I see there's a Mata-Nui out (or coming soon). I think I want it, but can't decide if I should buy the Toa-sized Mata-Nui or wait until that bigger set comes out.
    What do you guys think? Are the new Toa worth the increased price? I liked the pics of the new Mata-Nui, and it would be fun to finally have a set of him even if it's not the same epic figure we all imagined years ago.
    Glad he finally has a set form though. It's been a LONG time coming!
  20. T-Hybrid
    Apparently by July 5th, LEGO actually meant July 10th. But I can live with it, because those extra five days worth of reviews and information from other lucky buyers only helped build my excitement for these sets. And I'll begin by saying, they do not disappoint. Since reviewers for the last week or so have been pummeling you with the same photos over and over again, I won't bother with taking some of my own. The pictures do them justice, for the most part. So without further ado: my own opinion.
    I'll begin by saying that yes, the canister is huge. My first thought when I opened the box from S@H was that these weren't canisters anymore. The Inika come in plastic boxes with lids that are about the size of bricks. You're going to hear they are big, and you're going to see pictures that make them look big...but once you see them in person, you'll realize how big they are.
    But that doesn't really describe the sets, so let's forget the Ini-krates and move on to the meat of the whole lot. Let's talk sets. And what a set they are! Highly poseable, fully detailed, and with some excellent new innovations in set design (at least to me...I don't have many of the 06 or 05 sets).
    You've seen the pictures, and read the reviews...so I'll make it quick and break it down into the ups and downs.
    13 points of articulation Light-up weapons 6 new Kanohi Unique pieces between Toa New colors for Toa sets Nuparu's shoulder mounted Zamor launcher Cons:All weapons are "swords" Kanohi not compatible with previous sets Odd color selection for some characters Too much silver Heads I'll expand on a few of these. Nuparu needs some orange in him, instead...that goes to Hewkii. I would have preferred to see Macku and Onepu join the other McToran as Inika, but I guess that would not be the case. That's unfortunate both storywise and set wise...as we miss out on a chance to get some purple in our Toa. And looking at the all-black Nuparu, I can't help but think some purple in the under-armor would've really made the figure standout. 
    I also wish that LEGO could've put some more effort into the weapons. Though the light-up feature is great, I would've liked to have seen the sets each get a more uniquely shaped weapon. As it is now, they're all very sword-like in appearance. Also, changing the colors between Toa would also set them apart. Jaller's the only one with an "off-color" weapon.
    What I do like though, is the detail that has been put into each set. The Kanohi look fantastic, and finally cross the boundary between toy and movie in appearance. The sets as a whole capture the look and feel of a Toa from the movies. LEGO's set the bar high for the next round of sets. I eagerly await the next evolution of the Inika.
    There's one thing I especially hope to see work on, and that's the new head. As many have said, they were originally supposed to glow somehow. The Inika are charged with some kind of mystical lightning, show it in their faces. They don't have to glow in the dark. But using that plastic type used for Matoro and Jaller's joints would be perfect. Also, make sure the next generation of Toa have different eye colors between them. Green eyes work on Nuparu, but they look out of place on Kongu and Matoro. The eyes are the windows to the soul, remember that when designing a set. Heck, I may take it upon myself to spruce up these on my own. I'm guessing a spray brush would accomplish that.
    My overall opinion. Awesome. I was questioning the price, but after getting my hands on them...these Inika are worth $9.99. Though I am cautious of accepting any more price increases for future sets. That is, unless, there are drastic changes made in both size and design.
  21. T-Hybrid
    I was worried for a few days that all the Vice Katz had fled amidst the chaos of Maj. But thankfully they're all back now. And before Maj explodes again from the awesomeness of my new feline army, let me introduce them all.General: Harris & Duftmon (Leopard Mode) Gaming: Bertrum & BanchyoLeomon Bionicle: Jonesy & AncientSphinxmon Inuva: Trixie & Bastemon Apollomon's Blog: Wilson & Baihumon Fiction: Bucky & SaberLeomon Creations: Mac & Mihiramon The new arrangement is great. I haven't seen a mouse in days, not to mention the slowly declining insect population. Now if only I could train them to stop using their newly aquired powers to harass the neighborhood dogs.
  22. T-Hybrid
    I haven't been following Bionicle that closely the past few years, but I guess I wasn't really shocked to learn that things are wrapping up for now. It was one of those inevitabilities that had always lingered in the backs of people's minds...and now it's a reality.
    I'm not exactly sure what to say here. I remember when Bionicle was first getting started, and I was just getting a feel for what could be done with the sets. And soon they became just another of my hobbies along with other action figures and gaming. It's been what...8 years now? That's amazing when you get right down to it. Look at all the things that have come and gone in that time, such as Galidor *chuckle*, and compare Bionicle to it's predecessors Slizer and Throwbots. Who'd a thunk that this line would have taken off as amazingly as it has.
    I can only hope that LEGO goes in the right direction with it's "replacement" line, and I hope that Bionicle fans are willing to accept the line for what it is instead of what it isn't. I also hope that the Bionicle storyline will be able to come to a satisfactory close in the time it has left.
  23. T-Hybrid
    So I picked up Chrono Trigger for the DS just before Thanksgiving. Despite my long time love of gaming, I never actually played Chrono Trigger when it was first released for the Super Nintendo so many years ago. This is mostly because I didn't get into RPGs until Final Fantasy X for the Playstation 2. But getting back to Chrono, so far it's been a blast. The story and characters have been very interesting, and the battle system is a good mix of classic Magic/Tech use and Active Time (similar to FFIV or FFX-2).
    I highly recommend it to ANY RPG fan who owns a DS, though I admit it's probably pretty hard to find one who's never played this.
    Also, Frog is the man. That is all.
  24. T-Hybrid
    I don't get it...it's basically Bionicle figures re-branded as something else. It kinda feels like a bit of a copout to me. I will have to read up more on the line, but I figured when Bionicle ended that LEGO would be trying something new. Not releasing some new Toa under a different name. I know I said we shouldn't pass judgement on something before we know more, but at the same time this doesn't feel right.
  25. T-Hybrid
    There's a party at the Haven. After having played Pokemon since Red first launched so many years ago, I finally...after having two previous failures...have caught my first Shiny Pokemon. First it was a Rattata that I accidentally fainted in Silver. Then a Pidgey that used Whirlwind in Leaf Green. But this time, this time I was ready.
    While training in the Tower south of Solaceon in Diamond, a Green Zubat popped up. Thankfully I had my Lvl 63 Luxray in the lead. So all it took was a Quick Balll and I was good to go. Needless to say I saved IMMEDIATELY after. So now I have a Green Zubat. I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but it's there. And it's MINE!
    So break out the spirited beverages and the pixie stix. ViceGreymon's letting everybody in today!
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