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Everything posted by Ta-metru_defender

  1. Ta-metru_defender

    Oh Yummy

    Ooo... Still not better? Really, there's not much to say, besides the obligatory get well soon is there? =] TMD
  2. Ta-metru_defender

    *is Sick*

    ...my Mom does that too... I wish I could do that, XD. ;_; Takes me forever to fall asleep. TMD
  3. Ta-metru_defender

    *is Sick*

    Their pet gophers? D: Best wishes on getting better, enjoy Turkey Day. And good luck on sleeping... BTW, I think your inbox ate my PM again. TMD
  4. Mm. My B&N dosen't have the Encyclopedia last I checked, dunno about BL8, though. *shrug*

  5. XD, that's awesome. Although one fortune I got: "An Alien of some sort will be appearing to you shortly" is a close second. TMD
  6. It was so easy until BZP came along and told everone about it. XD

  7. Well it just goes to show: I'm obscure in comparism. XD

    It's really cool lemme tell ya that.

  8. WHAAAAAAAT? YOU GET TO GO TO A SCREENING? *Is profoundly jealous* TMD
  9. Yeah, I noticed that. Even though I've read the comic online, can't wait to actually get it in my hands.

  10. Happy OBZPCness Dokky

  11. XD. Took him long enough.

  12. Well, I was thinking that the person in charge of the Terran Empire, was also working for the UFO. And is slowly maneuvering both forces against each other so he might end up being in control of everything.


  13. I'm still alive, methinks.

    But anyway, we won the Regional QuizBowl championships, so I'm rather happy. ^^ Feeling very proud of myself.

    BTW, tienes arte?

  14. Relient K + Switchfoot + Concert = Awesome Believe me, I know. TMD
  15. Now we just gotta wait for a Toa of Something to pop up with the name Käiraite-or-something-similar. TMD
  16. Nothing to do with this entry... but: Get this: In the latest 'Dreams of Destruction' update, there is a female Toa of Lightning, named... Nikila. 8D TMD
  17. I don't like DST. It cuts a chunk out of my driving time. BTW, I think you ate my PM again... TMD
  18. Not true. In Trinidad and Tobago, for example, the burgers are given as is, and, from personal experience, cold and with no condiments. Which was odd. But that was only one Burger. In Singapore their not squished flat, rather given to you so they're bursting all over the place. The Netherlands shares a very similar method of serving to Singapore, key difference being that if you want any Ketchup you have to pay extra for it. I could go on if ye'd like... But I think I'll end it here. TMD
  19. Oh, congrats! Good luck on the interview, too. Which reminds me, I need to finish my app for Barnes & Noble... TMD
  20. I love cats. :3 And no, I don't think I did. Resend, please and thank you? ^^ ~Nikira BTW, I never got my cat declawed... So yeah, every so often I'll have a scratch or two on my body... And sometimes on my wrist... which is always awkward. XD TMD Yipe. XD; No need for people to think you're emo when you're not... Yeha, I've got a total of 15 on my left arm from just yesterday night, 5 of them deep. At least it isn't like getting bit by a bird. THAT hurts. >< ~Nikira Word of advice: Do NOT give cats showers/baths. Trust me. TMD
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