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Everything posted by krack-a-toa

  1. Well howdy!! Well the free the band websites are up, and so are the games. But ones really glitchy and the other is almost impossible to play. But the prizes look cool, and the free music aint half bad either. I'm feelin a little lacking in the Bionicle depart as of right now, got all the sets, read the latest books and comics, so now I'm forced to wait for the next stuff. I'm hopping the new FTB website will tide me over for a while. When's the Voya Nui online game coming out? If Im going tohave to wait till October for the next book and maybe even longer for the next comic then I nedd my fix!! Maybe I'll go build a moc or something...or perhaps write a disertation on unifying theories of polynomial substantiation. Now if only I knew what that was...
  2. I think I've figured iut the secret to psoting blogs on here, it's all about the timing. Posting at 1 in the morning isnt the best time to attrack readers. Which is why I'm posting at about 11. Gradual steps people. And thanks to ~Makaru~ for pointing out my inability to remeber Tahu giving the mask back to Vakama. So it aint hanging in the middle of an enemy stronghold. Wonder how Metru-Nui is doing.... Wonder if Bionicle has robot chickens.....thats a good show. night all
  3. I GOT A NEW LAPTOP!!! But the keyboard is a little different so if my writing is a little messy please bear with me till I get used to it. I just got finished watching LoMN and thought of something, where's the vahi? Last time I checked Tahu Nuva had it, and isn't Tahu's mask hanging on a wall in the Piraka stronghold? So while the Piraka are off fighting the Inika there is a mask that is nearly as powerfull, if not as powerfull, as the Mask of Life they want so much hanging in their living room.....irony though art swift.... Can Piraka even wear masks? Course I suppose that doesnt matter with the Moli since it seems to be able to just merge with who ever is near by. If anyone knows something that might contradict my idea please let me know
  4. You know what? Today is a good day. Do you know why today is a good day? Because I believe it is. And I believe today is a good day for you too. That's all it takes, beleive that it is good and it will be. "Look for the light and you will find it in yourself, don't look and only find darkness"
  5. Man it's hot How hot is it?? It's soo hot that Tahu set himself on fire just to cool off. It's soo hot that Mt Ihu has turned into a giant bath tub. It's soo hot I come up with dumb jokes as to how hot it is. Wonder if Mertru Nui has to worry about global warming? Ok today we will talk about the before time that was before time that was before time. We have heard from matoran legend that before the coming of Mata Nui that they lived in darkness knowing only their work, if the borke they were sent to be repaired, and if they worked well they came up to the light and labored no more. Now you could look at this as an almost direct idea. We are pretty sure that the Bionicle mainland is in (or was in) one of the many domes under the surface, so they may have been literally in the darkness to some extent, then when they wre good they went up to the light, which makes me believe they go to the surface level (the name of the place escapes me, too hot, starts with an A). Then I want to look at the idea that all they ever did was work. Doesn't that sound similar to our robots of today? thye know only their work. Maybe Mata Nui brought the matoran a choice, work or no work. to do that by todays terms would mean giving our robots artifical intellegence. Maybe that is what Mata Nui did, gave the matoran the intellegence to decide when to work and when not to. I kinda doubt this will be addressed in the storyline, but it's fun to think of these ideas. If once the matoran were simple machines then who made them? Maybe the Great Beings aren't God like beings but instead more like children playing with the toys they once made themselves.
  6. Warning, the following blog may contain spoilers, random theories, and science. OK, many people have been wondering if the Inika will transform in some way, and I say they have to. We know from Scholastic that the next place they go may be underwater (Power Play seems to suggest the part of Voya Nui that sunk into the sea), and what do the inika all have in common? lightning. What happens when you mix an underwater world with lightning? bad things. If everytime the Inika try to use their elemental powers they end up shocking everyone around them (maybe including themselves) then they won't be too keen on using them. It is possible that they enter some kind of giant bubble or something, but what's the point of being underwater if you still keep your feet dry? I forsee the Inika trying to face this problem in the first book of next year and being transformed by the next. While it could make for an interesting story to have them constantly afraid to use their powers, I think it would wear out quick. Also about where the Toa Nuva are. Brutaka's mask power allows him to make poket dimensions and so forth so I figure they are in there, though the fact that some beings once sent to the shadow dimension (or whatever it's called) appearing in the last book of the year makes me wonder if they weren't sent there. It's actually a pretty niffty way of disposing of some characters, send them to a different plane of existance. And since Brutaka isn't turning good anytime soon then expect to see some force used to retrieve our heros.
  7. no, this is not about a boat, or movies about ancient Greeks, it's about this years Titans sets. The main three anyway. Titans have always had a special place in my heart. To me they seemed to be amde just for the fans. While the cans and smaller sets were designed to atrack the casual buyer, the titans were designed for the peolpe that were already fans of the toy line. But enough of that, on to the review First we will start with Axxon. Your going to hear this alot with these titans but I love it. The more stout design is a good improvement over the kinda of tall and lanky designs of Rhoduka and Sidorak. Plus I love the fingers, I actually out him together first with the usuall stub hands and it just looked bad, the fingers just bring the whole set up. I was actually suprised with how many tiny peices Axxon was made up of, alot of times the titans are made using alot of big peices with some small decritive peices in front of them, but for the most part Axxon is made up of just small peices put together in smart ways. I also really like the new mask, it's different from alot of the masks we've seen before. Ohh and the weapon ain't to shabby either. Next we have Brutaka. Guess what!! I love this one too. Why anyone could have thought Brutaka was a good guy is beyond me, he just breathes meaness. He's got claws and spikes all over his body and that weapon of his looks like it could take out more than a few Toa in one strike (where have I seen that before?). I love the contrast between Axxon and Brutaka; one is tall and the other short, and the color schemes just comliment each other. For once having both seems to better then having one, they just look great standing next to each other. Brutaka's mask is also great, but it's a little big if you put it on anything but a titan. I'm glad that we have masks back on the faces, especially this year when classic style masks are few. And next the biggy, Vezon and Fenrak. This one is by far the best, while Brutaka may have seemed mean these two seem down right evil. Vezon alone could give Darth Vader a run for his money in the evil catergory (I can see them now comparing capes), while he is basically a Piraka the inclusion of some extra chest peices and different arms make him look better then the original. I do have two complaints about him though: Why is there a bornish peice at the end of his staff? doesn't look right; and his mask (although it looks great) doesn't fit on the piraka head as good as the others and thus he has a kind of recieded look, sometimes this makes it hard to see his glowing eyes from some angles. Now to the spider, not since the Bahrag have I seen a face with so many teeth (actually it reminds me alot of the Bahrag spider combiner). The legs have a nice intracet design but there is some stability problems, you have to get all the legs lined up just right or the whole thing will fall to one side. But Fenrak also suffers the most from the same thing I've noticed in all the new Titans, joint weakness. all the joints are pretty loose to the point where Axxon can barely hold up his own axe and sometimes one of Fenrak's legs like to start moving on it's own. Infact the only thing keeping most of them form falling over is the new piston like system. I hope this isn't a way of Lego cutting costs by using cheaper plastics or something, becuase as these sets get older they will really start to run down. Overall I think these Titans are the best in a long time. They can't quite beat out the year of the Bahrag and Exo-Toa, but they are a close second. If you don't have these yet you need to go out and get them, if you have to get just one get Vezon, but if you have the money it definettly won't be a waist to get all of them. Now I'm off to find the one they call Strobe Light.
  8. Well, I haven't posted in a while but I have reason, my grandfather had a heart attack and is still in the hospital so I have been a little busy with that. But in what free time I have had I thought some interesting thoughts which I will post later. So expect to see big blogs about whether or not magic exists in Bionicle universe, the philosophical questions senscient biomechanical beings cause, and an idea I had about what it was like in the dark times. Plus the usual horrible jokes and bad Rodney Dangerfield impressions you've come to expect.
  9. Looks like I have time to write this up after all: Today I have officially been a member of BZPower for 5 years now....man how time flies. It has been alot of fun, I've made some great friends and had some really fun times. I had been coming to this site since about May of 02 but used it just as a news site, I didn't join till five years ago today. I still remember the first time I ever posted and that the next person posting on the thread welcomed me to the site, it made me feel good and now I try to do that any time I see an inhabitant running around. I've been on here through mergers and name changes, through virus attacks and vahki attacks, I've seen mods rise and fall, I remember the great theories of what the next chapter of the MNOLG would be and what the heck those weird alligator things were behind Tahu Nuva. I remember the outrage caused by the Kal and the joy that was the rahkshi (KNEES!!!). I remember when people freaked out when they saw movie Tahu with fingers, and a video of Lewa Nuva acting gangster. I remember when we saw the picture of a very sad Takua and the reflection of a not very healthy looking Jaller in his eyes. I remember the movie premiers and the Toy Fairs of years gone by. I remember back when all we had were comics and some webisodes and dreamed of what it would be like to have Bionicle book. I've been through a few name changes over the years from nuava (i was trying to be nuva but hit the wrong key) to krack-a-toa, I've gone from just an average member to a premier status. Seen a spinning MoL to a spining Rahkshi head. But enough reminiscing about the past....here is to a bright future and 50 more years of Bionicle fun.
  10. krack-a-toa

    Ha Ha Ha

    Here's something for yah: Two Toa walk into a protodermis pub. One says to the other "So what kinda Toa are you?" The second Toa replies "I'm an Ochmi Toa." The first Toa responds"What the Makuta kinda Toa is that?" The second toa just smilies and then kicks the first Toa right in the foot. The first toa lets out a yelp and says "OUCH MY TOE.....AHHHH" I want to apologize to any of the guys (or gals) that run this joint. I seem to be accidently breaking a few rules as of late and I'm sorry for cause any problem. Sometimes the rules end up changing on yah and it's hard to keep up with what all has changed. Thanks for all your understanding though. Well lets get a little off subject here and talk about something besides Bionicle: movies. That's right, I saw the new Pirates of the Caribean movie. It's really good, infact it's so good I hate it. Just wait till the ending to find out why. If you haven't seen it I suggest you hurry, but I suggest you see the first one, you dont really have to but it makes the experience much better. And go ride the ride and you'll get even more little bits. And dont see Superman, it's an okay movie, but way too long. tomorrow will be the my 5th bzversary , and hopefully my 500th post on the forum (aint irony grand?) I wanna post a big anniversary blog in which I can reminis about the good old days of BZcommunity and Kanohi Power, but I may not have time so expect to see it soon. Good night, don't let the protodates bite.
  11. Well it has been a while since I blogged on here (when did blog become a verb anyway?) but seeing how I got a special package in the mail I figured I have a really good reason now. That's right girls and rahi, I got the Inika from Shop@Home today, and I am not amused. But where to begin, well the begining in the very good place to start I'm told so I'll start with the first thing I saw, the cans. Course I don't know if you would call them cans anymore. They are big, really big, which kinda explains how they can be about half as wide as the old cans. I'm not sure about the cans for right now, I'm having troubls stacking them very high and that annoys me, but besides that I like how they have built in zamor and weapon holders. Which leads me to the weapons, I really like the detail on all of the light up weapons, my only real complaint is some of the color choices for the lights, why does a fire sword have a green light instead of a red one? I'm thinking if I can taking them apart and switching the lights around a bit, if I can. The zamor is still the basic one you get with the Piraka, but with the extra holder, only problem is I had the extra zamor kinda clogging up the firing system. The little extras on some of the toa are kinda cool, I love Hewkii's chain and where Nuparu has the back mounted launcher (even if it cant really move that much when attached) but I don't know why Nuparu needed the claws too, they look great and are great peices, but they just seem kind thrown in. Next we get to the masks, like most of the things on the Inika I both love and hate them, I love the look of all of them and the new textures, but that just makes me even more sad when I realize I can't put them on any regular face. I really wish there was a peg or something, and I dont like the heads in general, espcially when Im trying to ge thte mask off and the whole head just comes off the body. Ahh yes, the body....where to begin....Rember way back when we all complained that from the front the metruan looked great but from behind they looked horrible? That's about how I feal about the Inika, from the front they look great, great detail and most of them have good colors (ME WANT MORE SEE THRUW PARTS!!), but the back side looks horrible, all just holes and they are really really flat. Even Nicole Richie is calling them skinny (ok so that was a low blow, I apologize). Now the Piraka would have basically the same problem but they have those cool spines to cover for it, the Inika have nothing. Overall, all the new parts and colors are great, but I usually dont care that much about mocing ability and care about how they will look on the shelf, so to me they are a bit of a let down. To be honest as of right now they are my least favorite toa, though that may change as time goes by. But now Toa are my favorite sets so they're still up there on my list. And the repeatness of the sets is bad, I build one using instructions then using only the pictures on the box made all the others, then went back and checked that everything matched up with the instructions. I think the problem is that many of the canned Bionicle overall are turning more into action figures (remeber last time Lego tried to make action figures? or the failed show they were based on?) then they are constructed sets, going for pretty and simply instead of robotic and fun. Give me a bionicle with gears over one with Kungu Fu grip anyday
  12. krack-a-toa


    Dude, I just realized that the Mask of light spinner thing goes in the opposite direction as the other masks, and I think every 5th spin of Vakama's mask is faster.... Two matoran walk up to a protodermis pub. One says to the other "Hey what happened to your mask?", the other matoran answers back "I got attacked by a rahi". The first matoran answers back "And here I thought you were just ugly" Even on Metru Nui I get no respect, I walk up to a vahki and say "hey look, I'm J walking". The vahki says "That's nothing, just last week I saw Vakama Q walking." I asked him what Q walking was and he threw me in jail for asking too many questions.
  13. I'm starting to like this blog thing, I can post the random theories I have on here instead of posting them on the forum. I came up with my new theory while reading the offical geography topic. I started thinking about how any of the other underground domes besides Metru Nui got light. If there wasn't an island above them then any kind of opening in the dome would be pearing up into the bottum of the Mata Nui ocean. Next I started thinking about that protective clear barrier that is said to cover the light holes above Metru Nui. If all of the domes had such a procteive barrier then mayeb that is how Voya Nui got to the surface, I doubt that the barrier is as strong as the protodermis layer of over the domes, maybe Voya Nui was shot up and out of a really bog light hole. But then I thought about the whole holes being underwater and realized that if Voya Nui broke the barrier between the surface and the mainland that the mainland would nw be flooded....and that got my mind really turning....didn't the preview for Bionicle Legends 6 talk about an underwater city??? Maybe the Toa are going to go through the hole and go to Akua Nui (or the Pit) which is actually an underwater city on the now water logged mainland!!! What do you guys think?
  14. I keep having this itching fear about the future of Bionicle. I remeber Greg saying that they needed to come out with a new set of toa every year, since they sell the best, but this leads to a problem when you have one set of Toa that are suppose to be the main characters. I forsee a repeating pattern of the Toa Nuva going to a new island in search for Mata-Nui, then they find other toa (or make new one's as the case this year, but we have to run out of Mata Nui matoran to transform after a while) and those toa become the focus for the next year or two (the second year will of course be when they transform or something) the new toa will find an item or a clue that will then send the Nuva on to a new island that will continue the process over and over until bionciel stops making money and lego decides to finally wake up Mata Nui. But the one good draw of having all these Toa is there could be a large battle in the end. Now I'm sure Greg can make the story very interesting with battles with the brotherhood and the order, but I'm afraid the basic outline of the story will become repetivite. But now that we have seen the piraka outsell both the hordika and the visorak there may be hope, we could have a year without heroes, but really good villians. So I'm counting on you Lego people to come up with new and invintive ways to keep the story going strong. I know that selling toys is the top priority but I can tell you right now if it wasn't for the great story I would have stopped buying bionicles years ago. Flashy displays and box art is what gets us in, story is what keeps us there. And I humbly request that you treat the Nuva with a little more importance, I know from a toy stnad point they are basically dead, but from a story standpoint they should still be the main characters. The books so far as treated them pretty well so far, but please include them in the comics as well.
  15. Well, thanks to the birthday money I recently recieved I am now a premier member and thus have a spiffy new blog to paly with. This make's my third or forth blog but I've never really had a blog where I really thought I could talk about bionicle or many of my other toy time thoughts. So mostly this blog will be about bionicle, but if I occasionaly start talking about Optimus Prime or why Robot Chicken is the best show ever, I hope you will understand... I'll do a true new blog soon, but right now I'm kind of busy working on my entry for the S&T contest, but don't tell anyone.
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