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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Toaraga

  1. I hear it makes a great companion. So far, so good.


    1. Roablin


      FYI, I actually read your interests list.

  2. If there's one thing I've learned from TV and movies, having your memory erased is a bad idea. You'll regret it but won't remember why.

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      I hate that concept. :3

  3. Sorry about the confusion. I altered what I was originally going to write because it looked like a mess.

    I haven't visited Oklahoma in years.

  4. You can't escape the banner.

  5. #21stCentury, a time when you can make friends with people you may never meet in person but still know what they had for dinner last night.
  6. Dude, I totally saw a license plate with "LYG" today.

  7. If the sister of your mom or dad stays awake all night watching and praying, would that make her a vigil auntie?

  8. You can never truly dance around a subject; you can only dance around the object of a preposition. #GrammarNerd

  9. ChocoFrogs- Yes, I did.

    621- I see the problem has been resolved; welcome to BZP

    Relyks- I know some HTML, but it's mostly basic stuff though.

  10. If Rand Paul had Scott Walker as his running mate, they'd have a Paul-Walker presidential campaign.

  11. Why do storage bags only come in one quart and one gallon? What if you have something too big for one and too small for the other?

  12. It's actually a house MOC I finished back in 2005 and which I still have built. ^_^

  13. Looking forward to the new #StarWars movie. I hear #CaptainHook becomes the newest starfighter pilot during an epic bumper car chase scene.

  14. I hear someone's making maps with terrain represented by human insides. The heart is mountain, the kidney is lake... and the lung is road.

  15. You tricked me. :o

  16. Wanna see a historical documentary that's not accurate but is certainly entertaining, check out #BackToTheFuture2. #StillNoHoverboard

  17. Bought a #SelfieStick. It won't stop taking pictures of itself.

  18. There's a Canada, Texas. Considering the size of Texas, I wouldn't be surprised if the city of Canada is bigger than the country of Canada.

  19. Indeed, you can't copy my posts without giving me credit or paying their worth. :P

  20. If you break noodles down, they will become more pasta-ful than you can possibly imagine.

  21. My current avatar is my Xbox 360 avatar.

  22. I thought The Rat King's was pretty funny-- wait, she-turtle? Is that like "sea turtle"?

  23. Where's Waldo? He's online, looking for love. Can you find him? #whereswaldo #lookingforwaldoinallthewrongplaces http://t.co/SEQBuIZpD5

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