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Status Updates posted by Nukaya

  1. Control panel, then go to personal profile, then it's the last one, "Change dislpay name".

    But remember, you can only change your name every 90 days, so make sure it's spelled right.

  2. Conversation continued.....

    Girl: I don't like my sister.

    Me:........I don't think we can be friends.......

    (all ended well, she was a really mean person)

  3. Cool, you like graphic design also?

  4. Cool! I did XC for two years doing high school, and it was very fun, even though I don't really do long distance races much.

    Yes, I pole vault, and I also do sprints/relays, but I haven't done any in quite some time.

  5. Cool! Well, Merry Christmas!

  6. Cool! Another Oregonian!

  7. Crazy times! It's finals week! Aaah!

  8. D: I'm sorry! That's awful.....

  9. D: Sadness! I'm sorry about that.

    And congrats on the hot topic! You certainly picked a rather startling subject for some people to think about.

  10. Dang 400 character limit! As I was saying......as to not have the masses descending upon our houses.

  11. Dang it, I was really hoping that we wouldn't be in the same voting category for AC:16......because we both have awesome entries.

  12. Dang.

    You guessed that one faster than anyone so far.

  13. Design, graphics, theatre dance, theatre makeup, and a Residence Assistance training class.

    What about you?

  14. Destroyed instead of defeated. From the 7th book in the Godric's Hollow chapter.

  15. Did I send you a link to the photos I took at BrickFest? I sent a link to the news email, but I didn't know if you wanted them at all for the BrickFest page or anything....

  16. Did you comment on RedStar-Bucks? You should if you haven't.

    It's cool with the whoel band thing, but it was rather strange.

  17. Digging the new name. :)

  18. Do you ever get the feeling that no matter how well-crafted and logical your argument or something your pointing out is on here, people will always ignore what you say and side with a haistly typed out one with a complete lack of any logic in it whatsoever, and then jump to a conclusion that has nothing to do with the original topic in the first place?

  19. Does Sneaky know that you put a link to his or her profile in your sig? It doesn't even look like Sneaky's posted on BZP since August of 2001, and Sneaky's only topic got revived six years later and promptly closed by Omi.

  20. Done with my last class for today, so now I'm in the dorm room attempting to do homework.


  22. Dude, what is up with the name change?

  23. Eeeee!!! Thank you! :D

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