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mercenary vahki

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by mercenary vahki

  1. ur the last one on the members list

  2. I has your comments box

  3. Dude you have the member spotlight today!

  4. dude you lost ur manstocity

  5. Ughh... I got a red bull hangover. my ears wont stop ringing...

  6. hot pocket burnz me mowf!

  7. AAAgggKKk!!! not an EVA helmet! those things should come with windshield wipers!

  8. Dude, your birthday is also mine! You heard it here first: oct. 4 is the new... um... new yeerz!

  9. got my xbox fixed, so I'm going to add you now.

  10. I'll send you an XBL request when my 360 gets fixed(RED LIGHTS OF DEATHH!!!!)

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