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Status Updates posted by Transairion

  1. *is given CPR by Wrack*


    W: Actually, I only did it so your credits card are valid :P *runs off with wallet*

    Lol: anyway, it's the weekened again; and I've got almost an entire day to par-tay *dances*

  2. *is on the list*

    Stop messing with my head! =( *explodes*

  3. *is so totally ticked off by my personal photo changing back to Samus*

  4. *kicks Darth in the shin; and by that I mean tackling him (but a tackle from a bucket isn't much XD)

  5. *looks at Ka-chan*

    He's no woman, he's a man, man!

  6. *looks from one Power to other, and deems self to have gone insane*

  7. *makes drowzy, sleepy noises and finally wakes up* What time is it? *passes out*

  8. *manages to get off life support for a moment*

    Hey, I guess we do =D That means I don't count for the "can't talk to people older than you" rule! MWHAHAHHAHA

  9. *misses Wrack*

    I haven't been killed in an entire day! Run outta ammo or somethin? :P

  10. *oozes self onto Darth and starts absorbing him*


    @ Ka-chan: I likez females, but they don't likes me... :( And don't you know about the Queen of insect colonines? Of course they love females; big, baby-churning out females XD

  11. *planet is destroyed* Well, I guess it's just you and me... *tries to pull 'da moves' but fails miserably; and ends up ejected into space* Darnit! *head explodes*

  12. *points* Ka-chan is FTW! *tires to raise rating 5000000000 times but it never works* :(

  13. *pokes Wrack*

    No children, don't bicker... *loses limbs* >_

    So Kumata, what's it like to have so much rain? Apparently it raises almost constantly in England...

  14. *pulls clock off the wall and beats Ka-chan with it*

    Time is superior! BWHAHHAHAHAH

  15. *pulls Gato's pigtails* REVENGE! *doesn't have pigtails so entire head is torn off neck instead*


  16. *pulls out flamethrower* KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!

  17. *pulls out stick and poke Ka-chan in the eye with it*

    *poke poke poke*

  18. *pulls toy's ripcord*

    "The Snow goes: MEOWWW!"

    *claps hands childishly*

  19. *reawakens*

    I believe that stuff is MINE.

    *shot by shotgun*

  20. *refuses to budge even when Jaws of Life are applied*

    I"ll never let go, never! NEVER!

    Actually, this seems like a good idea for a comedy... ^_^

  21. *Scrin invades Ka-chan's comments page and began tearing the place apart*

    I'm ever so sorry, we got a report saying you're stockpiling Tiberium, and we NEEEEEDSSSSS it =D

  22. *shrugs* As long as Lucario is suffering at the hands of Mewtwo, I don't care :P

  23. *sneaks up behind Ka-chan and beheads*

    AM NOT! *is*

    *generates new clone in the form of elite, and throws Ka-Chan and Resev off a cliff.* XD -_'

    Yay *hugs*

  24. *sneaks up behind Wrack and puts hands over eyes*

    Guess who! *punch*

  25. *spams up comments section with SPAM*

    It just like ham, but with a 'SP'! =D

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