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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So tomorrow will be my last day at home. After that I will take a flight across the country and spend the summer at the new job.
    I'm almost done packing. I just have a few things to do last minute. While I was packing today, though, I was getting emotional. It's not like this past year has been a thrill for me. I lost my job, lost my best friend, and I lost my mind (which, let me tell you was not a thrill).
    Sure I'll miss my cat's and my folks and friends, but honestly? I can't think of too many happy moments from the time I've spent here.
    I've felt for a while that I've needed to leave, but now that it's actually happening I feel anxious. It's strange. But it's going to be okay because this will be a good thing. I will be surrounded by nature, I'll be meeting new people and hopefully I can lose some weight. I won't be at home which will be really nice because it hasn't felt right since Jewel passed away. Most of all, I'll be working again and feel like I have a purpose. I'm honestly not happy when there is nothing to do.
    I really need this.
    Here's to moving on, I guess.
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Realized I hadn't done one of these in a while.
    So, yeah, literally any topic is on the table (within bzp rules of course).
    Just know that while my username is currently Nigel Thornberry, my actual understanding of zoology is rather limited. XP
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Yeah, so I've seen this new-fangled blog whatsit around lately and I figured "Eh, why not? Wait... but why do it to begin with? ... WHOA!"
    Anyway, after an epic battle involving a coin flip, a rock-paper-scissors tournament, an intense eye-spy contest AND the stop-hitting-yourself game; I finally reached an agreement with myself to post this.
    So, I'll answer any question with truth honesty seriousness credibility integrity and most likely all around goofiness.
    I figure there are probably only like five people who bother to read this blog and out of those normally three people that bother to comment, so I should be safe from a bombardment of questions (I am so popular on BZP, I can just feel the fame... By the way, my blog has approximately twice as many views as my profile. XD).
    Now then, Danny... Wait... What happened to Billy?! DANNY, WHY?!
    Wow, guys, that was fast. XD
    You are transported to an alternate universe where Satie's Gymnopédies do not exist. Everything else is consistent between this universe and that one. What becomes your new favorite something?
    What? ... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Seriously, I'm looking forward to the dead of winter so I can gaze into the snow while listening to that song. Best. Idea. Ever.) Anyway, my new favorite something becomes the works of Hans Christian Andersen (and don't you dare take that away from me!)
    Toxic Waste Bunny or Radioactive Rabid Rabbit?
    Toxic Waste Bunny! <3 It just sounds soooo cute! =3 (You can tell how thoroughly I thought that one through...)
    June 31st or or September 31st?
    Hmm... June 31st, I suppose. That's the last day I can make the horrendous pun "HEEEY, JUNE, DON'T MAKE IT BAAAAD!" whilst watching a certain Avatar episode and have it be on more than one level. XD
    Did you not dream about farm animals?
    You know, I dream about a lot of things. Farms animals, however, are not one of them, I'm sorry to say. D=
    Rock-Paper-Scissors has been expanded into the much more complex Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock. Your are tasked with adding more to this paradigm. What do you add, what is its hand signal, what does it defeat, and what defeats it?
    I was actually tempted to add the lizard and Spock to my previous allusion above. XD Appreciated. Anyway, I add in the dragon. It defeats all previous options and its signal is similar to a Spock symbol rotated 90 degrees while bending your fingers inward slightly into a claw (three digits). I also add in enchanted bunny. It is defeated by everything except for dragon; it defeats dragon. Oh, and it's signal is basically vertical scissors with flopped ears.
    If a tree falls in your room, and there aren't any cats to spazz out about it, does the toaster go off?
    If the cat does not spazz, the bird does not chirp. If the bird does not chirp, the dog does not laugh at such sport. If the dog does not laugh at such sport, the dish does not run away with the spoon. If the dish runs away with the fork instead, the zombie apocalypse is not initiated. If the zombie apocalypse is not initiated, the human resistance does not develop MacGyver weaponry. If the human resistance does not develop the toaster canon, then no, the toaster will not go off. It's all right there in the logic, good sir.
    Dooo iiitttt. The mustache commands it!
    Giant Spiders WEARING jester hats FTW!
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ... So pretty much just random people off the forums with the occasional friend sprinkled in here and there...
    It's come to my attention that I have not had a banner in my signature in ages!
    This just won't do.
    Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what I want to put there and I'm not sure where to start in the highly important decision making process, so...
    How do you guys decide what to use for a banner?
    I am now curious...
    What's that, Billy? You don't know what a signature is?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I think I forgot to tell you peeps, but for the past week I was at Disney with my family.
    It was fun. Might post a synopsis if anyone's interested.
    But now today I wake up with a caramel kitty on my lap all curled up and he is adorable. <3
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, it looks like that last entry did its job fine. Seventeen upvotes? Pfft, I didn't even know seventeen members visited the blogs. XP (And I don't mean to belittle coming out or anything. It's actually very important. But I might save my opinions on it for another entry at a later time)
    Anyway, I thought it would be neat to start using my blog for personal stuff that isn't just ranting. Not gonna lie, I kinda wanted to make that last entry more like the ones that were super personal about my anxiety and stuff, but I think I can do better by better organizing my thoughts and expressing myself through different means.
    Thoughts on being nice:
    So, back when I was at Culinary School, I was super anxious at just about everything. I was in a new city, I didn't know anyone, I was socially awkward and shy and I hated my life with a burning passion for some reason. I was in the Baking and Patisserie program, and so I woke up around five in the morning or so and had to walk from my apartment complex about five or so blocks to our first class in a hotel building which started at six. That class normally lasted around an hour and then the baking students would walk five or so blocks to our next class which was for our general education to get an associate's degree. Those classes were mixed with Culinary students, who probably woke up at six thirty or so, maybe. They had their Culinary classes at night or in the afternoon. I actually did take a Culinary class too in my first month, which was mandatory.
    So, the Culinary Classes and the Baking and Patisserie classes kinda had an unspoken rule about them from what I could tell; Baking students were nice and Culinary students were mean. And that's not the absolute truth of the matter at all. Believe me, not everyone in the Baking program was super nice, and not all of the Culinary students were horribly mean. It was just this unwritten trend brought about by circumstancial evidence. Culinary students were not allowed to bring their food home with them because a while back a Culinary student threw their food at a pedestrian on the street (that was the basic story anyway, I never got the exact facts of what happened, but we were all aware that this rule was in place). Baking and Patisserie students, on the other hand were allowed to bring home the food they prepared because there had never been an issue with the students of that particular program. Not gonna lie, though, I was tempted to throw a pie in some students' faces because of the social implications of that. (I'm going to point out here that this is an excellent example that being nice is not the same as being a good person)
    See, when we got to our desk classes (I'll call them this because we sat at desks for these classes while we stood for our food preparation courses) the Bakers, we had all of these breads and desserts that we could share with the Culinary peeps. The Culinary peeps, on the other hand, had their classes later, and they weren't allowed to bring food back anyway. This lead to some disputes. It started with students who didn't want the excess calorie intake who started giving away their food with no worries to the Culinary students. The Culinary students were obviously the only ones interested, typically, because the Bakers already had products of their own to take home. This would also be a good point to mention that we also could not give away the food we made to people on the street as a school rule (See, there was a legal issue in the past where someone got sick after they ate food made by a student. They blamed the school because they thought the food they consumed was not prepared properly. Again, I never got the exact facts of this. This was just a story, but it was the reason given for why that rule was in place). So, basically, not wanting to be wasteful, the Bakers who didn't want the dozens of pastries they made in class were happy to get rid of them for Culinary students who were aware of this rule and ate at their own risk. They were probably happy to wake up and have some pastry for breakfast for their first class in the morning. I know I would be.
    And that went on for a little while and things seemed to be working. But time changes things. Over time some of the regular students who got the pastries started getting impatient with the Bakers, demanding them. And I mean being straight out rude. Now, the Bakers who didn't want their food anyway, some of them honestly didn't care and just scolded them to not be so hasty (which of course nobody listened to anyway). The rest of the Bakers, though, we got kinda impatient with the others. The best way I can describe it is unspoken hostility. We didn't like the way they were treating our peers, our friends; The ones we hang out with at five fourty five, just chatting and bonding while waiting for class to start.
    It didn't help that the biggest offenders were jerks in general. Obnoxious, late to class, difficult, complaining that they got in trouble even though they were the ones causing the problem half the time, etc. I honestly don't recall too many people in my Baking classes that were like that, but there were times when I had to switch classes. Trust me, it was not a Culinary only issue. Though, every situation is different. So, I guess this is just a look into my personal experience and opinions on where social biases can come from. And, yeah, there was more to it than just this, but students being rude did not help break an image I noticed that formed in my head while attending class. As for my personal take, anyone is capable of being rude, and both parties played a part in enabling such a bias to form. But more on this subject later.
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Just made one. It's nothing too fancy or anything. I was tempted to add a rather large mustache onto it, but I didn't think it matched the flow of the image.

    So, I'll be stamping a few blogs. If I don't stamp yours, then don't take it too personally. I love and respect you all equally on here (which turns out it isn't much to begin with. That includes you, Akano. Hehehe).
    This is all in good fun, so no spoil-sports, alright?
    Good, now that that's all taken care of...
    ~Tekulo <3
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, this is my 300th entry on my blog. There's a lot I could have done to celebrate this momentus occasion, but alas I have done none of it.
    I also really like Garnet's backstory. These gay space rocks... <3
    ~Tekulo <3
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    In my version Kiina tells the Nuva all about meeting Mata Nui and goes into detail about their forbidden romance at a slumber party.
    The Nuva are hooked on every word and their eyes widen with suspense as they clutch their pillows.
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So today there was a book sale; $1 for every hard cover and $0.50 for every paperback. (also $0.25 for each children's paperback, but they only had the Legends of Metru Nui book, and I'm pretty sure I already have/don't care enough to get it. Plus it was in poor condition XP).
    So, I got five books for $4.00. ^^ Two of them were cookbooks (one included several recipes to cook eggs... I love it. XD), two of them were mystery books and I found a paperback version of Les Miserables Volume I. I am happy.
    As for the mystery books, one of them is about a series of small pranks in a "middle of nowhere town" (doors that were closed being opened, lights that were turned off being turned on, open doors being shut, etc). The Constable wrights one of his connections about these and the recent death of an elderly woman (seems like a natural death too). In turn, his connection, to the Constable's surprise, sends a detective who is revered for his specialty skills in murder cases.
    I have high hopes (It's called Fatal Relations by Margaret Erskine).
    As for the other, What do the works of Charles Dickens have in common with modern(ish) day murders? I have no idea, but hopefully I'll find out. (Charles Dickens Murders by Edith Skrom). These ones caught my eye (and I love a good mystery, so I hope they're worth the dollar a piece I paid for them. XD).
    You know, when going through the books, I noticed that the books I immediately put back on the shelf were the ones that had giant pictures/only praise for the authors and not their works on the back of the book. I guess I just found it annoying how when I look for a description of the story, it tells me about the writers. I guess I think a story should speak for the writer, you know?
    Anyway, Billy, GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Will it be super awkward and uncomfortable? COUNT ON IT!
    Tekulo is currently so desperate for human contact that he's taking applications for a long-distance relationship online boyfriend. BECAUSE WHY NOT?
    Perks include:
    -Me getting someone to vent to about whatever random drama
    -Conversations filled with smiley faces, heart emotes and *hugs* typed for hours on end
    -Lots of cat pics
    -Even more cat pics
    -Pokemon nerd-fests
    -Accepting Eevee as a religion
    -Always having someone to talk to, but being safely out of reach just in case the other person is a total creep (ahahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
    -Complaining about obnoxious sports fans and the patriarchy
    -Complaining about literally everything else in the world
    -Random compliments on your appearance even though we'd have no idea what the other looks like
    -placing your hand on the monitor to pretend we are holding hands/highfiving.
    -Crying alone at night when the other person goes offline. 8D
    Send in your application via snail mail sent to Santa Claus at the North Pole because who knows where those things end up anyway.
    Are you also terribly desperate and have given up in all faith of humanity? Tekulo wants YOU (unless I don't).
    Please note that this entire blog entry is not to be taken seriously. This entire idea sounds terrible and this would probably never work out anyway. You could totally do better. The only reason I typed all of this out is because I have like three hours to kill. I can't go outside because it's raining and this gave me a small chuckle in my mundane and dull life. If you haven't run away from this entry screaming by now, then kudos.
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    ... is totally fun. XD
    It's nice having a few other brains to pick while developing a story.
    I gotta say, I'm looking forward to it. We've been playing around with a title, but I don't think we've officially approved it yet. In any case, the story takes place in the distant future from where Bionicle left off (so it looks like we'll omit most of those cliffhangers from the serials).
    Ancient villains, new heroes and a world unseen. Keep your eyes open from the latest works (well, technically the first collaborative work) of the Assembly of Wordsmiths (My Name is Nulie, AZBlue and some random hobo who keeps shouting in the blog section. Something about kids who refuse to keep off of the grass or whatnot).
    Now then Billy,
    ~Tekulo <3
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Not quite finished with this one yet, but I am happy with this chapter. It's a breath of fresh air after the silliness of two. A Civil War, Tiz's emotional state, Anges' priorities, Edea's sense of justice compared to her former Master's.... this is getting pretty intense. Poor Ringus has nothing going for him in this chapter, though. Seriously, bro, be interesting. You're an amnesiac and Tiz is being more interesting than you are. That is the sad.
    This chapter is a pretty great way to get job levels up. Also Edea as a knight with sword magic support and two handed ability is pretty fantastic.
    Whassat, Billy? Chapter Two was better?
    ~Tekulo <3
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    This is either the best chapter ever or the saddest thing I have yet experienced in a video game. Possibly both.
    Enjoying the game thus far, though. The demo was pretty fun, and I haven't played an RPG style game like this since Golden Sun Dark Dawn (only other final fantasyesque game I have ever played). The characters are really enjoyable, albiet Ringabel who lays it on a bit too rich for my taste. The book is not helping. Edea has so much going on with her character, it's hard not to like her. Tiz is inhuman due to the fact he seems almost perfectly fine with his entire village being destroyed. Like, I expected some vivid nightmares, huge amounts of undeserving guilt and constantly questioning his will to live to the point where he develops some sort of mental disorder, but no, it's cool. Just follow the nearest random girl and devote your life to her. Oh, but don't pursue a relationship, no. Just dance around the notion for the entire game and tick me off in the process with awkward hints at a frustrating idea of romance. Freaking Tiz... (though he does have trouble sleeping at night, and while he writes it off as his surroundings being too noisy or bright, maybe he's hiding his angst and the real reason is because he went through something traumatic? Or maybe I'm giving him too much credit)
    Agnes is very much interesting, though. She seems very determined and very focused, albiet clueless. And, to be honest, her cluelessness makes me like her character even more because it fits with her backstory to a tee.
    Bravely Default? I thought you said Gravy Sea Salt!
    ~Tekulo <3
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, not really anything too special here. Just a few things I'm interested in doing before my inevitable death. I might do these things, but if they don't happen it's not like it's the end of the world. I guess this is just wishful thinking.
    Visit Copenhagen and pay respects in person to the grave of Hans Christian Andersen. This would also entail visiting the Little Mermaid statue and trying a Danish from Denmark.
    Dance with the love of my life. Not like, club dancing or anything, but an actual classy dance or anything that's choreographed instead of just random. I suck at random.
    Make a super fancy dessert or meal and just eat it in front of my family without sharing to spite them. They deserve it. =P (Note: do this over Skype so they can't steal anything)
    Fit into a size Large T-shirt and feel emotionally secure about wearing it in public.
    Meet with a bunch of old friends and do whatever.
    Get out of attending my own funeral just to make everyone go "Wat?" one last time. (This will require planning).
    Actually get around to reading all of the books in my personal library (I buy ones I think look interesting at an annual book sale. My library isn't exactly huge at the moment, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue to tackle it).
    Cosplay as anything at least once and have the costume be amazing. Halloween counts.
    So, yeah, not really anything too spectacular here.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, tonight I am going to babysit for a family friend. Also I will probably be spending some of my days off work helping my folks with some stuff, so I will have less free time than before. On top of that things are actually picking up at work now.

    Then again, I'm probably less busy than uni students.
    In other recent events I spent some time last night to read over some of my older blog entries. I entertain myself sometimes. =P (Don`t bother looking for yourself, though. My sense of humor is waaaaay lame. XP)
    Whassat, Billy? You're dating June Pipinpadaloxicopolis?
    ~Tekulo <3
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, over this past weekend, I was offered a position for the job I applied for earlier this month. Plenty of good will and congratulations have already been crammed down my throat through social convention, so if it's okay with you guys, please keep the praise, glory, admiration, worship, confetti, store-bought cake and celebration to a nonchalant level.
    Thank you.
    Now then, it looks like I will likely be working two jobs this summer as I already have an office job (the hours clash, but my current boss is aware of my new job and is willing to have me work whenever I can). This means that I will likely have less time for projects, groups and whatnot.
    On the other side, my brother KK is finally being banished to the evil realm of electricity where he shall remain under the guard of Akano for a whole summer. What some think as a horrendous torture of unfathomable trials I like to think as a daycare. (If I ever had a kid, I would make such a great parent).
    This will result in less of a social life for me, and thus I will have slightly more time to entertain on other things. So, it's all kinda give-and-take with time, so we'll see just how well this all turns out.
    So, in the upcoming week, I'm making the deposit (my brother KopakaKurahk) which should take from tomorrow morning until Sunday (Akano has his mailbox and house covered with hidden traps. On the plus side, there isn't a mouse in sight or so I hear).
    While I will be busy with my brothers and family during this time, I'll still be work-free, so I hope to get some good old fashioned writing done with my electronic laptop and word documents.
    Anyway, I think I've made one too many bad jokes which is a clear sign that I am tired and rambling about rambles.
    Whassat, Billy?
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Yeah, so looking at the BZP Scrapbook topic, other members seem interested in this idea.
    I want to ask the members here: Do you think we could organize such a thing?
    What do you think a BZP Renaissance would entail?
    I was thinking something like bringing back the old memes like "iN yOuR bAsE" and other sig fads like plushies, tuggles, kanoka disc collection banners, etc.
    Let's re-watch some of SPIRIT's old PSA's and old comedies. XP This sounds like quite a bit of fun, personally, so if we get enough members to show some love to the old days, who knows? Maybe this could catch on.
    Still, let's not dive right into this. There are loads and I mean LOADS of old things we could do, so let's brainstorm a bit, eh?
    I hope other members are interested in this. ^^
    Stay breezy,
  19. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    It's cute when the topic blows up and everyone starts arguing about Okoto politics. Reminds me of the holidays.
    I'm making popcorn for the current debate. Anyone else want some?
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