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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Dokuma

  1. i knew i was a winner!!!!! my mommmmma never belivdid moi but im a winnr! B)
  2. SPITTY EATS SCHMOOGLEBERRY PIE!!!!! i hope i win B)
  3. Dokuma


    I'm back. In other words, after spending two weeks apart from school, friends, everything, to be with my grandfather, I've returned to the... usual "groove" of things. Back to BZP, back to farting around in MSPaint. Plus, I got a new website. Dokumaland.co.nr. I know I looks sloppy with the banner ads, but hey, FreeWebs used to wait 90 days 'till they gave you 'em. Now they show up from day 1. Oh well, I like the skin. =D
  4. Dokuma


    My grandfather passed away at 2:25 on Wednesday the 11th. Hence my BZP time has been limited lately. Please, keep my grandmother in your prayers. She never once even left his side for years and years. They're both in their seventies, and they met in their teens. They were together 24/7 for the past 55 years. She's an absolute wreck. She's on Paxil, but it can only do so much. She'll be moving into the in-law suite by herself. The framers are here working right now.
  5. Pipnoodles garfinbeerry schmoogleberry pie goolop shploog kekeloo kadarnfie gloopoo.
  6. Yes, I know ID. And her family's cool. ^.^
  7. He does tend to talk very loud, but no.
  8. Over the past few days I've been thinkin'... some of the least humorous people in our society are comedians. Think about it! .... Told you! Now why do you think that is? Because they try too hard. They try to make it so that everything that comes out of their mouths is mildly amusing, but never is. Also, because they try to make themselves funny all the time, the line between career and life vanishes. So they're never funny. Not on stage, not off. Now there are many exceptions. There are plenty of comedians who are funny. But the comedians who aren't funny... REALLY aren't funny. Now, some of the MOST funny people in our society are people who DON'T try, people who are funny and don't realize it. Anyone that knows Inika Dutchess' father will agree that he's the prime example of that. Poor guy... you gotta love him to death, but he's so hilarious to watch. Like the time he walked up to one of his daughters and said, "You wearin' any pants today?" Or the time there were like 4 million flies in their kitchen and he kills two, then gives up and says, "WELL, THERE'S TWO LESS FLIES IN THE WORLD NOW!" Or the time he brought home three childrens books from work titled, "The Gas We Pass," "Everybody Poops," and "Contemplating Your Belly Button." True story. He brings the books home and shouts, "RACHAEL! CHARITY! GET DOWN HERE!" (Rachael = Inika Dutchess) So they come down thinking, "Oh boy, what did we do...." and he screams at them, "SIT ON THE COUCH!" So the go and sit on the couch and he sits across from them, and, with a smirk and glisten in his eye, he says sofly, "It's story time." Yes, he is possibly the most hilarious person I know of. There's this John guy, but he's more hyperactive that overall funny.
  9. Splee is me! Spork is dork!
  10. Dokuma


    I spent all day today with my grandparents. My grandmother's getting all teary because the people at the hospital were telling her that they should have a will (which they should, regardless of my grandfather's situation), and then they mentioned hospass (sp?) and my grandmother got confused at the definition of the word, thinking it meant just going home to... y'know, die. And then finally, the @#&$*! of a doctor walks in and says my grandfather (quote), "Knows his time is short." She was like some indian woman who had first seen my grandfather that day. So my grandmother bursts into tears, even though we all know that's the exact opposite of how my Pop feels--he's ready to fight, no matter what. So my grandparents are a wreck. ;.;
  11. Dokuma

    !sloof Pussuw

    Marshy: the adjective form of marsh. Please see the Official Noob Topic for more information.
  12. Dokuma


    Thank you, guys.
  13. Dokuma


    On a rare note of seriousness, I haven't been on much this week because my cancer-infected grandfather was just admitted to the hospital for blood clots in the arms. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks, everyone.
  14. That is one XDlicious comment you got there. *licks lips*
  15. Bet you didn't expect me to keep it up for a full week, didja? =DAre you bilingual?As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male?What type of computer are you on right now?What was your favorite Bionicle story year?Are you a premier member?Enjoy, and answer to the best of your ability! ^.^
  16. Dokuma

    Seals O' Approval!

    There's no soap on my bathroom walls! =O Unless you count shampoo and toothpaste.
  17. Dokuma

    !sloof Pussuw

    "WOW! I can't believe you figured it out! You're a master at cryptography! Of course, this is Binary, but you knew that." Haha, I win
  18. Dokuma

    !sloof Pussuw

    Unitl I feel like it.
  19. Dokuma

    Discreet Entry

    That's "discrete." And I like AAR.
  20. Dokuma

    !sloof Pussuw

    .retal kcab kcehc esaelP .yrtne suoires a etirw ot yzal ooT EDIT: Check this out. The first BZP member to actually join with a DJ Funk Mc screename. here
  21. Dokuma


    The old one! The old one!
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