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Status Updates posted by Transairion

  1. *garbage disposal explodes in fireball*


    @Ripley: Coolies; I can be some freaky human dude who gets impregnated by one of your random queens or something XD

    Yeah, got the poster. It was sweet, very collage-y

  2. *huggles Ripley so hard all her internal organs leak out*


  3. In the bush behind me?!?!? There's a bush in my house! KILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Next poor sap? I'm still alive here! *demands regonition*

  5. I haven't seen you in the RPG all day! *cries* Are you still alive? =/

  6. @ Resev: LOL XD

    @ES-6: It never seems to go up... *cries*

    @GG: Oh BTW, I need to ask you sometehing *pulls of PM and mails to GG*

  7. Oh really? *looks for it*

  8. Eh, which question?

  9. *gives Ka-chan one giant kick in the shin*

    *breaks foot*


  10. @ Resev: Eh? 0_o It didn't seem that amusing to me...

    @Ka-chan: *plucks out Silver and tries to stuff him into same bin* He won't fit! *pulls out plunger and tries to force it*

  11. *grabs the smoothie and throws it on Wrack*


  12. Well, I'm pretty sure that AvP RPG is in the can; never got a reply for it... >_>


    *dives into bomb shelter*

  14. Hehe, you thought that mission to get Ruk would be that easy? :P I spiced it up a bit (this is in the "To Save the World" RPG BTW :))

  15. @Darth Wrack's age changes as she pleases; as she control the very fabric of the universe

    And I think it means "I'm perfect" or something similar....

    Oh, and I'll take that Happy Meal *steals of Ka-chan and consumes*

  16. *chestburster bursts outta me*



    *passes out face fast and crushes junior*

    Onlookers: =0

  17. Nice Gman... LOL, Malice's new 'friend' so totally have this Gman smile XD

  18. On Etna, off her, on her again...

    Even that new 'knowledge' isn't enough to make you hate her XD

  19. *invades comments section*

    Whats up since I last spoke to you? Like 30 seconds ago? =P

  20. She RULES the facehuggers, Ka-chan. It's the only thing that's keeping me alive... *fends off facehugger that 'just wants to check my teeth'.

  21. Aww, just PM all of mine then :D

  22. I missed people blowing up!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *pulls out nuke and sets off in comments section*

  23. Okie dokie ^_^

    Scrubbed? 0_o

  24. Whoa, talk about blast from the past, most of what you just said only barely touched upon my memory.... good times, but so very long ago nowadays D=

  25. OK! =D *pulls out choloform, puts on hankey and smothers on face* Dreaming time! *falls asleep*

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