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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Yeah, one of my friends is holding down fort in LaGrande right now and he sent me some pictures and there's like a foot of snow right now. He and another person went and buried a random van in the snow because they were so bored.

    Moving snowball target? Oh dear.

  2. Yeah, that guy. I think it might just be the eyeliner bit, though.

  3. Yeah, there are a lot of places that have graphic designers working for them. I did a job shadow at a radio station with thier graphic designer. And it would be really quite fun of a job.

  4. Yeah, there are some really weird smells in my dorm.

    I like fish. My friend got a fishtank for his dorm, and he got six or seven fish and a couple of shrimp.

    Sadly, he's now down to just one fish.....

  5. Yeah, time flexibility is a nice thing too. Plus you could work at work or at home. One of my friends is a freelance photographer, so he gets to travel as well, which I think is awesome.

  6. Yeah. It's a bit lonley on my side of BZP. D:

    I really need to get some stuff up, drawing or something. Maybe more people would come to visit me.

  7. Yeah. Kind of weird, but we had fun.

  8. Yeah....

    How are you?

  9. Yeah....her, and something about dead rahkshi.....

  10. Yeah....I got some ink from the art dept. before winter break, and needless to say, a month and a half later, it's got mold in it. Ugh.

    I iz can has be guud. Eiz is tired, thou. An werkin on my drawins.

  11. Yeah....I kind of need to work on it. I'm about to go into finals, so it's been kind of crazy, but I'll also have a lot of time off between finals, as they're really scattered (one on Monday and two on Friday), so I should have some time to chip away at the drawing.

  12. Yep! I'd always wanted to do it, and I finally got the chance last term to take the FM broadcasting class.

  13. Yep! And for the record, they're really REALLY old, and my writing at that time was absolutley horrendous compared to now *hands over a smoothie-fire shield*

    OK, SERIOUSLY, Ignika, take a chill pill!

  14. Yep! Number five.

  15. Yep! Quite cool to know there's other Proto Squad members on BZP. :)

  16. Yep! Specifically where, y'all have to figure that one out yourself. I'm in Oregon for college also.

  17. Yep. I live in P-Town, all my life, actually, though now I"m in LaGrande for college.

    Sandy? Cool. Ever been to Camp Namanu? It's in Sandy.

  18. Yep.

    But specifcally where....?

  19. Yep. Good but different. But still good.

  20. Yep. I got hit by a car while riding my bike two days ago. I should be okay, I'm just scraped and bruised up a bit.

  21. Yep. The new director said in an interview that he hadn't even read the books all the way through until he was approached to direct Prisoner of Azkaban.

  22. Yep....kind of a scary image. I think if it was in minimal amounts, it might start to be ok, but even then, there's much more suave ways to pull that off.

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