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Everything posted by krack-a-toa

  1. New Powercast? make podcast Let the members do it, no direct involvement by BZP staff unless we get it offical, then have a mention of it in the news each time an episode comes out About 4 members and do it every other week Would need to get permission from parents for anyone under 13 or so....dont want cops at door make it just like four people sitting around talking Bionicle, relaxed feel. cover all the big news on BZP from the last two weeks talk about whats been going on in the forums mention the blogs of the week have a BBC spotlight maybe art spotlight? have discussions, answer email questions Doogtoons Weekly Rap up meets Diggnation meets Bionicle (cept keep it clean of course) Gotta get the BZP admins in on it, just a thumbs up at least, make it official bout 30 minutes a show, longer if needed. With revolving members everyone could get a chance to be on, plus give the recurring people a break once in a while. Try and get one show made (pilot) then show it to the Admins and mods...see if they like it. Find programs to do it as cheap as possible get program to let everyone talk from the confort of their own home, but live like their all around the same mic. Record on Saturday, Release on Monday Have to work around time zones for some members Maybe pitch to Bink first since Dimensioneer isn't around that much. Start poll to see if there's a market, find first 3 other speakers as well as get suggestions for the show Get a partner that I can show how to run everything in case I cant make it, between the two of us we should be covered. Maybe have 3 recurring hosts with a "new guy" each show. Maybe let third spot be voted on by members though once a month. How many BZPers have mics? -removed- will host it for free looks like, plus audicity to edit means maybe can do it for free, maybe -removed- for voice chat and figure out how to record it These are the convoluted schemes of me at 2 AM without sleep....but darn if it aint a good one... Don't mention sites with forums. -Shine
  2. You know what would make a great birthday present for BZP? an RSS feed for the main page for the news section. For those of you that don't know, an RSS feed is a little function that allows you to quickly load news stories from websites without loading the entire site. So Bink, get on that. I mean....please ol great and honorable Binkmeister grant one of your humble disciples a small request on this most happy of times....please Actually now that I think of it I have no idea how much work goes into adding a feed....could be alot. No need to strain yourself of course. Just thought I'd ask Ohh and when's the next Powercast coming out? EDIT: Man Bink works quick....here it is...thanks Or maybe I should just thank Shine for pointing it out
  3. In all the fun an celebration going on with BZP's birthday I completely forgot about how long I'd been on here 5 years!!! I really can't believe it's that long...seems like just yesterday I was surfing on Google and did a search for Bionicle just wanting to see what was on the LEGO page and found BZ Community. I can say that there hasn't been a day that's gone by that I haven't been here at least once every day....mostly more. I'm usually just lurking in the back reading the news stories and reading up on topics and looking at some cool MOCs...only emerging when I had some tiny bit of wisdom to share upon the BZP world. This place is really great and so are the people that join me here. I haven't found an online community like this anywhere else and it wouldn't surprise me if there wasn't another. BZP is a great and unique place, and I hope I can be a part of it for 5 more years. Now dance my little fire babies....dance.... :onfire::onfire::onfire::onfire:
  4. Suddenly I hear the server saying "I'm sorry Bink, I can't do that." I'd seen some MOCs before of a few of the ships from the movie, but this is the first HAL I've seen, great job with it.
  5. Truly Bink, you are both a master of your domain and of the vernacular. I hope to hear more tales of your great adventures soon. And no Omi, I'm afraid we live in a bunny people free world. sad.
  6. So lately I've been working on coloring and cleaning up a pic a friend drew me of everyone's favorite character: Kraka the toa (and such a good name too). The original sketch was so good that I wanted to make sure my version was just as good. What I ended up doing to creating two different pictures on two different programs. And I just can't seem to choose which one looks best. So I'm asking you, help a buddy out and post a comment on which you think is better. Hopefully I'll get to use the winner in all the upcoming EU fun we'll all be having. Better one? or two? you can see the orginial in all it's glory right here thanks in advance
  7. Well whenever it comes out I'll be right there in line to pick it up. Should I make that check out to Binkmeister, Binky, Mr. Meister, or Cash?
  8. I recently got a private email from someone saying something about fighting the BZP. So does bzp have spam? But also is this a good thing, the bigger something becomes the more likely something like this will happen. It's an enevitable part of bzpower growing in popularity. And it's good to see that the staff was on a the ball and got them. I dont want to see anymore, and I dont want it to cause any trouble for the wonderfull people that run this great site. But if this is a price I pay to know that something I love is being loved more and more then let the spam flow like whine. Just as long as I don't get the kinda stuff i get on ########, we wont even talk about that. and maybe it was just a random occurance, but it kinda made me feel good in a weird way. So who cares whether or not I'm justified in my happiness, for I shall be happy either way. Don't bypass the word filter. It's there for a reason.~Darnzerf
  9. I'm going to be talking about Legends #9 so you know the drill » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Well the description for #9 is "A new world awaits -- a city in the sky -- and the legend continues . . ." Now if they hadn't just had a city underwater then I would be fine with this, but at this rate they are starting to run the gambit of stereotypic fantasy locations. Now I know this is a very limited description. I hope that by "in the sky" it means that it's an island that is surrouned by air instead of water that besides that the place has little to do with air. I dont want them to sprout wings and fly around the place. Ohh and if they have to get shot out of some giant cannon to reach said location I may scream...loudly. I'm just afraid the year after that we will be taken to a city deep inside a volcano, or any of the many other over done places to hide a city. We've had all those, on Mata Nui and Metru Nui for that matter, we don't need whole cities themed that way. And if 2008 is still the Legends series then does that mean the Inika transform again? I hope not. You know I actually would love to see a good guy can set that isn't a toa. There is a cornucopia of villians in the world, why only one kind of hero? Again, I fear for the future, the present is fine. But tomorrow is another day...
  10. And now for my opinion on the Mahri. Why the rocket launchers...why?? they have metru faces (THEY CAN WEAR MASKS!!! ) so why cant we have masks again. Or remember the kanoka? we had a whole series of collectibles that only one Toa Metru could use. Actually in my opinion we need to abandon the collectibly thing all together, if you can buy sets of "bullets" there's really no point. First i would like to say that the Mahri for the most part remind me of the nuva, they are essentially the same sets as last year but with some new armor, weapons, and masks. Well cept for Kongu and Matoro. Now to each Mahri: Nuparu: I like, since I liked the Inika version. The shield is different and I like it, the mask looks nice. And with him the launcher kinda works. My biggest complaint are the chicken legs, get some armor on them legs and loose the weird feet. Hahli: This is actually one of my favorites, at first I hated the color but now I'm warming up to it. And the mask looks like the classic kaukau (gali mata mask).The wings are definetly interesting. Give me two claws and no gun and I would find nothing wrong with this set. Hewkii: I'm a little back and forth in this one, I've never been the biggest fan of the new yellow color for the rock toa instead of brown. And since he's only yellow and red. The gun doesnt work again, maybe take the shoulder spike things and use them instead. Actually I like the arm spike, they should be on both sides, and those on the legs look good. The mask is...I dont know, looks like he stuck a manta on his head. But it's original so it gets points for that. Matoro: Yah...about that. He's just ugly. The mask makes him look like some kind of bug, way too many tubes sticking out for no reason, and throw in a messed up arm that throws back images of the hordika. Only thing he's really got going for them are those interesting shoulder covers. Jaller: Once again this is a good one, and that little crab with the gun on it is actually kinda cool. The mask may be my favorite of the bunch, and the whole body in general. I would say Jaller is my favorite of the Mahri. Kongu: bah.. I wanna like him, he has a great mask, the body is generally well designed if a little plain...but those guns. He's a toa of air, but you wouldn't tell it by looking. If you could give him two shoulder mounted guns and then a weapon of some sort. And whats up with the stuff on their backs? some kinda air tank thing? It seems like Lego is trying some new things and I will more then encourage it. Guns bad, originality good, masks on metru heads good, skinny chicken legs bad. Mahri good, for the most part.
  11. Well now that BZP has released the pics for the some of the new sets I feel free to talk about them. I'm just going to be talking about the new titans here, I never really cared much for the construction sets. Aright lets start with Maxilos & Spinaz. I like this set alot. From what I've seen of Maxilos he looks well designed and is probably the only set where I think that new rocket launcher thing actually works. Plus we get Spinaz who is about as complicated as a toa, but the parts all look great. Now onto Hydraxon, with those spikes coming out form behind his head he looks like a killer bunny. I dont really like him, not on these Toy fair pics or the old box pics. I can't exactly say one thing in particular I don't like, but e just doesn't appeal to me that much. For the last we have Gadunka. I'm kinda comflicted. I like the general design and how lego seems to be trying something new, but the set seems badly executed, there's just too many gaps and parts jutting out. But it does get extra points for the tongue. Stay tuned for how I feel about the Mahri once BZP posts the pics. Trust me, it'll be a doosey.
  12. I've been trying to do something sneaky that my friends over at a Transformers website taught me. trademark searches You can often find the names of products long before their release because of the need to copyright the names. Hasbro, the company that makes transformers has thousands of trademarks for all kinds of different toys. But lego does not. actually it may be because Lego in itself is apperently not the company filing for lego patents. If you do a search for lego on the patent website you will find little, but if you look at who files the patents you see a company called Kirkbi. When you search for Kirkbi you find many more things by lego, all their brand names are there, but sadly no specific sets. I post this in hopes that maybe someone else can do some digging, even if all you find is a copyright on the word Tahu I would be happy. cause I'm bored
  13. That title was suppose to be funny, but it turned into an actual observation. but still...HILARIOUS!! not really. It seems the collective bionicle communty is holding it's breath waiting for Toy Fair to come yet again. We will hopefully be able to see the Mahri and other sets officially and I can't wait. "How many po-matoran does it take to screw in a light bulb?" "4, one to screw in the light bulb and 3 more to carve a statue commemorating the occasion." I'm still slightly confused by something. The mahritoran don't make sence to me. How is it that the Barraki all mutated into underwater creatures but the mahritoran barely mutate at all and when they do they actually end up looking more like a regular matoran then the doomtoran they once were. I mean if the mutation is such a slow process then why didnt all the members of the pit just drown, and why was Brutaka able to breath almost instantly? Any answers?
  14. Spoilers for stuff here, and a rant or two...so you might want to stop reading now. So now that BZP has ran the story about the Mahri names I think I can talk about them comfortably. I am not amused. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I've said it before and I'll say it again, I saw it coming. I knew they would change, I just didnt want them to. The point of having a character change is to allow that character to still be an important part of the story so we can get to know the characters even better. With the Nuva it was a neccesity, they are the main characters and have to stay that way. With the Hordika it was very interesting, we knew how the characters would behave as turaga and we saw how they got that way. But with the Inika I dont know, we've known these characters for years now, and as we've heard Jaller say they have learned from the mistakes of the Toa before them and generally seem to be a pretty good team. They have their quarks but that's what makes them interesting. Now from what quotes we have seen from these new Toa they definetly dont behave like the Inika, but I don't see them staying that way. That is actually kinda my hope, if the Inika were left kinda messed up in the head and not the usual "good cop" we have come to expect. this may actually be what makes the mahri worth while, Imagine the honorable and respected Jaller doing some horrible things. Not quite to the level of being evil, but imagine tahu on his worst days and leave it like that. But once again I doubt this will happen, bionicle is first and foremost a kids toy line, and we can't have scary good guys (no matter what some crazy 2 year old thinks). Plus I thing the Inika will be returned to normal, not much use for a team of toa trained for water once back on land. So the moral is kiddies, I want the Mahri to be the "bad cops" of the Bionicle world. That would make for some very interesting stories. Though I'm afraid that afterward our little trip to Mahri Nui will be of no great significants. Do not reveal the identity of the Mahri without spoiler tags. -Shine
  15. anybody else think the ignika looks like a little man? See, little head, two arms, two legs. Theres a little man in there. Just saying
  16. WAAAHH!!!! I've seen some crazy fuzzy pics of the Mahri..basically just enuff to make out names...WAAAHH!!! The descriptions sound good though, just when I thought I might get out of bionicle, they pull me back in!! Please do not misuse the Spoiler Tags. -Kohaku EDIT: Sorry, figured with all the stuff going around about the pics I should put them in tags. EDIT...AGAIN: OK so I've seen cleaner picks...and they look scarier than the Barraki...in a bad way. And what happened to the black toa....wheres the head?
  17. For the first time in a long time I spent nearly the entire day on BZP. Mostly reading up on S&T stuff I'd lost my touch on (matoran of light you say?). Posting here and there in everything from art to giving a Strong Bad quote. It felt really good to just hang around and talk shop with you guys and gals again. More reviews will come later...as well as a few more of these.
  18. Do I dare say it? Are the Barraki really different enough to warrant 6 different reviews instead of the usual all in one can review? Has Lego finally fixed the clone sets? I dare say yes. So for the first time I'm gonna actually review the Barraki each in their own post. So lets start with everyone's favorite, Pridak. lets start with the parts. As far as new parts go there are about 5. His main torso, arms, and legs are all old parts but are arranged in very new ways. We now have a waist that spins. His body is a little on the skinny side, but that seems to be the way they all go now a days. The new parts are nice, the feet are my favorite for the moc ability, they can provide great balance with their long shape. The weapons and fins on him definetly give the image of a shark, while his head just brings it home. I will say though that I think he looks more like a piranha then a shark, the small mouth espically shows that. Next we go on to by far my favorite thing about Pridak, his colors. And it has nothing to do with the color red. His black on white contrast looks amazing, while the red is there to bring out the details of the white parts. IM not a big fan of the silver mouth peice, would have worked great if they were red and white like the rest of him. But since almost every set since the Nuva has had silver I've gotten used to it. One last color complaint..the blue eyes, everyone knows sharks have black eyes, like a dolls eyes. and using black for the eyes would look amazing. But I understand Lego wanting to just use a few eyes. This leads to the biggest problem with Pridak, and all the Barraki. The ones I have at least all have weak joints. They are incredibly poseable but whats the point if they cant stay that way. All of them look like they're crouching after only a few days of standing. Im paying at a buck more for these sets now but feel like I'm getting a dollar less. Ohh and the squid launcher...not a fan...not a fan at all...kinda dumb...I miss masks. Overall, Pridak is a great set. If you dont have him yet go out and get it, now...stop reading get it. It's got some problems but everything does. It seems like Lego is really trying to revitalize Bionicle and they have done really well over the past year and this set continues the trend. Score: 4/5
  19. This blog contains spoilers contains spoilers. If you dont wanna know about the future then stop reading. Ok, so the big buzz round here seems to be all about Greg's little quote about a Toa of ice resurecting a large amount of ol sea bones to launch an attack on Pridak and his fishy army. Now at first when I heard the screaming ideas of "TOA THOK!!!" and "THOK'S A MASK!!" i laughed it off, but then I actually thought about it. There's one thing for sure, whoever that ice toa is he doesnt sound like good old Matoro. We've seen toa change attitude after a transformation (Nuva got arrogant, Hordika got...everything), but there would still need to be a reason why. IN my opinion that toa is defintely not Matoro, whether he used to be or not. Now lets look at this little mask power that everyone keeps screaming about. But the line that intrests me most is the sentence before you fin out what it does. "The Toa of Ice called upon his Kanohi mask power, throwing more willpower into the act than he ever had before." Now correct me if Im wrong but I do believe the Inika never had to really focus to get their masks to work. Since their masks were alive they merely had to ask. So it would appear that the masks are not alive. This is the biggest suggestion to me that the Toa are new Toa, I would beleive that if the Inika transformed their masks would not suddenly die, lest something happened to those masks and they had to get new ones. Maybe the masks arent big fans of water. Now onto the bit that eeryone is all a flutter over, it would appear that the mask can bring inanimate objects to life (bones and bodies ar inanimate after all). This is of course the power of Thok the Piraka, but why bring the bodies back? Why not the have the entire ocean floor pop to life? If the mask is an actual resurrection mask then that brings in something intesting. Matoro's mask allows him to enter a spiritual form, and if the combine the idea of spirits and animation you get resurrection. Could the new Toa be a combination of Piraka and Inika? This would bring the idea behind the hordika to a whole new level. Instead of merely fighting your animal insticks you would be fighting an all out battle with your own mind. The idea of a Piraka/Inika hybrid would be a very interesting idea. Plus with the use of the currently destroyed staff of fusion there is already a means. I believe this would be a great idea, but I also believe it is just that. But I doubt it will be. Mostly I believe the Inika to be meeting new water ready toa. The Inika have a big disadvantage with their electricall affinity and I think this may be the excuse for for why the new Toa must emerge instead of the Inika. Maybe someone can write a good Fanfic about it though.
  20. Seems like all i ever post in reviews on here, but I just cant stop. I got my copy of Bionicle Legends #5 Inferno today, still dont have #4 but thats another story. Back to the book at hand, I'm going to try and write a review without spoilers but a few might slip out..so heres your warning. This may now be my favorite book in the series. It has non stop action from start to finish and yet still tells a great story. I guess it wont be a spoiler to say that the battles with the guardians were some of the best yet, but the ones toward the end were even better. Vezon is such a twisted individual that everything he does is entertaining. He definetly gets line of the book with "Nice devastating monster. Are you my favorite engine of destruction? Yes you are." The idea of him talking to something that powerfull like a puppy is both hilarious and frightening. I really hope we see more of him in the future. For a book that was suppose to finish up this years storyline, it actually leads to more questoins and unresolved issues that you started with, which is how it should be. Whenever the Toa defeated Makuta, bohrok, and rahkshi there was always a sence of peace and the matoran going back to their normal routine till the next problem arose. But with this ending you get a sence that this is merely the begining of something much larger. I really cant wait to see what will become of your new Toa, what the enemies we love to hate will do next, what the Nuva are up to, and what will become of our two new guests to Voya Nui. If you dont have it yet be sure to go out and pick up Inferno as soon as possible.
  21. Well I just beat the demo for Bionicle Heroes and I must say I am intrigued. If you want the easiest explination for the game: It's Lego Star Wars, cept with guns. That last line suprised me the most, for a toyline that once had such a strong antigun standing. Basically the toa each have a unique gun, and by a unique I mean strickingly similar to real world guns. Jaller has a machine gun, Hahli has a flame (sorry water) thrower, Hewkii has a rocket launcher, Matoro has a sniper rifle, Nuparu has a grenade launcher, and Kongu has a shot gun. That is pretty much the basic difference between the six toa as far as the demo is concerned but in the final version each will have unique ability as well. This was shown with Hewkii's building ability, Hahli's ability to walk on water, and some doors that couldn't be open without special abilities not available yet. One of the biggest unavailable features was Piraka gates, which shows that you will be able to play as them (including Vezon apperantly) eventually. On of the biggest similarities between Heroes and Lego SW was the inclusion of brick collecting and this filling a gold bar at the top of the screen. How Heroes does this better though is that filling up this bar unlocks an invinicible "hero" mode instead of just unlocking new little minifigs. My biggest complaint was the controll though...but that might just be my laptop. If they do come out with a Wii version though where you'll be able to just aim at a bohrok while moving with the joystick then it will controll great. Infact the game seems all most tailer made for a Wii with it's over the shoulder view and laser eye lock on. Overall the game seems great, can't wait to get the final version but I'll definitely be getting it for a console and not a PC.
  22. this is how the Transformers should look in the movie: Jazz This is much better, and you can even tell it's Jazz if you remeber his good old G1 version. f they can get this one and Prime relatively right why cant they get the otheres any where close? (Sorry image was streching screen, I have a widescreen monitor so I didnt notice)
  23. Well I've got some time between classes (ok actually in classes) so I thought I'd post. THats the only thing school internet is good for since I cant get on any offical Bionicle site (INCLUDEING THE GAME!!!) and quite a few others for no real reason. Dont know if I ever talked about this before but I have a new philosophy on life and I approriately call it the "hordika montra". In our super evolved electronic society we often forget we once lived in trees and had to hunt for our food. We need to remeber where we came form and don't try so hard to block out some of our more primitive thoughts. We must find a harmony between our past, present, and future to trully evolve and change in the best way possible. DOnt ignore the past just because you think it migth have been too simple or plain, sometimes the best answers are just that. Ok thats enuff for now I gotta go to my next clas...I hate math.
  24. Sorry it's been way too long but I've been busy what with the learning how many electrons is equall to the watts of a capacitor. Fun time college indeed. But the news from today made me think I might need to retract a former blog (not the megatron one, he still looks like that) But with a closer comparison of the new baddies and sounding like the green one is suppose to look like thatand the others won't I'm actually excited about seeing the other new ones. I'm one of those that find kinda odd looking sets to be accetable for a good storyline reason (the doomtoran come to mind). PLus it sounds like they may finally beat the clone curse, like I think the piraka were suppose to do. I'll try to start updateing some more, but I think VNOLG will keep me a little busy, man it's fun to say that.
  25. Well apperently the blog I made yesterday didnt get through, basically it was a rant about the new sets being the horribly deformed offspring of a rahkshi and a visorak. But I will never complain again about a bionicle set ( ok at least not fot a while, not after I saw this.... Image comes from site with forums. Uploaded and linked to Maj. ~Makaru~ Now transformers are number 2 in my heart after bionicle, if it wasnt for them I wouldn't like bionicle. So to see some crazy movie execs get ahold of a beloved character and utterly destroy it darkins my very soal.....RIGHT DOWN TO MY SPLEEN!!! I dont think they can save this movie for me anymore, if the characters look like that then I just couldn't watch it. and don't even get me started on Starscream
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