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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. So the forums are back online. I'd like to give a big thanks to the staff for their hard work. Some topics couldn't be restored though, but at least nobody lost their accounts. Luckily the Wii Friend Code Topic, however, if you posted your codes after August 2008, you will need to repost them because they did not survive the downtime.
  2. Not just the campaign, but live multiplayer is fun too, have you tried that yet?
  3. Aside from having to leave for work in about an hour, not much.

    Whats up with you?

  4. What do you think, should I change my BZP name to serpent of fire to match my xbox live gamertag?

  5. So with the teaser for the new Bionicle movie being on the front page, I thought I'd take a screenshot... » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « I gotta say, I really like the way the sets were made for this movie better than the others. This one stays true to the sets, unike the last three movies. Mata Nui Pic
  6. Just sent you a friend request on Live, my GT is serpent of fire.

  7. 50 years from now I get to be the old guy who rambles on about how Obama is the first president I ever voted for.
  8. sent you a friend request, gt is serpent of fire.

  9. Cool, let me know when you do.

  10. Yep, gamertags serpent of fire. If you got Xbox live go ahead and add me, just say its you in the invite.

  11. 360. I just said Xbox out of force of habit. XD

  12. I've kinda been ignoring my Wii lately, it got moved back into the living room once my dad got Wii Fit. Then I bought myself an Xbox so I wouldnt get bored, plus I have work and school to worry about. Growing up stinks...

    BTW I like the new name

  13. Forgot to post at midnight so I'm doing it now. Happy New Year!!!
  14. Too bad I can't think of anything good to write
  15. Just noticed that I've gotten my 5 year spinny Olmak. Looks awesome.
  16. Strakk In my last entry, I said a local Fred Meyer store has the Glatorian. Today I was back and picked up Strakk. Here's a quick little review. I'll skip the presentation aspect of the review. Building: Building Strakk is about as quick as the standard canister set. In terms of new pieces, Strakk has 2 ice armor pieces, his head, his mask/helmet, thornax/launcher, life counter, hands, and his axe. The set uses an L shaped Mistiksa and Phantoka to Matoran connection piece to conect an inika torso to a Toa metru waist., making Strakk a bit different from what we have seen in the past. Set Design: I like the new parts. The Thornax launcher works on the same premise as the Kanoka Launcher, squeeze the two sides together, and the thornax pops right out. I was able to get mine to fire about six feet before it hit the ground, then bounced another 3 feet. The ammo is fine, being made of rubber with a plastic band, but it would be nice if it could be shot from a zamour launcher, although the original launcher hasn't been released for a while so I guess it really doesnt matter. The ice armor on the arms are probably my favorite new piece in the set. The white is hard plastic while the light blue is rubber. This effect is only on the armor, the mask/helmet and the axe are 100% plastic. The only thing I'm not too sure about on this armor is that it attaches to the front of the arms. I think it would have looked a little better had they been made to attach like the Inika arm armor. The axe look great with the mix of white and blue. The Axe is a bit thin, so it would be a good idea not to be too rough with it. The life counter does stick out a bit, but it can either easily be removed, or you can stand Strakk up with his back to a wall so you don't have to look at it. The head and the mask/helmet. The head looks like Iron Man's head with + rod inserts on the top and sides. While you can use it to put on a Kanohi, I'd reccomend, using an older head because the new one does not fill up the mask. The helmet is not compatable with older heads. The head is smaller than the last ones. Those three + inserts do give the piece a bit of MoCing potential. I don't really play with sets anymore, so I'll skip the playability portion. Final Thoughts: I really like this set. It was fun to build. Pros: Hands 2-toned pieces uses Inika torso in a new way Head looks like iron man Cons: Costs $12.99 Mask/Helmet not compatable with Zamour launchers Flimsy Axe Head does not fill up Kanohi Uses an Inika Torso Life Counter sticks out a bit. No extra ammo
  17. If you live in the Pacific Northwest, and have a Fred Meyer in the area, you may want to check to see if they have the Glatorian, as I have spotted them in my local store.
  18. Lol... Figured I'd get this kind of response Anyways, for around here, that's pretty low. I can understand that some parts of the world get it a lot worse in terms of cold temps than we do.
  19. Since last Friday it has been really cold around here. We've had temperatures in the mid-twenties. It warmed up to the thirties today and it has been snowing everywhere. At work on Saturday I had to help move carts into the store, which I also did when I showed up this morning, which it turns out is a little harder when there is snow on the ground. Now that I have a job and am not in school right now, I don't get any snow days. I haven't really been able to enjoy the snow like I used to. Those 8 hour shifts can really wear you out. And I wasn't hit by a car... I was outside in the snow a little while ago, and I put a hand print on the car in the driveway. That led to another hand print. Then... well... This happened. As it turns out, snow really is cold.
  20. Until January, when Winter quarter starts. So I'll probably see more time at work, which is fine by me. I'm hoping to take advantage to get back to drawing some of my personal projects which have been neglected for a while. Hopefully I'll have something new to show you guys. A while back I posted the original version of Toa Attei. I recently started to make some minor modifications. I've altered the legs so that it no longer uses Nuparu Inika claws for armor. When I was working on it I realized that although I had already reinforced the torso after I posted the Moc, it is in need of a complete rebuild. I took off a single piece off the back of the torso and it lost it's stability. So I'll probably try to rebuild it, however I will need to decide if I should build a completely new torso, or make more modifications. At this point I'm leaning towards an entirely new torso.
  21. Congrats on the 10K posts! :)

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