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Status Updates posted by Transairion

  1. And you get 10 stars for leaving a comment *is about to give stickers but gets stepped on by Megatron*

  2. And, if it wasn't too much trouble, could I have my internal organs back? I miss my pancreas :'(


  4. At the Xenostar thing: Meh, I've been kinda on/off with Silver... not very intresting game anymore...

    @ Resev: I can't stab her, she'll leak acid blood on me! *melts*

  5. Awesome! It's a shame Nero isn't on much, now we're kinda stuck in the Save the World RPG >_

    Do you think we should ditch his guys? XD

  6. Aww darn then... *sprayed with acidic blood*

    IT BURNSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!1

    *dives into same crysallis thingy*

    Well, this is cozy... *bathed in acid*

  7. Aww, just PM all of mine then :D

  8. Aww, that means no confirmation whether that could ever work until she gets back... what DID she get suspended for: take it too far with her overly 'aggressive' behavioir?

  9. Bah, eyeball... >_>

  10. Be glad you didn't! NOW YOU'RE SCARRED FOR LIFE! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA *dissapears in puff of smoke is but still there* >_

  11. Because I still haven't forgiven you for the Sleekshot thing! NEVER!! MWHAHHAHAHHAHA!

    Just kidding :P

  12. because I've got assignments and homework to do... but don't fret, I get a week's holidays in over a week. yays

  13. Because Phantom KILLED THEM ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  14. Blacky essentially came on to him, and that's what happens when she does :P

  15. BONES!

    Aww, got and cut it's head off...

    Right, rabbit stew coming right up...


    *rabbit oh, I said a leet word - contact a Moderator to take proto from me!*


    I warned you...

    Scared guy: I did it again =o *soiled his amour*

  16. But I gotta find out what to do when I get stuck in Metroid Prime 3! *tries in vain to open lock but it fails*


  17. But I only has MSN =(

  18. Come back when you decide on your gender!

  19. Continued: *grabs Darth and holds him so ES-6 can do the whole Alien-killing thing* BWHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH *cuddles EL-6 over Darth's corpse*

  20. Cool. I've got an older and younger brother myself, as well as a younger sister ^_^

  21. Dear Wrack;

    Please don't beat me with a stick again, it really hurts.



  22. Did that, it's only showing me 6 people... =/

  23. Didn't you read the "Oh, and my friends are (not a complete list, so don't feel bad if you got left off!):" above their names? XD

  24. Dude, some-what realistic Transformers over Naruto magic any day :P

  25. Duh, she's lesbian GG... >_>

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