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Status Updates posted by PianoOnWheels

  1. EI: Ow. Remind me to get a tranquilizer gun.

    Pridak: Hello, Sting.

  2. Um, what is your REAL birthday?

  3. I don't understand it at all. Because I write poems?

  4. "Michael Jackson?" I'm not African-American, just so you know...

  5. Leet-a-sam-a-ting-tong!

  6. Roll into the sea then get eaten by a shark, of course.

  7. Sorry. If I added you to my friends list it was an accident. I meant to click "Member Profile." >,

  8. I can answer, giv me a question. =P

  9. Aye, their so nutty. The hint of spam is delicious!

  10. You need to empty your Personal Messenger to get the next chapter.

  11. Oh a theory, does it start with "K" then?

  12. Yes, that's what I meant.

  13. Your name starts with an "A" doesn't it?

  14. Oh man, root beer and cheez-its are two things I love... Mmm...

  15. BRINGLEDAWG!11!!!#@ONE!

    I can tell you want me to vote Coke.

  16. Oh yes. I rember that...

  17. Haru: And yet it is so gushy.

    Katayru: Yeah, if you want to chat tell me.

  18. Yes, but you left before the new member system began.

  19. You are considered a new member. Post ten times in a forum that counts posts then wait to be approved. In the mean time, we have our profiles to chat.

  20. Hello! You're back! It's me, CoA.

  21. Yes, and it has that wonderful crunch to it.

  22. I've never been premier, but I may become premier soon...

  23. Well, I choose how much I eat so... And I have Cheez-Its almost everyday. X-D

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