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Everything posted by Nukaya

  1. They are from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which I watched at 3am today on my friends lawn.

  2. Go see Takadox's page. I dodged that bullet and sent the knights who say nee after him.

  3. *does matrix move and dodges the bullet*

    I'm sending the knights who say "nee!" after you, mister!

  4. I think you're doing quite a good job at writing dates from a women's point of view. Though I don't know many women who continually murder their male friends.....well, maybe in the Chicago movie.....

  5. OH COME ON, I CAN HUG HIM IF I WANT TO. *grabs Takodox and hugs him*

    Apparently Takodox is going to attack my old college English teacher for making me type too much. I did not initiate this.

  6. Well, if the fine print "NUKAYA DID NOT INITATE THIS" is added, you may, if you must. :)

  7. o.O

    She's not that bad. She just really likes making people put a ton and a half of detail in their work.

  8. Blame it on my college English teacher.

  9. *paddles out in a raft and pulls you into the raft*

  10. Someone should definetly get you back to not being a opinion napkin to whatever you were before this......*looks around for someone*

  11. I don't know.....if you're an opinion napkin, how am I to judge your thinking?

    YAYZ FOR AWESOMENESS!! *hugs back*

  12. And, you're totally an awesome friend. *hugs*

  13. That was nothing. You haven't seen some of the essays that I've wrote for my college English class last school year.

  14. Oh! *slaps head*

    I was starting to wonder if you had become one of those opinion papers that you find at restaruants for BZP.

    And yes, they really did that. It was great where there were visitors and they'd jump when groups would start belting it out. There was also one we did with "Ain't no mountain high" but usually we'd just sing it because we could.

  15. I figured as much. Why do you ask, though?

  16. Continued from last post........

    ....but I can't. I'm a grammmar stickler, and my crazy English teachers have drilled proper grammar into my head.

    How much fun are you having?

    2. Yes, people would break into that song randomly. It was amazing.

  17. 1. I assume you mean BZP not BAP? On a scale of 1-10, I'd say a 7.49, because I've met some really great people in the past while I've been on, and since I was inactive on here for quite some time, it was nice to come back to nice people who have given me many nice reviews about my art. However, I see people with not so stellar typing grammar, and I really want to go and correct it, b

  18. Why do you build me up, buttercup?

    Sorry, old camp joke.

    Anyways, you were saying? And hi, Takodox!

  19. I'm awesome. Right now I'm decoupaging a fridge.

  20. *stops laughing and falls over again*

    Well, we have to stop laughing and not die, or who would we bother on bzp?

    Hee hee that was fun.

  21. *laughs and falls over from confusion*

  22. Set up as a movie set!


    Ok, that was a really dumb line. Pear shaped pupils? I didn't think pupils make that shape.

  23. They are hiliarious.

    Ahh, the wonders of the internet.

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