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Status Updates posted by Transairion

  1. *fragile mind snaps*

    Why can't Wrack be nice to me! ='( *huddles in corner rocking self and crying*

  2. *oozes self onto Darth and starts absorbing him*


    @ Ka-chan: I likez females, but they don't likes me... :( And don't you know about the Queen of insect colonines? Of course they love females; big, baby-churning out females XD

  3. Then why'd you say hello if you meant hi? :P

    *prowls around her comments page like some demented predator*

    Oh wait, that'd mean we're enimies... *massed by Xenomorphs*

  4. *spams up Ka-chans commets page with a spam bomb*

  5. I ams good. Resumed being a Mewtwo fans, but that's just about it ^^

  6. Be glad you didn't! NOW YOU'RE SCARRED FOR LIFE! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA *dissapears in puff of smoke is but still there* >_

  7. *collects puddle, and puts in fish tank and keeps her as pet*

  8. LOL XD


    *bunny hops out of cave*

    "There it is!" "Where?" "There!" "What, behind the rabbit?" "It is the rabbit" ".... YOU SILLY SOD! YOU GOT US ALL WORKED UP FOR NOTHING!" "That rabbit's dynamite! He's got a mean streak a mile wide! He can jump... JUST LOOK AT THE

  9. @Wrack: I always come back, cause I know you WUB me :D Or wub to hurt me, either way XD

    @Ka-chan, just beat the crud outta Malice. That's kinda what he's there for XD

  10. BONES!

    Aww, got and cut it's head off...

    Right, rabbit stew coming right up...


    *rabbit oh, I said a leet word - contact a Moderator to take proto from me!*


    I warned you...

    Scared guy: I did it again =o *soiled his amour*

  11. @Scuffles? I thought it was a war XD

  12. @ Ka-chan: Lol, gotta go read it... =D

    @ES-6: Okie dokie, I'll be waiting for it! And I still haven't got a reply about it's approval yet... <_<

  13. And, if it wasn't too much trouble, could I have my internal organs back? I miss my pancreas :'(

  14. Happy Thanksgiving to you too ^^

  15. *sneaks up behind Wrack and puts hands over eyes*

    Guess who! *punch*

  16. Possssibly, though I can't really remember what happened to Silver (the big dragon guy) XD

  17. I'm good with a captial 'G' =D

  18. Yays hugs! Oh no, too much friction! *bursts into flames* X_X

  19. Yay, if I'm in a cage I'm protected from other people =D *huggles Wrack*

  20. Hey SPIRIT. Your movie spoofs are the best I've even seen of any comedy; they always get my bursting out laughing; nice work ;)

  21. @Ka-chan: Don't worry about it, I'd be on the computer for an entire school day; got overly cranky :P

    @ES-6: It's complete! PMed to you before I posted this. ;)

    @Resev: GG has cursed it to never go up again! *marches over to his one and beats it with a stick*

  22. Yeah, my dad took the net for an entire day so I got a day behind...

    Better have it tommorow =/

  23. @ Resev: Oh well is rightA! *kicks in shin with provocation*

    @Ka-chan: *goes into back door and tries to pull Silver in from the inside*

  24. *Indiana Jones appears and shoots NEDM*


  25. OMG, that sounded soo.... nvm, I meant the back door of the bin, not... ugh... *pukes*

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