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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Thanks to the Nintendo E-Shop, I've been able to obtain a few new games such as The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages (which is pretty fun with a pretty cool game mechanic of time travel), Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracles (I got this one fairly long ago, but it's still a cool game. Not my favorite story in the series, but still fun) and most recently Fire Emblem: Awakening.
    I've finished my first playthrough of the game (I cannot for the life of me play while having the characters die, so I'm being a newb by having them all come back after defeat), and I'm starting on my second one. This time I'm focusing on the characters I didn't get/didn't beef up and I'm marrying off different couples. Lon'qu/Panne is still, however my OTP. (My second OTP is Lucina and Yarne).
    Seeing all of the different conversations and interactions between the characters is really fun and I love the mechanics.
    What's that, Billy?
    Your OTP is Chrom/Sumia? ...
    ~Tekulo <3
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Why does it always sound so much better than English? I have no idea what the lyrics are until I look them up. It's then that I realize I love the song's message and then try to learn to sing said song in its original language.
    I know "Once Upon a December" in Spanish (though, that wasn't originally a foreign song. XD), I used to practice "Sekai No Yakusoku" (the ending song to Howl's Moving Castle) and now I am currently baffled on "Again" by Yui... I liked the easier ones... Like "Akai Tsuki" from Desgaia.
    Oh, and then there's Caramelldansen, but I mean, it's Caramel-freaking-dansen. Not to mention "Håll om Mig" (Best Princess Tutu fan video ever. XD).
    And the only other language I've studied is Spanish. =/
    Well, that concludes this blog entry.
    Now get off my lawn,
    Tekulo <3
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, a friend and I tried our luck at a few stores today. We didn't manage to get the Bob's Burgers comic that was out, but I did manage to find an Avatar The Last Airbender story featuring Ty Lee and Toph. And, like, I didn't know those two would get along that well.
    All in all, a fun afternoon.
    Now then, there are adult things I should attend to. Freelancer powers, activate! Away! Wooosh!
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    First off, thanks for all of those nice comments on my last entry. ^^ They were really sweet.
    Anyway, I finally watched the bonus content for Frozen today (after I rewatched the movie. Still fabulous by the way. I hope the creators keep doing movies because I thoroughly enjoyed their works thus far). I am soooo glad they didn't make Elsa the villain. Every other rendition of The Snow Queen I've seen thus far has made The Snow Queen the villain. She was not the big bad in the original stories, folks. She was just a lonely ethereal spirit that kidnapped a child thus making his loved ones think he was dead. Because, you know, protagonists totally do those things.
    Currently ending my day listening to Let It Go. That song is the reason Elsa wasn't made a villain by the way. Amazing how such a simple element can change the tone of an entire story.
    ~Tekulo <3
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Anna and Kristoff
    Anna back
    I used Cinderella's dress from her carriage set because it had sparkle prints on it, and a design at the base of her skirt similar to the movie. I don't like that she has gloves, but it's not possible to switch arms with friends torsos.
    With Anna I used Merida's skirt and the cape from the roman series minifig. Her hair helps keep the cape in place fairly well. I wish this piece came in orange. Also, while I don't have a wide variety of torsos in the friends line, there is one in the Pet Salon that would really work for Anna. Unfortunately it doesn't look like I can order that specific piece from Lego, nor do I want the Pet Salon set. The dark grey was the closest I could get.
    I like that Kristoff isn't from the Friends line. It gives him a more solid build, which fits with his tough guy muscleliness. That is totally a word.
    So, are these figs perfect? No.
    Am I happy with them? Heck yes!
    I have yet to get my pick-a-bricks, so it may be a little while until I continue work on Rapunzel's tower.
    However, I am looking forward to getting a Frozen work underway. I'm thinking inside Elsa's palace so I can reenact Life's Too Short (I totally did that with the Elsa and Anna figs earlier today. I regret nothing!).
    ~Tekulo <3
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I know all some five one of you is eagerly anticipating at least one of the things mentioned in the title!
    Unfortunately, I won't be sharing any new images for the tower as I haven't added too much at this point. I have changed some bricks and improved on a few items, but I didn't think it was anything too spectacular to share as of yet. I did get my pick-a-brick order in yesterday which was the first stage of building the base of the tower. It is apparent that I will need more sloped bricks and grey. Unfortunately, grey isn't a popular color for pick-a-bricks, so the LEGO store doesn't carry any of the bricks I need, which means my only options are LEGO shop at home or bricklink. Only one of those options gives me reward points. Anyway, I did a first attempt at the base, figuring out what does and doesn't work. It turned out pretty darn ugly looking, and while I did take a picture of it, I think it best for the sake of my tens of thousands ten five four maybe(?) readers to bury it.
    Now then, incorporating the bricks from Cinderella's carriage for a Frozen set did prove to be a little more challenging than I first anticipated. I'm still figuring out the best way to proceed, but in the meantime I did throw something together. Balcony
    It was made more for looks than actually being structurally stable. I already took it apart to build a snowflake pattern with all of those studs. Speaking of which... Stud Muffins I used this effect for the floor. It's trans blue bricks covered by 1x1 stud tiles. I tried to pattern it to see of this would work, and it did. The stud pattern is visible, and the 1x1 clear studs actually give it a sort of frosted effect. It may not look that frosty in photos, but I like how it turned out. I'll probably be fiddling around with this idea more. I tried making a snowflake pattern, but I ran out of clear bricks to cover it. XP
    ~Tekulo <3
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So many feelings... So much better than the first series... ridiculousness to the extreme... Everything I wanted it to be and more...
    Sorry... that was some pretty intense story there... I think I need a moment and a few re-watchings of the ending to organize my thoughts. Brotherhood was a great anime and I'm so glad I gave it a shot. ^^
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Okay, so there were a few things that I didn't fully like about the beginning... What I wasn't expecting was a completely different story after Season One. Love it. The story went from "Wow, this is a pretty cool series that I can totally relate with" to "This is awesome. It's simply awesome." It's like they deconstructed the first series and then reconstructed it. Kinda like- wait...
    Those clever devils.
    Yeah, so I'm at the part where they're at Briggs. Armstrong's sister is far different from what she was like in the first series. I am so happy.
    This one's less light-hearted and has far more of a "this is a war" feel to it. I'm normally not one for a military story, however I do like fantasy. If a homunculus isn't fantasy, I have no idea what is. ;-; (I bet you can tell how eventful our first few days of vacation have been. XD).
    Although I still don't know exactly what the big bad here is up to, I have figured something out, I think (though I don't think it's been revealed as of yet).
    Anyway, it looks like I'm in for quite the story. ^^ I'll be enjoying every bit of it.
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Yeah, so I've watched up to around 12 episodes of the first season now. After the fourth one (which I thought to be a bit rushed, though the plot had promise), my expectations dropped a bit and I thought maybe the manga would be better as it could flesh out the story.
    Great characters (though they really seem older than their ages in the anime... Well, that's Anime for you, I guess), great stories and really cool use of alchemy.
    I'm laughing, I'm crying (seriously, with Mina I was on the verge of tears. For whatever reason, nothing in fantasy has ever made me shed a tear. =/) and I'm loving this series so far. ^^ Glad I gave it a shot.
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    This was my first MakutaFest. It was really fun chatting and listening to the silliness unfold. XP Lots of nerding out about Bionicle, Kongu's lack of a toa tool, kanohi masks, characters you'd like to be and more. I wish I came in sooner, actually. ^^'
    The trivia was pretty tricky. By the way, Richard Bennett was the person who inked the comics for The Coming of the Toa. You know, just in case you needed to know... -cough-
    And I actually did end up winning something. I am still in awe, personally. O.o
    Well, here's hoping for another fun night next year! ^^
    Brace yourselves for the hurricane,
    (Seems a bit long for a signoff, actually. I'll have to work on that...)
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So this is just me trying to figure out where I stand on my gender identity. I know to some this could seem like "oh what a special snowflake -eyeroll-" but this blog isn't for those people.
    So... I identify as genderqueer. That could mean a lot of different things potentially. For me it's... weird.
    I kind of alqays identified with female leads in storytelling more so than male ones. I kind of realized lately that I think I hold myself to a feminine standard of beauty. Like for example body positivity is a relatively new thing for me. I feel like it's expected for men to want to be macho and muscular, have a six pack, be macho... I kind of find myself happier with the idea of more of a petit feminine figure. Of course with my big fluffy naturally masculine body that's just a fantasy really, haha. There has been some dysphoria, I think. I catch myself often thinking in a feminine voice. Sometimes how I wish I could look (sterotypically "pretty" for lack of a better way to put it) and how I actually am don't really match. Generally though I think part of this deals with the standards of beauty set by society and I don't think it's really healthy to try to judge myself on something so superficial.
    So, yeah, I have some tendencies that make me feel more feminine than masculine.
    I'm honestly not sure if I've ever really felt very boyish or masculine, really. I remember this one time I got a buzz cut as a kid and locked myself in the bathroom because I thought I looked ugly, hahaha. Though honestly while there is some dysphoria, I also kind of like that I was born male. It's more of a recent thing, I feel. I've been letting go of jealousy little by little (maybe from the fact that I don't look as "pretty" as I may have liked) and look in the mirror and... I used to hate how I looked, but within the past few years I kind of like that I look handsome. I have a cute jaw line, the shape of my nose, even my bulky figure and body hair. I even kind of wish I had a lot more chest hair than I already do hahaha.
    It's strange, really, how I look at myself.
    I'd sing in the shower and try to hit a high pitch to sound like the woman who sings the song, but I try too hard to compensate for my naturally deep voice. It's a different experience to realize that my voice is deep and I should try to sing like myself instead of an unrealistic image I have in my head. That slim figure I'm jealous of, that petit feminine idea that I have in my head... that's touched up Hollywood smoke and mirrors. Though it is also an influence on me.
    I've been working bit by bit to feel more naturally... well, more like myself.
    And I have a side of me that is a bit feminine. And there's a part of me that likes myself the way I am. I never really felt comfortable identifying as female, but if I said I was a cisgendered male, that also doesn't seem to fit.
    It's... well it's strange. I never grew up knowing people could be queer and that's totally okay. I never had any resources to really help me figure any of this out. I would love to do more research on gender identity to help me figure this out more.
    But I honestly don't really know where to look.
    At any rate, I'm always learning more about how I personally view my identity and slowly but surely I've been growing more comfortable being me. As of right now I thing calling myself genderqueer fits best in its own weird way.
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Got winter gear at Walmart today because as a youngest child I normally lived off of hand-me-downs. Last year I got a pair of boots that actually fit me for the first time in years.
    Anyway, these gloves have black tips on the thumb, index and middle fingers which allow them to work for touch screens. I am typing out this entry on my tablet, and my hands are soooo cozy. Love the 21st century.
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Hogwarts. (Ran out of tags).
    I was merely continuing off of Sisen's blog title.
    But yeah, lately I have watched a Very Potter Senior Year and then I thought "Let's rewatch the trilogy!"
    All of my love. I think A Very Potter Sequel is my favorite. And now I am conflicted. I want to finish reading the Harry Potter series, but it has been soooo long that I am tempted to reread the entire series. The main issue there is that I am currently reading a few things and I am not much of a reader all things considered, so it will take me a while until I actually find out who killed Dumbledore. In my adolescence I read through book four and around a third or so of book five. Right now I just want to finish King Lear and abandon my other reading projects and read Harry Potter over the summer. My other projects were a couple Agatha Christie novels (one which I barely began anyway and the other which I got fairly into, but the culprit's identity was revealed to me on the internet so that's not as fun to read anyway).
    Rich boy Billy gonna buy a rocket ship...
    ~Tekulo <3
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So my folks are going on a trip for a little over a week starting tomorrow. This will leave me, a 21 year old doof in charge of two cats, one dog and a bird in a big, old house designed to occupy a family of at least four which is old and creaking at a time of year when the wind sounds like ghosts galloping in delight bringing chilled temperatures and eerie settings due to the sun setting super early.
    But first I need friends within the general area... Dang it...
    Whassat, Billy? Where is the text color in this entry?
    ~Tekulo <3
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, I've pretty much decided that my favorite episode is The Inconveniencing. Well, it's my favorite so far anyway. There are still a couple episodes left for me to change my mind.
    But everything about the episode is just so golden that it's hard to top for me.
    -A haunted mini mart
    -The Lamby Lamby dance
    -The Dutchess Approves
    -Smile Dip
    -Teenagers with their new-fangled rap music
    A toast to Ma and Pa! Kudos for getting those kids off your lawn!
    Speaking of which
    ~Tekulo <3
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Quick note here, guys; this entry is all about the plausible identity of the author of the notebooks in Gravity Falls. If you dont like speculation or haven't seen any episodes in this show, then this entry is not for you. Discussion of seasons one and two will be present here. Please be caught up before proceeding.
    So, because I'm a fan of theories for stuff I dork out about, I've decided to share some thoughts about the mysterious author. Let's start with what's known.
    The author is male. This is known from the shape shifter in season two. The shifter used male pronouns when mentioning the author.
    The author is old. Dipper's journal shows signs of aging. Most of the technology they find from the author is coated in dust and cobwebs including his fallout shelter. We know at least 30 years have passed since he was last active.
    The author is likely alive and possibly senile. "That old fool hasn't been himself in 30 years." -Shapeshifter
    The author naturally has six fingers, most likely on both of his hands. While the left hand is most prominently shown on the journals, there was also a right handed symbol above Bill in Dreamscapers. Both hands have been depicted with six fingers, and this is a show that pays close attention to detail for tons of stuff. I doubt it was a mistake.
    The author was an inventor. He had a freezing machine set up in his fallout shelter along with a booby trap, decontamination chamber, laptop (possibly before portable computers were invented), secret compartments in trees, etc. This dude was smart and knew how to make stuff.
    So then, who does this exclude? Quite a few members of the cast as none of them have six fingers (as far as we know) and many of them don't seem to be the proper age as Grunkle Stan is one of the oldest characters (and he isn't the author as he went out of his way searching for the journals). I had a thought (while talking to my brother) that the author may have been Soos' grandfather. This is unlikely as the author is most likely still alive, and his grandfather has passed. It would've been awesome, though. XD
    Now, the most likely candidate is Old Man McGucket according to my deductions. He's old enough that he fits the age criteria. He's skilled enough in engineering that he matches the author's inventions. He certainly fits the shapeshifter's description as a "fool that hasn't been himself in thirty years."
    The only criteria that doesn't match is that he has only five fingers on each hand. Sure, one hand is wrapped in bandages, but that's his right hand and not his left. Even if the author only had six fingers on one hand, it still doesn't fit as the majority of the symbols have been of a left hand. (Unless this is a lie).
    I think the only other alternative is that the author is a character not yet introduced, which is possible but not nearly as cool. That or I'm totally ignoring another candidate here.
    Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about Grunkle and why he's so interested in the journals. He started selling vaacums and ended up in prison for a while before coming to Gravity Falls. His main motivation thus far has been money and not intellectual endeavors. He doesn't seem to have pursued a higher education. When they stumbled onto dinosaurs trapped in amber, his first instinct was to turn it into an attraction and not send them to be studied or gain scientific fame. This leads me to believe he has a much more personal stake in the notebooks and the portal. One fan theory is that he had a twin. No evidence has been shown of this, but it would fit with the overall theme of the show. The portal was revealed to connect to infinite worlds thus altering mankind's understanding of the universe. Whatever is driving Stan to unravel these mysteries, it's definitely something he finds important. I honestly don't think money is his endgame for this. If he wanted an attraction, a mysterious portal under the shack is a good candidate. Also, even while the portal was incomplete, it could have made a decent attraction. This is something he goes out of his way to keep secret, so there has to be more to his story.
    Also, Stan is their great uncle, meaning he is a sibling to one of Mabel and Dipper's grandparents. Stan has at least one sibling. The twin theory is more than possible.
    As for the Mystery Shack, I believe it used to be the home of the author. The portal's machinery matches the style of those found in the bunker and in the woods where Dipper found the journal. Not only that, but Stan put on a six-fingered glove. I believe this was left by the author.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So my mom and my brother KK abandoned me for Disney World this week (because I have a job and didn't want to take off), so my dad decided to see Kajiggers of the Galaxy.
    We stopped at a Red Robin first for lunch, and decided on a later showing because we figured we wouldn't make it for the 1:10 showing. They had bottomless rootbeer floats. Bottomless rootbeer floats. Quick note: That is my favorite of all the beverages. Another note: They were made with Barq's rootbeer and soft-serve icecream. These rootbeer floats were designed to appeal to me specifically. I only had two because they were tall and things started to look like this:

    Anyway, we walked around town for a bit, looking at some antique shops and stuff. I did find a nifty Xmas gift for Akano. I'd go into detail what it is, but he's on BZP and probably reads my blogs. I can trust no one... (So basically PM me if you really want to know and then go "Neener neener! I know what you're getting!" Actually, just mock him regardless if you have this information. It builds character -and it's super hilarious-).
    So, after that we went to see the movie. Um, it wasn't fantabulously flawless or anything, but I liked it. That kinda says a lot because I kinda don't like superhero movies (it probably helps that nobody was actually super human for no reason like Superkajigger or anything). It's not that I hate them or anything, it's just they really aren't my thing... you know, like at all. Still, all of the characters had at least some depth (even if it wasn't fully explored), it had some heated moments and the special effects and stuff were really nifty. Though, the female lead being super hardcore and then going into a classic damsel in distress situation where only the dude hero could save her kinda miffed my fedora (I wore a fedora all day). It didn't help that they were a classic "will they/won't they" couple thing which I am sick to death of. Mumble grumble, I hate movies because of this, grumble mumble...
    So, after that we went to a brew works place for dinner. I had a couple of drinks, but then the unexpected happened. THEY PLAYED MOVES LIKE JAGGER ON THEIR FREAKING PLAYLIST! (Backstory: I had an internship once, and my co-workers listened to the radio as they worked. The only station they listened to played a grand total of six songs over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Moves like Kajigger was one of these songs. I worked there at least, like, five hours a day (on a slow day at that), and my only sanity in the entire day came when Adele sang Rolling in the Deep and Someone Like You because how can you not love Adele?). It was sheer torture, even after all this time... My musical nemesis... The bane of my eardrums... My one true enemy in this world...
    So, it was a good day all in all.
    ~Melon Lord <3
  18. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    To celebrate, I have dressed up my BZPower profile a bit.
    Also, I watched Nosferatu for the first time... I don't get it at all, though. XD (Not my definition of a scary movie).
    I love this holiday. Scary movies, spiders, the chill in the air, an excuse to wear jackets and cuddle with animals and random people off the street. <3 It's great. Not to mention the food this time of year. Cinnamon, you are my one true love (Just for the record, I do not mean you, GSR. -sings the mentos jingle-)
    Well, I shall end my closing thoughts in meme form... because nothing says Holloween like memes... Props if you recognize the reference.

    ~Tekulo <3
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