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Everything posted by Nukaya

  1. I think one of my roomates is bringing a tv, which is sweeeet! And I'll always have my laptop.

  2. Quite well! I'm debating whether I want to drag my mini fridge I'm taking to college up to my room and decoupage it or not.

  3. Yes, you can see my lightwriting video, whenever I get it finished/put up online.

    I'm not actually in college quite yet, so I'll tell you what it's like when I get there. Some of my friends started earlier than I did, and they said that it has been great so far. I'm excited for it.

  4. College freshman, this is the first year, and I start in a couple of weeks. Woo!

    I like hugs!

    *hugs back*

  5. It's called lightwriting, and it's quite simple. I took a sparkler and drew it in the air, and had my camera on a really long shutter speed, twlike three or four seconds. I have a lot of pictures like this, and I'm really aiming to try some animation with it. Basically if you have a steady light source, like a flashlight, sparkler, cell phone, etc., and a digital camera that you can a

  6. Ha! :D I think that could also read caffeine+aderealine=all-nighter to finish the paper that decides my grade for my English class which basically makes me either graduate or not!

    True story, by the way.

  7. Sure! You seem quite nice yourself.

    My goodness, your page is popular.

  8. Uh, hi. You looked at my page, so I figured I return the favor. Hiiiiiii!

  9. Yeah, Goo Goo Dolls isn't the best name for the band, but they still have really good music. And there's definetly worse, like how Greenday changed their name to Foxboro Hot Tubs, which confuses me greatly, because their name was pretty cool to begin with.

  10. Whoops, do not want enter key. I ment to say it makes me really happy, and it makes me think about how no one I've seen use a u2 song for a songfic.

  11. Ok, your interests song totally rocks my socks right now. It

  12. Helloooooo? Are you still on here?

  13. Nukaya

    You closed "Totally Un-Manly!" Arghhhhhh....it entertained me so much, though the teasing was getting rather out of control at the end.......oh well, it was fun while it lasted. *runs off to do some un-feminine running in the rain*

  14. I really like the Prisoner of Azkaban, but I really liked DH also, even with the prolonged camping trip.

  15. Very nice! I saw it and was like "Yessss, another HP lover! I'm not the only obsessed one here."

  16. I was going to comment on your stylized Arby sauce wall pictures, but then I realized it'd be topic revival, so I'll say it here. They look really well done; it totally looks like blood. I half expected to see a pale limp hand it it to add to the creepiness and to make it look even more like a recent murder. At the same time, I was listening to Disturbia by Rhianna, so it was a bit eerie

  17. Ignotus? As in Ignotus Peverell, the posesser of the invisibility cloak?

  18. My dad drug me and the rest of the family to see Episode One at the midnight premiere. Coolest thing ever, especially since it was a school day. And I've lost count of how many times he made me watch the orginial trilogy as a child.

  19. *strikes a heroic pose* I'M BAAAACK!!

    Star Wars totally rocks. We seem to have similar interests.

  20. Hello, hello?You're in a place called Vertigo? Ahhahaahaa! I love U2 references as much as I love HP references.

  21. If you listen to Queen, do you like Mika?

  22. I'm liking your name. Do you live on the island of Seattle Nui? :)

    (if you don't get that, Seattle, WA is where Starbucks got started)

  23. Lurking away.




    LURK! :D

    My goodness, I am bored.

  24. Youuuuuuuu rock and your ADITLOGF rocks.

    And your name rocks too. Hooray! You rock more than Guitar Hero.

  25. I have to say that I absolutley love your style. It freaking rocks my scarf.

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