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mercenary vahki

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by mercenary vahki

  1. mercenary vahki
    So I'm chillin after school and I need to purchase a meat stick
    So I steal this guy's batteries out of his CD player
    He comes back and I'm like "dude do you want to buy some batteries I have extra"
    and hes like "no I think I have some" but then he discovers that he doesn't
    I proceed to sell him his batteries for a kingly sum of fifty cents
    That meat stick was the greatest I have ever tasted
  2. mercenary vahki
    As usual, in no particular order:
    *you should get the album Invaders Must Die by The Prodigy. I have this incredible urge to go to the mall, make a perimeter, and then yell that at anyone who encroaches on my kingdom. Its that good.
    *I shall feast on four magnificent waffles tomorrow morning
    *FF Personas are pretty cool
    *FFFFFFFF my computer isn't doing custom themes right
    *I'm tempted to enter the contest, but (1) I probably wouldn't finish in time, and (2) wouldn't be able to scavenge fast enough. Maybe I'll do it, just because I'm long overdue on making anything.
    *no, there was not 23 of these, I'm just randomizin'
  3. mercenary vahki
    I predict the lifespan of my new MG Starfighter to be a few days. I have a pretty cool idea, hopefully my lack of parts won't be so big of an issue.
    Also, I know its not cool to post in LGD, but a couple posts in yonder topic wouldn't hurt anyone. (the one a couple entries down, for the context-impaired)
  4. mercenary vahki
    I give it a 9
    out of 20
    Hated the first half or so, was okay with the rest (relatively)
    The animation was well done, except for the numbered dudes (HEY GUESS WHAT BURLAP CLOTH OR WHATEVER IS NOW ELASTIC OLOLOLO)
    seriously it was like all the worst movie cliches packed into the first half hour
    if you want details, I'll answer comment questions
  5. mercenary vahki
    Gears of war 2: cool story, will return to gamefly after I finish because I HATE EVERYONE ON MULTIPLAYER
    EVE: still awesome, even more so after the expansion. In a few days I'll be flying ships that go like 5 kilometers/second. niiice.
    Internet: dramaaaaaaaaa ereywhereeeee
    other: go buy the 50 cent game guys; it has diamond-encrusted skulls and BIG-***-RAMPS that you should HIT
    life: I've been falling asleep at random girls' houses lol, also helping make a rawful version of kill bill in french
    more other: won't put my twitter on here because I don't want to get banned lol
  6. mercenary vahki
    So I've been attempting to get themes working for the better part of two days, with no luck. However, I now have:
    But still no themes ;_;
    I have the correct uxtheme and stuff, but its just not happening
  7. mercenary vahki
    I finished the last 20 or so episodes of ergo proxy off on saturday; it was quite the marathon. It got really surreal towards the end, making it immensely cash imo
    in other things that you dont care about i can fly battleships
    space battleships
  8. mercenary vahki
    So was I, until I figured out how to get a 300kb 800x300 into 60kb with minimal loss of quality. (60kb because my giant 39kb avatar)
    I think I'll write a guide and post it down in GD or art or something tomorrow
    if anyone else steals my idea I will haunt them
    I'm lazy, basically alt+shift+ctrl+s, then the tiny menu button on the top right in cs4
  9. mercenary vahki
    As in sane. I get my name back soon, have a great idea for it. AND GUISE BOTAR DEID!!!!!!! Rather undignified, actually. Like just killed off for convenience's sake.
  10. mercenary vahki
    You are required to view this important document. Sound will play when you click it, so PREPARE YOUR BLADDER FOR IMMINENT RELEASE!

    Removed. If you use a flash object, next time make sure it doesn't start playing. Even if you just enter the entry it starts. For something like that, I would suggest you link it. - Kohaku
  11. mercenary vahki
    So yeah... I'm back...
    I waz jus' chillin and stuff
    Track mostly
    Gots a grip of nerf gunz
    Modded them
    Stuck thumbtacks in the darts
    avoided lawsuits
    I'm back
  12. mercenary vahki
    I've been rather inactive the last week, but I'm still here.
    What has been taking up my time?
    Well, I've been involved with various internet operations, stuff like that. Operation Lioncash is ongoing, and another I can't talk about here, as the eyes of fail watch all.
    One thing I can say, however, is that if it is successful, we'll have a lot of lulz and a lot less emos.
    And I've also been hanging around another forum, and I have to say, I am enlightened. Anyone who acts like a stupid 12-year-old or has bad grammar gets banned. We really need some of that around here. The forums here are like an ocean of suck, with intelligent people floating around on ice floes.
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