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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. I've renewed my Premier Membership for another year. Pretty fast too. I filled out the form this morning. Yeah... I can't think of anything else to write here... Why do I have a blog again? *First person to correctly name the movie the blog entrie's reference gets a picture of a cookie.
  2. Had school already, leave for work in 15 minutes. I've been busy lately, plus I had a cold last week which made me miss a couple classes, so I've been busy playing catch up.

  3. Winter weather is all fun and games until you get a job and have to spend 8 hours pushing up to 10 shopping carts at a time uphill through a foot of snow and over a solid sheet of ice. All at the same time. Yeah... I hate snow.
  4. Its not pink its lightish red

  5. And now I've said it on your profile so twice as many people know now.

    This is what happens when I need sleep.

  6. Yeah, sure...

    Wait, why did I approve that comment, now the entire site knows I turned pink

  7. Yeah, you gave me an opportunity to make a sarcastic remark that I just couldn't resist.

  8. No, I just got a year membership. And party mode is a new feature that lets you join in and drop out during a game in the middle of a song. It also is accessible through the title screen my hitting the yellow button. And you can't fail out of a song.
  9. Hope everyone is enjoying labor day. I got Guitar Hero 5 (XBox 360) the other day, and have basically been playing it non stop. The party mode and ability to play as your avatar is awesome. Now we just have to see if a future Rock band game does the same thing Also, new moc up. This isn't the one I mentioned in an earlier entry, but one that I had built about a week later. Also, my premier membership is due to expire soon, (September 24th to be exact), so expect a short* interruption is service then. *By short I mean that I'm not too sure if I'll renew or not, so short in this case may or may not mean indefinite...
  10. I'll just play for fun, I have a feeling that the rest of the vidmasters will be pretty tough.

  11. I'm going to get ODST, but I'm not going to pre-order it. It comes out the day I start school so I may not get it. Unless I don't have to work that day...

  12. It cost about $20. A bit high, but its cool enough to be worth it.
  13. I got this at my local Lego store (The one in Bellevue) during the forum downtime, and am just now remembering to post pics. Just the space needle With the box It was a fairly quick and easy build, I had it mostly built, except for the three tube thingeys that were required to be cut about an inch shorter before they could be put into place. The set is about 9 inches tall (22 centimeters). My only complaint is that the set is grey while the actual space needle is white, but that can easily be overlooked.
  14. 1. Stress Relief: BANG HEAD HERE! 2. Fried Kalmah in Pridak sauce with a side of Carapar 3. Blame Tahu 4. Flabitylabity boo 5. Oh, no! I killed Walla Walla. But I still like his onions! 6. I just ATE the Gingerbread man! 7. Cheezy teeth 8. Teethy Cheeze 9. Mata Nui is a Thornax in Tuma's side 10. Duct Tape is like the force, It has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together 11. In the event of an emergency, please run around in circles screaming at the top of your lungs. 12. I love Polypsicles!
  15. Personally, I'd keep them both the same to avoid confusion, but its your call.

  16. [flash=250,100]http://www.hazrd.co.cc/banner/banner.swf?id=cudon.swf
  17. Last week I bought the Conduit for the Wii. Looks like we finally have a developer thats taking the Wii seriously. Anyway, I'd like to know if anyone here plays it online. I've already posted my codes in the Wii friend code topic, but nobody else there has posted codes for the Conduit. If you play the Conduit over Nintendo WFC, please add me (And PM me if you do!) Game: The Conduit Code: 2665-0145-6718 Name: Serpent Edit: I think that I should probably add that I do not have a Wii Speak...
  18. Serpent of Fire


    Its not pink, its lightish red
  19. If fireworks are legal where you live, then don't accidentally burn your house down! If fireworks aren't legal where you live, don't accidentally illegally burn down your house
  20. lol. Looks like your stuck that way for 90 days. XD

  21. So I was in WalMart today, and happened to find Axalara marked down to $32. Since I hadn't bought the set yet because of the price, I could not let the opportunity pass me by. So I bought ti. Wow. I have not spent that much time building a set since I got Muaka and Kane Ra back in 2001. I spent about 2 hours building it. It was a great set to build. While the functions aren't as great as the ones in the early years, they are still a neat little feature that makes the build a whole lot more fun.
  22. I spent a sizable portion of my day today doing some MoCing, and I am very pleased with the results. First, the old MoC, Toa Attei, has undergone it's final round of modifications. I am officially done working on it, considering its not really much of a self moc anymore since I changed my name. I'll be posting Toa Attei in a topic in the near future, but it won't be the main attraction of the topic. Toa Attei will appear alongside... something else. Something big. I hope you like silver. I really hope you like silver... Also, yesterday, I built a Dark Mirror version (Revamp) of Kopaka Mata. Expect to see that soon...
  23. Wow. That really stinks.

  24. What's up? I haven't heard from you in a while.

  25. I finally got around to entering My entry in the latest BBC contest. I've also managed to get a hold of the Mata Nui set (Two actually, I wanted the Keetorange pieces. And a spare Ignika). Despite a few flaws in the set's proportions, its a great set. Get it if you can. *I just realized that this is my third blog entry in a row to have BBC 54 in the title.
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