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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. No. That place is slightly anti-hippie.

  2. Never say what words again?

    I just have a lot of stuff going on, and I need more time than I actually have to get it all completed......

  3. Thank you very much! :)

  4. I hope that's not Reepicheep......his character is a mouse, is he not?

    And you found out where Inferna lives?

  5. Meh. I may get it someday, I may not. Depends on money and all, but I like the fact that it supports BZP.

  6. Not bad. I had pole vault practice today, and I'm rather sore, and I still have a massive amount of class work and a rough sketch for AC16 to work on.

  7. Watch out. You're probably next.

  8. You could write on paper, if Mr.Words is only on the internet.

    Or you could just "accidentally" send him to Destral only to be attacked by every Makuta in a 400 km radius.

  9. Did you comment on RedStar-Bucks? You should if you haven't.

    It's cool with the whoel band thing, but it was rather strange.

  10. Thank you so much for the vote for my AC:16 entry, RedStar-Bucks! :)

  11. Epic win on the av, there!

  12. Ah, cool.

    I like your name! How come it's not your screen name?

  13. It was kind of random, but that's ok.

  14. Nice! I was up because my friends had an all-night party because we had graduated from our camps Counselor in Training program. Definetly worth it. I did similar when I graduated from HS.

  15. Welcome to BZP! :)

    If you need any help, just ask.


    Sad panda is a thing one of my friends says a lot, and she sort of rubbed off on me and now I say it.

  17. What sucks? Was that suppposed to be spam or an acknowledgment of Shilo's quote?

  18. Well, I mean for you guessing my location and all. Should I do that for it? 'Cause I can.

    How was your Christmas?

  19. My record? Say what?

  20. *pokes with foot*

    How are you?

  21. Of course you may! :D *friends you back*

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