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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I can't sleep tonight.
    I dunno, lately I've just felt... well, I'm really not sure how to put it. I guess a word that comes close is "uninspired." I've just noticed that lately I just don't feel as passionate about things that I used to. The things I used to love are just sort of there now. Like white noise.
    I'm not sure if it's depression or if it's just me changing or what. I mean, I know I'm not normal or anything. Like I've always been rough on myself, telling myself that I'll never be able to have things like a relationship or ever be a guy that's happy-go-lucky. I mean, what if my illness came back, and I'm with someone that has to deal with me rocking back and forth while I'm panicking for no reason... And it's not like I'm attractive or ambitious or will ever be successful or all that smart. And yeah, that's a pretty poor attitude to have and all, but hey that's what those years of bullying in school made me start thinking and it's turned into a pretty nasty habit, so what are you gonna do?
    But even with all of that aside, things never quite felt like this before. To be honest I've felt this way since my dog died last year. I dunno, I guess even when I went through being bullied or even when I got really bad depression she was always there. She was my best and oldest friend. And you know, being home still and not having her around to share my food with and not seeing her paw prints in the snow and not having her around, I really notice her not being here.
    It sort of feels like life without color. I used to be the guy who, against all odds, wanted to spite the world and be happy anyway. But now it just feels like I've lost that fight in me. The only thing that really felt emotionally rewarding was when I got offered my summer job.
    Eh, I think I'll have a talk about this with my doctor when I see them next.
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Apparently calling someone a dork is mean spirited. Previous statements that were made could easily be read as harmful. Recently I have had a change of heart. Lesson learned.
    For this you have my apologies. Of course there should be consequences. Obviously you can mock me for what has been done. Like a few name callings or something. Sounds fair to me.
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I just got back home from the movies. I'm normally not a movie person, personally. Movies tend to be about heteronormative romances on the side of some other quirk designed to sell tickets for whatever special effects the industry wants to show off this time. Okay, maybe that's a tad unfair because I'm not a movie person, but that's how I generally view them. And it's not like I dislike every movie. But mostly I stick to Disney movies. That has changed lately as I am now a bus ride or a decent walk away from a movie theater these days. And hey, I actually have an income now, so I can actually justify going out to enjoy my life. I digress.
    When I first heard that this movie was about a gay romance with a PG-13 rating, I pretty much knew I was going to see it. LGBT movies tend to be too trashy or too heartbreaking or too esoteric for me to notice. Granted I haven't seen too many of them, but in general none of them really quite fit. It's kind of like "even when it's LGBT oriented it still doesn't really pertain to me." Maybe I've just seen the wrong movies.
    So my experience started when I first entered the theater. I was second in line at the ticket booth. I had gotten there about twenty minutes before the theater opened for the afternoon (they open 15 minutes before the first movie is scheduled to air). After I got a small soda and popcorn, I was the first person in the theater. Now, I live in a more conservative area so I honestly wasn't sure if anyone else was going to show (even though it was opening weekend for Love, Simon).
    The first group to walk in was this group of teenagers. Not wanting to be a total creep, I didn't make eye contact, something I rarely do with anyone I don't personally know, and I browsed my phone. I couldn't help overhearing them, however. They were talking about whether or not they had come out to their family. Most of them had, but one of them said they hadn't. "My mom thinks I'm confused." One of them said and in response their friend said "Hahaha, it's cute that [she] thinks that." They talked about their orientations "I'm pan." "I'm grey asexual" and so on. One of them made a point to say that none of their group was heterosexual.
    This struck a chord with me. I had known there were other kids who were out when I was going to school. I decided to remain closeted for a long period of my life. I went through most of my younger days dealing with everything on my own. It was difficult at the time. It made me really happy just to overhear these young adults. Throughout the entire movie they were reacting (just like I was) to the events onscreen.
    Most of the people who came in after that seemed to be young women. There was one elderly couple.
    One thing the theater seemed to lack were problematic men. That suited me just fine.
    After the previews aired, the countdown for the movie started. I honestly didn't realize how excited I was to see this movie until just before it started. I was really optimistic. For the first time ever, t h e... f i r s t... t i m e... e v e r, I felt like I was seeing a movie that was made for someone like me. Even if I wound up not liking the movie, which I knew was a very real possibility, I knew that this was something that I never had before. Going to the movie theater to see a movie about a gay teen as the average joe. I never thought I'd have that experience, so to actually have it... I don't even know what words to use to describe how that felt.
    As for the movie? Well, without spoiling anything, I have to say I really enjoyed it. I wish I had seen a movie like this one when I was still a questioning teenager. It touches base on a fair amount of issues that I personally related to, even if they weren't exactly the same situations. There was more than one scene where I felt like "Oh, Simon, I feel you, bro" and there was definitely more than one scene that got an emotional reaction out of me. In my opinion this movie doesn't waste a single minute of its screen time.
    After the movie my head was filled with so many thoughts. This was an incredible experience and all it took was one movie that did a good job representing someone like me.
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Will it be super awkward and uncomfortable? COUNT ON IT!
    Tekulo is currently so desperate for human contact that he's taking applications for a long-distance relationship online boyfriend. BECAUSE WHY NOT?
    Perks include:
    -Me getting someone to vent to about whatever random drama
    -Conversations filled with smiley faces, heart emotes and *hugs* typed for hours on end
    -Lots of cat pics
    -Even more cat pics
    -Pokemon nerd-fests
    -Accepting Eevee as a religion
    -Always having someone to talk to, but being safely out of reach just in case the other person is a total creep (ahahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
    -Complaining about obnoxious sports fans and the patriarchy
    -Complaining about literally everything else in the world
    -Random compliments on your appearance even though we'd have no idea what the other looks like
    -placing your hand on the monitor to pretend we are holding hands/highfiving.
    -Crying alone at night when the other person goes offline. 8D
    Send in your application via snail mail sent to Santa Claus at the North Pole because who knows where those things end up anyway.
    Are you also terribly desperate and have given up in all faith of humanity? Tekulo wants YOU (unless I don't).
    Please note that this entire blog entry is not to be taken seriously. This entire idea sounds terrible and this would probably never work out anyway. You could totally do better. The only reason I typed all of this out is because I have like three hours to kill. I can't go outside because it's raining and this gave me a small chuckle in my mundane and dull life. If you haven't run away from this entry screaming by now, then kudos.
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Keeping this susinct, I moved back to Ohio for medical reasons. I had a second mental breakdown, failed to set up proper doctors at the West Coast, and I had to pack up, move and say goodbye in less than a day (which wasn't easy on two different levels).
    I'm going through a long and expensive process of getting a new diagnosis. I am on new meds now. Some professionals seem to think I'm bipolar. We'll see.
    So yeah I was reckless with my health, I was overworked and constantly making overtime, and by the end of one sour week I was jobless, homeless, and wound up working with a charity and then later transferred from two separate hospitals to a behavioral health center (which was actually probably one of the most helpful places I'd visited for me to sort things out).
    So yeah, kinda heavy news here. I would like to say the last thing I need right now is pity. I always felt annoyed when people just say "I'm sorry" to this sort of thing when they don't know what else to say. I know I'm guilty of that too, but some of my favorite responses have been words of wisdom, or gentle encouragement, or even from some of my closest friends just saying "I love you and I'm here for you," or something to that effect.
    I've been plenty scolded by nurses and a few other people in my life (with very much good advice, to their credit).
    So all that aside I've been reaching out to old friends in Ohio. I've been cleaning my room from adolescence and doing my best to ignore the news. It's one step at a time.
    I was missing my friends from the west earlier, but I realized all of those friendships and bonds were made in the past three years. I'm still in contact with a lot of friends, and I'm still in my mid twenties. I have so much longer than three years left, and if I can build myself a happy social life in three years, then well... who knows? This chapter of my life is part of the adventure. It may seem like a step backwards, but life doesn't stop, even for these kinds of events.
    I dunno. The glass is kinda at an equillibrium to me at this point.
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    But you all knew that already.
    I gotta say, though, it is really nice having a place to say this with no worrying or negative comments.
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I'm just going to put up an entry about my old characters from when I was a teenager. Mainly just two of them. This is going to get really nerdy and angsty, just so you know.
    Back in the day I used to play RPGs and actually put thought into the characters I played. I was a part of this one Zelda RPG years ago which was pretty fun. I created a character named Sora (and no, I didn't know this was the name for the protagonist for Kingdom Hearts. XD). I was (am) weaboo trash, so I was looking up names that meant sky in Japanese, so I decided to go with it. The character I chose was a Skull Kid from the Legend of Zelda series who was magically transformed into a Hylian due to Great Fairy technology (magic). His backstory was that he became lost in the Kokiri Forest when he was a child and transformed into a Skull Kid. And after that Sora kinda lost himself. He became alone and isolated from society and kinda feral. I think I had him begin to lure other children into the woods so they would transform like he did. Then he thought he would have a friend in the world. Though, I don't think that ended the way he had hoped. I never really fleshed out this part of his backstory, but I would imagine, had he been successful in turning other children, that they would have run off on their own and want nothing to do with Sora. At this point he had even forgotten his own name and most memories from his childhood.
    One day he stumbled into the Great Fairy's fountain by mistake. Taken aback by her presence, Sora was frightened. Seeing this poor creature in front of her, the Great Fairy of the Kokiri Forest bestowed an enchanted amulet upon him. Once it went around his neck, he transformed into a Hylian. It had a sort of calming effect on him at the time, though he wasn't sure why. While he still couldn't remember where he had come from, he did remember the name Sora, and assumed it was his own. Though the Great Fairy did not bestow the amulet freely. She explained that with its magic he could travel the land of Hyrule freely without fear of being attacked by Hylians. However, she explained that she had sensed a danger arriving in the land and tasked him, should he accept, with seeking out all of the Great Fairy fountains across Hyrule and gathering magic from each Great Fairy. Wanting to know more about his past and the world outside the forest, Sora agreed to take on this duty. He had a few different powers at his disposal. He could turn decaying organic matter into healing fairies (mostly dead trees and the like. Though while this could be used on a body, I don't think he ever used his powers in this manner). He could also, with enough magic, transform into a forest fairy himself. The small size and ability of flight would assist him and others on his journeys.
    Over the course of the RPG, Sora would go on to meet and old childhood friend, befriend Vaati, travel the world and play a role in saving Hyrule from... Sephiroth I think? It was a weird Final Fantasy crossover thing we had going on. XD Ultimately when the main story came to an end, his amulet had to be returned (or it lost its power or something, I'm not sure). After that he transformed back into a Skull Kid. He hid himself in a cloak, afraid what his teammates would think if they saw him as a monster. He knew Hyrule wasn't made for a Skull Kid. He chose to return to the Kokiri Forest in the end, after a bittersweet goodbye to his friends.
    In a way Sora's story was about personal atonement, freedom and saying goodbye. Though, his story didn't end when he returned to the forest. I imagine he needed some time to think things through and decide what he wanted from his life. For him I suppose it was like peering through the looking glass. Taking a look at the world he lost as a child, maybe seeing what things could have been like if he were never lost. He's actually one of my favorites from my old OC file (just pretend I keep a file with all of my OCs in it).
    Now onto Cecilia.
    Cecilia was only ever a concept. I'm sorry to say I never could find quite the right story for her. She started as a drawing. I decided to sketch a small pink fairy inspired by the healing fairies in The Legend of Zelda games. Her personality came later. I imagined her as a young fairy who was naive and a bit unworldly. She hadn't been sent out into the world yet to begin healing and she had a penchant for joking irreverently about death. Her laughter was said to make the older fairies sigh. While she was perhaps cruel, she still wasn't a monster. She was kind enough and she was loved by her peers, but her cheek would get her into trouble from time to time. Originally I had wanted her to go into the world for her first time and comically get bottled by Link. I had this idea that she would spend her time lost in his hammer space bored out of her mind, unhappily wishing the worst on her captor. Of course that story ended when Link ran out of hearts, and Cecilia, finally being released would begin to fly free, but then look down at Link in his injured state and somewhat reluctantly heal him. It was an idea for a coming of age type of story and having her grow as a person, learning her role in the world and why she was given the ability to heal. I never did find quite the right way to execute this story without it coming off as preachy. I imagine after that experience Cecilia would have started to change. Not all at once, and maybe she even continued with her dark sense of humor. However, over time I feel like maybe she would have abandoned that character trait or at least have softened her blows. And that's not to say that she decided to censor herself for the benefit of others, heavens no! That doesn't fit with her character at all in my opinion. I wanted to show that she as a character herself outgrew that sort of irreverence. It was never something I ever felt I could properly do justice to.
    And thus concludes a couple of character ideas I came up with years ago, the end.
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The following blog entry contains a slight spoiler for the fourth edition of the My Little Pony/Phoenix Wright crossover video.
    Thank you. That is all.
    ~Tekulo <3
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I've heard back from my summer job and they are interested in having me back for summer 2017. That's all well and good, but honestly I'm a bit nervous about a few things. If I go it means I'd have to bring a laptop so I could job hunt properly. Also if I'm applying there would be virtually no way for me to receive phone calls as there is no cell service. I'm hesitant to bring anything that valuable as the security up there is pretty bad. Plus I'd be sharing a room again with two strangers. My laptop is new and cost me several dollars. I kinda don't want it stolen.
    There are a couple of other jobs I've applied to as well. It would mean I'd move out of my parent's house (Thank freaking Smooze) and I'd be living with an awesome friend of mine (which would be a much welcome change of pace). Ideally I would be working at a bakery (which are the jobs I've applied to) and everything in that area is walkable so I wouldn't have to worry about not having a car.
    Honestly I'm hoping for the latter of two scenarios to play out.
    Honestly I've been stressing out a lot about the future as of late, and I think my seasonal depression is kicking in which is just lovely (and by lovely I actually mean it is terrible and I hate having to live with it). Still, there hasn't been anything alarming as far as my depression goes since the start of the year, so it's manageable at least.
    Still, the worst case scenario right now is that I take a summer job instead of something full time, so life could totally be worse right now.
    Stay Swaggin'
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    It's been a while since my last life update.
    So, I've started working at a volcano over the summer as a baker. I started as an assistant baker, but after about three or so days, our lead baker walked out on us, presumably for another job. Out of the two assistants left, I was the only one with experience and special training, so I got promoted to the lead baker. It meant a little more work and some new experiences. I'd never been a supervisor before, and managing an assistant turned out to be manageable. It involved training someone with little experience on the job, and it turns out I can be pretty good in a leadership position in my field.
    Then about two weeks ago now, my assistant quit on the spot. They decided to go travelling with two other employees who also walked out.
    So that leaves me with a lot of baking to do each week. I do get help on Fridays now. The issue there is I get someone with zero experience and I have to train them while also trying to get work done. It's a bit of a challenge, but so far the past two weeks, my work has been getting done on time.
    The good news is, I have only one more week of working on my own until I get some help. Two more people have been hired and are on their way. I will have to train them when they get here, but give me a week and I'm sure I can get them up to speed with everything.
    The past two weeks have been a lot of work, but it's always worth it to send out good desserts made from scratch. And actually I love that I get to make things from scratch again instead of baking off factory-made dough. It's been a good experience all things considered.
    Even so, I have been pretty tired the past couple of weeks from more stress and working so hard. It's gotten kinda rough and there are times where I feel like I hate it here. Actually that attitude started over the past couple of weeks. I mean life up here isn't perfect (employee meals don't always have the best food, there's really slow Internet and no cellphone service, mice are all over the place and TV rooms are either occupied constantly or have a broken TV. So all there is to do is hike which gets exhausting after working on my feet all day. I only hike on my days off), but I honestly didn't mind all that stuff until recently. I'm hoping it's just the bit of bad news that made me feel this way. That actually does sound like me. I'm one of those people where if something goes wrong it puts me in an entirely sour mood.
    So, here's hoping things start picking up after this next week. I feel exhausted. Blarg.
    ~Lapis Lazuli
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    It's basically a world where people are more understanding, educated and tolerant towards anyone that strays from the social norm. In fact there would be no social norm.
    You and I are very different. I appreciate that.
    (And people being more eco-friendly and putting more love for nature ahead of their love for, say, sports.)
    Unfortunately I'm stuck with this dump.
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, today I was arriving home when my eyes were looking at the road. I remembered the splatter that used to be there after my dog was hit last year. The moment she was hit was replaying itself in my mind. I grabbed my cat, held him close as he purred into my ear and sobbed lightly.
    You know, it's nights like these that I realize I might benefit from inventing a pretend boyfriend. Unfortunately, such technology would still be incapable of hugging me and comforting me in any way. I could always try to get a real life boyfriend, but that seems just a little too fantastical (you know, unless it was a small Santa balloon, but I don't feel like dating one of those again).
    Lately, though, I've been going through old photos, and I took plenty of pictures of Jewel. I'm really glad that I did. I mean, in hindsight, a video would have been even more awesome, but what are you gonna do?
    ~Tekulo <3
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I'm honestly not great at debates. I like picking the unpopular opinion and looking more into why people disagree in the first place. Call me crazy or a hypocrite or whatever, but I believe there are two sides to every story. No matter how prejudiced or biased I may be initially, my opinions tend to change with more information that I pick up.
    And, yeah, it's easy to write off that other group of people as being totally stupid for having opinions (and let's be honest, threats occurred on both sides of the spectrum, so no hiding behind "they are crazy because they have that opinion" because that's not thinking logically or using your brain. Also, sending threats to people over movie opinions is just plain acting like a child who can't be bothered to articulate their thoughts). But hey, nobody's perfect. Everyone is problematic on some level, including me.
    Anyway, I know I'm never a popular guy when I explore an unpopular opinion, but I would rather explore why people are upset in the first place and admit defeat and learn a thousand times over than I would stay quiet and remain ignorant. (Even if it is just something as silly as a debate over movies)
    So, mild rant over. According to blog policy, feel free to hit me over the head with any object of your choosing.
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I'm kinda done with drama stuffs right now. Not saying the canonization debate is like, super aggressive or anything (at least I haven't seen anything like that yet, or maybe I'm missing something), but I kinda totally suck at debate. Also, I've seen small debates spiral out of control to other totally unrelated and serious issues, and that bugs me.
    It also doesn't help that I really don't care about every little detail of debauchery in the fandom of my casual hobby.
    So! This means that whenever there will be another scandal in the blogs, my role will be to remain silent and possibly laugh and poke fun. There's enough drama in my life as-is, so I want to come to this site to have some laughs, chat with new people and not stress about the small stuff.
    In the event I go insane and actually start getting involved in bzpolitical debate, members here have the right to slap me over the head with a random object of their choosing. Bonus points for randomness.
    So, nothing super important in this entry or anything. Carry on.
    Please note that the opinions expressed in this blog entry are the opinions of the author and that standards held here are only to be held solely to aforementioned author (whacking other members on the head with random objects without their consent, while entertaining, seems kinda uncalled for). If other members like debating things that do not hold my interest, please know I don't think any less of anyone and to each their own.
    ~Not Junpei
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I've kinda been stressing out a bit lately. The holidays are coming and with them, my job demands that I single handedly come up with and bake of a dessert menu for around 450 people. That is just for Thanksgiving. I also work all day Xmas Eve, Xmas, New Year's Eve and New Year's day. It's no picnic because I miss out on quality family time, but at least the perk of selling my soul is that I get holiday pay for three days (I don't think they count eves iirc).
    That wouldn't be too bad, but our house is also a wreck, I was lazy this summer so I still don't have a driver's liscense (which is my fault), our house is a wreck and because I was lazy this summer I have to start cleaning it out (which I've been doing, actually), and I'm still not totally over all of my issues regarding depression stuffs, I'm still overweight (and I've not started an excercise regiment, so go me, I suck), and I am still kinda terrified of Five Nights at Freddy's from Halloween (Typical November paranoia. But hey, it's been around a week since my last panic attack in the middle of the night brought on by the fear of animatronic animals breaking into my home and screaming in my face, so yaaaaay).
    So, what do I do when I go into creepy stress mode and start to re-evaluate my life for like the hundredth time? I listen to music to help me be somewhat productive and to help me get a grip! 8D SO LET'S BLOG THESE SONGS! Well, artists. Doing this by artist will be so much easier.
    Here is everything currently on my iphone (my main music player because I never really had a CD player or a working music device unti very recently).
    a-ha - Just Take On Me because it's catchy.
    Adele - I owe my sanity to this woman. Longish story.
    Alan Menken - Tangled soundtrack! Woo!
    Alexander Rybak - I'm in loooove with a fairy taaaale~
    Anya Marina - Vertigo is the best song for mellowing out without a care in the world.
    Apeture Science Psychoacoustic Laboratory - Need I say more?
    Artificial Fear - Zelda songs in metal version. It's kinda totally weird.
    Azumi Inoue - Sekai no yakuzoku <3
    Berlin Philharmonic - Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite for the holidays
    Bing Crosby - Silver bells (for Xmas, durr)
    OC Remix - Zelda remixes
    Zreo - More Zelda remixes
    Bob Acri - Sample music that came with my college laptop. They're actually nifty.
    Caramell - Caramelldansen (a must)
    Christina Perri - Human (just human)
    Krewella - Human (also just human)
    Coldplay - Viva la Vida
    Cristin Milioti - La Vie En Rose (HIMYM because omg I love her version)
    Ella Fitzgerald - Baby it's cold outside <3
    Various other Miyazaki songs
    Erik Satie - Gymnopedie no. 1 (all of my love)
    Evanescence - Bring me to Life among others
    Fall Out Boy - The Phoenix (I only really like this song for like one line in its lyrics XD)
    Friendship is Witchcraft - So much lifting of my spirits
    GAME FREAK - Team Plazma Battle (the good one)
    Glee Cast - much to my chagrin, I actually do like one song from the entirety of the show.
    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - opening songs
    Goldspot - Rewind
    Gronnoc - Pokemon remixes
    Hahli Husky and Janus - BIONICLE Comic readings (I haven't gotten rid of these yet and I prolly never will)
    Hasbro, Inc - This Day Aria
    Hera Björk - Je Ne Sais Quoi (from Eurovision)
    Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I Am (greatest love song ever?)
    Jeremy Zuckerman - Legend of Korra music (greatest love song ever?)
    Joe Hisaishi - Merry Go Round of Life (Okay, it's from a Miyazaki film, but I really like this one, okay?)
    Johan de Meij - Orchestrated music based on The Hobbit (book, before the movies came out. It is amazing)
    Journey - Don't start unbelieving!
    Judy Garland - The Trolly Song
    Kelly Clarkson - Since you've been gooooone!
    King Harvest - Dancing in the Moonlight
    Lena - Satelite (from Eurovision. It's simple but it's fun, okay?)
    Lostprophets - Rooftops
    Masafumi Takada - Dangan Ronpa songs
    Memphis Jazz Orchestra - Oh You Beautiful Doll~
    Michael Giacchino - Music from UP
    Minimusicman - Crazy La Paint
    Nanne - Hall Omg Mig
    P!nk - 8D
    Price Tag - Love this one.
    Queen - This is a must, even though I rarely listen to them =P
    R. Master - Japanese Opening to Case Closed (Detective Conan)
    Insert Bonkles music here
    Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - A couple songs from Swan Lake
    Sara Bareilles - Out of all the artists I listen to, none have been quite so interesting as this one in my opinion. Her songs weigh heavily on the "moral of the song is not subtle" but her music is super catchy and relatable. I've listened to songs and gone "meh" and then gone back and grew to love them. She's one of my favorite artists.
    Shinedown - Second Chance
    Slovak Radio Symphony - Coppélia (just one song)
    Starkid - A Very Potter Musical and Twisted
    SPIRIT - Makuta singing to himself with Lewa walking in on him. How do I still have this?
    Stephen Sondheim - Music from Into the Woods
    They Might Be Giants - Experimental Film
    Toshihiko Horiyama - Guilty Love from Apollo Justice
    Val Rosing - Teddy Bear Picnic (creepiest song ever?)
    Vanessa Williams... - More Into the Woods stuff, okay?
    Frozen - It has Idena Menzel. Idena. Freaking. Menzel. End of discussion.
    VisualArt's - Clannad, Dango Daikazoku and the first intro because I love them. I love the Dango more, though.
    Professor Layton - Music from The Eternal Diva
    The Hunchback of Notre Dame - More Disney whee
    101 Dalmations - More Disney whee
    Anastasia - Actually, this one's Fox Pictures, not Disney.
    The Looking Glass - Brandy You're a Fine Girl (love this one)
    Wicked - More Idena Freaking Menzel
    Nightmare Before Christmas - Watch this any time between October and December
    Ultimate Piano Classics - The Maiden's Prayer
    Legally Blonde The Musical - I regret nothing
    Debbie Reynolds - Would You? (unused version) from Singing in the Rain and Tammy
    Sara Barielles and Ingrid Michaelson - Winter Song (The feels)
    Les Misérables - I Dreamed a Dream by Anne Hathaway
    For the sake of something, I shortened this list slightly.
    So, yeah, this is mostly just me jotting down what I'm into now and it might be interesting to look back at this in a few years and see how my tastes have changed.
    If you want to discuss this, I just ask two things. No "Eww, you like x, gross!" because even when in jest, I find this annoying and no "You absolute MUST start listening to y or else I will hate you forever." Recommendations are fine, but please no being over-the-top with telling me what I should and should not listen to. It bugs me, okay?
    "I don't care about dukes or commoners or His Royal Highness Lionel of Cornwall. I'm not afraid anymore, mother."
    ~The Duchess Aprroves <3
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