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Status Updates posted by Transairion

  1. *spams up comments section with SPAM*

    It just like ham, but with a 'SP'! =D

  2. ES-6's your SIS??!?!?!??!?! *OMG*

    And I'm sure I'd like Halo if I actually owned an Xbox... >_

  3. EL6, I got a PM from you but it seems to be blank... an idea why? =/

  4. *takes one look at comments*


    See when we don't talk everything slides into madness; instead of the usual violence XD

  5. Aww darn then... *sprayed with acidic blood*

    IT BURNSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!1

    *dives into same crysallis thingy*

    Well, this is cozy... *bathed in acid*

  6. He's not wonderful... he's Ka-chantastic! =D

  7. Oops, double posted it. Now triple post!

    *begs for forgiveness*

  8. @HSIK: Well, from what I read... er... *doesn't continue*

    @ES-6: LOL

    @Ka-chan: Iron whaty? O_o

  9. *steals Ka-chan's jelly-coverted toast*


    *drops in blender*

  10. Meh, just getting him back for the 'omg transy-poo likes u' comment he made... *cracks knuckles and breaks hand* ='(

  11. Oh my goodness, you're Amy now! I prefer Cosmo, but everyone hates the plantgirl D'=

  12. *groggily wakes up*

    I was napping other there! D=

  13. She's fine, with me of course

    *tries the old 'yawn-and-arm-around' but misses and hits a big spike*


  14. *looks from one Power to other, and deems self to have gone insane*

  15. OMG, name change! I like it, it suits you. Hopefully your one of those nice demons who won't kill me on sight =0

  16. Oh ok; that always creeped me out.... I'm expecting some brutal final conflcit between Ace and Phantom :D

  17. You'd better listen to him; I've had experinace with the Giga-Drill... namely, I was the target of it... not only did it totally annilate me; but it tore a gaping hole in a portion of the universe... >_

  18. Thanks swarmikins, good to be back again. Xenomorph, swarm, get it? *laughs at own terrible joke*

  19. Life is good, I suppose. It's always kinda the same ^_^

  20. Heheheh, I was wearing a box :P *Wrack kicks so hard it shatters and scream can be heard around universe*

  21. Meh; 4 stars is still pretty good :P

  22. @ Ka-chan: Ok *becomes as dull as a rock and Ka-chan kills self outta boredom*

    @ GG: *pulls out Prime-sword thing and re-impales Skybeam* Checkmate! "We're playing Poker!" I said checkmate! *kills*

  23. *Darth Vader breathing* Yes, master?

    @ES-6: OMG Thanks! *huggles puppy so hard it explodes* OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bursts into tears and floods comments page*

  24. *manages to get off life support for a moment*

    Hey, I guess we do =D That means I don't count for the "can't talk to people older than you" rule! MWHAHAHHAHA

  25. *wonders if you got my last PM*

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