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Status Updates posted by Transairion

  1. *bitten* Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *bites back* *turns it bite-a-thon*

  2. *huddles in corner*

    Meh, I'm just saying she's intersting... you wanna be added to da list? :P

  3. She's making you suffer; like the very cruel person she is. But if she waits too long, I'll go ahead and slap her for being such a meanie!

  4. *huddles in corner* DON"T YELL AT ME! *in fetal position crying*

  5. OK! =D *pulls out choloform, puts on hankey and smothers on face* Dreaming time! *falls asleep*

  6. Hehe, you thought that mission to get Ruk would be that easy? :P I spiced it up a bit (this is in the "To Save the World" RPG BTW :))

  7. @Ka-chan: Heh, great line from Transfomers... XD

    Nah, nothing can prevent it; Valetine's Day just shows how truly lonely I am at school... =(

    @K: Meh, I just don't like him because he was taken out of SSBB and replaced with Lucario...

  8. Oops, my bad... XD Well, Frost Roborider is pretty cool anyway :D

  9. *shrugs* As long as Lucario is suffering at the hands of Mewtwo, I don't care :P

  10. I don't nessarcily hate Lucario; just the fact people think he's better than Mewtwo... *pulls out Lucario voodoo doll*

  11. YAY! =D

    *bombs Wrack's house with Valentine's stuff for not being on the hate list*

  12. Sounds gory... but it happened to Lucario so "YAY!" =D

  13. I've only got the ice-related one myself (Frost?). He/It's pretty cool, with the 'ice-spears' coming at the sides...

  14. Mewtwo FTW over Lucario FTL! *burns Lucario plushie* MWHAHAHHA!

  15. You don't hate me too, do you? I don't think I could go on! *starts to cry*

  16. Ooh, I wubs Kabutops! It's so fossily and evil looking... I just wish they actually gave it some decent attacks...

  17. @ 1st reply: I hate curfews... they stink :(

    @ 2nd: He's kinda a pysical Mewtwo-esque guy. He's not uber (as in awesome); but he's not terrible either. He's from the newest series of Pokemon, and I'm pretty sure that the ONLY reason he's as popular as he is is because he starred in a movie (Mewtwo starred in two, so nah nah :P)

  18. I sent her a plushie... of myself... XD

    But I think she's turned in into a voodoo doll... =/

    *arms start making odd movements and starts strangling self*

  19. I haven't seen you in the RPG all day! *cries* Are you still alive? =/

  20. I hope that's true, he deserves to at least be a boss or something... Heheheh, he appears and kills Lucario instantly XD

  21. So did I, he was my 2nd best character; behind Pikachu. Apparently they took him out because 'he was a flawed character' (LIES I SAY! LIES!) and because Lucario is more recent (but ONLY because he starred in a movie; but he's not even a legend... *crys*

  22. Heheheh, I was wearing a box :P *Wrack kicks so hard it shatters and scream can be heard around universe*

  23. Wrack... you're my friend... *huggles Wrack plushie so hard it's head falls off*

  24. I loved him too... but lots of Melee players think he was the worst character (they ranked him lower than Pichu on the tier list :'(). And now in Brawl the replaced him with Lucario! They should make Lucario get owneded by Mewtwo in a new movie :D

  25. You like Mewtwo, therefore you are awesome :P

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