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Status Updates posted by Transairion

  1. Will Wrack be in there with me? =D

    W: Nope

    :( *closes me in*

    Owwies the metal is poking me

  2. Would be better if I'd actually started... I'll get it on it ASAP, just finished schoolwork so I might be able to try setting it up tonights... I'll PM when I get the 'intro' post will all the draft rules and stuff on it... ;)

  3. Wow, no one's commented since 2007... 0_o

    Happy 2008 Comment! =D

    PS: Would I be approved for a friend?

  4. Wrack is older than time itself; yet younger than life itself. So; she's got a bazillion years worth on knowledge; and still looks good. That means its WIN WIN! XD

    *dives in bomb shelter in case she takes it as an insult*

  5. Wrack... you're my friend... *huggles Wrack plushie so hard it's head falls off*

  6. Wrack'n'Ruin is a she. I found out the hard way; I suggest she could actually be a boy and I ended up getting killed... AGAIN...

  7. XD

    Guess I wouldn't be here if I didn't like it at least a little :P

  8. Yay and Easter Egg! *opens expecting chocolate and is face-huggeded* I don't like Easter anymore! ='(

  9. Yay four stars! I'm a decent resturant! =D

  10. Yay, a girl who enjoys killing people, but that person isn't me! =D *huggles EliteSpartan-6 Xenomorph* Wrack: ='(

    You had you chance :P *walks off with Xenomorph only to discover i'm being led away in a deep dark place where I won't ever return... MWHHAAHAHAHHAHA oh wait *gets alien thing through head*

    X_X *again*

  11. Yay, if I'm in a cage I'm protected from other people =D *huggles Wrack*

  12. YAY! =D

    *bombs Wrack's house with Valentine's stuff for not being on the hate list*

  13. Yays *wall collaspes*

  14. Yays hugs! Oh no, too much friction! *bursts into flames* X_X

  15. Yays! back, but is beaten to death for double posting =0

  16. Yays... except it never seems to go up... *blames GG for always giving me 1 star and dragging it down*

    *gathers massive army of AT-AT's*


    *swarms GG's house*

  17. Yeah, I never got a reply for it... I guess it's just too mature for BZP; with the whole sticking the babies in people and stuff XD

  18. Yeah, I suppose it can be a lot ^_^

  19. Yeah, I wish we were on the same time... make things a whole lot easier XD

  20. Yeah, my dad took the net for an entire day so I got a day behind...

    Better have it tommorow =/

  21. Yep, you are nice *hugs until are has to forceibly dragged away by brothers, but still refuses to let go, dragging you along as well*

  22. Yes, yes he does...

  23. You don't hate me too, do you? I don't think I could go on! *starts to cry*

  24. You know... chilling... killing =P

  25. You like Mewtwo, therefore you are awesome :P

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