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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Anyway, seeing as I have literally raised every starter in every pokemon game five times over by now (or something like that), I have decided that my starter for Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire shall be a Cleffa of my choosing (trying to Masuda method these things and I'm on my third box. One of them's bound to have good stats) and a lvl 5 Milotic. This shall be done through Pokemon Bank with the hope that I can reuse this method. (I restarted my Pokemon X version and started with a growlith and a togepi. BEST. STARTERS. EVER.) I raised this Milotic( her name is Midori)'s sibling, Akai, to lvl 100 in Black 2. She's one of my bestest fighters, so now I shall raise Midori and have an unstoppable Milotic empire! Or, you know, a fun team for online battles. Not competitions, though. I want to have fun with my video games. =P
    Only, you know, here's hoping Omega/Alpha's story is actually enjoyable this time! 8D (I played through X/Y's story over three times now... I cannot put up with that stupid, un-fairy tale, pathetic story EVER AGAIN EVER! D8< )
    Digressing is fun.
    Speaking of which, I had a Gravity Falls marathon today. Not through season one yet, but it's right down my ally! I like all of the characters thus far. They really do a good job at having creepy scenes. It's even better when someone immediately breaks the mood. XD I think it has a good formula set up, although I wonder if the entire story will take place in just one summer. The Halloween episode was fantastic about that, so no complaints whatever they decide.
    In other news, my hair is now long enough to put back into a warrior's bun. It sits on the top of my head and I can't decide if it's adorable or if I look like a total dweeb. It's most likely the second one, so I'll wear a fedora when I want to go out (which will most likely be the case because it looks socially acceptable and this way I get to wear a blue fedora... Man, I really need a bowler hat or something more ridiculous). Anyway, I forgot what it was like to have my bangs not totally invade my face all the time. I missed this way more than I should.
    In news unrelated to the previous one, I repaid my student loans in full! It left a giant hole in my bank account... Yaaaaaay! 8D
    Anyway, just keeping a sort of journal about my life thus far in this here blag. Heck, I'll probably look back on my blog in a few years and laugh and laugh or sob extensively in a corner and punch myself in the face. Perspective is fun.
    Yeah, adult life is kinda boring. Glad I have nerdy interests to preoccupy myself until I wake up in like fifty years or something and I die. (Yeah... being alive as a human kinda takes a while...).
    ~Melon Lord <3
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Regarding my current position on my orientation, it seems like a funny one to me. I'm still new to gender studies here, so this will be fun trying to explain.
    Demisexual- demi meaning "half" it's considered halfway between asexual and sexual.
    In gender studies, there are two forms of sexual attraction, one being primary sexual attraction (outward appearances, personality, etc) and secondary sexual attraction (emotional connection that grows over time).
    I generally don't get primary sexual attraction. Like, I can admit a woman or a man is cute and all, but only to an extent. I've had cuddles and puppy piles with friends before, but nothing too much beyond hugs (I have been told I am an excellent hugger by lots of people) and small pecks on the cheek (and this is consentual. I totally respect boundaries and affectionate stuff isn't for everyone. I also like mimicing people and miming. I think that got me interested in Ballet to a point. Princess Tutu is awesome. XD)
    However, as for forming a personal relationship on a romantic level, it's just never happened. I always value friendship more for some reason, and when there was a chance to form one (I have had opportunities with both sexes in the past at one point or another); then I always found some reason not to pursue one. I believe I have said before that I had crushes on girls until I hit highschool. Well, during highschool there were a few crushes on girls, and they had limits, but now that I'm thinking more clearly lately, I also realize that the crushes on guys also had the same limits.
    I'm really only attracted to people that I feel a close personal bond with. And that's not some form of nobility or something as childish; it's just how I tick.
    I'm still a virgin, and honestly that just doesn't bug me in and of itself.
    A relationship sounds nice and all, but uh... I'm kinda shy with that currently because I have met lots of friends who come to me with relationship issues and ask for advice. Which, you know, is weird, because I've never really had a romantic relationship. Crushes yes, people crushing on me (weirdly enough), yes, but it was never mutual and the timing was always off.
    My timing is so weird, it is ridiculous.
    So, this has all lead to me thinking there was something wrong with me because the society I grew up in was very much hetero-normative with religious ties to my family's culture. Getting out to the city was an eye-opener when I studied in Pittsburgh (very lovely down-town area and I loved walking outside at Point State Park where the rivers met). Lots of homosexual dudes in the Baking and Patisserie program and even one in the Culinary Program. Go figure.
    I was always anxious about one thing or another (loved being on time for class right on the dot, and I can be very particular and nitpicky by nature. Turns out people like sentiment more than sensibility, though, so I've really needed to laugh everything off just to stay sane. This makes the bad times so much harder to deal with alone, and uh... I kinda always hate being totally ignored, so like, please never feel guilty with me. As upset as I get, I tend to come around with a well-meaning apology or after I've had some time to breathe).
    So, that's where my irreverent sense of humor comes from, and it has to do with why I get very, very upset easily. And... yeah, it's a work in progress and everything, but I think I'm through the worst of it for now.
    I'm pretty sure I caught a bug that's been going around here lately, and it was making me feel pretty feverish. Blegh... Can't catch a break...
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Please listen to someone.
    Don't expect for them to come to you with their problems.
    Be open, be chill, and don't try to solve every single problem or try to dominate them by saying "you shouldn't feel that way."
    Be approachable, stop being so judgemental, stop playing those stupid "I'm smarter and you're an idiot" games. Don't carry an air of superiority.
    Consider others' feelings seriously. Don't write them off as "oh, they're just being like..." or whatever.
    It's different for everyone, but those were the things preventing me from talking with a lot of people, including my own family, about my condition. I did have people I did talk to, and I'm doing fine now, but I feel like only telling the people with depression to "talk to someone" is only half of the issue sometimes. It can be a lot harder than you think.
    Be someone worth talking to.
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, where I've left off with most of the shows and stories I've been keeping up with:
    -Micheal Bluth got his heart broken on Arrested Development (big time heartbreak).
    -One of the main characters got killed off in Torchwood.
    -Two of my favorite characters that I ship in Once Upon a Time got separated from each other just as they confessed (Oh, and one of them is probably dying).
    -Pretty much everything is wrong and tragic with the post-trial phase of Super Dangan Ronpa 2.
    -The mastermind is going to kill off half of my favorite couple in Dangan Ronpa Zero (and quite frankly, I'm still depressed about Kyoko Kirigiri's father).
    -A murder has just occurred on the Orient Express.
    I now know why fairy tales have happy endings... I... I'm gonna go cry in the corner for a while, Billy...
    Something about a lawn,
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I keep brainstorming for my Epic when I realized that I still haven't worked out all the mechanics of the story.
    I want the protagonists to be interesting enough, the plot to run smoothly and Sir Quackers to make at least sixteen doomsday devices before the end of it.
    Though I kinda realize my villain department is a bit lacking.
    So, what do you guys and gals think makes for a good villain?
    I could always use some brainstorming fuel.
    (Also, go read my LEGO fanfiction. It's probably the only fanfic I'll post on this site, Sumiki)
    ~Tekulo <3
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Whoops, looks like I accidentally made breakfast all over whatever that blog entry was supposed to be.
    (Almost all of my blog is unimportant stuff. I am a boring person. =P. Homestar's still funny, though.)
    ~Tekulo <3
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The battle thus far has been overwhelming. Several casualties have occurred including my beloved soldier, Frank. He was the finest lawn gnome I ever had the pleasure of buying for $5 at a garage sale. -sniff-
    I've managed to bunker myself down in a safe house which consists of a number of cardboard boxes in my room that I've duct-taped together out of sheer brilliance. My bedroom is the only area where the terrain is hazardous enough to fend off the invader. Unfortunately, my laptop is located in the lower level of the house, so I'm taking a risk being her-AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! THE BROTHERLY LOVE HUGS! THEY BUUURRRNNN! CURSE YOU, KOPAKA KURAHhhhhh~~~


    Transmission fail. Please throw computer out of window.
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, first off; I've noticed you whippersnappers running across my lawn for a while now... WELL I WON'T HAVE IT!
    As of today I'm officially building a fence around my property to keep you troublemakers out! Hah!
    Anyway, I've recently purchased the new Pokemon games along with Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies. To refrain from spoilers, I shall not reveal anything major that pertains to the main plot for either game's story. Let us begin.
    Pokemon: Despite there only being 69 new pokemon, the game is pretty fun with loads of new features. I'm sure a lot of you have been keeping up with updates since the game's release, so I won't talk your ear off... yet... (Muahahaha)
    I decided to start with Chespin, and I am so glad I did! I love everything about Chesnaught from design to in-battle. As for the new fairy type, I've decided to celebrate by naming all of my pokemon after figures in Fairy Tales, Folklore and fictitious mediums of story telling. Luckily for me, that covers a wide range of names to choose from, but I can only do six pokemon per team, right?
    Chesnaught: Johannes from the Brothers Grimm tale "Faithful Johannes" where a Prince's servant sacrifices his life to save his master. Later in the story he is rewarded for his loyalty.
    Blaziken: If I could give him a nickname, it would probably be Midus in reference to the golden feather color in Blaziken's design. King Midus seems to fit because when he mega evolves, I can't help but think the red spike on his head resembles a crown.
    Raichu: Allfur based on the Brothers Grimm tale of the same name. Allfur was a princess who, due to a complicated situation, was forced to dawn a fur coat containing a pelt of every animal known in her kingdom and flee to a far away land. Eventually becoming a cook serving a young king, she never once stops trying to change her fate for the better.
    Charizard: Pendragon based on the Brothers Grimm tale "The Two Brothers" The main villain in the second part of this story is a vicious five-headed dragon (Pente + Dragon). Pendragon (apparently) is also a title that refers to one as a leader. While it doesn't exactly fit with Midus in the group, I'd also like to think of him as the leader of villains. It's an unfortunate fact that Charizardonite X does not give Charizard four additional heads.
    Espeon: Siegfried based on Prince Siegfried from "Swan Lake" Originally I wanted him to become a Sylveon, but it turns out you need eevee to learn a fairy move plus maxing out its bond in Amie, so I ended up with a super fabulous Espeon instead. I regret nothing.
    Sylveon: Mythos based on a character from Princess Tutu. Mythos is a prince from a story who broke free along with his eternal rival to resolve their never ending battle in the real world after their author's death (He died before completing their tale). Mythos is also based off of Prince Siegfried, however he is a prince without a heart and it is something he quests for (in his own way) in the events of Princess Tutu.
    Lapras: Odette based off of Swan Lake's princess. Odette is a beautiful young princess who is cursed into the body of a swan. She rules the lake where she is kept as the Queen of the Swans and can only transform back into her human form at night.
    Snorlax: RipVanWinkle because he sleeps. A lot.
    I have even more, but I don't want to fill this entire entry up with Pokemon stuffs. After all, I still have Ace Attorney to nerd about.
    Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies is the newest game in the Phoenix Wright franchise. I have to admit that I was worried when I learned Apollo Justice was still alive in this game. However, being three cases into the game, I have to admit his character got a lot more appealing. It's not just because he's covered in bandages either; he really seems a lot better than he did in his debut.
    The cases don't get any less bizarre, however they are definitely worth playing through. The game also has a free bit of downloadable content where you can change the outfits of Athena, Phoenix and Apollo. Each character only gets one additional outfit, however, but it's still a cool little add on to brighten up and customize your game.
    Speaking of Athena, she's really growing on me as a character. She's definitely no Maya, but her skills and personality are very much entertaining.
    What's that, Billy? You decided to play these games on the 2DS?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, a couple of old friends of mine are in town this weekend. I've known one since my earlier school days and the other is his girlfriend (and they are adorable <3). Anyway, all day today, he, his dad, his girlfriend and his dad's old friends played D&D. I had to work, but I joined in this afternoon once my shift ended.
    The recap I got went something like this: All characters started in a forest, and after searching around, they found only one single town in the entire area with a castle. The castle was mean and did not offer any lodging, so they went to an inkeep, who took them in reluctantly after they mentioned they were broke. So, he was angry, but whatever free lodging, and then they learned about a cave system from the locals where adventurers would enter, but never return from. So, naturally, they all decided to loot the place and explore. Then they got some treasure and paid the inkeep their bill and kept going back for no reason other than to survive. They fought an Ogre and a horde of goblins and won, and when I came in, my character (as played by his girlfriend who is awesome at keeping three characters alive) was injured slightly.
    So, I started the game when we went to a chapel to get healed by acolytes. Then we went into the caves again and explored, found some treasure in the Goblin Leader's room (they beat the Goblin Leader earlier) and then I used my infrared vision (as I was a half-elf warrior) to scout ahead to check if anyone was coming. After a while of this, we ran into eight gnomes who shared some information about the unexplored corridors ahead among other things. They were interested in using the caves (which had many dead ends) for mining, as they thought the cave system we were in showed signs of being mined previously. They mentioned around forty hobgoblins ahead past a secret door, and they heard them coming so they started to run away, so we started to run away, but we weren't fast enough to outrun the hobgoblins. Anyway, we could outrun the gnomes, but we decided to stay and fight the hobgoblins in order to help save the gnomes. The gnomes decided to stick with us and help us battle. One I named Sir Puff n' Stuff of Fluff and Stuff, who sadly was killed shortly after his naming. The other, Sir Pointy, was an archer who climbed upon my shoulders and fired arrows at the enemies as I swung my battle axe and took out two hobgoblins with ease. Then I spent forever trying to kill the Leader of the Hobgoblins who had super thick armor and required a roll of sixteen or higher on a twenty sided die to hit. I managed to get two hits in while Sir Pointy slowly but surely chipped him away with arrows. Eventually the other members of my party and the remaining gnomes finished off the other hobgoblins (eight males and four females total), and we won. The six living gnomes celebrated as I commented "You know two of you died, right?" Anyway, we ended the day there after looting what we could.
    We came back the next day to find the Leader of the Hobgoblin's body and one of the females was missing. A trail was left behind in the dungeon, and we followed it to a corner of an empty room. After finding a hidden door, we found two circular rooms. One had a giant bag of seven treasures in it and in the other one there was apparently a bear. After looting the first room, I investigated the supposed bear with my Bullseye Lantern and discovered it was merely a bear pelt which was used by the Hobgoblin Leader as a blanket. Anyway, the trail led outside to another cave opening. We decided to exlpore another end of the caves which we didn't get to before, but as we were leaving, we heard voices coming from the newly discovered cave entrance. Things like "Where is this trail coming from?" I suggested we use the bear pelt as a disguise to scare them back outside of the cave. Surprisingly it worked, and we caught a glimpse of them running away. Five humans. Two with leather armor, three with plate mail. (I was all "rawr!" and they were all "BEEEEAAAAAR!!!" Good times).
    So after that we explored and looted the cave further after we made sure we were not followed. After returning to town, we learned rumors of a traveling priest who was very charismatic and well received by the town. Everyone but a local Cleric, that is, who got a bad vibe. The priest always traveled with two acolytes in chain mail and supposedly traveled with travelers to the caves. Only the priest and acolytes returned, and the adventurers were never seen again. After that, I sold a keg of brandy to a bartender (I got it from the circular room) for 55 gp. He originally offered 50, but I haggled, despite one of my teammates urging me to just take the 50.
    Unfortunately I have work tomorrow, so that's as far as I got, which is a shame because we just got into the plot.
    Anyway, for my first time playing, it was fun! Very imaginative, and I like how the game is mapped out. The only thing is the game pacing is slow and leveling up seems like it would take weeks of playing.
    ~Tekulo <3
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, this year I'm not working on the holiday. It's nice, though to be honest, I've missed having a job for a while now. Even so, spending time with family and friends is always nice. We went out to brunch and I ate enough to put me in a food coma for the afternoon. I got to see the people that I usually only see on holidays and special occasions, and they all seem to be doing well.
    Now I'm with my folks at a family friend's house and we're all just hanging out. It brings me back. We used to spend today at their old house back when Akano and KK were still around and we were all kids. Back then we had to politely ask permission to use the internet, and then there was only one computer in the house. Naturally Akano and KK were the ones to get dibs. We would probably fight about it or whatnot. Or we'd watch Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory on TV and get kinda unsettled at the tunnel scene. Then we'd sit down for a big home-cooked dinner with everyone.
    Now it's 2016 and I am typing out this blog entry on my smartphone. It seems a bit less intimate going out to brunch these days, but I don't really mind. (Have to say, though, I had an apple dumpling and not gonna lie, the ones I make are better).
    It's just a couple months away from when I move to my next job. I guess life's okay for now.
    Happy Easter (or whatever)
    ~Tekulo <3
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Did the world always seem this… grey? Wasn’t there a time where everything was filled with brighter colors? Yes, there was something… music, that’s what it was. It always sounded so pretty. I think it came from a box of sorts. I know that sounds a bit silly, music coming from a box. But yes, I’m certain that’s what it was. There were also other things as well… We called them… laughter... bliss… hope… rapture… sorrow… pain… deceit… lies… Yes, those were the colors that had filled the world.
    Now it was as if all of those colors had been absorbed. It’s as if the artist’s brush had retracted everything and… well, that was just it; and what? Wherever those colors were now, they most certainly were not here. Everything seemed blank; lifeless and barren. The universe itself was now a blank sheet of paper. What was to become of such a form? Would the artist paint anew, or would it be decided that painting was simply not worth the time and effort?
    How did the world come to be like this? A world that was filled with such colors; how could they all just vanish? It was all here just a moment ago, wasn’t it? There was… there was a noise… Yes, it was called… a shriek? Yes, the woman in front of me; what did I call her? Mother was it? She was the first to go. I think I held onto something… I thought… it was important… It had something in it… I just can’t remember.
    Now the world filled with music, joy, wonder, suffering and pain is gone. Now all that is left is me. Am I the last to leave? I close my eyes and I feel something. It’s a key. I turn it around and around then wait for the music to stop.
    The world is over now, Billy, so
    ~Tekulo <3
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Maybe 2020 will be a good year.
    2019 for me was just a lot of surviving and recovery.  I'd just like some peace in the new year.  
    2019 wasn't all bad.  Even some of the more challenging moments lead to some good things this year.  I know a little more about myself now.
    This was the first year I didn't go to pride adter going two years a row to the Seattle pride parade.  I'm back in Ohio now and Pride isn't really celebrated in my hometown.  This next year I should really get a ride to the city.   I'm thinking of dying my hair blue or maybe pink again.
    This year I got to go on a couple of vacations which was nice.  Though they weren't without their fair share of drama.
    I got to see some old friends this holiday season and I'm going to see more of them soon.  That is one thing I do like about being home; getting to see everyone.  But I don't see friends too often these days.  I wish I could meet some LGBTQ friendly folks.
    I'm not staying up til midnight tonight.   I work early tomorrow morning.  
    Happy new year, everyone!  Be safe and I'll see you around.
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I finally saw this movie within the past week. And then I saw it again. And then I saw it one more time after that.
    Now, before I get into my thoughts on the movie itself, let me explain to you why I was so excited to see this movie in the first place.
    The show was doing fine up until the season two finale. After that there were many instances where I thought the show could have done a much better job with the stories themselves if, instead of two-part episodes, they were movies. Such episodes such as The Crystal Empire and especially Magical Mystery Cure. Those episodes were, in my opinion, highly crammed in terms of story (The songs were fantastic, though, aside from BBBFF).
    That's why I've been craving a My Little Pony FiM movie, and when I heard one was in production I was over the moon (poor Luna).
    When I saw that the story would include Twilight turning into a human (along with human-counterparts that looked like the mane six) I thought "interesting." I have noticed a lot of negativity from fans and such assuming it would be terrible (though I'm not sure if any of those people had actually seen anything more than the trailer), but that didn't make me any less excited to finally witness this movie with my own two eyes. And ears.
    As for the story itself, I rather enjoyed the beginning. We saw Twilight's thoughts and fears about her new status as a princess. In the episodes I'd mentioned earlier, I felt this sort of exposition was highly lacking or put to the wayside. To see them not just show the characters acting a certain way as a hint and the fact that this exposition had more than five lines of dialogue was refreshing.
    MMC: "Can't you fix it?" "Nope, they're all doomed and it's my fault" -insert song- "They're your friends" "You're right, now I know how to resolve this situation instantly by glowing for no reason!"
    -womp womp-
    Anyway, Sunset Shimmer's presence as a character brought some things to light about Equestria. We now know that Celestia had a second student, and possibly has more out there. As for traveling to another world, we have learned that this is possible through magic and that no matter what form he's in, Spike is doomed to be puny forever.
    Now, as for the Fall Social Dance plotpoint, well... I had to snicker to myself that the fate of two worlds hinged on a teenaged girl winning a popularity contest. XP
    Concerning the identical characters, I got some serious deja vu from the very first two episodes of MLP FiM. The main difference was that instead of everyone knowing each other beforehand (and seemingly getting along), the main cast held grudges between each other. I was interested until the truth between their fighting was revealed. I had my hopes set too high for Pinkie Pie stealing Rarity's boyfriend to be a plotpoint in this movie (hint: that doesn't happen in the movie).
    And now this brings us to Brad, as I want my final spoiler-filled stuff to be lumped together at the end. I wish he had a more prominent role in this movie. My impression of his importance to the story was to be a love interest and little else. Granted he did come in handy a grand total of one time, but that role could have easily been given to someone else.
    So, those are my in-depth thoughts on the movie. Overall, though? It's a pretty solid movie for what it is. The songs may not have been as strong as others in the show (although "Helping Twilight Win the Crown" is catchy and enjoyable) and there are still a few elements of the story that could use work (love interest, silly drama such as not-Brad being Sunset's exboyfriend which isn't brought up by Sunset at any point in the movie making it a moot point altogether, etc), but overall I did think the story was executed better than some of the two-part episodes out there. This had the room for exposition and the right amount of tips of the hat to fans which I've been dying to see for a while now. It's not as rushed as Magical Mystery Cure, more personal than A Canterlot Wedding which threw new characters at us left and right and focused on them, and handled the fate of a complex new world better than throwing a fun festival for ponies at the Crystal Empire (in this movie, you could definitely tell there was a lot at stake, especially towards the end).
    Is it perfect? No, but it's definitely a good first movie for the series. I know I enjoyed it, and I sincerely hope another movie is in My Little Pony's future.
    What's that, Billy?
    You think the dolls look spot-on to their cartoon counterparts?
    ~Tekulo <3
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I was hanging out with a friend yesterday. We went to a Walmart and I got the shiny new Lewa set (the new gear function is kinda weird), and she got a doll from Ever After High, which she collects. Once we arrived at her place, she showed me The Dragon Games which is a part of Ever After High, and then the first episode of the series.
    I'm just going to say that Raven is by far the most interesting character. Like, even more interesting than Twilight Sparkle. As for Apple White, she is dumb and spoiled and I kinda hate her. Maddy Hatter is also a fun character. According to my friend, she is perfect.
    So now I'm a grown man watching yet another cartoon show intended for small children, specifically girls. How does this keep happening?
    ~Tekulo <3
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I was recently debating which I liked better: Princess Tutu or Fullmetal Alchemist.
    It really is a tough call for me because Princess Tutu is right up my alley, however Fullmetal is just pretty wonderful in certain points (and the way Winrey beat Al up with a wrench in Brotherhood was just so much better than what happened in the 2003 version).
    I'm surprised that I never got into Fullmetal before now.
    So, what do you guys nerd-out over? XP
    (Also, I know I hoped to put up a set review this week, but with a whacked out sleep schedule and other obligations and traveling in a few days, it may not happen this week. =/)
    Stay Breezy,
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    What's in your left pocket?!
    Trainer Tekulo wants to battle!
    Friend Code: 1590-5239-4085
    I'll be playing Omega Ruby today. I'm not using legendaries.
    ~Tekulo <3
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Pfffft, I don't care, you can disagree with me as much as you like, and you can like whatever you want. =P
    Heck, the fact that we can be so different is just one of the things that makes us so great to begin with. ^^
    (I keep seeing this phrase being said on here, and I just thought it would be nice if someone actually said this. So... yeah I guess that's all I wanted to say)
    Well, I suppose there is one thing I will fight you over...
    ~Tekulo <3
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I've had that song stuck in my head all day today. I'm pretty lame, so I like older music from the early to mid 1900's. This one's pretty lovely in both French and English.
    Also, what I meant by the title: How I Met Your Mother was a fabulous show... and then it continued to stay on the air... and they didn't do anything original... and the protagonist got waaaaay too annoying for my taste (Dude. It didn't work with Robin. LET IT GO, LET IT GO, TURN AWAY AND SLAM THE DOOR~)
    But this episode was pretty fantastic. I kinda wish they'd switched to the Mother's perspective a few seasons ago.
    Whassat, Billy? You listen to Dubstep?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    ~Tekulo <3
  19. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, this is a game where you start out being related to both the Adams Family and the Brady Bunch simultaneously. Both families then start fighting over you because you're made of golden puppies or something, I dunno. Then it turns out it was just a dream, but you actually were related to the Adams Family after all. Then you go on a quest and then wind up in the Brady Bunch home, and they claim that you're actually related to them.
    It turns out you're a Brady, but in Conquest you say "Screw that" and stick with the Adams family. Then the Brady Bunch and the Adams family face off in an epic fight to the death.
    And your dad is literally the worst and sends you off to die.
    Then your fake brother, looking past your Brady blood, decides he will send aid in the form of troops which include your fake sister.. Then your other fake brother, also looking past your Bradyness, sends more troops and one of them is bisexual.
    Oh, and there's also this dragon who used to be human who whisks you away to another dimension so you can have a castle. The dragon is not a Brady or Adams family member.
    Also, I got The Legend of Korra - A New Era Begins for 3DS for like $5. It is essentially Fire Emblem, but with less of a dramatic family dynamic.
    ~Tekulo <3
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