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Blog Entries posted by T-Hybrid

  1. T-Hybrid
    I was just about ready to make a decision, and was set to hop in my car to pick up a copy...when an old friend paid me a visit.
    I'm talking about Mr. My Car Won't Start. After a few unsuccessful attempts to turn the key, followed by the inability to get a jump from anybody, poor little T's Car was toed over to the shop and put up on the lift. The problem? Alternator's shot. Took the battery with it too. Thankfully I had just purchased the battery, so it was covered under warranty. But the alternator was another story. I haven't paid the $360 yet (mostly because the car is still in the shop this morning), but it's effectively made up my mind on a lot of things. Namely, instead of getting either Final Fantasy V or VI...I'm getting neither.
    Runner up was FFVI. And had my car not gone out I probably would've been getting FFV after my next payday. Not taking a third party into consideration, the best way to solve indecisiveness is the Yankee-way. And by that I mean just buy yourself out of a jam.
  2. T-Hybrid
    Things are starting to feel more like home here at the Haven. As you can see, I've started fixing up the place with some new navigation buttons. It's a chance to keep my Photoshop skills fresh, and an excuse to watch Digimon episodes. So it's win/win!
    For those that are familiar with my choice of avatar over the years, as well as the sig I've only recently changed up (only temporarily while the Epics Contest runs mind you)...it should be no surprise I've gone with a Digimon theme. And honestly, I think it turned out pretty well. Almost every season is represented here, and I've come to call the group the Blue-Vice Squad. With the exception of Matt from Season 1 and Davis from Season 2, every character with a Blue Digivice is on here.
    It's for a good reason though. I can't find any decent pics of Matt that would fit with what I'm going with for the other four, and I'm not using Davis right now because...honestly...I didn't like him that much. If I had my choice, I'd use Ken. But then I'm cheating the theme. Yeah yeah, Takuya's in the MOC/Fic button...but that pic works really well for what I wanted with that one.
    But that's getting way off topic, and though this is a "General" entry, I'm trying to focus on the discussion at hand. You'll also notice the new logo included on the top-most picture. It took a while to figure out what combination of colors worked best, and oddly enough it was the obvious pairing of black and white. In case you're wondering, that is also a button. Clicking on it takes you to the "main" page, which is the same thing that would've happened had you clicked on the <All> link in the original Categories block.
    The MOC/Fic link is a dual button. In retrospect, it doesn't look that obvious as I've got it. But I really wanted to fit that pic into the theme somewhere, and that was the best place.
    In the upcoming days, I may whip up a few pics to sorta add the finishing touch to it. I was really excited about sprucing the place up, then I saw what Schizo did and was like "Durn! I wasn't first!" But I'm really liking what people have started to do with their blogs. A lot of them have slowly started to adapt their own look and style. I felt it was time the Haven got the same treatment.
  3. T-Hybrid
    I'll apologize in advance if this runs long, but with the next gen ready to kick into full gear in the next few weeks, you're going to see a lot of people throwing their weight around when it comes to discussions of the future of gaming. Though the 360 has been around for about a year at this point, the biggest war (as usual) has come down to Nintendo vs. Sony. And unfortunately, as with the case almost every time the topic of video games is breached, people are grouped into one side or another. And what fosters this kind of gamer seggregation? One word, which over the last few years has come to take an extremely negative and annoying conotation. I speak, of course, about the word "fanboy."
    It's not to hard to find a discussion of video games break that has broken down into the "us vs. them" mentality. And when that happens, the F-word starts getting flung about with reckless abandon. Unfortunately, the word is most commonly associated with those who enjoy playing Nintendo products. That's what lead me to write this.
    I'm buying a Wii, I don't know when...but it'll hopefully be soon. For the time being, I am not buying a PS3. And despite whatever I tell people, there's always some bufoon who jumps into the discussion with the mighty "fanboy" accusation. It doesn't matter that the biggest reason I'm not getting a PS3 is money, no...it's naturally that I'm a Nintendo fanboy, who enjoys playing childish games and whatever other stereotype those with no gaming knowledge seem to latch onto.
    Of course, if I was unwilling to buy a Wii because I was unsure of the new control system, there'd be people who'd jump down my throat as being of the Sony persuasion. And that's where the problem lies. Under no circumstance is a gamer allowed to enjoy multiple gaming systems. If they prefer one thing to another, they're a fanboy, and that's the end of the discussion. And unfortunately, the person throwing that word out there is considered the "smart" one.
    So why go into a huge rant on such an insignificant word? Because honestly, it's gotten to the point where it's just as bad as some of the other words cultures have used to put down those around them. Let's think about it? What is meant when somebody accuses another of being a fanboy?
    To be accused of being a fanboy is to be accused of blindly following a certain company regardless of the moves they make. This includes ignoring the faults of a game or console and only paying attention to the upsides. The reverse would apply to a "fanboy's" way of regarding another system. Also, usually the person throwing about the word is doing so as a means of attempting to sound neutral and more knowledgeable. It's essentially they're way of saying: "You won't listen to what I think. Therefore you are wrong, you are dumber than me, and you are a fanboy."
    To a gamer, being called a fanboy is one of the lowest insults. It implies a lack of knowledge, and is used to help the accuser feel smarter than those around them. Though it doesn't carry the kind of history that other such words have developed from, to me it doesn't make it any less ignorant to throw it around in the midst of conversing. I've always been a fan of the "attack the argument, not the arguer" persuasion. The word fanboy does nothing of that sort, and only causes a further divison between what is essentially a group of people that all love the same thing very much.
  4. T-Hybrid
    I'm starting to feel that spark again. It was a spark that I felt when the DTotA first started to grow, a spark that wasn't even present when I began writing The Alliance. But now it's starting to return, and I'm feeling that need to start writing something again.
    So then, what's holding me back from just kicking an Inuva fic into full gear? Well, it's a combination of dying free time and fading ability. The Alliance didn't go as well as I had planned, and I think it was because I didn't wait long enough between idea and execution. So naturally when I was hit with this idea I wanted to lay back and wait until I was sure of what I was doing.
    At this point, I'm somewhat sure I've got a story here. I've got my villians, my heroes, and my origins. However, I don't have the knowledge anymore. There are characters I want to use in the fic, and events I want to reference. There are things I want to make happen. But after a two year "break" of sorts from the storyline, I don't know if I have the knowledge to use some of the characters properly.
    I could begin the fic anyway, and just go with what I want to do. But then I'd risk missing a few key character elements...the kind of stuff which I may not even realize wouldn't/shouldn't happen. One way to counteract this would be to invent some newer character, but this would pull the fic further and further away from the actual story.
    There's also the risk that I could go into another 2 or 3 year funk and leave the fic unfinished for who knows how long. The readers of BZP were very patient with Te Mutunga, and I am recieving comments regarding The Alliance after all this time....but I dunno if the same would be said if it happened a third time.
    What can be done? Well, I've already got a few ideas.
    1. Plot the fic out better. From the point of view of the writer, Te Mutunga worked because I knew what I was doing. Towards the end, I actually had potted out chapter by chapter what I was going to do. This kept the story from getting lost or messed up as I wrote.
    2. Use storyline characters regardless. I haven't read many of the books, so I don't know who's been used or to what extent. So there's a good chance most of the names and places I reference haven't been used much...so there's room to weave them into the story without risking a continuity mistake.
    3. Lock the story in now, before the official plot gets moving. If I can start writing the fic now, there will be less official events to have to work around. If I start the fic in the planning stages, but don't start writing for a few months, it's very likely my facts would be outdated.
    Hmm, I'm starting to get some confidence back. And I've gotten some good suggestions from the people who have been sharing their thoughts in the S&T thread as well as the blog entries. This'll probably be the last one for a while, but keep an eye out for the fic. Hopefully it's something I'll successfully kick off.
  5. T-Hybrid
    23 now. Can't really tell the difference between 23 and 22. I was alotted a new monitor at work a while back, and of all days it arrived today. Had forgotten about it. Best of all, they let me keep the old one. So I'm running dual-monitors now. The one is huge. Perfect for coding on.
    I also got my flu shot. Hooray? I can't remember the last one I got, I figured I'd get one this year since I'm going to be in a busy environment with a lot of different people, so it'd probably be good. Though it leaves me a bit of a jam this year. See I've got like 3 sick days (and a personal holiday) and only four weeks to use them before I go on vacation till the end of the year.
    But that's not important today, because today is about cake and partying, and free stuff. But it's also about looking back at everything I've accomplished. It's funny to think that this time last year I still wasn't sure if I was going to graduate on time...or where I'd be working.
    Now things have come together. Who knows what the next year will bring!
  6. T-Hybrid
    T-Hybrid found it difficult to put together a proper entry for today's festivities. He has asked instead that his guest writer give it his best shot.
    YaHAR me mateys! It be Cap'n ViceGreymon settin' sail on this fine Wednesday eve! When I told that scurvy dog T that it be the Annual Day to talk like a pyrat he gave me the ol' eeevil eye and shook his head like a yeller-bellied coward. So I too it upon meself to grab the keyboard and punch out a fine shanty to mark the occasion!
    You want to know what be the best part of talkin' like a king uh' the sea? When yur a good seven stories tall nobody looks at ya crosseyed! Yaaaarrrr! But truth be told I'm always lookin for an excuse to goof around. You lot cant see it, but I've got me an eye patch and uh pegleg fur the day. Of course I be cheatin' a bit as my legs are made uh' metal and can be swapped out. But I'm in the spirit uv the day! Wanna know somethin even better? I got me a parrot even. Don't be tellin' the T-Boss bout that though. There be enough creatures wandering 'bout the Haven without me adding another Digimon!
    But this be where I leave you lot! There's a party planned for us pirates up this way, and I'm dun wanta be late. Play me out Polly!

    Bwwaaaak! Yo-ho an' a bottle o....soda!
  7. T-Hybrid
    It's a good day to be a Twins fan.
    Mauer is now the 3rd highest paid player in baseball, and has the 4th largest contract in baseball history (the top two are both Alex Rodriquez). I know I may come off biased, but this really is a good thing for baseball that a "small market" team can sign on one of their homegrown stars to such a deal. I give a lot of credit to Mauer's agent, Ron Shapiro, who worked the same magic for Kirby Puckett (again for the Twins) and Lou Gehrig (for the Orioles). I can only hope going forward more agents and players are willing to work with their home teams to make things like this happen.
    It's also cool to see the Twins finally get to be "that team" making a huge splash with a guy who is arguably one of the best players in his sport.
  8. T-Hybrid
    Hey everybody, I'm writing this entry from secure location deep within...my apartment. If you haven't been following the news lately, you may have missed that somebody has been able to secure an early copy of the final Harry Potter books. Which, naturally, means that the time is officially upon us.
    The spoilers have arrived.
    ViceGreymon is standing ready, with RhodoKnightmon of the Vice Sisters also serving as guardian while we prepare ourselves for the inevitable deluge of potential meanies who will find pleasure in doing nothing else aside from ruining the book for the rest of us.
    I on the other hand, will not be one of those meanies. As I said in a reply to my previous entry, The Haven will serve as a Spoiler-Free Bunker for my fellow HP fans until July 28th. That is, if I'm able to finish the book by that date. If not the 28th, the Embargo will be lifted upon the posting of my own reactions. Which will include a spoiler warning. But even though I can promise you any entires in this blog will not contain HP spoilers, I can not say the same for any potential replies. I will ask, however, that the BZP Blog Team assist me in keeping the spoilers out of what is going to be at least ONE place you can be safe and still go online.
    So, to my fellow fans...who will no doubtedly find themselves in the same situation as I for a time. We must stand strong, and we must stand together. Only then will we be able to survive these final three days unspoiled.
  9. T-Hybrid
    I didn't resolve to do anything this year, but a coworker has convinced me to start going to the local community center after work. I'm not fat, and I don't get winded on stairs...but as you can probably guess I live a pretty stationary lifestyle. I've tried in the past to do some working out, but it's never stuck.
    The idea behind having at least two people is they'll each keep the other motivated, and since I know nothing about what makes a good workout, he's able to give me tips and make sure I'm doing the exercises right. The downside....OW! Since I'm just starting out, my muscles aren't used to the weights. I'm not overloading, but wowza. I lifted Friday and my left arm STILL can't straighten out. But I've been told it's nothing to worry about, so I'm not going to.
    Hopefully this will turn out well. I've been slimming down since I got off the campus meal plan (buffet style = bad), but I'm still sorta pudgy. I'm not going to hulk out or anything, I just want to get to a consistent healthy tone.
    If I start lifting cars over my head, I'll post photos.
  10. T-Hybrid
    I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but after an early 6 year hiatus I've started watching pro-wrestling again. Started sometime last year (I think just after Wrestlemania)...and since then I've watched my first PPV (Wrestlemania 25) at a buddy's place. Well, the two of us caught a promo the other day for a house show coming to a stadium nearby.
    On an impulse, the two of us grabbed tickets. So both of us are hitting our first wrestling event. It's not a taping for their weekly shows, nor is it a pay-per-view. I've been told by those who've been to them that they're pretty entertaining and have less talking and more matches. So it should be a lot of fun. I'd mention a few of the guys who are scheduled to be there but I dunno who of you would recognize them.
    Hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures...though it's still a way away.
  11. T-Hybrid
    In all honesty, I've had them for a few weeks. But I've been so busy that I never had a chance to write a full review of them. I picked up a few a day over the course of one week, giving myself a chance to build and toy around with them without having too many at once. Well, remember what I said back when the Inika came out? The Mahri are everything I could've hoped for.
    Each Mahri presents an interesting and unique build design, from Jaller's crabby ally (an pretty ingenious little twist) to Kongu's brute approach with dual launchers, every character's design reflects on their individuality in ways even the Hagah can barely touch. Do I have a favorite? Well, I suppose I have to. And right now it's a tie between Jaller and Hewkii. I'm not a big fan of the shift from Gunmetal to straight black, as it leaves Nuparu with very little opportunity to shine on his own. I'm especially bothered by both he and Matoro wearing the same colored Knohi. If they weren't going to use Gunmetal on Hewkii, they should've used it on Nuparu. It would make him stand out amoung the others.
    The award for best color scheme goes to Hahli, who earns her spot as the cover girl for this year's lineup with her unique blend of blue and green. I recall it being controversial at first, but after seeing it in person I'm sold on the idea. It's a far improvement over her mix of blue and white last year. And even though I'll probably start a bit of an argument with this comment, she looks a tad more feminine this time around than her mustachioed form last year.
    The use of tubes to symbolize breathing appartus was interesting, and without a good look until now I was left wondering how it would work. I was especially pleased with Nuparu and Kongu in this regard, as they were given actual airtanks. And my initial concern that they would get in the way is pretty much put at ease, as they all remain fully poseable.
    So, quick wrap up:
    Truly indivdual Toa for the first time. Perfect match for the Barakki. Creative use of pieces to create airtanks and armor. A weapon. Not a tool, a weapon. They're finally accepting Bionicle's evolution into an action figure. Jaller's crab. Negatives:Nuparu's color scheme. Too bland comparred to the rest of the team. Would've liked to see a better way of mouting the launchers to their hands. Launchers can go the distance, but takes a bit of luck and just the right push to fire. Overall I'm very pleased. Can't wait to see what they come up with next year!
  12. T-Hybrid
    While this is in regards to today's election, this is not a political thread. I just happened to see this report when I booted up my email this evening.

    Yes. Your eyes aren't decieving you. With 0% of the precincts reporting, MSN has declared Obama the winner in Vermont. This is why the Horse-Race mentality the media takes into every election season drives me crazy.
    I mean...C'MON. Even Wikipedia demands better references than that.
  13. T-Hybrid
    Omicron's a genius! It started with Schizo, then a few more had the same idea, and now this whole mess has a name. So go ahead and pimp out that blog of yours. I don't know if anybody's officially laid any ground work, so let's see if I can't offer a few suggestions:
    A Logo/Main Graphic Custom Content Blocks with Section Buttons A Custom Title (____'s Blog is default)
    That's only the beginning. I'm sure people will come up with other ways to stylize their blogs. Heck, I've already noticed a few Bouncers begginning to pop up. HybridGreymon doesn't mind, though he asks that they keep off "his" turf.

    Speaking of HGM, he did a pretty good job on his entry Wednesday, enough where I think I'm going to keep him on the writing staff as well as security detail. He won't get paid double, but don't tell him that. I figure he's good to have on hand in case I get busy again.

    Other News:
    As HGM let you know, I've moved into the new place and everything's starting to get into motion. Everything except a job, and Internet. I never thought I'd get so confused about something regarding computers. But I am, and now we're trapped in this shoddy Internet service provider, while a better service sits at Best Buy taunting us.
  14. T-Hybrid
    Something must be up with Maj. All my pics are down. I had seen the stuff about Brickshelf, guess I should've registered that'd mean Maj might be having some "downtime" soon. Hmm. While I try to get a new place lined up to host pics, and try to recover most of the pics that I had hosted, feel free to just sorta hang out and stare at the empty walls.
    Now I see why they work so hard to secure art museums. It's bring in here without the color.
  15. T-Hybrid
    T-Hybrid has locked himself away in a secluded location. He has asked his guest writer to take up the reigns for the time being.
    As the little note said, T's gone into hiding. The last Harry Potter book's hittin stores in a week and he's doing his best to keep off the internet. Every day I hear more and more about "spoiler" this and "who dies" that. And so here I am standing outside the New Haven making sure the riff raff doesn't get in and ruin everything for him.
    I don't know how long he expects me to do this, but he can be stubborn when he's looking forward to something. You should've seen him when somebody ruined the ending to Matrix: Revolutions. He wouldn't shut up about that. "Who the heck puts Matrix spoilers in a Pokemon thread?" he yelled. Still liked the movie, but you could tell he was crushed.
    You should see the plan he's got to get in and out of Target the day it comes out. See, the book launches at midnight worldwide. That means the UK's gonna be gettin it a good 5 hours before the States. And he can't find any place that's open at midnight (that's not also holding off until 2am to sell the book). So instead he's got his reservation at Target, and he's going to be wishing to find a way to teleport pretty soon. All I can say is if this gets ruined, I don't think even I'm gonna be able to cool T-Boss off.
    So pardon the big guy's rudeness if he doesn't say much over the next few weeks. He's essentially fallen off the Internet for the time being.
  16. T-Hybrid
    Finals Week this week. Tests Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...all in the morning, all finishing before noon. Thankfully it's only one a day, but it pretty much means that I didn't get to enjoy my weekend at all beyond the bit of Pokemon I played (I now have Alakazam, Golem, Machamp...and Crobat).
    Celebrated by grabbing a few news games, including LEGO Star Wars. I have to admit it's a bit of guilty fun running around as a Minifig version of Darth Maul. Unfortunately the TV I've got my Wii hooked up to for the rest of the week doesn't seem to like Channel 3, which is the only way I can play it (AV cables plugged into a VCR then run to the TV). But oh well, after this week I'm going to suddenly have the rest of my life for gaming. If you don't hear from me for a few days you'll know why.
  17. T-Hybrid
    I don't know if anybody else has been following the ads in the paper this week, but things have been getting busy when it comes to DVD releases. I would guess most people were aware that the original Star Wars trilogy was released on DVD today. This is important because it's the original theatrical versions that were out before Lucas decided CGI was more important than story. But that's just the tip of the iceburg.
    Also out today, Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamabala. I'm a huge fan of FMA, and have been trying to track down the movie since I heard about it last year. Well, it was finally dubbed and brought over to the US (apparently it was shown in a few theaters too). From what I've been told, it's the true conclusion to the story, which is good...because that story was too exciting to leave hanging.
    So you're probably sitting there going, "Wow! That's a lot of DVDs." Here's the best part. That's just the four I bought. Seventy bucks later, and I'm still left with a handful of great DVDs that I just can't afford.
    Why? Well, apparently Best Buy got it's shipment of Voltron: Vol 1 early. So that's out there. Yes, Voltron, the giant robot made up of five equally robotic lions. They've finally begun releasing the series on DVD. The next set comes out in November I think.
    But oh man...there's even more! Target has several excellent DVD sales this week. This sale includes severe price cuts on American Dad: Season 1, The Producers (2005), 24: Season 1, and Firefly: The Complete Series. Fortunately my dad wanted LOST: Season 2 (which came out last week), so I'm borrowing that. And I've watched all of 24, but season 1 was so great that I think it's something I'd want to watch again.
    Combined with the DVDs I've wanted for a while: Mystery Science Theater 3000 (10 volumes), Pinky and the Brain: Vol. 1, and DBZ Movie 12: Fusion Reborn....I'm probably breaking over $700 in DVDs. Though admittedly, most of that is in the MST3K collections.
    ...Have I ever mentioned that being poor stinks?
  18. T-Hybrid
    I'll be the first to admit this is less of a longshot than my previous suggestions:

    The Miis
    Franchise: Nintendo Wii
    First Appearance: Mii Channel (Wii)
    Why?: This is about as close to a create-a-character as we're ever going to get in Smash Bros. The introduction of the Miis brought a personal touch to the Nintendo Wii. Though not quite as open to customization as most standard CaC's, the Mii would allow the user to put a face with their Smash profile. Nintendo has already "revealed" that your profile will now store Button Configurations, so why not include your Mii?
    Appearance: That's the beauty of it. It'd be whatever you'd want it to be. It could look like you, an alien, or Chuck Norris (though admittedly that'd be a bit unfair to the competition). The Mii would default to whatever color shirt/skirt you set as your favorite in the Mii Channel, and would change to fit the team color if you play in that mode.
    Moveset: Considering the variety of sports and games the Mii's have been involved in already, it shouldn't be too hard to come up with a varied movepool. The standard special attack would involve throwing a random ball, anywhere from Tennis to Bowling. Side-smash would be similiar to Peach's in that they'd switch between bats, clubs, and tennis rackets. The Up+B would be a somewhat funky looking swim move to boost them up. The flailing limbs would cause damage to those that get in the way. Their Side+B special would summon a Cow that they'd rampage across the platform on. This would provide a bit of an extra boost to come back (similar to Luigi and Pikachu's headbutt moves). The Up+A would call up a mighty boxing uppercut. I'm not quite sure what Down+A would do.
    Final Smash: There are a couple of options with this one. My first instincts were to suggest the Mii Parade, where an army of Mii's from your box stampede across the screen. Then I thought, why not reference WiiPlay and have the Wii's play LaserPong (or whatever the game was). Two paddles appear on screen and start bouncing your opponents back and forth across the screen like little Pong balls. It'd be shiny, and somewhat unique comparred to the others I've suggested.
    Well, that's the third. I'm rather enjoying this, though admittedly aside from these three I'm running a bit short on dark horses.
  19. T-Hybrid
    Though I didn't really say much in regards to their first bout. Tonight's game was less exciting and more frustrating. Even with the dramatic finish. As a Vikings fan, I have to question the intelligence of a coach who stops the clock with 40 seconds left in the first half when the OTHER team is rushing to kick a field goal. Unfortunately, that was the difference.
    Not that the offense was really doing itself any favors tonight either. Tavaris Jackson doesn't look too bad, and the defense really tried its best to keep this game close (holding any team to three field goals over an entire game isn't bad). Those are some pluses I guess one can take into next season.
  20. T-Hybrid
    Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is only a few weeks away now. And I've gotten myself ready by watching the first movie, as well as buying the first two Constructicons (Rampage and Demolisher), and have started saving up for the next two (Long Haul and Mixmaster). I only hope the other three get Deluxe or bigger releases...and I also want this.
    This movie needs to be awesome.
  21. T-Hybrid
    What started off as a throwaway comment almost lead to me getting elected to a school office yesterday. And with almost little effort on my part. Yesterday's key election issue was the decision a to whether or not students would allow the school to increase Student Fees to allow for the construction of a series of improved athletic facilities. When I logged in to vote, I noticed that one posistion (Communications Board) was being put up for vote with out any official candidate. The only choices were to Abstain, or Write-In a candidate.
    My roomate jokingly voted for me. Not knowing who was actually running, I also voted for myself. Then I started thinking, how fun would it be to get my name listed on the voter results. I didn't want the office, and since I was graduating in May I wouldn't be elligible to hold the office anyway. Worst case scenario (or was it best?) was that I'd get elected and would just have to back out. I got to work, and by the end of the day I estimated that I had recieved 5-6 votes. Hardly enough to get elected right?
    Boy was I wrong! You'll note that the winning "candidate" for Communications Board recieved a whopping EIGHT votes. That means if my estimates are accurate, I was only two votes away from a tie, and potential victory. How frightening is that? On a campus of 14000 students, I could've held a Student Government Office simply because me and a handful of friends thought it'd be funny to write me in.
    Other scary results: The Crawford Complex representatives each recieved a total of 2 votes. That is, they each voted for themselves and were thusly elected. Not only that, but only around 3000 people voted on the Student Fee referendum. That's not even a third of the campus deciding on something that will effect everybody!
    After seeing the results, I emailed the MSSA to ask why my name didn't appear on the results. Apparently they were only showing the winner for some categories in order to keep the document from being too large. I'm going to visit the offices tomorrow and view the official results to see just how close I came to being the Communications Something-Or-Other. I'll report back just how close it actually was.
    The lesson you should take away from all this? Get involved in politics...or somebody who may be totally unqualified for the posistion may end up getting it!
  22. T-Hybrid
    American League Divison Series Game 1:
    Oakland A's 3 @ Minnesota Twins 2
    It wasn't until Thomas's second homer in the top of the ninth that you could feel the crowd starting to feel the game slip away, but nonetheless...I was still able to enjoy my first ever playoff game. The atmosphere is almost impossible to describe. 55,542 people all cheering in unison, living and dying with every pitch. They stayed rowdy up until the very end, and I'm looking forward to the Twins second go tomorrow.
    Would it have heightened the experience to walk out of the game with the win? Of course. But I'm not going to look past the fun I had just being in the crowd. I think "deafening" would be a good word.
  23. T-Hybrid
    Though my break started Friday after work, today is the first day where I officially don't have to go to any classes. Though I don't appreciate it getting cut short by the DST change, I appreciate that its happening now instead of when I have a test or something the following Monday. I hate running on one less hour of sleep.
    There are a ton of things I want to do over break, mostly involving getting preparred for my big move (again) when I graduate this May. This would include finding an apartment, buying more work-appropriate clothing (don't think jeans will cut it at the office), and getting my taxes done. Not to mention the countless things I have to start getting addresses sorted out (both snail and e-mail).
    I've got an appointment today to look at apartments located about 5-10 minutes from where I'm working, and will be trying to get in touch with the company about a start date once I figure out what the availability will be. My dad's already said he doesn't have a problem with me living with him for a few months while something opens up, but I don't want to be any more a burden on him financially than I have already been.
    But why did I drop this into the Inuva category? Because this week I hope to add at least 2-3 new chapters. I've already got one in the works that will hopefully be up by the end of the day today. The next hopefully Wednesday, and the last if I'm lucky by Friday before I start having to pack up to go back to the apartment. This is unfortunately turning into one of those really long projects like Te Mutunga and The Alliance. But its a story I wanted to tell and I do want to see it through.
    Things may end up changing a bit from my original plan, especially if graduation starts getting closer and I haven't gotten it moving at a more regular pace. It doesn't help that when I'm in the mood to write and post the servers get clogged. There have been entire days when I've been unable to get into the forums. It makes it tough to get any sort of momentum going. I use that time to write out outlines and get chapter elements planned. But it still throws me off my groove.
    Thanks to everybody who's still sticking with it. I promise I'm not going to let this disappear. If you were a fan of Te Mutunga or The Alliance you know that eventually I'll get to an ending. I just hope I do so before most people forget I was writing it.
  24. T-Hybrid
    T-Hybrid is currently getting situated in his new apartment. Due to this delay, today's blog entry is brought to you by a special guest writer.
    Hey everybody. HybridGreymon here. The boss said he wasn't going to make it today so he asked me to fill in. I don't know what he expects me to write about, seeing as how I was only created like a few days ago. But he pays the bills, so here I am.
    I hope y'all understand any typos or anything. After all I'm a 7 story dinosaur with a revovler for a hand. It's not exactly easy to find a keyboard I can type on. Not to mention I only have three fingers on the one hand.
    Things are going smoothly around the Haven since I came into town, though there's a MachGaogamon that's a bit jealous of my job here. He's all like "Oh I'm blue too! And my boss is a member of the Blue Vice, why can't I get in!" So I tell him because he's not on the list, and he sulks off. The place is bouncing, but it's not that busy. Two 7 story bouncers would just be rediculous.
    In other news, there isn't much other news. T-Boss wanted me to pass on that he ain't got no internet, and doesn't know when it'll be up, so for the meantime anything he's writing is going to be from whatever computer he can get to. I'm not going to tell him about this one, but that's just cause I'm greedy like that.
    So sit tight, and T will be back eventually to do whatever it is he's been doing here. I guess there's some contest he's taking part in that he doesn't want to miss. And I'm wondering if he'd want to know about this Mask one that just started.
    Well, that's all I've got today. Not bad. Wish it hadn't taken me an hour to write. But like I said, three fingers. Yeah.
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