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Blog Comments posted by Ta-metru_defender

  1. Nifty sketches.


    Sounds like you had fun. I love going out to do construction projects. A few years ago I went with a team from the ship to help hurricane relief in Grenada. It was a lot of fun hammering in boards and the roof. And my overalls were COVERED in mud. XD



  2. Just want it called to your attention, since you, like, missed the net-wide panic and all: Brickshelf is being deleted the Tuesday after next.



    And I'd like to inform you that it is not anymore.




    Notice: Brickshelf will not be shutting down!

    We will be offering "featured" accounts for $5/month shortly.

    We have received hundreds of supportive emails in the past few days including many who said they would like to contribute financially but did not know how. This has had us rethink the practicality of charging for enhanced features.We plan to do this without reducing current functionality for free users. Thank you for your enormous show of support. IMPORTANT: do NOT try to download the entire site, it causes major problems, slows things down for normal users and you will be permanently blocked. We will make older folders public again after we see the crawlers go away.

  3. What's with the black rectangle on the license plate?


    Anyway, the meter on the far left messures the RPM. The Rotations Per Minute of a car's wheeled. The numbers are all single digits, and must be multiplied by a thousand to find out what the actual RPM is.





  4. Anemia is a deficiency in iron in the blood, and since iron is the core atom of the hemoglobin molecule, the red blood cells cannot carry oxygen as effectively and therefore the lack of enough hydrogen acceptors in cellular respiration causes one to tire easily because aerobic respiration cannot be performed for as long.

    The funny thing is that I understood all that. :blink:



  5. Not much to tell - I had a bunch of 2nd-grade boys develop crushes on me and wanting to hold my hand every waking moment and that kind of stuff. :P



    Oh XD. One of the girls at out Chinese Church, I think she's in second grade, keeps on running up to me and hugging me everytime I'm there. It's... odd. XP



  6. XD Don't we all have some problem or another?




    I think I'm the best off. Unless I get punched in the chest really hard. Then my ribs can break and puncture my lung or crush my heart. >.<


    And yet I played baseball. How retarded.



  7. Try having six IVs in your body for a week.


    Good lord, no. I HATE needles. >.<


    The worst that ever happened to me was when I needed stitches on my left ear, as in right behind it. But that was when I was 7-8... So it was a while ago.


    Of course I have pectus excacvatus(sp?), aka, a massive dent in my chest. I went to get it checked out at the hospital last year... Unnerving. I was all "Zomg... There's something wrong with me..." Turns out my heart is just shoved to the side and my lungs are smaller. Nothing major, thank God. It could be worse.



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