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Status Updates posted by PianoOnWheels

  1. I am proud of that.

    I haven't posted haikus

    Very often though.

  2. Kopaka:

    Thanks. :P


    I won't.


    I surprise alot of people with that. I turn eleven on the 28th this month.

  3. Hey, I added you to my friends list.

  4. Thank you, that's rather reassuring.

  5. No, it comes out February 18th in the states.

  6. Hey, it's me! Your clone! :P

  7. 'Cause um...you are almost never on when I'm on. So I was trying to get to you before you logged off again... X-P

  8. Happy birthday, Turakii!

    *throws a cake at your Xbox 360 by the river*


  9. Actually, it is a joke. You're stuck with me for a little while more.

  10. Toa Rahaga: Count Bleck is from Super Paper Mario, look him up.

    Haru: "Um...no?"

    CoA chuckled.

  11. "Good. Arr..." chuckled CoA, "By the way I was thinking of changing my name to 'Count Bleck'"

  12. Hello thar! What matter of bussiness do you have for me?

  13. Hello there. (And thanks for always calling me "Captain.")

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