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Status Updates posted by Transairion

  1. That's cause she IS perfect! :P

    In a "I'll hurt you if you displease me" kinda way...

  2. @Darth Wrack's age changes as she pleases; as she control the very fabric of the universe

    And I think it means "I'm perfect" or something similar....

    Oh, and I'll take that Happy Meal *steals of Ka-chan and consumes*

  3. Just need something funny to spice up the place XD

    @ ur image: Mewtwo FTW! =D

  4. If she's a dude... *removes arm from around shoulder and sets it on fire*

  5. *is given CPR by Wrack*


    W: Actually, I only did it so your credits card are valid :P *runs off with wallet*

    Lol: anyway, it's the weekened again; and I've got almost an entire day to par-tay *dances*

  6. And, if it wasn't too much trouble, could I have my internal organs back? I miss my pancreas :'(

  7. @Scuffles? I thought it was a war XD

  8. *beats Wrack with a stick* No, you made it up, much to my annoyance :P

  9. He's not wonderful... he's Ka-chantastic! =D

  10. Will Wrack be in there with me? =D

    W: Nope

    :( *closes me in*

    Owwies the metal is poking me

  11. Not my fault you only got on when it was like 11PM at night. My dad would've killed me XD

  12. Yay, if I'm in a cage I'm protected from other people =D *huggles Wrack*

  13. My blood is red,

    my bruises are blue,

    Oh Wrack,

    Please will you (spare me)?

    World's best poem :P

  14. @Wrack: I always come back, cause I know you WUB me :D Or wub to hurt me, either way XD

    @Ka-chan, just beat the crud outta Malice. That's kinda what he's there for XD

  15. I didn't call you that; I said the pic that Kat showed must have been you since it's a combination of beauty and evil...

    Do I get to live? =/

  16. Aww, just PM all of mine then :D

  17. Awesome! It's a shame Nero isn't on much, now we're kinda stuck in the Save the World RPG >_

    Do you think we should ditch his guys? XD

  18. Strange no-one's posted in 2008... hi hi XD

  19. Wow, no one's commented since 2007... 0_o

    Happy 2008 Comment! =D

    PS: Would I be approved for a friend?

  20. Hey SPIRIT. Your movie spoofs are the best I've even seen of any comedy; they always get my bursting out laughing; nice work ;)

  21. @1st comment: :P

    @ Second: Well, I did say that there'd be a void you'd have to fill seeing as Wrack is nice XD

  22. Jeez Wrack, when you came back to the RPG you could have at least not caused Katy to have a character breakdown... :P

  23. Yeah, my dad took the net for an entire day so I got a day behind...

    Better have it tommorow =/

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