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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Happy New Year to you too! Have a great year! :)

  2. Well, if you did PM me, then it probably got washed away.

  3. Nooooo problem.

    If I may ask, what was this for?

  4. Yeah, no kidding.

    Far away friends are good though, especially thanks to the internet. One of my friends is in Michigan for college and another in D.C. so the cross-country correspondance is alive and well for me.

  5. Oh, hey, you're using the banner I made.

    Hooray for that! I wasn't sure that anyone else outside Mixtar's epic would use it.

    Actually, come to think of it, I'm not even sure he's using it....

  6. Hey, Mixtar!

    I truthfully have no idea why I'm being poked right now. I'm fair enough. I've been constantly sore for the past week and a half from track practice. Hooray!

    How are you?

  7. *also has no idea what's going on*

  8. Merry Christmas! :)

    *Hugs back*

  9. Happy New Year! *throws confetti*

  10. Well, now that's an idea.....

    How was your Christmas break?

  11. Yep. I live in P-Town, all my life, actually, though now I"m in LaGrande for college.

    Sandy? Cool. Ever been to Camp Namanu? It's in Sandy.

  12. Well, that's good. Right now, one random really nice guy introduced himself to me and my roomates are gone half the time.

  13. D: I'm sorry! That's awful.....

  14. So you have one more, then?

    I'm quite well. I moved to my new room and I'm SO happy! A paper I wrote for my art midterm that I was freaking out about came back with a 14.25 out of 15, so I'm pretty stoked.

    But I still have a load of other stuff to do, so I'm sort of "arghhhh, I need more time" about that.

  15. Yeah....I got some ink from the art dept. before winter break, and needless to say, a month and a half later, it's got mold in it. Ugh.

    I iz can has be guud. Eiz is tired, thou. An werkin on my drawins.

  16. *breaks out the glowsticks*

  17. and yes, i saw the video.

  18. Well, I think the most I've ever stayed up is for like 36 hours. And, last term I stayed up to finish a paper, which was like 6 AM when it was done. Very bad idea.

  19. It's awesome. Happy New Year! :)

  20. I have to say that I absolutley love your style. It freaking rocks my scarf.

  21. Of courseduhyes. Why else?

    I'm sure Bono was like all "Speed dial button-The Grammys" and was all "Hey, we're coming to play, and you can't stop us."

    I thought it was interesting that he was wearing noticeable eyeliner. He's starting to look a bit like the singer from Greenday.

  22. 'Tis a rather silly name. Decou-modge-podge involves a lot of paper also. Let me take a pic of the half finished fridge and put it up on deviantart.

    Hee hee, hooray for U2! I love that song.

  23. Ah! That song. Lily Allen is good.

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