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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Thanks for another vote in round two!

    P.S. I totally voted for you because I can think about the Matoran Spheres commerical and start randomly giggling to myself.

  2. I know it's somewhere in WA.....

  3. Hooray for awakedness! Woo! I am well. I argued about rocks with my coworkers for about half an hour. Hooooray....

  4. And yay for being an aquatic guardian.

  5. Yeah....her, and something about dead rahkshi.....

  6. *throws you a life vest so you stop drowning in the text*

  7. Cool! I did XC for two years doing high school, and it was very fun, even though I don't really do long distance races much.

    Yes, I pole vault, and I also do sprints/relays, but I haven't done any in quite some time.

  8. The raptor kitteh is nice.

  9. At least you know the teacher is good. Is it darkroom photography or digitial photography?

  10. Good. Tired from school, but good. You?

  11. They are amazing! I remember one time wanting to sing "Pinch Me" at my elementary school's talent show, but I was too shy, because no one else knew who BnL was.

    And you like Roald Dahl? Awesome! I don't think I could ever pick a favorite out of his books. They're all so well- written, though I've always loved "The BFG".

  12. Alpacas are cool. I think there might be a llama farm (I don't know if it's alpacas or not) on the way up to Namanu.

  13. Quite well. I have an awesome campus radio station tshirt that the guy gave me because I said I would totally wear it all the time (and I will). I have track practice in like 25 minutes and I now have an epic henna tattoo.

    It has been quite the good day so far. Yay!

  14. I call them walls, where everyone posts on them, like on fb.

  15. Not bad. Things are pretty crazy: track season is finishing up and I'm going into my final four weeks of college. How are you?

  16. Pole vault was good, like I had some great vaults, I'm just sore from the other workout today.

    AP Calc? I'm so glad I never made it to that class. I would probably die.

  17. Oh, I had the feeling that was coming after I read JG's post about how you were constantly trying to shove us in rooms together.

    I don't mind at all. :)

  18. It was? What was?

    *is confuzzled*

  19. I definetly have the Stickman in Fairyland stickers. Then I realized that they are squishy, and now I just randomly poke them all day. Which ones do you have?

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