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Status Updates posted by Transairion

  1. *chestburster bursts outta me*



    *passes out face fast and crushes junior*

    Onlookers: =0

  2. *collects puddle, and puts in fish tank and keeps her as pet*

  3. *crys*

    *Tries to punch Ka-chan but misses; and fist go all the way around globe to come back and hit in face*

    *crys harder*

  4. *crys*

    Tell me, are Xenomorph's fireproof? Cause I need ya sis to save me.. *burns patentiently while waiting for her*

  5. *Darth Vader breathing* Yes, master?

    @ES-6: OMG Thanks! *huggles puppy so hard it explodes* OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bursts into tears and floods comments page*

  6. *fends off zombie with pogo-stick*

  7. *fragile mind snaps*

    Why can't Wrack be nice to me! ='( *huddles in corner rocking self and crying*

  8. *garbage disposal explodes in fireball*


    @Ripley: Coolies; I can be some freaky human dude who gets impregnated by one of your random queens or something XD

    Yeah, got the poster. It was sweet, very collage-y

  9. *gasp*

    An outsider! MUST DESTROY!

    *turns animalistic and pounces on Gavla*

  10. *gets sick of being ignored by Wrack so attacks with a stick*

  11. *gets so ticked off that wakes up and kills everyone before slipping back into coma*

  12. *gives a crutch* Here ya go *kicked* OWWIES

  13. *gives Ka-chan one giant kick in the shin*

    *breaks foot*


  14. *grabs the smoothie and throws it on Wrack*


  15. *grins*

    I gave Malice a monster truck alt mode =D *drives into ocean and giant wheels enables to float* YAYS *rolls*

  16. *groggily wakes up*

    I was napping other there! D=

  17. *head was only attached by a sliver so head flies off* Fine... *body wanders around blindly, feeling around for head*

  18. *hides behind wall when Ka-chan posts red*

  19. *huddles in corner* DON"T YELL AT ME! *in fetal position crying*

  20. *huddles in corner*

    Meh, I'm just saying she's intersting... you wanna be added to da list? :P

  21. *huggles Ripley so hard all her internal organs leak out*


  22. *Indiana Jones appears and shoots NEDM*


  23. *invades comments section*

    Whats up since I last spoke to you? Like 30 seconds ago? =P

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