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Everything posted by Ta-metru_defender

  1. My hair touches my nose in the front and almost touches my collar in the back... TMD
  2. Relient K's music is decent for blaring... I much prefer blaring Skillet's Rebirthing, Kutless' Somewhere in the Sky, About anything by Pillar, and either lostprophets' To * We Ride or Last Train Home. Regardless, I love blaring my music. >:} TMD
  3. Lol, I loved the Rush Hour movies. I haven't seen the third, though, I want to. TMD
  4. Come up here! You'll have it up above your knees with a deathly windchill! =D -Nikira Sure. You're paying, right? TMD
  5. Oh woops, didn't know that would extend the block. Sorry, ^^;;

  6. Sleep is... a waste of time-ish. I could be doing so many other things if I didn't have to sleep. << But I can't fall asleep, and that makes it worse. Eh, wot? Hope you get better, lass. =P TMD
  7. Send those napkins and Post-It note bubblewrapped in a 9x12 envelope to the main office, please. And if that's the case, then your dad is a superhero. -Niki If I become a milbilionare, I'm gonna buy my Dad an original Pac-Man arcade box... XD. TMD Heh, that's awesome. -Niki Well, my new church has a Ms. Pac Man machine... I'm pretty good at it too -- must be genetic. I'll have to drag my Dad up to it some time and let him monster it. I'll also record it, XD. TMD And it has to be the classic joystick-controlled arcade game, of course - I consider playing it via keyboard, etc. to be way too easy and a disgrace to those select few that actually have the skill required to play the game the way it was meant to be played. -Niki XD. I copied my Dad's technique: ramming the joy-stick in the direction you want it to go. =P TMD Hooray for stubborn gaming parts! -Niki Lol, no, it's not even stubborn. It moves as well as ordinary. It just... works better. And feels good. XP TMD xD That's all it takes, hmm? The controls feeling good? -Niki It makes you feel good. =P TMD
  8. Pah, 23hours traveling is nothing. When you go for over 32hours with no sleep, two delays and a missed flight, /then/ you can can complain. TMD
  9. Send those napkins and Post-It note bubblewrapped in a 9x12 envelope to the main office, please. And if that's the case, then your dad is a superhero. -Niki If I become a milbilionare, I'm gonna buy my Dad an original Pac-Man arcade box... XD. TMD Heh, that's awesome. -Niki Well, my new church has a Ms. Pac Man machine... I'm pretty good at it too -- must be genetic. I'll have to drag my Dad up to it some time and let him monster it. I'll also record it, XD. TMD And it has to be the classic joystick-controlled arcade game, of course - I consider playing it via keyboard, etc. to be way too easy and a disgrace to those select few that actually have the skill required to play the game the way it was meant to be played. -Niki XD. I copied my Dad's technique: ramming the joy-stick in the direction you want it to go. =P TMD Hooray for stubborn gaming parts! -Niki Lol, no, it's not even stubborn. It moves as well as ordinary. It just... works better. And feels good. XP TMD
  10. Send those napkins and Post-It note bubblewrapped in a 9x12 envelope to the main office, please. And if that's the case, then your dad is a superhero. -Niki If I become a milbilionare, I'm gonna buy my Dad an original Pac-Man arcade box... XD. TMD Heh, that's awesome. -Niki Well, my new church has a Ms. Pac Man machine... I'm pretty good at it too -- must be genetic. I'll have to drag my Dad up to it some time and let him monster it. I'll also record it, XD. TMD And it has to be the classic joystick-controlled arcade game, of course - I consider playing it via keyboard, etc. to be way too easy and a disgrace to those select few that actually have the skill required to play the game the way it was meant to be played. -Niki XD. I copied my Dad's technique: ramming the joy-stick in the direction you want it to go. =P TMD
  11. Send those napkins and Post-It note bubblewrapped in a 9x12 envelope to the main office, please. And if that's the case, then your dad is a superhero. -Niki If I become a milbilionare, I'm gonna buy my Dad an original Pac-Man arcade box... XD. TMD Heh, that's awesome. -Niki Well, my new church has a Ms. Pac Man machine... I'm pretty good at it too -- must be genetic. I'll have to drag my Dad up to it some time and let him monster it. I'll also record it, XD. TMD
  12. Send those napkins and Post-It note bubblewrapped in a 9x12 envelope to the main office, please. And if that's the case, then your dad is a superhero. -Niki If I become a milbilionare, I'm gonna buy my Dad an original Pac-Man arcade box... XD. TMD
  13. Pluto is mine. =P BTW, I think my Dad could grab Uranus... Heh. TMD
  14. Depends on how much the US is worth. I value it at... oh, maybe $1.99? TMD Bah. Utter hogwash. Bump it up to $29.99, and I might think about it. -Nikira $30, eh? Well, with the US Dollar being so weak, might as well. XP BTW, congrats on the FA-ship TMD Done. Send the $30 to my paypal, and the rights to the world will be in your mailbox within 12-18 business days. And thank you. ^^ -Nikira Wait, real quick, what's the resell value? TMD Whatever you want it to be. -Nikira Interesting. Do I get a free private jet? =P TMD You'll have to buy it yourself - I don't dabble in aircraft sales. -Nikira You scammer. XP So, how much do other planets go for these days? Like Mars and 'em? TMD
  15. Depends on how much the US is worth. I value it at... oh, maybe $1.99? TMD Bah. Utter hogwash. Bump it up to $29.99, and I might think about it. -Nikira $30, eh? Well, with the US Dollar being so weak, might as well. XP BTW, congrats on the FA-ship TMD Done. Send the $30 to my paypal, and the rights to the world will be in your mailbox within 12-18 business days. And thank you. ^^ -Nikira Wait, real quick, what's the resell value? TMD Whatever you want it to be. -Nikira Interesting. Do I get a free private jet? =P TMD
  16. 1) DeathNote is a terrific Manga. I haven't finished the series yet... And XD, yeah, sometimes my hair does look like L's, but I've seen photos where it looks like Light's, lol.

    2) Yeah, I've been meaning too. I have several other books I need/want to read first, though. =P

  17. Depends on how much the US is worth. I value it at... oh, maybe $1.99? TMD Bah. Utter hogwash. Bump it up to $29.99, and I might think about it. -Nikira $30, eh? Well, with the US Dollar being so weak, might as well. XP BTW, congrats on the FA-ship TMD Done. Send the $30 to my paypal, and the rights to the world will be in your mailbox within 12-18 business days. And thank you. ^^ -Nikira Wait, real quick, what's the resell value? TMD
  18. Depends on how much the US is worth. I value it at... oh, maybe $1.99? TMD Bah. Utter hogwash. Bump it up to $29.99, and I might think about it. -Nikira $30, eh? Well, with the US Dollar being so weak, might as well. XP BTW, congrats on the FA-ship TMD
  19. Currently Rocking Out To: Meant to Live, Switchfoot Mood: Happy? I'm writing this from the Kiosk on board the Logos II. To think, two years ago I thought I'd never see this place again. The Kiosk (a central room, crossroads, like a living room), along with the rest of the ship has changed. For starters, the Kiosk is different. The couches are gone, and the arm chairs are in their place. I'm sitting in an armchair that I've sat in countless times. The notice board is all but empty, so many things that would so often be there are gone. There's only a few people passing by... It's sooo... empty. Two years ago, the ship would've been sailing. A soccer ball was being kicked around by the few kids on the ship. Some of the adults watched and laughed as we chased the ball around. How did that work? What was the goal posts I can now stretch out with my arms and just about touch the sides. The ceiling is now centimeters above my head, I almost have to duck to avoid sprinklers now. Every time I step into a hallway or room I'm disorientated. Everything's off. I'm too high, the angle's wrong. I went down to the school my first day back. It's still there... But it's not the school. What had once been my classroom is now filled with boxes, I can't see the desk where I worked on the computer so many times, nor the desks where I built a castle with LEGO once with James. The library is full of boxes too. Gone is the TV and the numerous books, many of which I had read. The computer which Laura and I so often fought over is gone, too. The other class are still there, stripped of furniture. It all seems so... small... My first classroom is still there, along with my desk. I check to see if my socks that I put in there my very first day are still there. They aren't. I think I took them out when I left. I went out through the Book Hold, I walked there everyday, didn't I? Price guns are still there. The dining room is similar. All the tables in the back have been taken out, a mini-kiosk is there now. My table's gone. Ha, were it Christmas of 2003 you would've seen a trio of kids playing Ligretto until 1 in the morning. The food's the same. Believe it or not, I missed it, it tasted nice tonight. Everything looks so... Different. I go down to the Blue/Maroon room. The stairs are as steep as ever, hah. The door handle's lower than I remember. Ah well. The TV's missing from the Maroon as are many of the chairs. But it's the same. I remember when we spent the whole night down there. That was fun. I open the fire door down there and go up another deck. All these 'short cuts' are still there, what fun. I go up on top, the Fun Deck's still there. They moved the swings again, ah well. The White Box is there, the nettings there... The smaller box is there, and my fish is still there. I remember when we painted that all so long ago. The Funnel Deck somehow seems sooo low... The angles off again. Much to my surprise my old bike, the one I brought from Singapore is still in there. I wonder if anyone's used it since I left. The ship's mostly the same. I still know my way around, no problem. It doesn't feel odd walking around the ship. I don't get this rush of, "hey, I'm back". It feels... Normal, right. Yet it's empty. People who made the ship Home are gone. Friends, Adelaide, Andrew, Esa, Laura... It's the same old hunk of floating metal, but it dosen't quite feel like Home anymore. I still love it, anyway. *sigh*
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