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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    -The scene starts where I notice my brother KK is doing stuff on his DS-
    -glances to the screen-
    "Oh my gosh, you're actually using factorials to solve a Layton puzzle..."
    "I've used algebra to solve these before! It works."
    "Yeah, but these games are designed for children to be able to solve. You shouldn't have to use that level of math. Also, there has been an Awkward Zombie comic about this."
    "I know there has been an Awkward Zombie comic about this! Now hush... so if I do this, then that means the answer is 20! Let's go with that! -enters answer into game-"
    "... Just... watching this process of yours is...-dumbfounded-"
    "It's wonderful isn't it? 8D"
    "Yup, wonderful. :')"
    He proceeded to whack me upside the head, but I was laughing too hard to feel pain.
    ~Tekulo <3
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Thank goodness I just don't care.
    In the real world, I got off of a twelve hour shift and just woke up at 5 AM to get a drink of water, so I figured I'd go online for a bit. That's really it. I'm that simple a human being (Yaaaay ordinary! 8D)
    Okay, maybe I'm not so ordinary. I've got my black cat, Cosmo, purring away all curled up between my arms as I type this. You know, the superstition involving black cats and luck goes a little something like this:
    When a black cat crosses your path and flees from you, the cat is stealing your luck away. When a black cat approaches you, they give you luck.
    Basically, if you ever shoo away a cat based on its fur color, you're pretty much dooming yourself to an unfortunate situation. It's better to be the kind of person who is approachable than one that is intentionally secluded.
    That's if you believe in the superstition, of course. Upupupu.
    In any case, Cosmo always cuddles with everyone, so I guess I'm pretty lucky in that respect. ^^ It's definitely a plus after coming home from a twelve hour shift. Better than coming home to a bunch of drama, that's for sure. =P
    Anyway, in terms of Nanowrimo, I will not be participating. However, I will be writing this month (just not 50k. XP)
    Whassat, Billy? You don't like cats?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Would anyone be interested in a fanfic where, a year after BIONICLE ended, the toa start popping up in our world and the humans they find themselves with try to balance helping their childhood heroes and their bank accounts while dealing with young adult life in their early to mid twenties?
    'Cause I'm kinda writing the middle of the story right now.
    "You had your chance at the cotillion, you!"
    ~The Duchess Approves <3
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Should I change my display name to Shadow Tekulo or no?
    Like, is this shadow fad part of some secret society and will I be incurring its wrath should I switch over uninvited? And am I really willing to take that chance?
    I have nothing else going on in my life right now...
    ~Tekulo <3
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Well, today isn't exactly a great day in history. But hey, what day is?
    So, I just got back from an employee meeting for the place I work at as a baker. I've been informed that the baking position has been terminated. The staff had been working to redo the restaraunt, new menu, new managers, new employees, etc. And they put a co-worker that I got on well with to a management position, and this person has had years of experience in the food and beverage industry, so it's a good fit.
    I got offered a position as a line cook. It's totally out of my element, but I'm honestly a pretty decent employee, and I guess they noticed that much. I show up when scheduled, I'm responsible when I get sick, I'm easy to get in contact with. I mean, I'm not perfect because I am new to the industry and make mistakes, but that's normal.
    I'm going to take it. It's less money than I made before, and I'll probably screw up even more now, but that's natural. I mean, I don't have another job and while there are bakeries locally, I have no idea how well they're doing or if they're even hiring. I guess I'll find out soon enough, though. I mean, the place has had issues with management and I know that they are understaffed, especially since we have a couple of big groups coming in early March.
    It would've been nice if this could come a year later or so. I want to stay at home right now so I can continue to make progress with anxiety and a number of the other issues I have. Plus my dog since childhood is still around. I'm honestly the only person in the house that cares about her. My mom advocated for her to be put down (she's still hyperactive and doesn't show signs of being in serious pain, so that is not an option for me, personally) and my dad jokes about her dying all the freaking time. I still need to get a driver's liscence, but I don't want to get a car because then it'll just break down in five years and there goes thousands of dollars for repair until three years later for when I need to go and buy a new car altogether. Ugh.
    I dunno. At least I still have a job for now. Besides, it will probably be cool to learn more of the Culinary side of the food industry. It's really not what I particularly want to pursue. Honestly, I'd like to stick around in this industry for at least ten years, save some money up and then maybe take classes for another career down the line. Maybe an HR rep or something. I dunno.
    I'm just glad I used my past two months off to do some soul searching and made progress with stuff. I came out to my brothers, so that was a huge relief. I'm making progress with my anxiety. I'm still boxing. Not daily, unfortunately. But the longest slump I had since I started was three days without boxing. So, I mean, as self-serving as it sounds, I haven't given up.
    This news is kinda discouraging, and right now, I admit, I am in a gloomy mood, but I'll be fine. It's not the end of the world, and it's definitely not going to be the hardest thing I've had to do in my life. I'll be fine. ^^ Just needed to ramble a bit here.
    It is what it is.
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I am a huge fan of the original stories by Hans Christian Andersen and The Brothers Grimm. I could fill this blog up about aspects of their lives and why the stories are the way they are and how that actually translates to the writers' outlooks on life and how you make the connection between fantasy and reality and how those stories always felt like a special link between the two and all of that, but without the form of a run-on sentence.
    Instead, I'll save that entry for a later date, because I bet a lot of people don't want a lengthy rambling of all that out of the blue.
    So, basically I'm a fan of the original tales. I still haven't really gotten into Aesop outside of running into those through culture. What I really love about them are the moral ties to apply to life, especially the ones that apply to children (which, not all of the stories were catered to be written specifically for children. I'll rant about that some other time). Hansel and Gretel: A sweet story about two children who get lost in the woods (due to their parents after the wicked mother convinced the father to leave them for dead) and simply want to find their way back home. It's a story about family, especially at the end when they find their father (their mother had passed) and despite the hardships cast upon them by life (mainly poverty), they still decide to remain a family from then on.
    Sweet, right? Charming.
    That's the feeling that made me fall in love with the stories to begin with. It's also why I love Once Upon a Time (a show that airs on abc) namely the first season (I'm not loving the second thus far, though I still believe the writers might still have something up their sleeves). The show has, in my opinion, captured that aspect of the classic tales, and has also developed many tales from simple stories into a series of events to make an overall plot similar to modern day story telling. I think it's a clever idea, and I also think that the show is carried out fabulously (especially in season one).
    So, that is why I am far less inclined to watch the new Hansel and Gretel film that's coming out, nor am I inclined to watch the Jack and the Beanstalk movie. They were never meant to be big action-hero movies with princess love interests and fighting the occult. Heck, Hansel, Gretel and Jack were never royalty and in their stories they had nothing to do with royalty. They all came from a similar background which was poverty. It was supposed to show that even in the darkest of times, humans still had something to hold onto.
    I just honestly don't get that vibe at all from the movie trailers. I might consider watching one of them outside of the theater if say a friend had the dvd a few years from now, and maybe I'll be proven wrong... but, I just don't think I'd enjoy a movie that completely rewrites the overall moral of the classics.
    Those are my opinions, Billy. Now,
    ~Tekulo <3
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, just an update here on some of what's currently going on in my life: I started working out! (Finally, you jerk)
    Just around an hour daily of walking on a treadmill machine thing. My plan is to start small with this along with leg stretches. Once I build up my stamina (and by singing in the shower more much to my family's dismay because I'm tone deaf -in order to exercise my lungs a bit more-) I plan on moving on to a more taxing regiment. I kinda want to invest in a punching bag. I still have loads of frustrations, so I think it could help with a healthy outlet for stress relief. Besides, I hear it's a good workout from people who box.
    I could also start dancing, maybe practice Hare Hare Yukai like I did forever ago.
    The point of this isn't to solely lose weight, though. I've seen first hand how damaging neglecting a body can be. Physically, if I keep being lazy and keep eating terrible foods, it's entirely possible my brain's serotonin levels will get out of whack again, then I'll spiral back into a depression and then I'll have to go back to antidepressants to correct it like what happened in my youth.
    I honestly don't want to live a life where I feel like my only option is to constantly go back and forth being depressed, overly happy and then normal after treatment. And, yeah, it can still come back even if I am healthy and there's no guarantee that it will come back either if I remain a total slob. But here's the thing: this is long overdue. I want to be healthy, I want to stick around for a while, and if I have grandkids or great nieces and/or nephews, I kinda want to meet them. And I know I can't have that if I keep neglecting myself and deprive myself of my own happiness.
    Let me be clear here: this choice is totally selfish. I'm not doing this for bragging rights, I'm not doing this because I want to feel superior or shame anyone else in a similar position because that's a really terrible thing to do. I'm doing this because I have felt insignificant and ashamed of myself for far too long. It's time I stop treating myself like garbage and start to realize I have actual self worth. Because, you know what? I'm sick of it.
    I don't feel strong, I feel hopeless. I don't feel inspirational, I feel ashamed. I don't feel like I'm worth it, I feel like a total screwup that should never have existed in the first place.
    I'm done.
    It's time to move on from that mentality and that terrifies me. It also makes me really, really excited, though.
    Goal for 2015: Become healthy physically. One hour of exercise per day minimum, continue to drink enough water and don't push yourself too far. You can do it, jerkface.
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I am currently growing my hair out. Right now my bangs reach to my mouth. My last haircut was a buzz sometime last year.
    I have dreams where I cut it off so it stays out of my face.
    It's also one of those things where people take notice once it's around three inches long. Unfortunately for me, I happen to be a guy. Apparently growing out your hair past three inches is a breach of unspoken law unless you're super attractive and you can pull it off (for guys anyway).
    Like, wow. I expected some backlash, but it's kinda scary how much people can just hone in on one insignificant aspect of another person. And, really, it is insignificant. Maybe if I were still in my teens it wouldn't be too big a deal. To be honest, I'm not seeing a whole lot of guys my age with long hair. Even old friends of mine who used to have long hair now wear it short. That's not a good or bad thing in itself because, like I said, hair is insignificant. (And mostly it's just people saying I should get a haircut like if I don't my hair would rear up and attack people off the street. Unfortunately I am stuck with plain, ordinary hair. To be fair, some people seem more adamant about their opinion of my hair than others. It isn't everyone coming across as rude, more like just a few that seem too eager to chime in with their opinion about something that isn't theirs to begin with. In any case, the "he needs a haircut" vote is in the majority.)
    As far as my work goes, I put mine back into three ponytails and tuck it under my hat. Three because my bangs are only around four inches or so and don't fit behind my head. Once it's all tucked away, albiet the occasional feather sticking out, you wouldn't guess that my hair is as long as it is. My coworkers, when they see me with my hat off, tend to laugh. And that's fine because it's not mock laughter, but the laughter that happens when you see your coworker with long hair out of the blue. =P
    So, why am I putting myself through more odd looks and the torture that happens when your bangs attack your eyes when it's breezy?
    1) I'm 22. I'm starting my career, staying out of trouble and have little to no real social life. I am due for a stupid decision here and there, so why not do something harmlessly stupid?
    2) Ultimately it's just hair, and it's never been this long before. I think having long hair can be fun. I'll probably try and rock a Southern Water Tribe do just for fun when it gets super long. Maybe I'll dress up as Link (I have a hat for that too).
    3) I'm not going to have my thick, luscious locks forever, so I might as well enjoy it while I have it. The entire point of having hair is to have fun with it in my opinion. I'm still pretty young, and goodness knows my life could always use more fun.
    4) Most importantly, once it gets to be nine inches from the bottom of my neck, I'm going to donate it to a charity that turns donated hair into wigs for cancer patients. Hair might be insignificant, but you never truly appreciate the insignificant things until you don't have them anymore. The entire point of hair is to have fun with it, so once I've had my fun I can send it off to someone who will hopefully appreciate it even more than I ever could.
    I kinda don't like mentioning to people that I'm donating my hair, though. Well, my dad normally brings it up for me half the time when we go out, but other people seem to clam up once it's mentioned. Like, somehow I need to validate why I'm doing something that at first looks juvenile? It's weird to look at it that way. =/ I also think it's the wrong way to look at it.
    In my opinion, I don't think it's something people really should take notice over. I mean... it's hair... Calm the Karz down, people. =P
    Whassat, Billy? You have a Yugi Moto look and nobody calls you out for it?
    Well, don't you live a blessed life, Billy? >=/
    ~Tekulo <3
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Very few places still make desserts and breads from scratch these days.  And even the ones that do use some cheats like cake mixes, icing that gets shipped in buckets or just factory made products.
    Baking from scratch to me seems to be a bit of a lost art.  In my entire career I've worked in three locations that made everything from scratch.  In all of those locations I was the only baker/pastry chef and the workload was always demanding.  It can be a lot for one person to run a bakery alone.  At my first job, my position was terminated and the company went with factory made products as opposed to scratch made products.  
    It was disheartening.
    Nowadays I work in a grocery store, where nothing is made from scratch.  Everything comes in frozen, from bread doughs to cakes to cookie dough, etc.  And these products?  They don't hold a candle to the work I've done in the past.  And that's not because I'm an especially skilled baker, though I did build up my skill set over time.  No, it was simply because I took the time to bake the products with care.
    Baking isn't that difficult.  It is an exact science a lot of the time, and yes there are some projects much more involved than others, but overall things like italian bread, chocolate chip cookies or a fruit tart don't take an especially great amount of skill to achieve.  All anyone needs is a recipe, the proper ingredients (butter in place of crisco for example), some equipment and the time to bake.  
    It always saddens me these days to see so many people buying, frankly, inferior products at the grocery store.  People pay good money for birthday cakes that come in frozen, probably loaded with preservatives and topped with icing that comes from a box and gets water added to it.  And frankly it's overly sweet and addicting.  I just find it sad because here we have a special occasion and people celebrate with garbage food.  I've made cakes with flavor other than just sugar.  It's so much better, I find, to taste butter, real butter, in buttercream icing.  
    I know I must sound like a snob, but when I studied at culinary school I created and tasted some of the finest patisserie in my life.  I try to keep that alive every now and then too.  But in the food industry, the things we treat ourselves to just aren't worth the calories when they come from the store.  
    Anyway, that's just my random thought of the day.  
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The story likely takes place in a German setting due to the use of German words showing in the background. However the anime was created for a Japanese audience, so the protagonist's name is Ahiru (meaning duck). And then finally we have the English translation where her name is Duck, however her written name in the show (as seen on a letter) is still Ahiru.
    Three languages running around in a town where stories and reality intermingle. That's almost too perfect.
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Sometimes I feel like the world needs more feline leaders.
    And then I remember what the world is really like.
    And then things are sad.
    (One of these days I will use my blog for important things. Today is not that day)
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    debating whether i Should make a super secret club. Has anyone else ever made a club before? On the other hand, has anyone not made a club before? Understanding, of course, I can't exclude anyone, does that mean all members are officially a member of said club? Lemme think... Drat, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that...
    In other words, I'm still in debate...
    (post lawn: if you thought there was something odd about this post, then you are Correct. remember the code: Other Oshawts don't like Kellogs cereal, so Ines will tell Emily about Sally. those who figure it out will get the prize listed previously).
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Whew, been a while.
    So to keep y'all updated, I did go through with the move to WA. I have a room for rent in a house and my landlord and housemate are very nice people.
    Being in OH with my family was a way stressful living situation so hopefully my time here will give me some space to breathe. Also, you know, it seems generally more LGBT friendly than where I was before. Like I'm still in a more conservative area, but nobody knows me here and omg that alone is so much less pressure.
    But anyway, I've been improving at my work and I've been getting the hang of things. The holiday season was very busy and stressful and it turns out other stuff caused more stress on top of that (online dating profiles are hahahahababababababababababa)
    I've decided to go full on pescaterian si that's exciting. I take a daily dose of omega 3's in the form of fish oil pills and just eat fish whenever I'm in the mood for it.
    I got lots of love from some friends back home that I usually see this time of year, and I'm honestly touched I have people in my life who bother to miss me (aside from just blood relatives, mind you lol).
    Adulting and budgeting and trying to save money is a new thing, but it looks like I'm managing it alright so far.
    Other than that, stress is still freaking exhausting, but I feel like I'm overall handling it okay. It's strange finding new ways to manage stress after years of handling it poorly.
    Also I live with dogs now and omg did I miss having dogs around.
    Well, that's more or less what's been up with me.
    How about y'all?
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I was really sleepy when going for a walk, so I came up with this dumb story idea.
    So, like, there's this kid who is constantly asleep and whenever he becomes half-awake, he fights superpowered monsters. The thing is, this kid has god-tier abilities, so all he really has to do is wave his hand to stop the monsters and like flick them with his fingers to defeat them. So, like, instead of having parents, he's accompanied by this young woman dressed in punk clothing who constantly tries to keep him awake to fight off the monsters. She slaps him and constantly uses the line "THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE TAKING A NAP!" They nearly die several times and are saved when the kid finally wakes up enough to deal with whatever is killing them this time.
    It would probably involve more story devices if I bothered to flesh it out like "Why is this kid super powerful?" and "Why is he constantly asleep?" and "Where do these monsters come from?"
    All in all it's a pretty dumb idea and I will probably never do anything with it.
    ~Lapis Lazuli <3
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    It's likely a story I'll never get around to actually writing, but I've had this idea for a while and I like playing with it.
    It's a slice-of-life style story (probably would do well as a short comic series) that focuses on the relationship between two characters, Sky and Cecilia. They have a really strong friendship and are roommates (probably around their mid to late twenties).
    Sky is a gaymer (aka gay gamer) who has a history of depression. He hides scars on his left wrist, normally with a sports band or long sleeves. His personality can be a bit colorful and he can get pretty expressive with his emotions (including shouting at the TV when he plays Super Smash Brothers). He probably listens to punk/metal music (though that's a genre I personally don't listen to, so I can't list any bands or songs he'd be into. XD Any suggestions would be welcome as I am a newb when it comes to the finer arts). Overall Sky is a total sweetheart. He's the kind of person who can pick up on when someone is having an off day and will do what he can to cheer them up. He can be a bit of a head-in-the-clouds kind of a person at times and is a sucker for romance.
    Cecilia is an asexual woman who is a bit of a workaholic. In her younger days she was irreverent and a bit of a loudmouth. As the years passed, however, she grew more cynical and her personality more reserved. She still has her sense of humor, which can be a bit dark at times (she laughs, but there's a hint of sorrow mixed into it). Cecilia enjoys her solitude, be it reading a book or generally ignoring the crowd and doing her own thing. She probably listens to an amalgam of different genres of music including Classical, pop, rock, etc. (her taste in music is probably closer to mine). Overall Cecilia is level headed and determined. She takes time to think things over before she makes big decisions and generally she has a good head on her shoulders.
    It should probably be noted that I haven't decided what race either of these two are yet. I did base their personalities off of really old characters of mine, and I did draw a few concepts for them, but that's hardly canon for these two (mostly because one was a fairy from the Legend of Zelda and the other was a skull kid)
    These two are always there for each other on their best and worst days. People who don't know them that well generally assume they are dating (which is unintentionally hilarious). And the story would include bits of life happening. Maybe Sky's depression acts up and Cecilia is there for him in her own way, for whatever it's worth. A death in the family makes them reflect on what they take for granted in life and they realize they're luckier than they think. Sky finally beats his arch nemesis in a PvP game, meanwhile Cecilia finally gets that promotion.
    It would probably run for a time, but then I'd end it. Sky would date for a while, then get a serious boyfriend. They decide to move in together, meanwhile Cecilia plans to move away either to a new job opportunity or a relocation for her current job. The timing is a bit convenient, but it crept up on them and both prepare as they get reading for a new chapter in their lives. It ends when Sky sends Cecilia an emotional text covered in emojis. Cecilia responds with with "I love you too."
    If I were to sum up the overall theme for this story, it would be along the lines of "We may separate along different paths in life, but love is eternal."
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Akano is visiting for the holidays and he has the system and game. Last night I did 8 player brawl by myself. It was Team Avatar vs Team Avatar. The old team kept winning (I was playing as Korra).
    Oddly, this is how I played Melee as a kid, only it was with Zelda, Ganondorf, Link and Young Link at Hyrule Temple for the time paradox wedding between Zelda and Link. Man, those were good times.
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