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Everything posted by Waspinator

  1. This website was a huge part of my childhood. My user account says that I've been here since 2004, but I distinctly remember being here for longer than that, at least since before the Mask of Light came out. I can't believe that you guys are still around and kicking, I even recognize some of the names in the active users right now. It's been over ten years since I joined this site, and next month I'll be twenty years old. I'm seriously astonished to see that you guys are still doing what you do and going pretty strong, even after Bionicle ended like, what, four or five years ago? You guys are pretty awesome and this site was a big part of my childhood, so it's kinda nice to see you all still going strong. Thanks for the memories, BZPower. Keep doing what you all do.
  2. oh my god this site actually still exists

  3. You know the Germans make good stuff.

  4. Lol your name means "I am"

  5. Airman ga Tenosai

  6. Intrests= Yuri?

    Getting away with things, ur doin it rite.

  7. Why no love for Kagami?

  8. Waspinator didn't know the Spiral King liked Lucky Star.


    Nice to see another Gurren Lagann Fan here.

  10. ROFL Figma Nanoha R bettur than Yuki so there! AHAHA Waspinator wins!

  11. You will give Waspinator your Figma Yuki.

  12. Waspinator is here.

  13. Waspinator was here

  14. zomg do u liek Death Note ur Bleach??b



  16. Waspinator gunna asplode here for a bit, k?


  17. How very original, Ka-Chan


  18. Waspinator was NEVER here!

    *fades into the shadows*

  19. Waspinator was here.

  20. Waspinator help!

    Serpentor Prime was in the GI-Joe/ Transformers crossover. In that story, Serpentor was a robotic creation of Cobra, instead of that odd clone story. Serpentor absorbed the power of the Autobot Matrix of Leadership and became the Transformer Serpentor Prime. He was killed shortly afterward by the Transfomers equivalent of Galactus, Unicron.

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